Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning) and sometimes later in the week (like now!) when they get too long. To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
Good morning, meese! Thursday …
It is 40 degrees in Madison on its way up to 66 degrees. Cloudy skies in the forecast.
Well, the new theme was terrible and I just spent 45 minutes putting our pieces back in place. So if there was news overnight, it will have to wait.
See all y’alls later!!
Good Thor’s Day morning, Moosekind! I’m having a terrible time navigating the new Moose. For one thing, when I get in with the odd-looking password, there’s no friendly-looking pond. There’s a dull gray and white scene that offers “Dashboard, Posts, Comments,” on one side and simply a list of posts on the other side. In the middle are the comments. I clicked on something and finally saw the familiar Moose drinking at the water’s edge.
Would like to know how to immediately go to a friendlier-looking page and bypass what looks like the WordPress admin page and also how to change my password. Gorgeous morning here but cold, so will have to switch back to jeans. Brr! Hope Meese everywhere will have a good day!
I feel your pain!
The reason you are put on the Dashboard (the dull grey place) is because you are starting out at the Login screen, not the Home page.
You will want to go here: Home Page. I stay logged in so that I don’t have to enter my password each time.
Once you are on the Home Page, you can get back into your Dashboard by clicking on My Moose. That is where you change your password. From there, hover over the friendly greeting “Howdy, Diana in NoVa” and you will see Edit Profile in the list (if you can’t hover, just click the Howdy). If you scroll down, you will see where you can change your password.
If you do find yourself in the dull grey place, you can quickly get to the site by clicking the Motley Moose house near the upper left hand corner of the screen.
Good morning, Meese. I made it to our friendly Pond and see there is now a new comments section on the left!!!! Excellent. Thanks for all this work. It must have taken days and days to do. with stress building up each day.Brava!
Will check in later. In the meantime, hope everyone has a good day, here in the Pond and throughout the larger world.
Ha! Actually, we always had the Recent Comments. When I had to rebuild the widgets after my fiasco of a site theme change, I thought it would be useful to see *more* comments so I increased the number.
Does that help?
Thank you for being patient with the changes. As you can see, the header image is being changed around. To make it less tall, we end up with the same problem we had before: lots of white space. The page width is 1200, period. But I did salvage our Moose and Bear which seemed to be a site favorite. :)
Eating breakfast on my couch, watching the news. Actually not raining – not that I would ever complain about rain, rain is good & we never want it to go away. Even with all this rain, Lake Travis is still 40 feet low, and the news people are saying that maybe, _maybe_ we’ve had enough rain for 1 — that’s one boat ramp to open.
Going out to lunch later with my friend. She texted me a few days ago that she’s depressed & feels like a burden. In college, she always had 3 or 4 jobs, while her daughter was young, she was always starting businesses…. she’s just used to being really busy, I think being unable to work or even drive is getting to her. So, we’ll hang.
Thanks, Jan, followed your advice and things are looking up. Thanks for doing all this work for the new Moose! Are you in need of donations? I get paid Woden’s Day next, so could contribute then.
Good morning Diana. I’m getting used to the changes and it helps to know you are as well. I join in the thank you to Jan and everyone else for creating the new Moose and will be very happy to contribute to a fund to keep it all going.
I’m paid monthly, but I could probably manage a moderate amount (really moderate – like $10) the first of every month via PayPal or something like that if you need it.
So far the work has been covered under “labor of love” and has not cost any out of pocket except the new hosting. The moose ran a fund raising drive back in early 2013 when many new moose migrated and the business manager tells me that there is money there to do the things we need to do. The site hosting is paid up for a year and our only possible new cost will be buying a theme upgrade to do things that *I think* we need to do (outlined on the front page sticky post).
Thank you for persevering! Getting here required negotiating some rapids in a small canoe with a bear steering!!! I know it was asking a lot and I appreciate the moose who made the journey.
Good morning, 49 and cloudy in Bellingham today.
Between changing beds, doing loads of laundry, and failing to do anything fun I was a total grouch yesterday…a waste of a day! I finally just went to sleep to get away from myself.
So today has potential and I hope I can do something with it :)
OK – busy day but got a minute to visit – 72 heading for 78 today in Fay., AR, rain stopped at 7 am so I walked in – following Jan’s instructions to Diana, I managed to find and change my password (it says my 8-character with a capital letter password is weak and suggests I should make it at least 7 characters with at least one special character such as a capitalized letter – ahem) but still can’t figure out how to get straight to the home page rather than the log in page. Heigh-ho and here we go – Life is a learning experience, right? :)
Ha! I noticed that on the passwords. I used the random password generator (stuff that came out of my head at the time) and some that looked pretty strong to me showed weak and others showed strong. Who knows what they are looking at?? A good password should have uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. But it appeared to me that some characters were more special than others!
I have a bookmark on my Firefox toolbar that goes right to the home page, https://www.motleymoose.com. If you aren’t logged in, it doesn’t matter. But if you want to post, you have to login … the easiest way is to click My Moose on the menu bar. It won’t let you Be A Moose without logging in. Just check the box that says “Stay Logged In” unless you share your computer at work, then you will want to log in each time you post.
Let me know if the link works to get you directly to the front page. I want to make sure it is at least as easy as it used to be.
Morning Meese
What happened to the lovely header? – it shrunk!
We had a freeze here – so glad I didn’t plant anything – last class day for me today (final exam), then nose back to the grindstone grading papers
We are experimenting with the header. It got tiny, didn’t it? I moved our canoeing friends over to head up the posts box (do you think I should reverse their image so that they are paddling to the left???). I am not sure where we are with the final design as there were some discouraging words heard in the herd. The banner is kind of a statement and we may need a few designs and votes and stuff like that.
Our cold snap is over … for now. I am still not going to plant anything for a while. Maybe August. :)
I should have posted that comment in the other diary – sorry
Well – it takes time to get a herd of anything to agree on stuff – but Jan – you are bearing the brunt of this …I will vote for whatever you wind up choosing.
I hear you about August – it’s 45 here right now and I have the heat turned back on.
We turned the heat back on a couple of nights ago. I hated doing it but it was in the 30s overnight. Wisconsin in spring!
We can chatter here about anything related to the site changes. I had to sort of tune out some of the stuff in the sticky post because many of those things had already been discussed in the design collaboration document set up to review the different options (yes, very official!).
One criticism was that the header took up too much vertical space and that was already on my list so it led to the smaller header. I do like more space to see the posts and the logo will simply blend into the screen after a while so, really, who cares? But I will mightily resist losing our new coalition, though, the moose and bear rowing together … Forward!! :)
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 55 degrees in Madison on its way up to 75. Morning clouds and afternoon sun are in the forecast.
New Jersey had denied a woman the purchase of a vanity plate “8THIEST” saying it was “objectionable”. She was allowed to order one saying “BAPTIST”. She will be allowed to sue:
It is indecent in New Jersey to not be of the majority religion? Yikes.
And in environmental news, Duke Energy agreed to fines of $102 million for dumping coal ash into the Dan River in North Carolina and Enbridge agreed to pay a $75 million settlement to clean up the aftermath of allowing tar sands crude to flow into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan following a pipeline rupture. So billion dollar oil companies will get their wrists slapped and destroying our waterways will just mean they will have .006% less in profits this year. The Kalamazoo River is particular sad; 5 years later there is still oil residue and nearby residents no longer use it for recreation.
John Bolton will not run for president now that Jeb(!) has locked down the “Iraq was a good war” vote. And Scott Walker is being summoned by the religious right to Washington DC to convince them that he is not just religious but really really religious. Just as our country is moving more towards secularism, the Republicans are moving more towards a Christian state. That should work out very well for them.
See all y’alls later!
Here is a photo of the kayak protests in Seattle harbor:

From The Seattle Times…..
More info re the Ports decision, the protest plans, and a timeline here http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/protesters-launching-kayaks-to-unwelcome-oil-rig-to-seattle/
I have some friends who are packing up their kayaks and heading there for a big protest today (Saturday). I hope they don’t end up in jail! :)
The kayactivitas will be busy today, and they are an important part of a growing awareness of climate change and public policy. This article in the Seattle Times is interesting…..