Scott Walker, brave bully governor of Wisconsin, destroyer of little old schoolteachers’ pensions and incarcerater of protest singers, appears to be intimidated by the money needed to be competitive in an important electoral college state:
Scott Walker suggests he could sit out Florida primary
Scott Walker suggested in a radio interview with Laura Ingraham today that he could sit out Florida’s March 15, 2016, Republican presidential primary.
“I don’t think there’s a state out there we wouldn’t play in — other than maybe Florida, where Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are in some of the polls essentially tied and they are going to eat up a good amount of that financial advantage that Gov. Bush is going to have. Remember, Rick Scott spent something like $100 million running for governor there last year.”
That comes from a hopeful who in March implied he was the front-runner.
So the governor who claimed to be Unintimidated by unions and schoolteachers and said he would crush ISIL just like he crushed public and private sector unions in Wisconsin, is worried about spending money in a state that any Republican presidential hopeful will need to win the presidency.
What is he afraid of … losing? Or spending the pile of cash he has been gathering in his 527, dollar signs that must be making his grifter eyes light up when he sees it?
Or maybe he is afraid that once he leaves the rarified air of Iowa, a place that fed his delusions of adequacy, the stark reality is that he can run but he can’t hide from his record in Wisconsin: the anemic job numbers, the 60% disapproval rating he earned by his attacks on the university system, the elderly, women, school children, the poors, the environment, and the Wisconsin way of life?
He certainly looks intimidated to me.
And there should be an automatic disqualification for any candidate who calls himself “we”.
Although in Walker’s case, it is probably so that he can pin the blame on his campaign aides like he did in 2011.
One opinion writer suggested that it is odd for a front runner to shy away from competition:
Maybe because Walker is the front runner in Iowa, a place that chose Rick Santorum in 2012. That makes him the “front runner” not the front runner.
I don’t know how Bernie Sanders will impact the presidential elections, but I do appreciate his agenda. Quite a contrast to what the R’s have to offer.
Bernie’s Very Clear Agenda
Much of Bernie’s agenda should be included in our party platform (probably a lot of it already is!).
I am glad he is running to remind people what our party stands for. The mainstream media is so focused on the horse race (and their own access!) that they are ignoring the issues. They think the issues that voters care about are Hillary’s emails, who donated to the Clinton Foundation charities, and Benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. They are wrong.
From that Smartypants linked piece, Ryan Cooper from The Week:
I want to hear all the candidates reply to that question.
I saw his announcement on my computer. Have always liked him and what he stands for. He has my money and my vote.
Wow! No breakout candidate. No wonder more people keep getting in: “There are five leaders – or no leaders – as Republican voters look at likely GOP candidates in the 2016 White House race, with no candidate above 10 percent and 20 percent undecided, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.” Plus Hillary beats them all by 8 to 10 points. People who sense the possibility that she could crush the Republicans are going to start getting on her bandwagon.