Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: June 21st through June 27th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


  1. Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    It is 65 degrees in Madison WI, on its way up to 83. Foggy right now, partly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    What are you reading on the Internets these days?

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Happy Solstice to all! The Summer Solstice is today, June 21st, at 16:38 UTC,

    From the wayback machine: Celebrating the Critters of Summer

    To all my pagan and non-pagan friends alike, “A Sunny Solstice to You and may your bonfires burn brightly tonight!!”

    • Your way back machine has lots of treasures Jan. Thanks!

      I especially enjoy Lisa Thiel’s songs, celebrating the changing seasons…..

      • Yikes……I thought I was just posting link, but now the video is showing and it’s big! How did that happen?

        • Something changed in the WordPress base code recently. Now if you post a link it displays the video … but ginormously (it does not allow you to choose a size).

          I can fix it!!

          • Thank you…..sharing music is fun, but not being able to read the rest of the page isn’t!

          • Ha! I noticed the problem when bfitz posted some songs for our missing Portlaw.

            That particular Lisa Thiel song is one of my favorites … thanks for bringing the video over.

    • an excerpt:

      Once again, racist rhetoric has metastasized into racist violence.

      Now, it’s tempting, it is tempting to dismiss a tragedy like this as an isolated incident, to believe that in today’s America, bigotry is largely behind us, that institutionalized racism no longer exists.

      But despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.

      I know this is a difficult topic to talk about. I know that so many of us hoped by electing our first Black president, we had turned the page on this chapter in our history.

      I know there are truths we don’t like to say out loud or discuss with our children. But we have to. That’s the only way we can possibly move forward together.

      Race remains a deep fault line in America. Millions of people of color still experience racism in their everyday lives.

      Here are some facts.

      In America today, Blacks are nearly three times as likely as whites to be denied a mortgage.

      In 2013, the median wealth of Black families was around $11,000. For white families, it was more than $134,000.

      Nearly half of all Black families have lived in poor neighborhoods for at least two generations, compared to just 7 percent of white families.

      African American men are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white men, 10 percent longer for the same crimes in the federal system.

      In America today, our schools are more segregated than they were in the 1960s.

      How can any of that be true? How can it be true that Black children are 500 percent more likely to die from asthma than white kids? Five hundred percent!

      More than a half century after Dr. King marched and Rosa Parks sat and John Lewis bled, after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act and so much else, how can any of these things be true? But they are.

      And our problem is not all kooks and Klansman. It’s also in the cruel joke that goes unchallenged. It’s in the off-hand comments about not wanting “those people” in the neighborhood.

      • This part got me:

        More than a half century after Dr. King marched and Rosa Parks sat and John Lewis bled …

        Some days it seems like John Lewis’ bleeding was for naught. But if a new era of Civil Rights can be born out of the slaughter (AGAIN!) of innocents, maybe his blood and their blood will not be shed in vain.

        The Republicans are doubling down on their “southern heritage” and “flying the flag is a states rights issue”. Scott Walker, the governor of a state that sent 91,000 of its sons to fight to preserve the Union … and who lost 12,000 in the Civil War … says the flag is a “states right issue”. F^%& him, really. South Carolina put up the flag in 1962 to protest desegregation. It was states rights, all right, and their heritage for sure. But we had not only a war but Supreme Court rulings and laws passed saying that the Union was preserved and their heritage of hate was illegal.

    • It was a great speech! To those of us for whom social justice and civil rights are our hot button issues, it was most welcome. I saw some jaws drop on Twitter … people who were lukewarm about her, or talking about sitting 2016 out, were retweeting her speech with gusto.

      • The good thing is Hillary actually has more freedom to make that kind of speech than POTUS does.

        She can’t be accused of being black :)

        • He really has to step carefully. Whenever he advocates for black Americans, the racists claim he is only concerned about “his” people. Well, “his” people are all Americans which includes black Americans. The “includes” part is what ticks off the racists.

          She will make a good white ally.

        • And Chuck Freakin’ Todd today said that the president is not “neutral” on race and therefore can’t weigh in on it.

          Todd is getting shredded on Twitter, deservedly so.

    • Denise, what shooting in Philly? I haven’t properly looked at the news yet, we were watching the Formula I race.

      Thanks for the HIllary clip, will try to watch it later.

  3. Up for walking group, stomach isn’t as unhappy as it was yesterday, so I’ll make it. Managed to eat enough to take my vitamins, might not be enough for a hard workout, but we’ll see. I’ll be back later.

  4. Diana! When you check-in, let me know if you have time to get your user account reset. It will simply require having the Admin send a new password to you (from wordpress at motleymoose dot net) and using that to login. Once you are logged in, you can change the password back again. I think your cookies got corrupted and this should force new ones to get built. If this does not work, we can get you a new user id and try that (that is a little more complicated).

    And Portlaw! Where are you???

    • Diana, I discovered that the system thought you were still logged in which may be contributing to your problems. I forced a logout from the admin panel.

      Please try logging in your normal way this morning to see if you can get in as a user. If that does not work, I will reset your password which I know will require cookies to be rebuilt.

    • Yes, Jan, please do reset my password and then I will change it back again. I have now changed my Safari “Preferences/Privacy” to “accept cookies for all sites I visit.” I visit this site more frequently than any except GOS and FB.

      Do you need my email address or do you have it already?

      Thank you!

  5. Good morning, 58 and sunny in Bellingham today. We enjoyed a barbecue dinner at our son’s house last night, and today we’ll do more of the same. RonK wants to spend his day tending to a brisket on the Green Egg and exploring a beach via kayak.

    The strawberry cake I made for last nights dinner was both pretty and tasty so I’ll make another one for today. And I may plant a few flowers as well.

    Happy Sunday to all!

  6. Thanks, Jan. I still have the “Howdy, Diana in NoVa” message at the top, so I will use the log out function. If my password doesn’t work and I’m locked out, remember that I thought of you all.

    It’s a beautiful day this morning with a blue sky for once, and high white clouds. 81 F. right now, going to 92 F. Have to do some chores, and then I devoutly hope I’ll have some time to write.

    And where’s our Portlaw?

  7. Wow, whaddaya know! Thanks for that password, Moose Admin, I like it so much I’m going to keep it, although WordPress snottily termed it “weak.” (WordPress thinks everything is weak.)

    The new password didn’t work the first time I tried it, but AFTER I cleared “all Website data” and set Preferences/Privacy to accept cookies from this galaxy and several others, the new password did work. Now I can fierce! Thank you for doing this.

    • That’s funny because when the Moose Admin set it up WordPress called it “Medium”. In the elapsed time of 15 minutes, it changed from Medium to Weak.

      As long as you got in!

      Now … we just need to find our Portlaw and all will be right in the world.

    • I’m fiercely happy you can fierce again Diana! Computers are still quite magical to me so it’s good to know all is well with yours again.

  8. Walked 3 miles. Hills, but not super steep. Hard to stand up in church after. Why do people write 5-verse songs??? We did a very nice ecumenical liturgy for Charleston, and our pastor tried to get us (a bunch of upper middle class white eggheads) to do a call & response. We sorta did.

    Our new music director started today. She reminds me somewhat of Xeni Jardin – that same spiky white/blonde hair. We had ice cream, which seems to have been all the lunch my stomach is having.

    I need to cook but I’m also tired. I might take a nap then cook.

  9. 85 – heat index 95 – and rising in Fay., AR this Summer Solstice. Too hot to do outside work – the weeds will have to wait. Visited the Way Back – thanks. Will check Hillary’s speech, appreciate the link. Sending healing energy/getting concerned about Portlaw. Will check back later. If no Portlaw I’ll find a real beeswax candle and see it that helps. {{{HUGS}}} and good health to teh Meeses.

  10. Fast greetings surgery succssful and over rehab could be long happy solstice from my phone!!

    • Should have thanked all for good wishes. A very exhausted but they made me smile and smile again

      • Yay!!! Glad the surgery was successful and really glad to see you back by the pond.

        :) :) :)

        • So relieved ti see you posting Portlaw – was going to mount an expedition to NYC to find you :)

      • Hi Portlaw! It’s so nice to know your surgery went. May rehab be as successful and pleasant as possible.

    • Whew! I was getting worried. Still sending healing energy – when I have a minute to send anything at all :)

  11. Fiercely glad to hear from you, Portlaw! Happy Summer Solstice and we will continue our nonstop prayers and healing vibes for your quick recovery!

  12. tweet of the day

    made me literally lol

    Ronan Farrow ‏@RonanFarrow

    Trust me, your Father’s Day could be weirder.

  13. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 66 degrees in Madison on its way up to 85. Strong storms are in the forecast, expected to arrive by midday.

    I was surprised to see that someone spraypainted “Black Lives Matter” on a a statue dedicated “To The Confederate Defenders of Charleston – Fort Sumter 1861 to 1865”. Not that it was spraypainted but that a statue glorifying traitors who killed American soldiers was standing in an American city. You can honor the dead in the cemeteries, many of who were lied into fighting for the plantation owners much like many of their descendents are lied into voting for the 1%. But don’t glorify the battles of a war started on the premise that white men should own black people … a war that threatened to split our country in two. Don’t just take the flag down, take all that awful stuff down.

    And in no surprise, the party of preference for racists finds themselves the recipients of campaign contributions from said racists, to the tune of $65,000. How did that money get into my campaign fund, say Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum?? Santorum, lacking any self-reflection: “Senator Santorum does not condone or respect racist or hateful comments of any kind.” Yes, of course, the guy who blamed all the problems in American on the fact that the “blah people” are getting free food would not condone comments that are racist or hateful. That was some other Rick Santorum.

    Today is SCOTUS Watch day. Starting at 9:00am Eastern, SCOTUSblog will be liveblogging the Supreme Court. Orders, accepting and rejecting cases for the next term, will be issued at 9:30am followed by decisions at 10:00am. As always, the Moose News Network will cover it live. No word yet on whether there will be extra opinion days added this week.

    Busy Monday morning. See all y’all later!

    • The Republican candidates for president of the UNITED States have mixed reactions to the flag controversy. This is the one I don’t get, from Ted Cruz: “I also understand those who want to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors and the traditions of their states”. I get the “remembering the sacrifices of their ancestors” part of that but the “traditions” of their states represented by that flag are traditions of treason, racial hatred, and white supremacy. The flag did not make a comeback until the 1960s when racial hatred reached a fever pitch after laws being passed to stop segregation and stop southern states from denying the vote to the descendants of those enslaved in “traditional” South Carolina. But really, does Germany allow people to fly the Nazi flag to honor their ancestors who died in World War II? Do they allow them to put up statues to members of the Waffen SS, to name bridges and buildings and highways after Himmler, Hitler and Goebbels? The “traditions” of the Confederacy should never be honored.

      Here is an editorial from The Sumter Item

      If the South Carolina General Assembly doesn’t get the Confederate battle flag off the Statehouse grounds after what happened in Charleston this week, then we may as well replace the Palmetto Tree on the proper state flag – the beautiful blue one – with a swastika.

      I’m sick of the cockeyed excuses from state politicians about why the Confederate flag issue is so complicated.[…]

      My family has been here in the American South since the 1700s, and my great-great-grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He was a printer. He printed currency. After the South lost the war and the United States emerged intact – thank God – he became a newspaperman.

      … here’s some free speech for those who want to keep the Confederate battle flag on the Statehouse grounds as some twisted symbol of Southern heritage: You’re misguided and morally blind. Snap out of it.

      The Southern pride, heritage and bravery I recognize and appreciate – and what I pray my children and their children will carry forward – is that of U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, Charleston Mayor Joe Riley …

      The Southern pride, heritage and bravery I want to be associated with is that of the families of the victims who on Friday forgave the monster who murdered their loved ones in cold blood. The only grace and love that could have enabled such an action comes from a faith in God and humanity so deep that we should all pray for some small part of it in our own spirit.

  14. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! The Littles will be here in 15 minutes, so must keep this brief. It’s 69 F. now, going up to 91 F. today, under fair skies. Tomorrow, the Weather Wench says, will be the hottest day of the year. Thank Goddess for air conditioning!

    Didn’t get a chance to do any writing yesterday, rats. At least I can think about what to write, though. This morning Miss Pink Cheeks and I will wrap presents for the grandchild expected at Lammas. Babylicious goes to day care elsewhere in the neighborhood today until 4 p.m.

    Will check back for SCOTUS news later. Hope Portlaw is feeling better today, princesspat not too tired, and also hope that anotherdem’s tummy has settled down. These stomach viruses are the pits. Cousin-in-Connecticut is doing much better! She’s breathing so much better that they might be able to do some of the many surgeries they’ve planned. Her injuries are so severe I think she’ll be in rehab for a year, possibly two.

    A good day to those at the Pond and beyond! (It is so nice to be able to fierce everyone’s comments! Thanks, Jan!)

  15. More to come whenI know what is happening and I can figure out this phone. Hope it is a good in the pond and beyond

  16. Monday morning already. Blergh. Still tired from yesterday, my legs ached all night & kept me from sleeping well. But I have lots of good healthy food for the week.

    Too many things to be outraged & saddened by. Playing happy music in my head so I don’t go home & crawl under the bed.

  17. It’s 63 sunny and breezy in Bellingham today. I enjoyed being in the garden yesterday, but my knees are not so happy. However the pool felt good this morning and I’ve got more flowers to plant so life goes on.

    And I highly recommend strawberry cake for breakfast!

  18. Hi, I’m migrating over here from the old site. I have not been active for a while but would like to change that, and to participate in discussions and to write and to post diaries.

    I am awaiting Governor Nikki Hayley’s presser later this afternoon with some degree of anticipation. Will that symbol of racism, hatred and oppression finally be consigned to the dustbin of history? Here’s hoping!

    • Hi, Rashaverak! I would be glad to get you started. Can you do me a favor and post a comment off the last comment on the old Moose so that I know you are you? :)

      The user details don’t jibe between the two sites and I want to make sure that people are migrating and not “borrowing” someone’s identity.

    • You are set up! Watch for an email from wordpress at motleymoose dot net with your username and temporary password. Then look at the FAQ – How To Log In to set up your profile.

      p.s. Nikki surprised us all! I suspect she is eying the vice presidency and wants to keep her options open. Mitt Romney famously had to fire his illegal immigrant gardeners because “I’m running for president, for pete’s sake!” She had to take down the flag, for crying out loud!

      • Thank you, Jan. It worked like a charm.

        As far as the Rebel Flag is concerned, better late than never! Now, we’ll see if my, umm, “neighbor” two miles South on the road takes his down. I’m not expecting him to do so.

        • Maybe he will realize that people aren’t afraid of “Johnny Rebs ” anymore, they are laughing at them now:

          “The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world.”
          – John Oliver

  19. Good morning, meese! Tuesday …

    It is 62 degrees in Madison on its way up to 79. Mostly sunny skies in the forecast.

    How about some good news? One of the most conservative judges on the hyper-conservative Fifth Circuit just ruled that a religious institution does not have an undue burden placed on their religion by sending a letter to HHS saying that they do not want to provide birth control to their employees:

    The crux of [Judge Jerry] Smith’s analysis is that the plaintiffs in these cases object to birth control, but nothing in the law requires these plaintiffs to do anything whatsoever involving birth control. Rather, their only obligation, if they do not wish to cover birth control, is to fill out a form or send a brief letter to the federal government — and neither of those things are contraception.

    “Although the plaintiffs have identified several acts that offend their religious beliefs, the acts they are required to perform do not include providing or facilitating access to contraceptives,” Smith explains. “Instead, the acts that violate their faith are those of third parties.” Specifically, the plaintiffs object to the federal government working with an insurance administrator to provide contraception to certain workers. But the law does not “entitle them to block third parties from engaging in conduct with which they disagree.”

    There are a few other courts considering this legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate and all of them, so far, have ruled that there is no burden. Finally, some good news for reproductive rights.

    The Confederate flag controversy makes me a bit nervous because the pro-flag forces, other than Huckabee, have been very quiet about Nikki Haley’s support for removing the flag. I do not expect them to go quietly after their long and loud support for the flag of white supremacy. Maybe they hope it will just blow over and they can quietly continue flying the flag. She has no power to remove the flag but can only request it … and the legislature is not in session again until December, lots of time for passions to cool.

    Ta-Nehisi Coates has an article on the symbolism of the Confederate flag: What This Cruel War Was Over.

    See all y’all later!!

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