Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …
It is 56 degrees in Madison WI, on its way up to 78. Afternoon thunderstorms are in the forecast.
What are you reading on the Internets these days?
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
A candle for Portlaw
May the light illuminate your path to quick healing.
How this has made my day. Thanks very much pain is sill around and mobility elusive not sure how long I will win rehab but must get better read all thse great Meese musings
We’ll be right here when you finish rehab, Portlaw. Concentrate on getting your strength back. I am glad you got an iPhone (and that the New Moose is Mobile friendly). We would have been beside ourselves with worry not knowing how you were doing!
Up for my Sunday class. Stuffing at least some minimal food down before walking. Sunday’s coach usually has us do a much harder walk than Saturday’s. I’ll be back later.
Either the unrepentant South had the best lobbyists in the world or they did a really good job of glossing over the fact that the Confederate States of America was formed to advance the cause of white supremacy and that the generals who led the armies were treasonous. The Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC has some “nice” stained glass windows with the Confederate Battle Flag and honoring Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Whose church is this? I know that Washington DC is technically in the South but it is the seat of the government that those people seceded from.
Well, the role of “exemplary Christian people” is not in doubt. The post Civil War Southern states’ political leaders used that religion and their bible to promote the supremacy of the white race and the “rationale” for subjugating blacks and withholding full civil rights . We need to burn off the layers of lies added to the history of the Civil War and the Jim Crow South and expose the Confederate battle flag for what it is: a Dixie Swastika. From Leonard Pitts:
Jan, reading this makes me even more glad that Northern Virginia is classified as “Yankee land” by those who live in what we refer to as “down state.” It really is a separate world up here. Here, partly because Washington is something of an international city and partly because it is, as you pointed out, the seat of government, we have the most multicultural population you can imagine.
Families are also multicultural. My granddaughter’s school is an example of this, and it gladdens my heart. Before she started school I was afraid that other children might make fun of her for being half-Chinese and having eyes with the epicanthine fold. But all the other children in her school look pretty much like her!
I left the South in 1965 and aside from occasional visits to Texas, have never been back since. I could NEVER live there again, and only did so in my youth because that’s where my father chose to work.
Of course, it isn’t just The South that is intolerant of those who are not like them (and certainly not everyone in The South). I moved from a blood red part of Wisconsin to Madison because my daughter is Asian and I wanted her to grow up in a multicultural environment. She probably would not have been treated badly where we were (they were much too “civilized” to blatantly show their racism) but she would have been one of a kind rather than one of many. And it isn’t just safety in numbers, it is librul Madison where differences are no big deal.
When we lived in the South we found other liberals to hang out with, so I remember with gratitude that not everyone in the South is racist. The parents at the Waldorf school in Austin, which my grandson attends, are mostly women with long skirts and long crinkly hair, and men with beards, bicycles, and Birkenstocks. They’re largely Unitarian if they attend church at all, and appear to be anything but racist.
And that brings me to the other reason I could never live in the South, which is the militant Christianity that prevails there. I swear, if anyone were to ask me one more time whether I’ve been “saved” (saved from what?), I’d feel like knocking their teeth down their throat. I wouldn’t do it, but I’d want to. My religion is my own business and I resent being harangued by “Christians” just as much as I’d resent being forced to wear abaya if I were so misguided as to set foot in Saudi Arabia.
Militant Christianity, the tyranny of the majority religion, seems to be embraced by all the GOPers in this cycle’s presidential contest. It does seem to be tied up in the culture of the South and white privilege. I hope someday those two images are separated and when we think of the South we think of people with generous spirits and open hearts.
Liberal churches are probably as put out as we are about the faux christians like Paul Ryan and the Republican Congress who want to defund SNAP … to starve the children to “save” them from the welfare hammock. May their ranks shrink to match their shriveled souls.
If you’re going to live in the South at all, find a decent university town like Austin in TX or Fayetteville in AR – and stay within a couple of miles of the university itself.
But really, prejudice is everywhere. Because I am white and come from the South I got more than a bit of flack from the Politically Correct when I lived in Madison as they assumed that since I am white and come from the South I was both racist and fundamentalist Xtian. I have come to realize that I have the unconscious racism that comes with White Privilege but I’ve never been consciously racist (my momma would have had very strong words – and not just words – for me if I had been) and I’ve been doing my best to erase the subconscious parts – and I’ve never been a fundie. I’m not saying that what I was dealing with was any way shape or form what “other” folks have to deal with. I am saying I didn’t get job callbacks for jobs I was very well qualified for.
My response to most fundies depends on how much time I have and whether or not they seem to be nice if gormless people – If little time I just say “Jesus and I have a good working relationship” which puzzles the heck out of them. If lots of time, well, I have upon occasion quoted the Bible at them so long and hard they finally made excuses to leave! :)
Thanks for this jan
Good morning, Moosekind, cloudy again although it was beautiful when I woke up 50 minutes ago. Yesterday was quite the nastiest day we’ve had for some time—absolutely pelting with rain, so intense at times we could hardly see the road for the rain and mist. Unfortunately we had to go out because we were giving a little party for my daughter-in-law, who is expecting our grandchild in four weeks.
Today we plan to drive to the Hunter’s Head in Upperville, taking a good friend with us. In years past we’ve sat in the garden for lunch but I think this year we’ll lunch inside. Not because it will be very hot, but because I object to having to fight the flies for my food!
Haven’t looked at the news yet. It’s 63 F. now, going to 78 F. Hope the clouds dissipate. As a rule it’s a lovely drive through Middleburg to Upperville. Wishing all Moosekind a good day, keeping Portlaw in my thoughts and prayers!
The news is still pretty much focused on the events of the past week. And that is no surprise … last week was momentous! The dust is settling a bit and we find, to no one’s surprise, that some states are refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and that at least one state, Mississippi, is considering not issuing marriage licenses at all rather than sully themselves with teh gays. I am sure they have not thought that out too carefully because there are a ton of rights conferred with marriages that they would be denying their opposite-sex couples. Plus, Obergefell guarantees that if you go to another state to get married, your marriage is valid in any state in the union so what is the point? Utah had a few bills introduced, one which declared that only clergy can marry people. Probably unconstitutional since it requires a religious affiliation before one can get married – atheists might not like that rule either.
The funniest thing is that the Republicans seem bent on running on getting a Constitutional Amendment passed defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. They know that they will never get 2/3rds of Congress and 2/3rds of the states to go along but the stoopids who vote for them probably don’t realize how high the bar is set. The GOP will simply alienate the 60% of Americans who think there is nothing wrong with marriage equality and want them to just STOP ALREADY!!
Chris Christie will become GOP candidate #14 this week (Tuesday). I have no clue why unless he figured out that “mean” is very popular … as evidenced by The Donald being in 2nd place in the latest national poll. When Kasich and Walker get in, it will be 16 for ’16.
p.s. I will resist making any jokes about Christie adding heft to the race
Well he does have a heavy lift ahead :)
We were commenting offline about his very unattractive baseball uniform. I hope the photos do not go viral again because I am not sure I have enough brain bleach on hand.
walked out to the steep street beyond what used to be the long, steep street. I channeled Chrissie Wellington (former women’s triathlon champion) saying to myself “your limits might not be where you think they are” and made it to the top of the hill. Map My Walk shows a gain in elevation of 279 feet. And 531 calories.
Looking forward to church today. Should be a happy, happy group. I dug out a shirt I wear at Valentine’s — all covered in hearts. #LoveWins!
Good for you, another, doing your steep walk!
Hope the rest of your weekend is good.
There were a lot of great Twitter images but this one really stuck with me:
Love that one.
Does that mean you will be marrying folks again? You are still a JP, right?
I can marry folks and will be totally delighted to do so – but since I’m no longer on the Court it’s harder for folks to know about me. Most of my marriages were people who looked up J.P.s on the Washington County website and started calling until they found one who could/would do it. (Several J.P.s on the Court not only didn’t want to marry teh Gayz, they also wouldn’t marry divorced people or unwed mothers – one of whom BTW is an Xtian “minister”.) Still, I’m hoping to get a few more marriages now that it’s legal PERIOD. :)
They wouldn’t perform marriage ceremonies for unwed mothers? Dear Goddess, performing it would change the “unwed mother” to a “wed mother,” wouldn’t it? Gods, some people are stupid.
remember, pregnancy is punishment for the sin of having sex – anything A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that makes her life easier or better is against god’s will. And yes, some people are really stupid – and nasty, mean-spirited, evil…
Good morning, it’s 70 and sunny in Bellingham this morning. Today is my last relatively free day for gardening so I hope my knees are cooperative! Our daughter and her family arrive on Wednesday for a weeks visit, and the rest of the family will be here for the 4th. And Ava will be with us on Monday and Tuesday. So I need to dust off my B&B to do list and be ready for company. The visits are more fun when the house and food are organized a head of time.
Seems like a a long list though so I’ll just do as much as I can.
Wednesday is July!!
I wonder what day(s) people will take off to celebrate the Fourth. If it lands on a Sunday, that Monday is the national holiday but if it lands on a Saturday, tough … no extra days off. I am hoping clients take this whole week off so I can get caught up.
At U of A (AR) we get Friday off which will be nice – especially if I’ve gotten all the end of fiscal year cleanup done by then. Hope your clients take the week. Whoever’s been firing off fireworks in our neighborhood since last Friday seems to think it warrants a week’s (noisy) celebration.
People are blowing off firecrackers here today! I hate it and my doggie hates it!!
Wish it was just firecrackers – these danged things sound like a professional show – and they start about 9:30, or just when I turn off my light and try to get to sleep. The cats hate it. The neighboring dogs hate it. And the disabled vet down the street really hates it. (Prove how patriotic you are and how much you support the troops by giving an honest-to-heaven Vietnam Veteran flashbacks.)
the head of my agency is giving us Friday — we like him
Happy last Sunday in June from Fay., AR – was 59 when I got up, at our high of 83 right now and sunny. The A/C hasn’t been on for 48 hours and not likely to be for another 48. The cats love the open windows at night. :) Last week was a wonderful week in many ways, even the Charleston evil seems to bringing some good. I am well aware that taking down the traitors’ flag doesn’t change the way the traitors feel – or act – but at least for a moment in time the nation is remembering that it IS the flag of treason and the cause was slavery. The flag is only a symbol, but taking the flag down is another symbol – I hope one that is powerful for change (or at least to recover lost ground and gain a few steps) – that when we say “Freedom and Justice for All” we mean for ALL!
Closer to home I got the draft of the Spring Class Schedule and the draft of the Annual Report done and handed off to the new Chair, who moved her stuff into the Chair’s office Friday afternoon. I’m also done with my “work log” for assessing my position for upgrade. Tomorrow I’ll still have end of fiscal year stuff to deal with and the next hourly Payroll, but things will be a lot calmer with most of the deadlines met. Which we all can use.
Still sending healing energy to Portlaw and anybody else who needs/wants it. A Unity minister I once knew taught us to use the old Sherwin-Williams “cover the world” logo to send good energy everywhere it was needed when things just seem to be in a world of hurt no matter where you looked. Blessings upon her, I still do that. {{{HUGS}}}
It was an amazing ten days. Here is another article I read:
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 60 degrees in Madison on its way up to 76. Evening thunderstorms in the forecast.
The waning month of June brings us the end of the Supreme Court term. Technically it will end tomorrow but today is the last day set aside for opinions. We are waiting for the Arizona redistricting case, the EPA case, and a death penalty drug case. As always, the Moose News Network will be covering it: SCOTUS Watch Monday, June 29.
All eyes will be on Europe this week as the chickens of austerity come home to roost. I am glad we had a president who understood that you stimulate a struggling economy rather than starve it. Our stimulus was too small, which delayed our recovery, but at least it was a move in the right direction.
One more clown has announced his plans to announce for the GOP presidential nomination bringing the total to 16. Christie tomorrow, Walker on July 13th and now John Kasich, governor of Ohio, on July 21st. Kasich is running on “I was re-elected by a large margin in a swing state … pay no attention to the fact that the Democratic candidate imploded and I was essentially running unopposed … also, Republican primarygoers, pay no attention to the fact that I took the Medicaid money”. Then the fun begins … squeezing them all onto the debate stage.
Texas says that their county clerks do not have to issue marriage licenses (and their judges and justices of the peace don’t have to marry people) if it disturbs their religious sensibilities. Playing the God card did not work in the face of the Civil Rights laws (cite: “opponents defended segregation as natural, Biblical, and part of the created order and warned that the CRA would usher in a dangerous and forced racial intermingling and line-crossing, particularly in marriage”) and it will not work in 2015. Ironic that the strengthening of the RFRA in the last Supreme Court term is being used to fight what the fundies are calling a rogue court … this term.
See all y’alls later!
60 here in Saugerties – going up to 75.
Saw the news that VP Joe Biden attended services at AME church yesterday
Love that man.
I do, too. He is real.
I noticed that more black churches are being targeted with violence and there is some frustration that it is not being covered by the media. I hope that changes.
Southern Poverty Law Center has been covering
String of Nighttime Fires Hit Predominately Black Churches in Four Southern States
ThT is really impressive. I think that he is not alone and many drew strength from that church and its parishioners they, in my opinion,were a model for the wod. Tear up just thinking of them. Sorry for typos. Just have lots of trouble writing on a phone
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s 56 F. on a lovely morning here in NoVa, going up to 81 F. today. Hope to get Miss Pink Cheeks’ wading pool puffed up and cleaned so she can play in it this afternoon, because tomorrow—more thunderstorms!
Why is it that my zinnias, after bursting into a nice purple bloom, quickly fade to an icky, washed out-looking pink? Trying to grow flowers to put on the dining room table seems a hopeless business. The cosmos, instead of having big, table-worthy blooms, have tiny little faces. So disappointing.
Sitting here waiting for The Littles to arrive. My poor cousin in Connecticut is doing better and they hope to take her off the ventilator soon. She still can’t talk, but perhaps today she’ll regain her voice. They’re thinking that after more surgery they can put her in rehab next week, so possibly she can go home the first week in August. Hope so!
Thinking of Portlaw and hoping she is free of pain. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and beyond!
rehab as soon as next week — that is great!
I don’t have any flowers to cut in my garden either Diana. I’ve got lots of greens, but the hydrangeas are too new and the lilies and dahlias are just budding. I did find a few roses and some lavender and hypericum for a bouquet for our grand girl’s ballet recital on Sunday. The blooms were pretty but the leaves all had to go because of mildew spots, so I used salal, ivy, and hosta leaves for the greens.
The blooms were pretty but the leaves all had to go because of mildew spots, so I used salal, ivy, and hosta leaves for the greens.
The blooms were pretty but the leaves all had to go because of mildew spots, so I used salal, ivy, and hosta leaves for the greens.
That was enterprising of you, princesspat! My lavender didn’t give any really nice blooms this year. I think I’ll harvest some of it anyway and put it in the tall vase in the hallway. It’ll smell nice when people enter the house.
Great news about your cousin!
Is it a sign of getting old that my first thought this morning was “maybe I can take a nap after the dermatologist’s”? Leaving early for pre-op consult with said person.
Did have “Creak in the Floorboards” as my earworm till I saw the tweets from last night’s U2 concert. My boys celebrated Friday’s ruling:
Hope everyone has as good a day as Monday can be.
I should have just put the link! Sorry!
Sorry it took so long to get to it! I was away from my desk.
I just loved that picture so much I didn’t even think about it.
Good morning,meeses some progress here although going home this week is not going to happen. Hope it is a googday for all. Diana we don’t get cosmos or zinnias until the end of August cosmos and Queen Anne”s lack are my favored.
progress is good, though sorry you can’t go home yet.
Good morning Portlaw……It’s good to know you are making progress. The joint gym is by the pool I go to at the PT clinic so it’s interesting to watch the process of rehabbing new hips and knees. One of the therapists has a very well trained support dog and it’s especially fun to watch him greet and encourage everyone.
We have a natural area at the edge of our yard that is usually resplendent with Queen Anne’s Lace. We don’t usually see them until August but last year we saw them in July.
Here are some Found On The Internet:
Fabulous thanks I just love them!
Wow, things are certainly different in different areas of this country. Here in NoVa we’ve had Queen Anne’s Lace for some time, and it’s usually interspersed with deep blue chicory, my favorite wildflower. The sight of these two under a blue summer sky is truly glorious to behold.
And I enjoy knowing that the seeds of Queen Anne’s Lace can be used as a contraceptive. The way things are going in this country I’ll have to start a contraceptive herb garden. I’ve already got rue growing in the flowerbed. :)
The chicory is also an August wildflower here. They are all along the roadsides and walking paths. Did you know that in some states (Colorado for example) it is considered a noxious weed and homeowners have to get rid of it?? Sheesh.
I always think of the chicory as purple but it appears from a quick scan of images that it is blue … but purplish.
my check in is awaiting moderation because I pasted in am embed instead of a link, sorry!
but I did say that I hope everyone has as good a day as Monday can be
Good Morning, it’s 68 and partly cloudy in Bellingham today. The next two weeks will be busy with grand kid’s visiting. I’m glad they want to be with us….just hope we can keep up with them.
RonK took a tumble Friday night and bruised or cracked a rib so he is moving very carefully, and his plans for taking the kids hiking and renting kayaks will have to wait. It’s a challenge to keep them active and away from the computer and/or kindle screens!
Oh, dear, princesspat, hope RonK will recover quickly!
Miss Pink Cheeks is with me today and I’m having the same problem keeping her away from the iPad. She did go out harvesting this morning in the backyard and came back with blueberries, redcurrants, spring onions, a nice little yellow squash, and a few baby carrots. Then we picked quite a lot of raspberries. The Japanese beetles very kindly left us some.
Oh dear, hopeRonK recovers soon and is pain free
67 when I got up, 76 now, and heading for 89 in Fay., AR – last Monday in June. Got over 528 KWHs for the month so far and sunshine predicted for both today and tomorrow so could go up to 575 for the month total, which should also the the highest for the year considering that June includes the two weeks on either side of the summer solstice.
Got crazy still in the office but it’s more old Chair moving out/new Chair moving in crazy than anything that I directly have to deal with. Have the next hourly Payroll to get to and a few more end of fiscal year things but at least I get a minute to catch my breath here and there. No cutting flowers right now in my yard as the daylilies have just finished up and they were the last. Got a few petunias and one rose, otherwise everything’s green. :)
So glad Portlaw and Diana’s cousin are doing so well (relatively speaking). Sending healing energy in all directions. {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks for the energy!
Good morning, meesefolk! Tuesday …
It’s 59 degrees in Madison on its way up to 75. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
The president will be in LaCrosse on Thursday. Some of my friends are trying to get tickets to the event which is being called an “economic event”. I wonder if he is going to come to Wisconsin to point out that hospitals and health care providers are financially more sound because of the Affordable Care Act? LaCrosse is a the home of a major clinic that is very innovative in care and in treating its employees well. One of the homegrown companies that is doing well despite the slash and burn Walker administration (the companies that thrive on low wages and lax regulations are mostly out of town firms and their thriving will only last until our resources are tapped out and quality workers have moved out of state).
The KKK is going to South Carolina to protest the removal of their flag and to laud their “young warrier” Dylann Roof. No racism in that flag … nope! I broke my rule and slid into the comments and the first one defending the flag said that they should also ban the Nazi flag and Black Panther flag. No one is banning a flag … they just want it removed from a place of honor in the capital. Sheesh!
Yesterday at SCOTUS was a victory for fair elections, a delay in some EPA regulations, and a loss for our collective souls in the death penalty case (Supreme Court justices deciding which drugs are cruel when murdering people in a barbaric practice banned in most civilized countries???). I skimmed some of the commentary and Breyer and Sotomayor made the case for revisiting abolishing the death penalty (I haven’t had time to read it all yet). We need one more justice for a lot of these cases … another reminder that It’s the Supreme Court and we need a Democratic president in 2017.
More good news from the court: Texas abortion clinic law has been stayed; stay denied to religious groups trying to claim their freedom is at risk because they have to send a letter to the HHS saying that they won’t cover birth control.
See all y’alls later!
Good morning, Pond visitors, it’s 68 F. now, going up to 87 F. later, cloudy, with thunderstorms expected this afternoon. That means no pool time for Miss Pink Cheeks, which will be a bummer.
Managed to get my blog written and to finish part 1 of “Getting Unhexed.” Popped over to GOS occasionally yesterday but it’s Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, night and day. I’m beginning to get depressed over the prospect of seeing a woman president in my lifetime.
Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day, and here’s hoping that RonK and Portlaw will be pain-free!
Good for you getting your writing done! I had every intention of getting caught up on work yesterday so that I could be ready for July and, as usual, I was instead confronted with crises that needed to be addressed.
I was talking to a friend who is going to Netroots Nation and it apparently will be very Bernie-centric which is probably part of what is leading the GOS to look like Bernieville. Don’t despair of getting a woman president … the GOS is not a bellwether of anything, in fact their election record is pretty poor. Our friend bubbanomics did some analysis one year that showed that GOS promoted candidates do not do very well. The political leanings there are very much the left-of-the-left and probably represent the feelings of 5-8% of the country and maybe 14% of Democrats. I am a social justice Democrat and my candidate has to exhibit strong support for civil rights, women’s rights, immigration reform, caring for the poor and the downtrodden. The messages of “jail the banksters” and “help the middle class” are good but that is not going to win my vote or, frankly, the vote of the the Obama coalition.
I am gathering my thoughts for a blog post on this topic that I will probably post on my own blog.
Have so mant big issues but civil rights, anti war,anti death penalty and pro environment are near the top of my list
Those are mine, too. I am trying to set aside time to read the death drug ruling articles because there is a ray of hope there. We came within 1 vote of declaring that it is NOT okay for a person to writhe in pain for 42 minutes before he “dies for his crimes”. With one more left leaning justice we would have won that. And next year will be critical because the two big abortion cases will be heard, affirmative action, and the elimination of public union dues.
I don’t dislike Bernie but as a woman social justice Democrat, he doesn’t have enough for me. I hate the banksters as much as the next person and money in politics is bad but we need to put energy onto things that, first, we can win, and second, that protect people from hunger and homelessness and sickness … including the environmental damage being done to our planet.
Well, of the dems that have declared, Sanders is the only one for whom I can find any enthusiasm These are early days so we shall what we shall see.
These are early days! The only enthusiasm I have would be to vote for a third term for President Obama. :) But I think he deserves to retire.
I am enjoying the debate over Democratic Party principles and watching with interest how people align and re-align over the economy and the other issues. My focus is on getting a winning candidate … and the Senate … so Democrats can pick the next two Supreme Court justices. This year’s term demonstrates what can be done when 5 people do the right thing.
Good for you on getting some writing done and know what you mean about GOS – it’s why I decided not to post my Hillary diary. Never gonna convince the anti-Hillary crowd that she isn’t Bill, she isn’t centrist, and that they’ll get a whole lot more of what they say they want if they concentrate on getting Congress back instead of trashing Hillary. Ditto hoping RonK (whose beautiful diary I AM going to read sometime today, I swear) and Portlaw will be pain-free (also anotherdemocrat). Hope the rain will hold off long enough for Miss PC to get some pool time. Nothing like playing in water to drain off some of that excessive energy little kids have, :)
Good news – the surgery next Tuesday will be done completely with local anesthetic. Apparently lidocaine is sufficient. I did tell them how big a baby I am about shots & they thanked me for telling them that. I will have tylenol with codeine after & she said I might want Wednesday off, as my headset might pull too much & hurt. And stitches for a few days.
So that was yesterday. Wonder what today will bring. Got Creak in the Floorboards as my earworm. Love the chorus: “Do you know what I’m looking for now? (x4) ‘Cause I sure don’t”. Makes me smile every time.
Good news re your surgery anotherdem…..I hope all goes well.
Good luck with the surgery!