Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning Meese! 55 going up to 80 and sunny here. I’m going to a BBQ at my friends house tomorrow – but it is going to rain – sigh. She’s got a nice swimming pool – but I guess we’ll be staying indoors.
Rick Perry spews the same old blacks on welfare line – gee – we’re supposed to like him for that?
Lordy. Lordy, Lordy…save us from the bigot brigade – Please!
Yes, people of color will feel so much more motivated to apply for the non-existent jobs if they are hungry and homeless and sick. Makes sense to me!
I have a better idea … let’s end housing discrimination and job discrimination and the anti-black anti-Hispanic anti-woman anti-family policies promoted by the Republicans.
Here is a bit of hopeful news I found yesterday. Party affiliation is back in favor of Democrats, ending 3 quarters of an uptick in Republican dominance. The margins at this point are not as important as the trend. This bodes well for 2016:

I think the Summer of Obama Hate from 2014 is wearing off and the crazy car that is filling up with Republican hopefuls is not helping matters. In 2016, the Republicans will have a nominee with a lot of money but their brand will be so damaged I am not sure how they recover. When “Latino candidate” Marco Rubio compliments Donald Trump on his style and agrees that someone needs to say the things he is saying, I am pretty sure that 2016 will not be the year that the Republicans regain their mojo with the Hispanic vote.
Rick, whose name rhymes with a rude word, is one of the stupidest people imaginable, completely unable to follow the requirements of logic.
Best thing that could happen to him? A lifetime of obscurity.
Good morning, Pond People, another gray day in NoVa. It’s 62 F. right now, going up to 80 F. later, with rain expected. We expected it yesterday but it did not arrive. If it doesn’t arrive today I’ll actually have to water the garden. I’m hoping to buy a few ollas soon, so I won’t have to worry about watering.
Went over to Elder Son’s house last night for dinner to help him celebrate his birthday. The dog, a chocolate lab, tried to give me a complete bath by licking all the exposed parts of my bod. Gad.
Planning a day of housework after the incredible mess left by two little children over three days. GMA finally acknowledged Bernie Sanders’ existence! How magnanimous. I wonder if the media will “Dean” him if he gets too close to winning the nomination.
Wishing a good day to all denizens of the Pond, and hope those who are ailing will be pain-free!
We sat out last night and had a fire in the fire pit to celebrate the full moon. She was not as full … or as visible … as she was the night before but we can’t stay up for moonrise when the next day is a work/school day. It was close enough for a kitchen witch.
I hope you get your rain!
Thanks, Jan. Good for you, celebrating the esbat! The moon was briefly visible in my area last night but soon went behind clouds. That’s one of the frustrations of living in this area—we rarely get to enjoy the sight of a full moon. Bummer.
Morning Meesies. Got dressed today all on my own and am headed for the first round of walking without a walker.
Think Webb, like Chafee, hoped to snag the anti war bloc of the party but Sanders beat them to it. Webb may actually be running for veep,
Hope it is a goog day in the pond and beyond. Hate typing on phones
Yay, progress!!! I am glad you are visiting, typos and all.
I am not sure who would want Webb as a vice president, maybe Ted Cruz? He is on the wrong side of so many things that voting the correct way once isn’t a big enough fig leaf. He was pretty nasty to John Kerry regarding his Vietnam War protests which makes me wonder if he voted against the Iraq War because he was anti-war … or just that he didn’t particularly like that one.
Yay, Portlaw! Glad you are heading for walking without a walker!
Walk on Sis!
Glad to see that you are up and getting around.
Sleep in was successful – past 7. I woke up a few times , but went back to sleep. Yay! Watching the news & eating breakfast. The County Clerk’s office is open today & tomorrow to issue marriage certificates & there’s going to be a Big Gay Wedding at the Capitol tomorrow evening. I love Austin.
I printed up the potato soup recipe I’m going to make. Might go to the store today & buy the stuff so I don’t have to be in a store tomorrow, when I imagine it’ll be crowded. Otoh, I might just sit all day.
I noticed there were still a few anti-marriage deadenders: a judge in Michigan, some clerks in Kentucky and then the Hood County clerk there in Texas.
It sounds like your Attorney General might be in trouble … not for his marriage license stand but for some securities fraud!! Ha!!! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy. It is not surprising that a political party that is in bed with the moneyed class would find themselves caught up in financial shenanigans. You can’t lay down in that much pig slop and not wind up with a stench.
Good morning, it’s 64 and sunny in Bellingham now, but it will be in the 80’s again this afternoon, and that’s hot! Fortunately the patio is cool by evening so we have been staying out doors while the house cools down,
I need to water the garden today and do some 4th of July prep for the bbque at our son’s house…..a few flowers, a cake using raspberries instead of strawberries. a pasta salad. We used to host a block party for the 4th so I have a stash of 4th theme table linens and party paraphernalia. It’s fun to share the stuff and my son and his wife will be here soon to “shop” in the basement!
I’m enjoying reading with Sophie…..her skills are improving and her sense of humor is delightful.
Sounds like fun!
We will do our normal Friday things today and then meet friends for an early supper tomorrow. I would imagine that most restaurants are open on the 4th … why wouldn’t they be? I will call to verify today.
Going out for dinner sounds like fun too. I’m really glad we will be at our son’s house this year and not here. Time to enjoy the kids party creativity!
When my parents’ house stopped being the gathering place for holidays, I was not sure how my mother would take it … she had been the chief cook and party planner for years. Turns out that she is just fine with it and now enjoys simply showing up at one of her kids’ house, visiting with people, then going home to a clean house. :) She still brings a dish to most events (and is always one of the first to offer to help with cleanup) but it is definitely lighter duty.
It is a transition, and one I’m finally doing better with. The neighborhood 4th parties became to much for me after about 70 people started coming. The first year we stopped hosting was hard…we felt like we had to hide. Then we took the 4th stuff on the road to our son’s lake house, and that was fun while it lasted. So now I’m with your mom…..coming home to a clean quiet house is nice. And we can leave when we want to, imagine that!
Hi, 1864 house!!
Sorry to take so long to approve your comment. I am one of those people who has a mean boss and who has to work on holidays!!! Now I am away from my desk.
I will have the moose admin send you an email with your account information later this afternoon. In the meantime you can continue posting comments as a guest.
Did you see the president’s speech on the front page? I am waiting for the transcript from whitehouse.gov then I will update the post and add some photos I “found” on the Internets. :)
No problem! I was out anyway.
P.S. Tell your “boss” that you should take a holiday.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday, the Fourth of July …
It is 60 degrees in Madison on its way up to 83. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. No matter how nice it is, we will sleep with the air conditioning on to block out the sounds of fireworks.
Surprise! Associates of “lone wolf” killer Dylann Roof may be charged as accomplices in the Charleston massacre. In a just world, those who promoted the lies of Civil War revisionists would be charged as accomplices, along with everyone who flies the flag which became a symbol to protest the Civil Rights movement. While I was browsing the White House web site this morniing, I was reminded that July 2nd was the anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That act led to a mass exodus of racists from the Democratic Party and led to a re-invigoration of the Republican Party which welcomed them with open arms and won the presidency in 5 out of the next 6 election cycles. They are planning, once again, to use the politics of racial animus as their ticket to the White House with their not-veiled-at-all shoutouts to the racists and the xenophobes.
I think I will freshen up and rerun a post I wrote last year as a reminder on this Independence Day that the day we are celebrating was just one small step towards a more perfect union … and that we have a lot more to make as we enter our 240th year as a nation.
See all y’all later!
Good morning Meese – today I celebrate the day that Louis Armstrong celebrated as his birthday.
It’s damp and chilly here – we are headed to a BBQ nearby – but it will probably be indoors since rain is on the weather agenda.
Glad to see Feds are on the case. Thanks Jan. Very sick of lone wolf talk.
Good morning, Moosekind! Raining hard here in NoVa, current temp 69 F., going up to 75. Today will be a good day to tidy up my “Awful,” as I term my office, in between naps. Yes, incredible as it may seem, I’ve yet another cold starting. The Littles have passed one back and forth between them and now I have it. Luckily, I have the next three days off so I can pop cold pills and take it easy.
Will make a blueberry cake for the block party, which starts at 6:30 this evening. I hope the rain stops in time for that, as it’s supposed to. In my neighborhood we unfortunately have to endure random fireworks for the next couple of weeks. That’s why I hate them.
Hope everyone will have a good Fourth!
Good morning, Meese. Hope it is a good day for the pond and beyond. For this part of the pond it’s balance lessonss day
Continue healing! Do you know yet when they will release you from rehab?
Eating breakfast, watching the Tour de France. I hate that Jens Voigt retired, but he is doing commentary his year, so that is cooler in some ways. He was talking about reading a Star Wars book….. He is a very cool & smart rider. It is 95 degrees there today & has been really hot in France this year, I feel bad for the riders. If they’re lucky, it’ll rain to cool things off. Then they get to ride on those tiny thin wheels, and sometimes on cobblestones.
I really should actually do something today. Or maybe I’ll start my free month of Netflix & watch Sense8 & Daredevil. After Le Tour, of course.
Good morning, it’s 61 and sunny in Bellingham today. I may join the kids in the wading pool this afternoon though as it will be in the 80’s and that’s hot.
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Happy Fourth, princesspat!! The 80s is hot. I would not do well in the southern part of our country for any number of reasons but the heat would probably be reason number one.
this was really not a good idea
I suspect that there will be some uncomfortable questions. I also suspect that George StepInAwfulness (h/t Diana in NoVa) will not pass any of them along to Gov. Perry. Must. Maintain. Access.
I’m trying to figure out a question to ask/way of phrasing it that won’t get me banned from Twitter