Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
WH goes off on Repubs and Trump :)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGefxFwOOZ4?rel=0&w=420&h=315%5D
Jan – how do I make these embeds smaller when I post them with link?
The link has a mind of its own and, sadly, in preview it does not tell you what it is going to do! I use the Embed, which usually gives you a 420 width.
If you want to use the direct link, put “[youtube " in front of it and "?&w=420]” in back of it.
I have on my list of Things To Do, to enhance our comment features by adding an “image” and a “video” button. Those, in my opinion, are important parts of our commenting experience.
If I could understand that – I’d do it lol
Ha!!! You will have to wait for the new buttons. :)
How can ANYONE take Donald Trump seriously?
His surname means “fart” in Britspeak. That’s the first thing I remember when I hear or see his name and it makes me laugh even before I read the rest of the story.
A fitting name for a fellow who is, metaphorically speaking, a seven-letter word meaning “anal aperture.”
I’m glad some Repubs love him – he’s a great recruiting tool for Dems :)
Homeward bound, Portlaw? Three cheers for you! Hope you are feeling quite well and not in any pain. It is going to be a lovely weekend in NY, not too much sun or humdity. Hope you can enjoy some of it.
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s 74 F. here, going up to 82 F. on a truly beautiful summer day with blue skies and low humidity.
Had to cancel today’s lunch with the Circle Sisters, owing to a rotten night. This is the first cold I’ve ever had that’s become worse instead of better as time goes on. Last night I noticed that I had a sore throat. Quickly undertook all the usual remedies, then retired for the night. Even the prescription cough medicine couldn’t keep me from coughing. Feel a little better now after hot coffee, hot tea, and more cough med., but still not up to anything much. At least I can stare out the window at the beautiful day. If my head clears I might start writing later on.
Wishing a good weekend to all, with lots of sunshine to bfitz for the solar panels, lots of relaxation for Jan and Denise, restfulness for princesspat and Portlaw, and fast healing for anotherdemocrat.
Lots of warm liquids (have garlic soup for a long lunch – if your spousal unit can deal with that :) it’s a fist of garlic simmered in a quart of chicken stock), naps, and maybe take a walk (or one of those naps) in the sunshine. And of course healing energy coming your way.
I hope you feel better soon! It is frustrating when your plan to just wait it out does not work. I have a sore foot that I am trying to do the same thing with and it is being very stubborn.
Looking out at the beauty of the day will surely provide some comfort!!
oh dear — sorry you are under the weather! Big hug and healing waves
78 heading for 80 and the sun is shining in Fay., AR! Walked in and may walk home again (depending on humidity/heat index). Things are calming down and are so much better than they were this time last year in the office – there is just no comparison. Heading for home (both Portlaw and anotherdemocrat soon if not already) is such a good thing both physically in real time and symbolically in “mind time” – just totally adds to the good feeling of this day. :) Hope everyone has a good Friday and a good Weekend. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 59 and cloudy in Bellingham today. The moist cool air from my window feels nice this morning. Thanks to a painful arthritis flare up in his wrist RonK is now sporting a brace and a sling so yesterday wasn’t as restful as we hoped it would be. Fortunately our grand son can now load his bike into the truck himself and after a quick trip to the bike shop for air in the tires and a seat adjustment he rode around the neighborhood while I watered the garden.
I’m going to the pool this morning, then we’ll try again to find some restful fun.
Ticker tape parade in NYC for World Cup Champion U.S. Women’s Soccer team
I’m home. It took 2.5 hours, lots of numbing cream & lydocaine. And I can’t wait to get enough food in my stomach for the tylenol3. He took some skin from the cheek & moved it to the hole. As soon as I finish my almond butter sandwich, I’m icing it.
Doesn’t sound comfortable, but definitely sounds better than what they were trying to do yesterday. Rest, rest and more rest to let your system heal – but then you knew that already. Moar healing energy headed your way.
it is an awkward place to ice, even with the rice bags & gel tubes, hmmmm
What about one of those gel face mask?
I have to kind of lean back to keep it on. But it hurts enough that I’ll try.
Get in a recliner or something so your body and neck are supported while you’re doing it – and don’t ice for more than 15 minutes at a time – otherwise the area will adjust to the cold and you’ll stop getting the benefit of the ice.
Good morning, meese! Saturday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison on its way up to 78. Afternoon thunderstorms in the forecast.
I hope that Portlaw is comfortably at home (no relapses, please!) and that Diana in Nova’s cold has finally left. Here is some good news to soothe whatever ails you:
Obama Permanently Protects More Than One Million Acres Of Public Lands. From the White House: FACT SHEET: President Obama Designates New National Monuments
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meese! It’s 69 F. on a rainy morning here in NoVa, although the sky is lightening even as I write. Going up to 81 F. today. Don’t much care what the weather’s like as my “cold” is so much worse. Have experienced new symptoms of a nature too off-putting to describe, so trotting to the doctor in an hour. Hope I’ll be given something to clear this thing up. I’m tired of it.
Jan, that’s good news about the public lands! Hope they’ll be beyond the reach of the Koch Criminal Enterprises. Love the picture of the California poppies. When I visited my friend in Lafayette, California, many years ago she took me to Mt. Diablo, where we saw the aforementioned poppies—a beautiful sight.
Hope it’s a good, relaxing day for all, including Portlaw and anyone else who may be ailing.
:( I hope the doctor can provide some relief!
I was delighted to see that poppy field on my Twitters last night! Poppies are magical, in my mind. A “field” of California poppies was part of the daily post I used to do on the GOS. Let me see if I can recreate it here:
For some reason I think the hover quote was from something that princesspat had found.
It’s so nice to see the poppies again! I don’t remember the finding the quote but I approve the message :)
Glad you are going to see the doctor. Hope you will be better soon. Also hope another’s surgical site is healing. A nurse is coming later today to help me with pain magement and at home phsical therapy. Finally got home yesterday we got tied up on the traffic jam from the ticker tape parade great news about the monuments. I just love president Obama hope it is a Google day for all in the pond and beyond
Eek Good not Google. Hate iPhones
LOL, Portlaw! Have just been sitting here thinking of us Meese Googling and giggling for all we’re worth.
Glad it was the iPhone and not you. Mine does the same thing to me.
Hope your therapy session goes well and that you will be more comfortable today.
It’s good to know you are home and continuing your recovery. RonK went to a “joint gym” at our PT clinic following his joint replacement surgeries. Fortunately getting him there wasn’t to difficult because in home PT wasn’t an option and as you know, PT following knee surgery is important.
2nd try at posting – Chrome shut down on me, grrrr
They told me to take off the outer bandage today. Wow is that side of my face swollen. Will be better about ice today. That may be all I do. 20 min ice, 30ish not. Anyway, I’m eating breakfast & watching the news. Can’t wait till today’s segment of Le Tour starts – I saw a report that yesterday a rider tested positive for cocaine. How stupid is that?
Healing thoughts headed your way
Good morning, it’s 60 and cloudy in Bellingham and I’m hoping for rain. It’s been so dry our garden has an end of summer look.
Our grand son will go home today, so after a busy morning of getting his laundry done (me), catching up with his on line math program (him), and planning for his next visit (in August) our house will be very quiet. I think we have more company coming later this month so I’ll change the beds and get the guest rooms ready and sort out the calendar tomorrow.
Ryan and I went to Jurrasic World yesterday afternoon…..an intense movie for me, but he loved it. The special effects were quite amazing, and as one review said, “…..the characters are paper thin, but they exist only to be munched!” I’m still muttering about the price of movie tickets but it was fun to be there with him regardless.
Let alone the price of movie popcorn!
The smell of popcorn in the lobby is irresistible, but the price is very annoying and the servings are huge! We split a small popcorn and drink combo and still had leftovers.