Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Tuesday. Very few thoughts in my head. Mostly listening to Miracle of Joey Ramone in my head. (warning, being a tribute to the Ramones, this is a loud song)
I heard that in addition to the veteran thing, Trump has also alienated religious people. He said he’s never sought God’s forgiveness for anything & that communion was just “eating a cracker”. Now, some of the non-liturgical denominations may not care about the communion crack, but those are the ones who care a lot about whether you’ve ever sought God’s forgiveness. Evangelicals care a lot that your beliefs are in line with theirs. And they have Ted Cruz to turn to. And Scott Walker, who just signed an abortion bill that they love. Hoping this is the straw that breaks Trump’s campaign’s back.
Me too, another.
I actually hope that Trump stays in for a while longer. We will only benefit from GOP=Crazy and Hateful and the longer he is in, the stronger that connection becomes.
I also have a personal reason … I want him to go after Walker and make him cry!! :)
p.s. The Wisconsin 20 week abortion ban will be struck down as it has been in about 5 other states and once at the appellate level. The Supreme Court refused to hear that appeal. It is just an extremely expensive lapel pin (that I will be paying for with my tax dollars as our Attorney General will have to defend it) for Walker to wear in Iowa showing his right-wing credentials.
Morning Meese
75 and very humid headed up to 90 here in Saugerties.
Have to go finish up Tuesday’s Chile so will just wave a quick hello!
Jan will try to copy and paste it here when finished.
Let me know if you need help, Dee! I will be around this morning but I will be shutting down about midday and will probably not be back online until I become a couch potato after supper.
Just remember: choose the Text tab and paste there. Then click to the Visual tab to see it.
Heck of a lot cooler today at 72 with no heat index than it’s been for weeks. Overcast, misting, and maybe rain shortly. We can use the rain and as long as it doesn’t last too long I don’t even mind about the decrease in electricity production! Got a bunch of stuff to do today that I’d planned on doing yesterday but… :) – I definitely will try to get back and read the new FP stuff. Have the good Tuesday {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, it’s 61 and cloudy in Bellingham today. RonK’s on his way to the gym and I’m going to stay lazy and read my book. The Tor re read is interesting to read as well. Each book is discussed chapter by chapter and even though the live conversation is long over reading the articles feels like being part of a book group. The series has 10 books, and they are all written so I’ll be well entertained.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
It is a delightful 63 degrees in Madison on its way up to 82. Partly cloudy skies in the forecast. I slept with windows open two nights in a row and avoided air conditioning all day yesterday. Moar, please.
The Sandra Bland video was released (Mother Jones has a write-up on it here). I read the accounts but I can’t watch the video because watching a young woman being mistreated and realizing that she would soon be dead because of police misconduct would be more than I can handle. This is all I needed to know: “Texas state Sen. Royce West said that the dash cam footage showed that Bland should not have been taken into police custody.” She was and she died in jail. I hope her family sues everyone involved. It really underscores why the “hecklers” at NN15 wanted to make sure that they were heard. One woman demonstrator shouted out “Jobs and college don’t stop the police from killing me!”. :(
John Kasich makes 16! Apparently his launch speech was rambling and incoherent which prompted a wag on Twitter to suggest that the teleprompter jab at President Obama was a boon for the Democratic Party because no Republican wants to be seen using one, with disastrous results.
The Iranian nuclear agreement went to Congress and the Republican presidential candidates are falling all over themselves claiming they will “repeal” it the very second they are inaugurated. The American people actually support the agreement (and don’t want another war in the middle east) so I am not sure how the eventual nominee can pivot away from his warmongering after the primary. The optics of a President Walker bombing Tehran at 12:01pm on January 20, 2017 will result in a landslide … for our nominee.
See all y’alls later!!
Apparently there is evidence that the video was edited to allow the arresting officer a chance to insert his own commentary in a faux contemporaneous way: NBC: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video. I laughed bitterly at what Sandra Bland had been arrested for: “assaulting a public servant.” If you read the accounts, there is no “public servant” in that video, only a badged bully.
And the so called public servant stopped this young woman in the first place because she didn’t signal that she was changing a lane??????? Nothing will bring her young life back but justice has to be done in her name and soon.
Morning Meese
Ir has cooled off a bit here – it is 62 this morning – but the best part is the awful humidity has dropped – I love heat but can’t take the humid.
Very tired from dealing with the swarm of CT that is swirling around the #BLM demo.
Felt bad for Elon who had to write a diary to defend himself
I caught that on my Twitter last night and read it. It is wearying. After reading about what happened to Sandra Bland, I can see why BLM wanted those in attendance to #SayHerName. I don’t know what the answer is to when it is appropriate to demonstrate for your cause but the phrase “you should know your place!” keeps rising unbidden every time I attempt to create a set of rules. The candidates should have known the story and been able to say her name. They should NOT be like Scott Walker saying “I can’t weigh in on every news story or social issue!”
The CT meme of #BLM activists as paid operatives of Hillary is running wild in some people’s heads.
I noticed they were attacking BlackTwitter with the “Bernie Bashers are Hillary Clinton Supporters trying to derail Bernie’s campaign” accusation, also. And I can tell you for a fact that those folks are NOT pro-Hillary. They are trying to get Joe Biden to run!
Meanwhile the National Review seems to be calling Bernie a Nazi http://www.salon.com/2015/07/21/national_review_just_called_bernie_sanders_a_nazi_hes_driven_by_political_hatred/
The swift boating has begun.
Bernie is Jewish. How can he be a Nazi? You know what? Some people need to get a job.
I have no enthusiasm for a Biden run. What is wrong with our party that we do not have a wide bench full of young progressive politicians who are ready to run and lead? There are some not quite ready but we seem to have skipped a generation.
There is more than just one cause. Part of it is the obscene amount of money a presidential candidate needs these days: young, talented politicians can’t attract that kind of money just by being young and talented. The other part of it is that President Obama is truly a new kind of Democrat and his presidency has not just transformed the country but his party. The Jim Webbs and Martin O’Malleys are finding that out. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are long time pols who have adapted to the reality of the new Obama Democratic Party but they both come with baggage from the bad old days, which I include the Bill Clinton administration in. The 24/7 spotlight is clearing the field of candidates who might have a blemish or two and don’t want to subject themselves or their families to the scrutiny that a campaign would bring. Bernie has a message but it is only one piece of a platform and it is not enough to build a national candidacy on. And he isn’t even a Democrat so his presence on our bench is by default!
2016 will be a maintenance year. We will “hire” a Democratic president who will hold steady and improve on the Obama years and who will keep the seat warm for the next wave: Kamala Harris, Julián Castro, and others who are learning the tools of the trade. We will get there eventually.
I would still rather be us than the Republicans who are having to run on discredited policy ideas and hoping that enough scared white folks stay alive long enough to vote them back into power.
You are certainly right about the factor that money plays in all of this. You may be
right that
although I am not sure that either Biden or Clinton will stick with the Obama legacy. They want their own, naturally enough, and they may not be in step with some of his greatest achievements, in my book, in foreign policy and the environment.
But these are early days and we shall see. For now, I am supporting Sanders. He has earned by respect.
Yes! The humidity is the difference here as well. When it is 79 degrees and dry it is comfortable and you can keep the windows open all day. When it is 79 degrees and humid it is unbearable.
yeah – humidity — we already have heat index temps in the 80s before sunrise…..
Ha!! I almost added to my comment that “any minute now anotherdemocrat will be adding her two cents about how miserable it is in Texas”!!!! I remember being in Houston for a vendor presentation once and my bedside alarm went off with the news and weather and it was already over 90 with over 90 humidity at 6am. I cannot imagine living in that climate.
Yep. This evening’s workout, it’ll feel like 105. Blech. The weather person was saying that she was checking out what the conditions are for issuing a heat advisory, and they vary so much from place to place. Here, it’s heat index of 108.
I was very impressed with Elon James White’s response.
Good morning, Meese! It’s 68 F. here in NoVa on a beautiful non-humid morning, going for a high of 87 F. A Splash Party for the Littles is scheduled for this afternoon on our patio—at least the two bigger Littles, Miss Pink Cheeks and her cousin Brendan. Babylicious doesn’t seem to like water.
Appalled and saddened by the dashcam video footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest. She failed to signal a lane change? People ahead of me do that at least once every time I drive longer than five minutes! Every day! But oh wait, Ms. Bland was African-American, so she was an automatic suspect in this country. That poor woman! She had been so happy at the thought of her new job. I’m convinced she was murdered and that the police are covering up.
All police officers should be fired and replaced with people who can pass a non-racism test.
We had good news about DIL yesterday. The results of the tests came back and she and the fetus are just fine. She can go to her full term, which occurs at the end of next week, without interference. We are so relieved and thankful. Thanks for all your good mojo for her and Cousin in Connecticut, who has a long road ahead of her, but is back on Facebook, posting and responding.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
Wonderful news about DIL!!! Now you can really enjoy the splash party!
Eating breakfast, drinking tea. Still shaking my head over the Sandra Bland video. As Joy Reid pointed out, these “standards of behavior” are selectively enforced. And she wasn’t even being rude or disrespectful — she was asking questions. The clip my local news showed, the officer was way out of control.
Ironic that the last song played in the car as I came into work was Love and Peace (or Else). Here’s the full lyrics but: And I wonder where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Love and peace
have I mentioned that I love my boys?
Well, I already was planning on watching Le Tour this evening
Le Tour this evening, because MSNBC’s big, exciting thing is that Rachel will be interviewing……. Rick Santorum. After All In & TRMS spent all their candidate time yesterday talking about the R candidates. Sigh. I heard there’s a liberal network somewhere? (Steve Kornacki actually said “set your dvr to record this!” really???)
Anyway, the American who was in 2nd for most of the Tour, fell to 3rd 2 days ago, had to withdraw today because of illness. Deeply, deeply bummed for Tejay, he was having such a good Tour. And honestly — cute boys in spandex will always win over any interview with a Republican.
MSNBC is not liberal. They have a handful of liberal hosts like Maddow but they make even them “balance” liberal and right-wing. And their right-wingers like Scarborough and Matthews? Meh.
I couldn’t believe it last night, when Kornacki said he had an exciting program note about Wednesday night — and it’s an interview with a rwnj. They really have no idea who their audience is.
Good morning, it’s 61 cloudy and windy in Bellingham today. I could close some windows, but the combination of old wood windows (some with broken sash cords) inset screens (some don’t fit well), and heavy wood storm windows with hinged opening hardware (some are broken so I’ve wired them in place) means the windows just stay in summer mode until I close them in the fall. It’s breezy indoors, but we have lots of fresh air!
We are going to see Lucinda Williams perform at the Mt Baker Theatre tonight. I love the music from her new cd, Where The Spirit Meets The Bone.
I am debating what to do with the windows right now. It is 76 degrees out and still pleasant but it is supposed to get to 80. I hate to wait too long because it is more costly to cool down a warm house but I really want to continue to enjoy the outside air and sounds.
Maybe I should just take a nap!
Had stuff waiting for me when I walked in the door so late checking in – it’d have been cool enough to open the windows this morning if it hadn’t also been raining fit to bust itself :) I did open the carport door and the kittehs had to be satisfied with that. It’s starting to clear off and warm up but still not quite 80, heat index 85. Got some chances of rain still, but diminishing. Hopefully I’ll get to walk in tomorrow or even walk home this afternoon if it doesn’t get too hot. Haven’t had a good walk since last Friday.
The QC I am thankfully no longer a part of is following it’s neo-fascist policies to their desired outcome – having underfunded everything last year over my repeated and strenuous protest, the departments are now running out of money and the QC is refusing to fund them for the rest of the year. That way they get to shut down the “non-essential” things like the Animal Shelter and the transit system. The reason I call them neo-fascist is real fascists wouldn’t be shutting down services. There’s a reason why businesses have been coming to Washington County instead of the much lower taxed and even prettier Madison County next door. Washington County has a tax base and (had) decent services that businesses need. Madison County has no taxes and no services – they had to shut down their jail last year (guess who’s taking their prisoners) – and no growth. sigh.
Hope the Meeses and their kin are doing well this day. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison on its way up to 84. Mostly sunny skies in the forecast.
I am not sure what I find most disturbing about Lindsey Graham setting his cell phone on fire and putting it in a blender after Donald Trump gave out his phone number: that a guy who wants to be president in 2017 does not know that you can get a new number for your phone … or thinking that releasing a video of yourself doing dangerous things to an electronic device somehow elevates the discourse in the GOP Clown Primary. p.s. Marco Rubio is a jerk.
New York! $15 minimum wage for fast food workers!! Organizing and protesting works!!!
Al Jazeera covers the Young Lords exhibition:
See all y’all later!!
We have a sellout crowd of over 300 coming to the women’s panel this evening at the Bronx Museum – am finishing my writing and then heading down to the city at around 2:30
Will have lots to report tomorrow!
Thanks for the AlJaz link!
Can you crosspost your “report” here? I would love to read it!
Moi aussi, Denise!
NY Times covered it too
Am totally impressed!
duh – didn’t see this till now – sorry about repeat post
No problem! It bears repeating. :) Plus repeating it let me post another link, something that the NY Times linked to.
Good morning, all. It’s in the high sixties heading for the low eighties.
Am waiting for someone to come to take my blood for testing. The tech was supposed to be here at six so I got up early and got dressed and, of course, am still waiting.
Very exciting news about the three exhibits on the Young Lords. When I am able to walk around an exhibit will definitely go and see them. I love the Museo del Barrio. They have one of the best cafes of all the museums!
Hope it’s a good day for all in the Pond and beyond,
I think that Dee mentioned that she would be at the opening of one of the exhibits and my (very poor) memory seems to think it will be on the 23rd, which is today.
Portlaw, Portlaw, Portlaw … you know the rule about medical procedures. YOU have to be ready when they want you to be ready but there is no respect for your time. I had an acquaintance who was scheduled for surgery one time who was told to arrive at the hospital at 6am … for a 1pm surgery. She questioned why she had to be there so early and the scheduling person said “Dr. SoAndSo wants all his surgical patients available in case he finishes early and wants to start in on the next patient”. So his patients sit around for 7 hours so he can go play a round of golf if he finishes early??? His nurses actually hated it because they had all these rooms filled with people waiting for surgery and needing tending. My friend said she would take her chances at her regular time and insisted that they schedule her at a more sensible time. They did so but grudgingly.
yup – it is this evening
“Women of the Young Lords: The Revolution within the Revolution”
Nice picture! And it’s sold out!
Good morning, Meese! It’s 62 F. on another glorious July morning, going up to 86 F., but with low humidity. Yesterday and today we’ve had the a.c. off. It’s so nice to have open windows and fans—we’re really enjoying it.
At dusk yesterday Miss Pink Cheeks and I sat on the screened porch eating popcorn and waiting for the fireflies to appear—as pleasant a way to spend a summer evening as any I know.
We had stir-fry for dinner last night and I’m pleased to report that it was mostly home grown. Miss PC picked the yellow squash and pulled the carrots and the one spring onion we had left, and I had picked the the zucchini the day before. Grandpa had dug the new potatoes, which tasted fine.
So Trump is headed for the Mexican border today? As much as I actively despise Trump, I had to snigger when he said Rick Perry only put on those glasses to “look smart.” I can’t wait for the August 6 debate, it’s going to be better than the movies.
Still feeling outraged and grieved by what happened to Sandra Bland. I think the truth is much, much worse than the official story that’s being disseminated. That officer should be jailed and his badge taken away.
Must rush to get dressed. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and beyond!
I love firefly weather! They are so magical looking …
The Sandra Bland case is heartrending. The news accounts showing her smiling face and then the beaten down look on her jail photos. I am not sure what they will find out about her death (there are lots of questions left) but I am 100% convinced that she would be alive today if she been a white woman rather than a black woman. And THAT is terrible and must stop. So I will #SayHerName but, JHC on a popsicle stick, why do the battles for causes so important to survival, racial justice and reproductive freedom, have to be fought over and over and over again?
Eating breakfast drinking tea. My physical yesterday was disappointing — I have to get my cholesterol down by October or they’ll put me on medication. So — another try at vegan-ness is forthcoming. And more than twice a week exercise. Sigh. Oh, and my potassium is too high. Lucky I already hate bananas, but the potato soup also has to go, and other high potassium foods.
The Chandra Observatory caught something interesting: a pulsar punching a hole in a stellar disk. Cool. Scary.
So, tomorrow I’ll being my Engine 2 Diet book to work & plan next week’s lunch & dinner from it. It has good recipes.
You too, another? I hate eating bananas out of hand. I can tolerate them sliced and gussied up with whipped cream and dustings of chocolate and cinnamon for dessert, or sliced on cereal for breakfast, but otherwise—no.
Have frozen some bananas, intending to make Banana Soft Serve in a food processor. Apparently you whiz bananas and nothing else for five minutes in the processor and presto! Banana ice cream.
Nope, can’t deal with them at all, in any form. I’ve even put a note by the trash container in the office, asking people not to throw away banana peels here, because I can smell them all day & they make me feel ill. Which is fine, since nothing with high potassium is now on my menu.
80 heading for 90 in Fay., AR – the heat index is already 90 so my bet is triple digits again by the time I get off work. I walked in today but the humidity was already high enough at 7 am to make it uncomfortable. I quipped to the new Chair that in the summer it’s either too hot to walk or raining and that’s not far off. The Animal Shelter Director told me not to come to the meeting tonight – the new QC has already insulted her, said she’s wasted the money/her staff has stolen it and she just looked the other way/she’s a liar – and she didn’t want me subjected to those people. Instead she and the Judge’s assistant asked me to write a letter to be entered into the record of the meeting tonight. I went one better – I sent them the letter this morning and then submitted it to the newspaper as well (although there’s no guarantee they’ll print it). ALL Libertarians should be transported to the Enterprise Holodeck – where’s Commander Scott when you need him? – so they can live out their fantasies without hurting anybody!
Have fun Denise, feel better soon Portlaw and anotherdemocrat, and {{{HUGS}}} to everybody in Moosylvania.
Good morning, it’s 61 and mostly clear in Bellingham today. My ears are still ringing from last night’s concert! I expected to hear the songs from Lucinda’s new cd……East side of Town is a favorite……but Rock ‘n Roll Lucinda came to play. Her band was tight (and very loud) and they played for about 3 hrs. It was really fun, but today will be a recovery day :)
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 84. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
The Sandra Bland case gets more, rather than less, complicated after the release of the official autopsy. The family, and maybe the Justice Department, will be conducting their own.
Today the president will be in Africa starting a 4 day trip that includes a visit to the village of his father. He is expected to promote solar energy.
Jeb(!) Bush would like to eliminate Medicare! Couple that with Chris Christie wanting to cut Social Security and we can see that the Republican Party platform is essentially unchanged since the Ryan Republican Budget was proposed in 2011. Why anyone over 65 would vote for them is beyond me. The latest Pew polls shows Republicans underwater in popularity but they were in 2013 after they shut down the government and paid no price in 2014. People need to remember that the only polls that matter are the ones they walk into in November. Although I have to admit that this makes me smile:

See all y’all later!
The president wrote an op-ed in The Root in advance of his Africa trip:
p.s. Looks like he knows that Africa is a continent and not a country.
Now Trump can ramp up his Birther Brigade
Glad to see POTUS doing this
Hubby and I made it home from the museum panel at midnight – it was a sold-out event – they had to put part of the crowd into an overflow room with live streaming
Was elated to see so many young people who are into activism – or interested in becoming activists. Museum staff said there were about 500 people.
Coinciding with the event – NY Times had a piece that came out online – guess it will be in the paper this weekend
When the Young Lords Were Outlaws in New York
I saw that article! You got a nice writeup. Here is what I posted upthread:
I couldn’t get the livestream, it was on something called periscope.tv which wanted me to download an app to my smartphone. Do you know if it will be on YouTube? If you find it, please let me know. Thanks!!
As I just said in a comment to Jan, am totally impressed!!! Good for you, then and now! Also thrilled to hear that so many young people were there and not just those reliving their youth. When you are not so tired, would love to hear more. Will check out the Times. You deserve a day off so take it!!!
That article (surprisingly, because the NY Times is a notorious non-linker) led me to a web site called “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry”, promoting a movie of that name. Dee has a page there:
Don’t you love the Internets?? Thanks, Al Gore … for inventing them. :)
Great photos!!!
yes – was really stunned they linked – sent an email to Mary Dore – the filmmaker to let her know – it is one of the only films to cover 2nd Wave feminists and include women of color as part of that history
I have the link up in a tab. Lots of great stuff there! It will take a while to read it all.
Here’s a trailer to the movie:
I love this part: “You are not allowed to retire from women’s issues”.
And the faces: “This is what a feminist looks like” … awesome!!
This looks like a great place to chime in :) – Except I don’t know where to start!
Denise – Congratulations on such a wonderful turnout and panel and museum exhibit. Those then-and-now photos of you are great. You have definitely aged with grace. I don’t know about “beautiful when angry” although I am very well aware that’s a male put-down line as my ex used it on me more than once, but I personally would be scared as hell of you angry! I’m only 4 years younger than you are but my political awareness (that I thought at the time was so good) was still focused on Vietnam and I was mostly occupied with having babies and getting Jimmy Carter elected in the 1970s. I was naive enough to believe the racial problems were over with the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, desegregation of my high school and neighborhood in the 1960s – in the 1970s during the 4 years my ex was UTPD his best friend and classmate from officer commissioning school was black, I was actually the only white person working in the mailroom at TX Teacher Retirement, so everything was OK, right? Sigh. Thanks to you and others I know how far we have to go yet, have to look hard to see any progress at all. And I do mean thanks. I’d rather know we have a big problem even if I don’t know what I can do about it than not know and maybe make it worse. From then to now “you done good” and are one of the best examples out there to young women as to how it’s done.
Thank you! Just being open and honest with your sharing helps . I’m tired of fighting on the internets with people who tell me everything is fixed “because Obama” – heh
Yeah, you got your black president!!! You want racial justice now, too???!!??? :::sigh:::
Funny thing about words. They are supposed to mean something. And the last line of the Pledge of Allegiance that we had to say at least daily all the time I was going to public school is “with freedom and justice for all” – I always thought “all means all”.
Doing my best, which isn’t good enough but it’s what I can do. And yeah, I’ve heard the “because Obama” nonsense – just tells me to gird my loins and get ready for the (increased) anti-feminism backlash when/if Hillary gets elected and certainly doesn’t convince me however much it may convince people who want to pretend there isn’t a problem.
heh – no rest for the weary
Am trying to figger out how to get pics off of my cell phone – I am so clueless
I always email the photos to myself (using Share link), pick them up on my computer and then put them in my photo account. The other way requires cables and too much messing around.
am trying to do that – sending to my gmail (which I rarely look at – but it takes big files) – some are coming through – others not – I’m doing something wrong – will try again
Don’t send them all at once. The quality photos are pretty big and exceed some limits.
Brava, Denise! Hope to come back later and check out your link, as today is a no-baby day. You’re an inspiration to us all.
the women who were there on the panel were awesome – and the young women who came were very vocal in support
What is so strange to me is to see an entire audience holding up cell phones – heh