Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, meese! Saturday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 82. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I don’t know about all y’all but I am growing weary of the Trumpapalooza. When you peel away the vulgarity and ugliness … you are left with more vulgarity and more ugliness! I hope that the people who are going to see him are simply wanting to witness a spectacle and not embracing his hateful rhetoric.
Scott Walker was “tired” and didn’t answer the way his billionaire sugar daddies wanted him to and now is maybe/could-be/who-the-hell-knows against being against birthright citizenship. People in Wisconsin are enjoying watching him flail helplessly on the national stage. He had been quite successful in staying one step ahead of the lazy press in Wisconsin but all his chickens are coming home to roost because when you cast yourself as presidential, you put a big target on your back. Schadenfreude is delicious.
Portlaw, Claire McCaskill came out for the Iran anti-nuke deal, bringing the total to 26. Here is a WaPo chart keeping up with the tally: Congress unlikely to override an Obama veto in Iran nuclear fight — for now. I suppose if the AP keeps publishing Judith Miller-like lies, things might change but for now it looks good for peace.
I miss President Obama and hope he comes back from vacation soon … our political discourse lacks intelligence and gravitas when he gone! Next week he will be going to New Orleans on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina to talk to the people there. NPR has been doing a series on the Katrina aftermath and Al Jazeera has been covering it as well.
See all y’alls later!
Happy Saturday, Meese. It’s headed for the mid=eighties here.
Jan, I was very happy with the news that McCaskill is on board for peace. Why everyone isn’t, is a disgrace. Many Europeans think we are a war loving nation.
And, I don’t have to be reminded of The Donald’s vulgarity. He has put up buildings here that make even the usual bad taste look OK!!
Hope it’s a good day for all in the Pond and all Beyond.
I was surprised at McCaskill … she is not a very progressive Democrat and is on the wrong side of many of the issues I care about. But we shall call her “ally” today.
It is no surprise that Europeans think us to be a warlike nation – we are!! When I was in Washington DC last year, one of the exhibits in one of the museums I was in (American History Museum?) was “America at War”. Good lord, what a long and depressing history of wars in our country!! My daughter asked me why there were so many wars – good question. Some wars were necessary (Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWII) but so many were simply to gain land or power or just to fill the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex.
Many of the Senators weighing in on the side of the Iranian peace deal are stating clearly that they feel an obligation to try everything to avoid sending our military into another war. I think Iraq may have taken the bloom of the endless war rose for a lot of people. We can only hope.
Boggles the Mind!
Headline in Bloomberg News
I hope that some of them are the billionaires funding the 2016 candidates and that they find they can’t afford the luxury of owning a Walker, a Santorum or a Perry of their own. :)
Good morning, Moosekind—it’s a blue-and-gold day here in NoVa, current temp. 58 F., going up to 85 F., with low humidity. Yay! Open doors and windows today!
Jan, you used the word “gravitas.” Two people on GOS mocked me for using it in connection with Secretary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Their diaries are always on the Rec list there, no matter how poorly spelled, vituperative, etc. Ugh. Nowadays I stay away from the Rec list.
Portlaw, I hope France as a nation has a somewhat improved view of the USA this morning after two (or three?) American soldiers disarmed that terrorist on the train. It could have been so much worse than it was! Hope the wounded soldier will recover quickly.
It’s simply staggering about the people turning out to see Trump. They wear his t-shirts. One, interviewed on TV, said, “We’re going to take our country back.” Back from WHAT?
Busy day ahead. We had dinner at the retirement community last evening and the food was as good as everyone says. We’re still not sure whether we can afford to move there, but we’re continuing to look into it. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
We had open windows yesterday until about 3pm and then opened them back up at 8pm for overnight. Today we will keep them open as long as possible – I love the sounds of the outdoors and the feel of fresh air.
I see nothing wrong with our candidates being decent human beings and conducting their campaigns with dignity. But I would never expect such a thing from social media including blogs, Twitter, and the like. The presidential race is a marathon, not a sprint, and people getting overly excited about their candidates now risk burning out. The news from the last week actually made it easier … I can now ignore stories that have “email” or “server” in the headline or first paragraph thus cutting down my reading by about 30%. :)
Tech Reminder: I will be running an upgrade of the web site to the newest version of WordPress, version 4.3, later today, probably after 1pm Eastern. I upgraded my business WP site this morning and it ran flawlessly but this site is much more complicated. So if the site is offline, keep trying. I expect it to take about 20 minutes, longer if I have to rebuild some of the settings.
If there are serious problems, I will post something on the Motley Moose Facebook page here: The Motley Moose – Progress Through Politics
Upgrade is done!! It took, literally, 10 seconds to run.
Good morning, 57 and sunny in Bellingham. We enjoyed the evening on the patio last night, but summer is ending. The air is cooler, the light has changed, the seed pods are falling from the maple trees, and the summer blooming flowers are spent. It’s time to replace them with winter pansies and burgundy mums.
The fires burning in Wa State are very alarming. Our nephew is managing an equipment team for the Kettle Complex Fire so needless to say we are watching the news very closely.
princesspat, I immediately think of you when the news mentions forest fires in Washington state, and hope that you’re all okay and not breathing smoke pollution.
How awful…winter rains can’t come soon enough. Eek, I’d better be careful, the winter rains might be too heavy!