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From the White House – Weekly Address
In this week’s address, the President spoke to the economic progress that our country has made, from 13 million new jobs created over the past five and a half years, to 17 states raising the minimum wage. Congress needs to do its part to continue to help grow the economy, but instead left town last month with a great deal undone. Congress failed to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank, which enjoys bipartisan support and is tasked solely with creating American jobs by growing exports. And most pressingly, the Republican Congress failed to uphold their most basic responsibility to fund the government, leaving them only a few weeks once they return to pass a budget, or shut down the government for the second time in two years. The President made clear that Congress needs to get to work on behalf of the American people and reach a budget agreement that relieves the harmful sequester cuts and keeps our economy growing.
Transcript: Weekly Address: It’s Time for Congress To Pass a Responsible Budget
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address, The White House, August 22, 2015Hi, everybody. Seven years after the worst economic crisis in generations, our economy continues to grow and create jobs. In fact, our businesses have created 13 million new jobs over the past five and a half years.
But if we want to keep this momentum going – to make sure that working families feel like their hard work is being rewarded with a basic sense of security – then we all need to do our part.
That’s why my Administration has been partnering with states and cities to help grow the middle class. Over the past few years, nearly 20 cities and counties have implemented paid sick days. Six states have enacted paid sick days or paid family leave. Seventeen states, and more than two dozen cities and counties, have raised their minimum wage. All of this will help working families. And across the country, folks are proving that preparing all our kids for the future doesn’t have to be a partisan issue. Seattle, a city with a Democratic mayor, just passed universal pre-k, while Indianapolis, a city with a Republican mayor, is starting citywide preschool scholarships. All told, 34 states have increased funding for preschool. And that’s good for all of us.
Now, we need Congress to do its part to boost the economy, as well. Unfortunately, Congress left town for five full weeks – and they left behind a stack of unfinished business. For the first time ever, Congress failed to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. That left thousands of business owners and their employees at a serious disadvantage compared to their competitors overseas. That’s not good for jobs. It’s not good for our economy. When it returns from recess, reauthorizing the bank ought to be a top agenda for members of Congress.
Congress also hasn’t passed a budget – and when they return from vacation, they’ll only have a few weeks to do so, or shut down the government for the second time in two years. They’ve had all year to do this. Months ago, I put forward a detailed plan to strengthen our economy and our national security in a fiscally responsible way. And for months, I’ve said I will veto any budget that locks in the sequester—those senseless cuts to domestic and national security priorities. Remember, we can’t cut our way to prosperity. We should be investing in things that help our economy grow today and tomorrow, like education or infrastructure or scientific research.
Democrats in Congress have made it clear they’re ready to sit down and work with Republicans to find common ground on this. After all, Americans expect Congress to help keep our country strong and growing – not threaten to shut down our government. When Congress gets back, they should prevent a shutdown, pass a responsible budget, and prove that this is a country that looks forward – a country that invests in our future, and keeps our economy growing for all Americans.
Thanks, everybody and have a great weekend.
Bolding added.
The week ahead:
I don’t share the president’s optimism that Congress has either the will or the wherewithal to pass a responsible budget.
With states struggling to find money to repair their roads and bridges, the “responsible” Congress passed a kick-it-down-the-road patch to the highway budget that is making planning impossible.
And with the silly season upon us as the 2016 presidential race heats up, we are more likely to see the government shut down over defunding Planned Parenthood than anything approaching “reasonableness”.
Thanks for this, Jan! Is it likely that Congress will pass a responsible budget? They’re proud of themselves for being so obstructionist during Obama’s tenure in the White House. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to spoil their record.
Cruz is even threatening to shut down the government over defunding Planned Parenthood. The thing I’m most grateful for this summer is how The Vulgarian has sucked all the “outrage factor” from the campaigns of Teddy, Scotty, and Jebby. No one is interested in anything they have to say.
We’ve got to persuade people to vote Democratic down ballot. Madam President will need all the help she can get.
It is one of the reasons I support Hillary Clinton: she understands that you need a Democratic Congress to get things done and she has as her goal party building as well as winning the presidency. Oh, how I wish someone would re-hire Howard Dean and put the 50-state strategy back in place! Part of the reason we are doing so horribly in state legislatures and governorships is because instead of keeping Howard Dean, the national party put Tim “Yawn” Kaine in charge of the DNC. He had no vision and no understanding of how Barack Obama got elected: by going to every single state to campaign in the primary and the general election. Democrats in red states need to know that there is hope and you build that hope by having the national party show some interest in you.
You are so right, Jan! Kaine got the job because he supported Obama in the primaries; he should have been left alone to continue as governor of the Commonwealth. As a result, he did neither job very well. He is now a U.S. senator in Virginia, along with Mark Warner, but they are Dinos. Neither has the vision of Howard Dean.
In the News: Trump rises in the Reuter poll …
Someone needs to explain to people about “birthright billions”. This:
No, you just have to be a member of the lucky sperm club and have a rich father. It has nothing to do with brain power.
In the News: “Deeply Christian” candidate wants to take out illegal immigrants with drones …
Oh, Jesus.
In the News: Texas denies birthright citizenship, families ask judge for help …
Gad…I used to regard Oklahoma as the armpit of the country but Texas is quickly overtaking it. However, one must remember that the Castro brothers come from Texas, and they are good. I’d like to see one of them become the Veep. Problem is, I can’t remember their names because both their names begin with “J”!
We will all need to memorize the codes to create the “á” and the “í”.
Julián Castro and Joaquín Castro … I like both of them!
In the News: Moab recreational area to be protected …
Excellent news!
In the News: Bernie Sanders in South Carolina …
In the News: Hey, Trump! The Koch brothers are not so into you …
Here, let me fix that for you, Mr. Phillips:
Some commentary on the Trump phenomenon …
Here’s why Donald Trump won’t win the Republican presidential nomination
The Trump Expansion Plan