The President’s Weekly Address post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments.
From the White House – Weekly Address
In this week’s address, the President announced the launch of a new College Scorecard, meant to help students and parents identify which schools provide the biggest bang for your buck. Designed with input from those who will use it most, the Scorecard offers reliable data on factors important to prospective students, such as how much graduates earn, and how much debt they have when they graduate. In an economy where some higher education is still the surest ticket to the middle class, the choices that Americans make when searching for and selecting a college have never been more important. That’s why the President is committed to making sure there exists reliable information that helps students find the college that best fits their needs so that they can succeed.
Transcript: Weekly Address: A New College Scorecard
Remarks of President Barack Obama, Weekly Address, The White House, September 12, 2015
Hi, everybody. Next week marks seven years since a financial crisis on Wall Street that would usher in some hard years for working families on Main Street. Soon after that, I took office. And we set out to rebuild our economy on a new foundation for growth and prosperity by investing in things that grow our middle class – things like jobs, health care, and education.
Today, our businesses have created more than 13 million new jobs over the last five and a half years. The unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in more than seven years. Another 16 million Americans have gained health insurance. Our high school graduate rate is the highest it’s ever been, and more people are graduating from college than ever before. We are coming back – and stronger.
Still, in an economy that’s increasingly based on knowledge and innovation, some higher education is the surest ticket to the middle class. By the end of this decade, two in three job openings will require some higher education. That’s one reason why a degree from a two-year college will earn you $10,000 more each year than someone who only finished high school. One study showed that a degree from a four-year university earns you $1 million more over the course of a lifetime.
The country with the best-educated workforce in the world is going to win the 21st century economy. I want that to be America. But as college costs and student debt keep rising, the choices that Americans make when searching for and selecting a college have never been more important. That’s why everyone should be able to find clear, reliable, open data on college affordability and value – like whether they’re likely to graduate, find good jobs, and pay off their loans. Right now, however, many existing college rankings reward schools for spending more money and rejecting more students – at a time when America needs our colleges to focus on affordability and supporting all students who enroll. That doesn’t make sense, and it has to change.
So, today, my Administration is launching a new College Scorecard, designed with input from those who will use it the most – students, families, and counselors. Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher education. You’ll be able to see how much each school’s graduates earn, how much debt they graduate with, and what percentage of a school’s students can pay back their loans – which will help all of us see which schools do the best job of preparing America for success. And to reach more folks, we’re working with partners in the academic, non-profit, and private sectors that will help families use this new data to navigate the complicated college process and make informed decisions.
The status quo serves some colleges and the companies that rank them just fine. But it doesn’t serve our students well – and that doesn’t serve any of us well. There are colleges dedicated to helping students of all backgrounds learn without saddling them with debt. We should hold everybody to that standard. Our economic future depends on it.
This work is just beginning. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll continue to improve the Scorecard based on what we learn from students, parents, counselors, and colleges themselves. The goal is to help everybody who’s willing to work for a higher education search for and select a college that fits their goals. Together, we can make sure that every student has the chance to get a great education and achieve their full potential.
Thanks, everybody. And have a great weekend.
Bolding added.
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Dana Houle pointed this out in a Tweet reply to Michael Li:
The same is true for Biden.
In the News: Voting
California Senate OKs automatic voter registration plan
Beefing up the DOJ for voting rights enforcement:
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In the News: Walker tanking … pulls out of Michigan and California events
Politico: Scott Walker craters — but not because of Trump
music to my ears “Walker tanking”
He is one I am taking particular pleasure in seeing humiliated.
A Wisconsin friend emailed me a link to this story yesterday:
I find the college scorecard initiative very interesting. As you know, I have long complained about the dominance of alumni from Ivy League institutions in positions of power, such as Scotus and Potus to name the big ones. Yet there are many alumni from state schools who are just as qualified, their schools just as good, and they should be given an equal chance.
I want to try it out and see what it does.
A friend sent me a link to a story about UW-La Crosse being named one of the best midwestern colleges in the US News and World Report College Rankings.
They have a category that I like: it is called “A-Plus Schools for B Students”
High school is more than just school and some kids are late to understand the importance of grades and course selection until it is too late. Even with the best advice from school counselors, the social aspects can lead kids to make poor or less-than-great choices. Bright kids who find themselves with those unimpressive resumes can still get an excellent education in those schools. What we do when we are 16 should not determine the rest of our lives.
I am not sure that graduating from an Ivy creates an elite ruling class with similar ideology. Barack Obama and Ted Cruz both graduated from Harvard and they could not be more different. I think, though, how you got into the Ivy League college has bearing … George W. Bush, a Yalie, was gifted with his placement and his degree and so privilege beget privilege. I think that rubbing shoulders with people who have money and long pedigrees can form one’s attitude but it is not going to be a monolithic attitude. That said, it would be refreshing to see some different schools represented.
Smartypants found a strange “headline-text-fact” disconnect in the New York Times’ coverage of this White House initiative: The New York Times Blows It…Again
Process is more important than outcome? I don’t think so.