Today the motleymoose.com and the motleymoose.net web sites are as one.
(Pardon me while I grab a Kleenex to dry the tear I shed … okay … back.)
In early May, we were informed that the Soapblox blogging platform would be retired “later this year”. We built the motleymoose.net web site in WordPress (what you see here) and kept the old motleymoose.com site active to allow for an orderly transition.
October 15th was the day Soapblox asked us to go out with the old and in with the new; so if you typed “motleymoose.com” into your web browser address bar (or used an old link), just like magic (aka “web page redirect”) you are here at motleymoose.net.
Thanks for making the trip and please, follow me below the fold …
Now that you are here, I am sure you want to be part of the Moose Pond and the folks here promoting politics as the path to progress (read the hat banner!).
The old moose logins could not be transferred to the new format so if you would like to join in the conversation, it is pretty easy:
- Reply to this post, or any of the Welcomings posts, using the screen name you would like to use and your email address (that information is NOT shared online).
- After your comment clears moderation, you will be signed up as a Moose Subscriber with the user name you selected and a password (the email will come from wordpress at motleymoose dot net so check your spam folder!)
If you have any questions, ask a Moose or check the FAQ at the top of this page.
Note: Per Soapblox, the archive of old posts and comments have been preserved and will be delivered to us soon.
UPDATE: The archives have been delivered and are now stored safely in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnalls porch. They will be viewable soon. The final count was 5,870 posts and 148,249 comments!
UPDATE 2: The archives can be found at archive.motleymoose.net and via the link in our blog roll to “Legacy Motley Moose”. Have fun!
There, that was easy.
Amazing the things you learn when you get around to checking on websites after a time away!
Hi, Norbrook! Nice to see you!!
Have you been on a blogging hiatus? Come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing an email from your site in a while.
I don’t know if you followed the moose when it was on SoapBlox but here we are on WordPress. The old blog formats are too difficult to maintain and no one except the GOS can afford to hire its own technology staff for custom code.
Are you watching the 2016 election closely yet?
thanks Jan :)
Thank you for moving the Moose Jan. I’m glad to know the archives will be part of the new site. The Moose pond is well stocked with a depth of information!
It will be nice having the old posts here with us again!