Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Rachel Maddow’s town hall last night in Flint is getting good reviews, at least among people I follow. She had scientists, government people, and plumbers — because you need to talk to people who know about replacing pipes.
Apparently there is a resurgence in flat Earth belief. In 2016. Eyeroll. But, here’sNeil deGrasse Tyson doing an excellent takedown of they guy who has been spouting this nonsense.
Happy Friday Eve! Hope I can stay awake the whole day.
Her coverage of the Flint crisis is excellent, and last nights town hall was full of both emotion and facts. MSNBC has a dedicated page for news re Flint….
An American Disaster: The Crisis in Flint
And Eclectablog’s piece: Rachel Maddow brings a message of hope to Flint, says the #FlintWaterCrisis is now a national problem to solve
With Photos and personal narrative.
Not many folks know this anymore but a whole lot of the city water mains in places like Flint were installed by the WPA. The local and state governments have never had the money for that kind of infrastructure which is why they’ve never been replaced – just added onto and “maintained” when they’ve ruptured.
Started the day at 35 heading up to 60 and sunny again in Fay., AR this last Friday in January. I can see Imbolc from here! :) (of course winter is moving back in to celebrate – sigh) I should break the 200 KWH mark today unless we get a “where the heck did THAT come from” storm that darkens the sky before 2 pm :) – Some good pro-Hillary diaries over at GOS overnight/early morning but stay away from the wreck list! The comments aren’t always nice, but Hillary people are standing up to them – mostly politely and with animals pics or recipes when the comments are such that they would be flagged if said about Bernie in a Bernie diary – instead of just bailing as we’ve been doing. I think the closer we get to the actual voting the more energized Hillary people are getting.
Anyway, didn’t get a danged thing done yesterday except answer phone calls and look up some stuff for people, so I still have that pile of paperwork to deal with. FYI – Trish is still in the hospital – waiting on a CAT scan and still “weak as a newborn kitten” – but finally in a space to get some help. Hope Denise is having fun. Heck, hope everybody is having fun. {{{HUGS}}}
Oops – on Trish, ultrasound, not CAT scan. Hoping for results by late this afternoon
That would have been a Pootie Scan anyway ….
Good morning, 51 and raining in Bellingham. The wind and rain was very loud last night so I’m happy to see my old trees are still standing…hope the basement is dry!
I’ve got a quiet day ahead with the same old list waiting for me so I hope I can cross a few things off and have a fresh start for February.
Morning all – very late start for me today, my cold is dragging me down a bit. I was buoyed yesterday by reading Joan Walsh’s powerful column in the Nation supporting Hillary – here’s a link to that
and then I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on it and got depressed all over again about the continuing mysogyny and campaign of lies, half-truths and exaggerations being run against her all over the internet, and particularly at Daily Kos. I read part of a post by an admin at GOS talking about all the new people writing diaries and posting, saying they were encouraging a flood of new members as that’s how they increase readership and revenue. I wonder how much of that flood is made up of Republican sock-puppets using DKos to poison minds against Hillary and boost the candidacy of Sanders, their preferred opponent. I’m just sickened by it.
But! I stick with us here and with the DKos Hillary Writers’ Circle, and I remain optimistic – I’m with JanF, I don’t care if she loses Iowa and New Hampshire, my money is on the real primaries after that.
Gloomy rainy day here and getting colder, so I’m going to stay inside, nurse my cold and pay bills. Have a great day everyone!
That was an excellent Joan Walsh opinion piece. It was important because it represents an epiphany of sorts for her – as she states in her piece, the last time Hillary ran she didn’t issue a full-throated endorsement and regrets holding back.
DON’T READ THE COMMENTS!!! Especially on the left-of-the-left sites like The Nation. I am glad that Joan is writing there (I won’t click on Salon any more) but they lean a little too much Obama=Bush and definitely Bernie=God. One of the editors there, John Nichols, writes for our local progressive weekly, The CapTimes and has a lot of good insights but he is from Madison WI and does not need to be reality based. But at least it is a reputable news site and cares about quality. Salon is a rag.
The business model of DK has morphed over the years. It used to be that the goal was to elect more and better Democrats and was run less as a business and more as a hobby for the site owner. From what people tell me, the model now is more front page centric and pushing content to Facebook and Twitter where it drives page clicks back to the site. So less a gathering of like-minded souls than a host-your-blog-here place. I prefer a site that says “progress through politics” on the top and welcomes civil people who want to discuss things … civilly! I am hoping to be able to clear time to write more after the beginning of year crunch is over but in the meantime I enjoy our mini-blog conversations here.
Take care of that cold!
I am still in Pennsylvania. The van that was supposed to pick me up to take me to the airport this morning never showed up. I’m headed back to New York tomorrow morning.
Oh no! Will you miss classes?? How frustrating!
Oh Dee how annoying! I hope they are taking care of you there given this transportation snafu – safe travels back home tomorrow!
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 14 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 27. The forecast is for mostly cloudy skies.
A quick scan of the headlines and dipping into a few articles about last night’s GOP debate: Trump played this perfectly. He set up a debate where his rivals, after they complained about him for about 1/2 hour, tore into each other. So he can flip off Roger Ailes and have his opponents do his dirty work for him. PLUS it illustrates how diminished the stage is when the skilled reality TV show star is missing. Win win win for him.
I am not sure how the personal attacks on Hillary Clinton, for not leaving her slimy philandering husband, is going to strike anything but the wrong nerve. First Fiorina then Rand Paul. Is the plan to make her look cold and calculating, or easily duped? If she ends up running against a thrice married slime-personified man and the Family Values crowd supports him, it will once and for all tear the curtain down and expose their hypocrisy.
In other news, it was discovered that Michigan officials sent bottled water to state workers in Flint 10 months before the water crisis was exposed, telling them that the water was not safe to drink. JHC! The entire state government needs to resign, not just the governor. And they should be put in jail.
Busy day here … last work day of January and I need to make sure that January projects are done or properly kicked down the road.
See all y’all later!!
Good morning from Carlisle, Pennsylvania – on the historic Dickinson College campus.
Waiting to get picked up at 8AM to start the long slog, via Washington DC – to Albany – back home.
The guest house where we are housed has no coffee : (
“The guest house where we are housed has no coffee”
Oh, the humanity!!!!
That route seems less than efficient. I was once presented with a flight that would have gone from Madison to Kansas City … via Minneapolis. It would have taken 10 hours – I could have driven there faster.
I hope there are no more delays in your trip.
p.s. I had posted some Dickinson links upthread a couple of days ago (they probably rolled to Older Comments). You’re famous!!
Will look when I am back home on puter. Trying to look for anything on the mobile is frustrating
It is indeed. The navigation is totally different and the display is not wide enough or tall enough to efficiently read or post. Sometimes the indented comments show as two or three letters wide!
Thanks for persevering this morning and posting greetings so we know how you are doing.
Yikes, Denise! To be stuck where you are is bad enough, but no COFFEE?
May hard and knobbly coconuts descend on their heads when they rest beneath the tree at noon. May the fish never bite when they cast their lines. May their shoes…oh, well, you get the idea.
One of the worst things about storms is being deprived of fresh, hot, flavorful coffee. I’m a tea person myself, but I do drink the hazelnut coffee my husband makes every morning. That’s our one cup a day.
Hope you will soon arrive at a place where you can have all the fresh, hot coffee you damn well please.
I am at Dulles Airport right now. Getting coffee!
YAY, Sis!
I may have a migraine. At least, according to Google. Since yesterday, I’ve had a headache & I’m cold. I went home last night, changed into flannel pants & a warm shirt & slippers. Managed to eat just enough to take my vitamins (my doctor freaked out when I stopped taking calcium because I read that it doesn’t really do any good. So I keep taking calcium) and was in bed at 9. It isn’t freezing this morning but I had to wear gloves to touch the steering wheel. And moving my head is… not my favorite thing to do.
Chris Hayes spent a lot of time talking about Donald Trump last night, so I watched some remodeling show. And Rachel actually showed Trump’s event, so again with HGTV. Sigh.
Well, today should be interesting.
My TV is mainly on HGTV except for when it is on Weather Nation. I have no patience for cable news.
Good morning! This Friday has dawned as fair as Freya Herself. Well, Dashboard refuses to work this morning so I can’t tell you what the temperature is. Cold now, warming up later, and positively spring-like, starting next week.
We watched some of the debate last night but expected to be bored, and we were. Marco Rubio seems like an excitable toddler. He kept saying, “When I’m president,” and I’m sure everyone watching thought, “Thank Goddess, you never will be.” The Cruz Missile tried to dominate but didn’t. The others were eminently forgettable.
Misogyny and racism seem to rule this country. I keep harking back to something I read in a book by Germaine Greer many years ago: “Most women have no idea how much men hate them.” I read an explanation as to why this situation prevails in Sjoo and Mor’s The Great Cosmic Mother, but the answer was so complicated I can’t remember it.
Well, let us all focus on our patch of the pond and try to enjoy the weekend! I will try to forget what our governor has just done, which is to reverse the decision of our attorney general to rescind reciprocity for open-carry with 23 other states. Fer Gawd’s sake, Terry!
I saw what your governor did and I was aghast! Who is he trying to kowtow to??? Does he think that kissing up to red state governors will make more Republicans want to vote for him next time around? Fuggidaboudit. You are a purple state and his only hope to get re-elected is to increase the number of Democrats who vote.
This, I know for a fact: “Most women have no idea how much men hate them.” I am constantly amazed when I see women give cover to men by denying the gender bias that any sentient human can see. Republican Women should be as much an oxymoron as Gay Republicans. I wish they would wake up.
Jan, he can’t be reelected. In Virginia, the governor serves one four-year term, thank Goddess! When I think of some of the idiots we’ve had—the egregious Jim Gilmore, the Macaca Allen (speaking of Democrats in the legislature, he vowed to “push their soft teeth down their whiny throats”)—I shudder at the idea of any governor’s winning two terms.
He’s trying to make nice with the Rethugs to get something he wants, but as our POTUS could tell him, “Honey, that doesn’t work.”
Ah, I always forget about your term limits. It seems like one term is too short but in the case of the awful governors it probably seems too long. I wish Scott Walker was term limited because people seem willing to ignore the damage he is doing to every last bit of good government we have. His latest is a bill to bypass public referendums for selling water utilities to private businesses (a company in Pennsylvania asked for it). Right now, the residents of a municipality have to approve, by referendum, privatizing their water works. Too restrictive, say the Republicans. Good lord, these people are insane … do they not see what happened in Flint? What could possibly go wrong with selling the water utility to a company in Pennsylvania???
Anyway, Walker is driving away the young people (they are leaving in droves) and even though his current approval is at 38% I have no doubt he will be re-elected in 2018. :(
Jan, apparently someone named Delphine (a BS supporter) on GOS is trying to say there is no misogyny in this election cycle. As I try to stay out of those diaries, I don’t know the details, but she hinted at her position in a pro-Hillary diary the other day.
How anyone could be so blind, so wilfully obtuse, is beyond me.
The person couldn’t be a Bernie supporter if he/she didn’t reject facts. None so blind as those who will not see.
Why would a Sanders supporter go into a pro-Hillary diary to post such a thing? I will never understand people on that site who insist on creating dustups. We had that all the time in the “I Vote For Democrats” series that we ran in 2012. It supported, by writing and republishing, the re-election of President Obama and other Democrats. You would think that would be pretty uncontroversial on a site that purported to be about electing Democrats … and you would be wrong! There is a lot of Obama hate there and lots of hate for pragmatic progressives and people who want to work within the system to effect change. Burn it down!!! Or maybe now it is Bern it down?
Anyway, life is too short to willingly spend it surrounded by jerks.
33 when I left the house this morning – also “as fair as Freya herself” – heading for 66 this last Friday in January. The weekend is supposed to be pretty much the same (thank goddess, I should be able to hang my laundry outside on Sunday) with Winter coming back starting around sundown Monday. So. Imbolc or no Imbolc, we’re gonna have some hard freezes next week. I shall enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts.
Trish is still in the hospital – just got an email saying they’ve done half the “hida scan” (what’s a “hida scan”?) but haven’t found her gall bladder yet. That sounds a little scary – but not as scary as Tuesday night’s phone call from Joey when she was unconscious and on her way to the hospital, so I’ll count it as OK, if not good. Sux that Denise was stuck another day but REALLY sux about no coffee. If that were me, I’d be seeing a “no-caffeine migraine” in my near future. (Speaking of migraines, sending White Light energy to anotherdemocrat – I’ve had those suckers, they ain’t fun – lots of rest in dim light and wait it out is all I could ever do for it.)
Have the good day and the good weekend – and remember that whether or not it feels like it, Imbolc is the beginning of Spring. There are flowers in our future. {{{HUGS}}}
{{{Hugs back at ya, bfitz}}}!
How funny—before I woke up this morning I dreamed that I stepped out my front door (which I haven’t all week because of the 2 feet of snow piled against it) and there were flowers all over the place!
Next week, Imbolc!! I am ready …
Morning all! Dee, that is cruel and unusual punishment for travelling to Carlysle, housing you in a place with no coffee!!! Good golly.
That is a telling quote from Germaine Greer, and I believe it as well. We have a new Dean at the school I’m retired from (although teaching as an adjunct one class a year), our first woman Dean, and from everything I’ve heard, the sexism towards her from the men on the faculty is pretty outrageous, although not unexpected. I hope she lasts through it, just as I hope Hillary lasts through this campaign. If any woman candidate can, it’s Hillary – apparently, what this country needs for its first female President, certainly in the campaign, is a will of iron and a thick skin to match.
it’s interesting to me that the news, on my Google news aggregator, this morning is all about Trump’s no show at the debate, while the shootout with the Oregon militia fools is buried half way down the page. Trump certainly is soaking up all the oxygen in the race – and hopefully, the end of the Oregon standoff is in sight and means THAT story is very old news indeed. Alas, pockets of the delusional cardboard cowboy thinking of those thugs exist all over the country, particularly in the West – lets hope nobody else decides to lift up the torch and try another of these insurrections.
In totally non political news, I’m fascinated by the story of the archaeologist deciphering some cuneiform tablets from the 1st to 4th century BC to show that the Babylonians had invented very abstract mathematical astronomony to track Jupiter across the sky, using a geometric technique previously thought to have been first used in 14th century AD Europe. I just find that so intriguing and wonderful!
Everyone have a great day, and Dee, get home safe!
Saw the Babylonian geometry story on BBC news this morning, Geordie, and I was fascinated too. :)
Can’t wait to get home…will be there in about 5 hours
The Oregon occupation is not over but the federal magistrate who is handling the case is refusing to allow any bail to the people being held UNTIL the standoff ends (she thinks they are a flight risk … ya think?). There are apparently a half-dozen or so holdouts and they are saying they will fight to the death. I suspect that is not making the guys in jail happy, as evidenced by Ammon Bundy’s plea with them to just go home.
I am still trying to catch up on the news, 8 hours after I first opened this morning’s news stories up in my browser tabs. I am about half-way through.
Good morning, 45 and raining in Bellingham. It’s a pool morning for me, and then I’ll finish clearing my worktable so I can start a sewing project with the grand girls. They want to learn to sew so I’d best to my part to teach them. We’ll start with rag dolls and pj’s.
Our grandson is coping with his hip injury, but it’s very hard for him to be in pain and on crutches, so Ron is leaving soon to be with him today. He’ll spend the night and return tomorrow.
I stayed in my domestic bubble last night and avoided the debate news as best I could. The stupidity continues to amaze me……
Fact check: GOP candidates let fly with inaccuracies at debate
It does not pay to agonize over the Republican nominating contest much less their minute by minute debate drama. They will pick someone, that person will be either bad or horrible … and we will defeat him in November. It really makes no difference who they pick and I am not going to play “well, so-and-so would be less awful” because I don’t want to put it on the universe that I consider any living Republican acceptable. Fox tried to pin down Ted Cruz on his ACA replacement and he said Health Savings Accounts. Gak! They really live on a different planet than the rest of America. People with little or no money can’t freaking save for their health care needs.
Princesspat, the Cruz missile said that Obamacare has been a disaster. How odd—last I heard, it’s been a rousing success! Are we living in the same country?
Trish going in for gall bladder surgery right about now. Everybody hoping that’s all it is. Anybody who sees this, please send healing energy.
A dilemma:
My club is having our endorsement meeting on a Sunday morning. No one asked me if this was inconvenient. I’m always the timekeeper at our endorsement meetings. I’m fair, impartial – and I inherited my mother’s “teacher voice” that I use when “YOUR TIME IS UP, STOP TALKING NOW”. Also, there are several races I’m honestly undecided on. Including the one for my state rep.
But this isn’t just any Sunday. It’s the anniversary of my church voting to become reconciling. It’s a big deal. And we’re inviting a former associate pastor back to preach. When she was here, she was still a theology student, and she married her wife in another state before the Supreme Court decision. When she was refused by a church board to proceed to the next step in ministry, my church came out in support of her. (she is so clearly called to ministry – honestly, if you met her, you’d see the big neon sign that Divinity had placed over her head that says “called”). Then her wife got a great internship at a hospital in Chicago – and in the medical field, you say “yes” to great internships.
Since I don’t have Hermione’s time-turner, I can only do 1 of these. If this was just a regular Sunday, I would do the endorsement meeting – and let the person who scheduled the meeting know that Sunday morning is inconvenient. I was kind of counting on the meeting to make up my mind in some races. But not to see M… And I was one of the 1st to push for Reconciling-ness, and we usually do the celebration on Marathon Sunday, so I never get to be there….
Where is a TARDIS when I really, really need one?
If I were you, I’d attend church. Meetings are meetings but your church sounds special. It sounds very inclusive and nonpatriarchal.
Oh man, the e-mail thing rears its ugly head again – I think the timing of this story is pretty suspicious, and I also firmly believe none of this was classified when Sec. Clinton was dealing with it. But fresh fodder for the conspiracy theorists 3 days before the Iowa caucuses is not helpful.
The last “top secret” thing they had on her was when she forwarded an article from the NYT regarding the drone program. Clinton Rules again.
Geordie, I for one don’t give a flying eff about her emails! The fact that these were classified after the fact is proof to me that SOMEONE doesn’t want a woman president and is trying to bring her down. May karma get them.
Dear Goddess, now I sound like a conspiracy theorist like the BS supporters.
Good morning, meese! Saturday …
It is 32 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 38. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
News overload!! I am officially sick of Iowa caucuses and they are dominating the news. The president is speaking about computer science education in his weekly address but there was an important speech about equal pay for women and a symposium regarding child hunger in America that should be highlighted. I will tuck them into comments there for your reading pleasure.
The Clinton campaign is pushing back against the re-classification of some of her emails as Top Secret. The people looking at the emails now have the benefit of hindsight but there is no evidence that at the time they were sent there was anything sensitive in them. The campaign says there is nothing sensitive in them at all and demands that they be released:
I hope people voting are smart enough to realize that if it weren’t the emails, it would be some other ginned up “transgression”! To channel Bernie, “I’m sick of hearing about her damn emails!!”.
PPP polls out of Iowa suggest that Hillary has an 8 point lead over Bernie. Trump has a commanding lead and Cruz is waning – his support was not strong enough to withstand the front-runner scrutiny he was bombarded with. For what it is worth, the gold standard Ann Selzer poll will be released today.
Turns out that the filters they are giving out in Flint are not good enough to filter out the lead levels in the water system. Time for plan B. I hope it involves hanging Gov. Snyder by the thumbs while dipping him into Flint River water.
See all y’alls later!
Good morning Meese
Slept late – now making coffee – so good to be home where I can do that.
My political scientist friend who was in Carlisle with me is teaching in Iowa – he isn’t supporting a particular candidate – but pointed out that he is in a University town and has never been door-knocked by anyone from the Sanders campaign – did get approached multiple times by Clinton workers, and by O”Malley folks.
He says in Iowa it is all about the ground game.
His prediction is that Hillary will win Iowa because of her ground game.
I still don’t understand why we have to pay attention to that state.
Jan – agree with you on Snyder.
I had darker thoughts about Gov. Snyder but settled on thumbs. :)
It will be good if Secretary Clinton wins Iowa just to quiet the naysayers. She will lose New Hampshire and then run the table but it will be more difficult to break through the wall of bs that the press will build if she should lose in Iowa.
You should have seen the attacks on poor Tom Jensen from PPP on Twitter yesterday!! Good lord, the Bernie Bros are quite a piece of work. PPP is one of the best polling outfits in the country.
Here is an article talking about states that would be better to go first if they are interested in demographics that are reflective of the entire country:
There is a very nice interactive chart that shows how all the states break down on these various data points.
But if Iowa is ever unfirsted, you will hear squealing that will drown out the sounds made by Joni Ernst’s pigs.
Why in the hell are they questioning PPP?
Because it shows Hillary Clinton ahead!!! It must be biased because everyone they talk to is for Bernie Sanders!!!!!1!!!
Btw, here is a political cartoon I came across about Flint:

(Steve Benson/Arizona Republic – January 24, 2016)
That is a very powerful cartoon.
Thanks for posting it Jan.
I just tweeted it
Here is a horrifying article from the New York Times:
I have a problem with the language used by the NYT
“the possibility that children in this tattered city may have suffered irreversible damage”
It is not “a possibility” – any children with lead poisoning have suffered irreversible damage.
Exactly. It is irreversible.
I left work early yesterday, my headache never got better. I’ve been awake since 4, so I might as well go to my workout.
Hope you have gotten rid of the headache!
I’ve felt better. Maybe the 6 mile walk will do me good.
Good morning, it’s fair and lovely in NoVa—21 F. at the moment but going up to 41 later today. A blessed Imbolc to you all, or Candlemas on February 2 if you celebrate that. For years I put candles in my windows on January 31, but it’s such a bother I’m not going to do it this year. Taping the bases of electric candles to our too-narrow windowsills is just a pain.
Think I’ll do some computer chores this morning. Found out that Apple has disabled Dashboard, one of the features I rely on, in favor of something else. Found a way to restore it. Every time I decide I like a useful feature, “they” get rid of it. I loved Google sidebar because it gave me the weather and flashed up every picture on my hard drive but they got rid of that too. Oh, well.
Jan, I’m with you on being officially sick of the Iowa caucuses. Dee, thank Goddess you’re finally home safe and sound, and able to enjoy coffee! Another, hope your migraine departs. Bfitz, please keep us posted on Trish’s progress. Being a dog person for the last 20 years, I don’t read the pootie diaries. (In fact, I’m still wondering why dogs are called “woozles” on GOS. “Pootie,” I can understand, a derivative of “pussycat.” But “woozle”? I’m flummoxed.)
Wishing everyone a good day and I shall await the Selzer poll with interest!
Actually, “Pootie” was from the name of a specific person’s cat, a user named (I think) PhillyGal. I cannot remember where Woozle came from … I used to know all that stuff because I was a PWB diarist for a number of years and was a daily visitor to the series back in the day. I mostly wrote Woozle diaries because, like you, I am a dog person, although I have been owned by cats in years past.
Morning all! Beautiful sunny cool morning here in north Florida.
Dee, so glad you’re home and safe! I know it was very likely a great session in PA, but the trip sounds pretty gruelling, so glad you’re home now!
anotherdem, hope your headache fades today – migraines are no fun at all.
I also don’t give a crap about the e-mails, but I’ll just go full tinfoil hat and say I think the release of this new information 3 days before the Iowa caucuses points to someone in either State or the intelligence agencies out to harm Hillary’s chances there. I would suspect some Republican holdover with a willing press connection who would rather see Bernie as the Dem candidate. But, now I sound like a Berniebro with the PPP polls! lol
The Flint water catastrophe is horrific on so many levels – Snyder’s contempt for the people he’s supposed to be governing, the whole lack of concern about little children growing up developmentally harmed because of the water they are drinking, and all because this is a poor, majority (I think?) minority community that Snyder thought could just be poisoned and muffled without consequence. He needs to be in jail, at a minimum.
Everyone have a great day!
Good morning, 39 and cloudy in Bellingham. It’s a quiet news day in the PNW, and a very quiet house with just me here. Ron will be home later today.
Time to turn on the radio and make some coffee!