The President’s Weekly Address post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments.
From the White House – Weekly Address
In this week’s address, President Obama discussed his upcoming trip to Cuba, a visit that will further advance the progress we’ve made since he announced the new chapter of U.S. – Cuba relations more than a year ago. This will be the first visit of a U.S. President to Cuba in nearly 90 years. President Obama believes the best way to promote American interests and values, and help improve the lives of the Cuban people, is through engagement. During his trip, the President will meet with President Raul Castro to discuss the progress we’ve made in the ongoing process of normalizing relations, and reaffirm our support of universal values like freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. The President will also meet with members of civil society and Cuban entrepreneurs, and speak directly to the Cuban people about our shared beliefs and continued support as they build the future they want. The President acknowledges the serious differences we have with the Cuban government, and although the transformation of this new relationship will take time, the President noted that his visit to Cuba will advance the goals that guide us – promoting American interests and values, and assisting efforts to build a future of more freedom and more opportunity for the Cuban people.
Transcript: WEEKLY ADDRESS: A New Chapter with Cuba
Remarks of President Barack Obama as Delivered
Weekly Address, The White House, February 20, 2016Hi, everybody. This week, we made it official—I’m going to Cuba.
When Michelle and I go to Havana next month, it will be the first visit of a U.S. president to Cuba in nearly 90 years. And it builds on the decision I made more than a year ago to begin a new chapter in our relationship with the people of Cuba.
You see, I believe that the best way to advance American interests and values, and the best way to help the Cuban people improve their lives, is through engagement—by normalizing relations between our governments and increasing the contacts between our peoples. I’ve always said that change won’t come to Cuba overnight. But as Cuba opens up, it will mean more opportunity and resources for ordinary Cubans. And we’re starting to see some progress.
Today, the American flag flies over our embassy in Havana, and our diplomats are interacting more broadly with the Cuban people. More Americans are visiting Cuba than at any time in the last 50 years—Cuban-American families; American students, teachers, humanitarian volunteers, faith communities—all forging new ties and friendships that are bringing our countries closer. And when direct flights and ferries resume, even more of our citizens will have the chance to travel and work together and know each other.
American companies are starting to do business in Cuba, helping to nurture private enterprise and giving Cuban entrepreneurs new opportunities. With new Wi-Fi hotspots, more Cubans are starting to go online and get information from the outside world. In both our countries, there’s overwhelming support for this new relationship. And in Cuba today, for the first time in a half century, there is hope for a different future, especially among Cuba’s young people who have such extraordinary talent and potential just waiting to be unleashed.
My visit will be an opportunity to keep moving forward. I’ll meet with President Castro to discuss how we can continue normalizing relations, including making it easier to trade and easier for Cubans to access the Internet and start their own businesses. As I did when I met President Castro last year, I’ll speak candidly about our serious differences with the Cuban government, including on democracy and human rights. I’ll reaffirm that the United States will continue to stand up for universal values like freedom of speech and assembly and religion.
I’ll meet with members of Cuba’s civil society—courageous men and women who give voice to the aspirations of the Cuban people. I’ll meet with Cuban entrepreneurs to learn how we can help them start new ventures. And I’ll speak directly to the Cuban people about the values we share and how I believe we can be partners as they work for the future they want.
We’re still in the early days of our new relationship with the Cuban people. This transformation will take time. But I’m focused on the future, and I’m confident that my visit will advance the goals that guide us—promoting American interests and values and a better future for the Cuban people, a future of more freedom and more opportunity.
Thanks everybody. And to the people of Cuba—nos vemos en La Habana.
Bolding added.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a reception this past week at the White House to honor Black History Month.
Transcript: Remarks by the President at Black History Month Reception
Tweeted out from the White House yesterday:
We live in scary times:
In the News: Planned Parenthood (and poor women) still under attack …
That would be Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Texas. In Wisconsin, 60,000 women will lose access to family planning and cancer screening services.
Maybe there is hope for humanity: The Muslims of Appalachia: Kentucky coal country embracing the faithful
It is much easier to “Other” people when you don’t know them personally.
In the News: In Oklahoma, killings of Native Americans raise questions
Ponder for a minute the insult of having to live in a county named to honor a man who massacred your ancestors.
Then ponder for longer how this kind of thing, when it is not in a big city with big city news stations and cell phone video, can go mostly unreported and certainly unremarked.