Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Light rain now, sunshine this afternoon, then severe storms (so they say) overnight. But it was supposed to rain last night & didn’t, so….. I had an awful night’s sleep. Hope the lunch walking group walks today, and then I absolutely am walking after work. Especially since I’m not sure I can stay awake all day & may leave early.
Earworm today, the anniversary of mom’s passing, comes from my blue-eyed boy: “I’ve seen for myself, there’s no end to grief. That’s how I know, that’s how I know & why I need to know that there is no, there is no end to love”. Full lyrics. My boy writes about his mom a lot.
Sorry for your loss, anotherdemocrat. My mother said, speaking of her own mother, “You never forget the day your mother died.”
I know this is true. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of my late, lovely mother, even when I’m arranging flowers using the shears I inherited from her. I miss her every day of my life.
{{{anotherdemcrat}}} when my mother died a friend who’d lost her mother several years earlier said, “You’re never truly an adult until your mother dies.” She also said, “It’s not worth it.” But the grief does mute itself over time and memories come that bring smiles – first with the tears, then instead of tears. Mostly. Oh but how rough are the edges of the hole in the heart when they first leave. Hope yours have been sanded down a bit.
56 at dawn and 62 now, heading for 67 – almost an inch of rain overnight, overcast now but expecting more rain shortly. We need it – we’ve been so dry this winter we actually had a burn ban last month – but wish it would rain at night and be sunny by day. Oh well, America isn’t Camelot not matter what mythology says. (Although Spring has definitely come to my backyard so it’s as beautiful as Camelot ever thought of being.)
Gave up on doing any more in my diary. Just can’t seem to handle it. Not handling a lot of things well at the moment. I have many things sitting on my desk that need to be dealt with but can’t seem to get the energy to do them. For years the first thing I did after logging in was fire off an email to Trish so she’d find it when she got up. Somehow not doing that is sort of stopping me in my tracks and I’m not getting any further in the day. And I keep tearing up which is also not helpful.
International Women’s Day is a good thing – but oh how much better it would be if it were not necessary. Just like it would be so much better if we didn’t need a Black History month or a Women’s History month or any other non-white-male-probably-fundamentalist Xtian group month. Depression is anger without energy. I’ve got to get my energy back. There’s work to do and anger is the fuel for that work.
Blessings on all at the Pond. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 39 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I enjoy changing the seasonal decor on my porches and I’ve just about made the transition from winter to spring. Today I’ll plant the Winter Rose in the garden and fill the porch pots with Primroses. The Camilla by the back door is still in full bloom and Ron has been busy with a general garden cleanup so our entrances are looking relatively inviting.
I so hope today’s primary settles the nomination for HRC. Nancy LeTourneau looks at the Sanders and Clinton campaign finances, and I was surprised to read that her campaign has raised more money than his, and that her “burn” rate is lower. I’m paying attention to this campaign but apparently I’m still vulnerable to opinions.
Clinton and Sanders Campaign Funds: Facts, Not Slogans
She did a lot of her spending early – was building her foundation before Bernie even declared while all the bros were trying to force Warren to run. So she doesn’t have to spend as much now to get the same or greater result. Be interesting to know where his money is coming from though. His “base” has mostly tapped themselves out at this point (his campaign is actually going to have to refund some of his contributors’ who maxed out – according to a commenter on HNV who has worked for the FEC).
Your Spring sounds lovely, too.
He has the luxury of being able to cherry-pick the states he spends in and visits because he knows his campaign is a lost cause. Secretary Clinton is in every state because she also has her eye on the general election.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison on its way up to 59. Morning clouds and afternoon sun are in the forecast.
Hillary won Mississippi and Bernie won Michigan. The numbers to look at, though, are the delegate totals and Secretary Clinton continues her pace: the web site 538 calculated what she needed last night as 86 and she got 87, winning Mississippi by such a large margin that Sen. Sanders only got 4 delegates and staying close enough in Michigan to pick up only 7 less than Sanders.
Pollsters blew it in Michigan, predicting a 20% win for Hillary. Nate Silver said that it may go down as one of the worst polling fails in history. There is some conjecture that the non-Democratic Party vote (Michigan is an open primary), which went about 70% for Sanders, was simply not picked up in the surveys of likely voters. I hope they do better for next week’s Ides of March primary because I was up way past my bedtime waiting for the 20 point win. ;)
Just when you think that Republicans can’t get any more despicable, you see that the Republican Senatorial Campaign Tweeted out an attack on Rep. Tammy Duckworth calling for her to “stand up” for veterans. Well, for one thing, she has no legs … they were blown off in the Republican president’s war of choice. They took the Tweet down but did not issue an apology. Jim Wright speaks for me: (bad word alert).
See all y’all later!
Good morning Meese. Slept through the whole thing last night.
Congrats to both candidates for wins.
Disturbed about the dissing of black voters and “confederate states” meme.
I just put a post up at orange about it
Black votes don’t count, Southern state votes don’t count – BernieBros speaking from their perch of pale dudebro privilege.
If I click on your link, will my computer freeze up? ;)
I hope not :)
Great diary! I hope people read it and get with the program:
A lot of the problems related to unity with this particular primary is that one of the candidates is a Democrat and the other is not. I cannot imagine any Democrat saying that the votes of black people and people in the Southern states don’t matter.
great diary – rec’d & shared
Read, rec’d, tipped – and right on time tool showed up to troll the diary. Do not know how you stay so calm under attack – I know it was a hard-earned skill, but you are still a wonder.
Here is Hillary’s election night speech on CSPAN: Hillary Clinton Primary Night Speech. She was in Ohio getting ready for next week’s primary.
No one showed it live because they wanted to show Donald Trump’s infomercial for 30 minutes. The media is complicit in the destruction of our politics.
Huge loud thunderstorms overnight. And the stupid weather alert thing woke me up — flash flood risk. Wtf, I live on the top of a hill. Sleep deprivation because of being needlessly woken up is a bigger danger. So I’m a little grumpy.
There was an eclipse in New Zealand yesterday, I watched it instead of the returns. It was really cool. They talked to native people, talked about the island they were on (off the main NZ one), and you could see solar prominences during totality. It was just so cool.
Playing energetic music in my head to keep awake.
Good Woden’s Day, Meese! It’s 42 F. here on a sunny morning, going up to 75 F. today. Hurray!
Daughter-in-Austin has boarded her flight. She said the sky looked ominous. The pilot told everyone that the flight would be 2 hours, 35 minutes, which is fast. It’s usually 3 hours.
Still have to work on uploading my book. Gad, formatting is horrible! Converted the document from Pages to Word and so far it’s looking better. Just hope it undergoes the conversion to Mobi all right.
Yesterday I walked the girls home from school and wouldn’t you know, fell off the sidewalk and injured my foot. It’s swollen and very painful. So much for the long walks in lovely weather that my daughter and I want to take! Anyway, because the weather was so warm we had tea on the screened porch for the first time since October.
Happy about Mississippi, disappointed in Michigan. The HN&V people at Orange are saying that Democrats stayed home, thinking a Clinton victory was in the bag, or crossed over to vote for Kasich, hoping to stop Trump. Denise, will tip and rec your diary if I can snatch a minute!
Wishing everyone in Mooseland a good day!
P.S. Just had to “clear all website data” from Safari Preferences before the Moose would let me post this. Sigh.
Ouch! I hope your foot heals quickly!!
Regarding the website data, have you had the problem yet with your new WordPress site? It might be the version we are on here if you are on a newer one there.
Haven’t had one so far, Jan, but then, I don’t comment on my site. H’mm. Might be a good idea for the next story.
Before I upload, Moose Sistahs, could you be very kind and give me your opinion of the following titles for the forthcoming book?
The Fiction Cafe: Lunchtime Fast Fiction
The Fiction Cafe: Bite-sized Stories for Busy People
I like “Bite-sized Stories for Busy People” – although either is good. But then I like bite-sized versions of just about anything up to and including chocolate. :)
Thanks, bfitz and Jan!
I like the “Bite-sized Stories” name although you don’t have to be busy to want a quick read! ;)
Morning all! Very warm here today – muumuu weather is here again already, 80 degrees today maybe.
Disappointed about last night in Michigan, but she’s still on track for the nomination – as Armando said a while ago, if she wins Florida, NC and Illinois ‘handily’ and keeps it close in Ohio and Missouri, she closes the door on the nomination, as next week will bring the pledge delegates to 50% of the number needed for the nom. I haven’t looked at anything yet this morning, but from what I was reading last night, Bernie took white working class men, and counties in Michigan that Romney won in 2012. That tells me that there’s a lot of sexism invading the voting patterns, and also that Independents and probably some cross-over Republicans were going for Sanders in the primary, whereas many of them will go for Trump in the general election. The Obama coalition has to hold together for Hillary to win, I think. Also, no more of this “she’s got it, I’ll switch parties and go vote against Trump” stuff, please.
GOS diaries were a cesspool last night – I understand Bernie supporters’ jubilation, I would have been exultant in their shoes as well (even though I understand delegate math and I hope would have been more realistic about Bernie’s chances) but there was some very ugly stuff there that got a few people DKos vacations. I really hope next week clarifies the race.
Have a great day everyone! Diana, hope your daughter’s flight is uneventful and safe!
Thanks, Geordie! Her flight from Austin arrived on time, which was great! We have talked nonstop since we picked her up at 11:30. Now we’re about to walk up to the school to pick up Miss Pink Cheeks.
54 heading for 64 and drizzling in Fay., AR this woozle day – we’ve gotten just over 3″ rain so far this week, which we need, not sure how much more is coming but we are projected rain for the entire week. (Including Sunday, darn it, when I’ll be doing laundry.)
Just heard about the results – I’m sure the bros are out in force but I ignore them as much as possible – as long as Hillary is on track for the win, I don’t really care. Actually right now I’m having trouble even focusing on the race. I hope none of the more out-spoken Hillary supporters get into it with the bros. Kos is remarkably indiscriminate once he actually has to get the ban hammer out and is likely to ban everybody commenting in a nasty thread. But it will be nice once it’s done.
Hope the foot is better soon Diana – don’t forget to ice it. And don’t forget that arnica gel can knock 2 days to a week off the healing time. I need to get to work, but thanks Jan for the link to Hillary’s speech. I’ll visit it when I get a chance. Also will read Dee’s diary when I get a chance. Blessings on all in Moosylvania. {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks, bfitz! The foot is already a little better. Taking pain pills every four hours but I forgot to ice it. I had some arnica gel at one time, need to get some more.
Sorry about the rain on Sunday! Hope you get to dry your laundry somehow. :(
Good morning, 45 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I’m sleepy this morning and I just realized I don’t have a dry swim suit because I started watching the election returns last night and forgot to tend to the laundry….I blame Bernie :)
Time to find some coffee and breakfast, my wet suit, and get to the pool. Have a great day everyone!
Good morning, meese! Thursday …
It is 42 degrees in Madison on its way up to 54. Morning clouds and afternoon sun in the forecast.
I stayed up to watch the debate and then bookmark Tweets. It was very lively with the Univision moderators seeing no sacred cows that they would not go right after. In this exchange, Rude Bernie tries to bully his way into the conversation and Hillary would have none of it (liveblog):
My laugh out loud moment was when Hillary was asked about Trump’s wall (transcript):
Anyway, Bernie’s Suit got more attention (and its own Twitter account) than voting rights and abortion rights. Secretary Clinton got close to abortion rights when she talked about Supreme Court nominees and Roe v Wade but it was about 5 seconds. And as Ari Berman noted:
Busy morning here. See all y’all later!!
It’s still raining. Yay! I set some of my plants out overnight to get free water. Will set more out tonight.
Pres. Obama is coming to town tomorrow to speak at SXSW. Oh and SXSW starts tomorrow. The mayor actually issued a statement yesterday asking everyone who can work from home tomorrow to do so. I checked the bus schedule & I’m gonna make sure I have cash (note to self — get some cash) because I don’t wanna drive home in that mess. He’s here for 3 things, so traffic will be a mess till probably midnight. Then it will just be SXSW messy, which is bad enough that people who live here don’t go downtown till it’s over.
Earworm is the last song that was on in the car, my boys’ Hallelujah Here She Comes
Good morning Meese.
I didn’t watch the debates – was too busy fielding comments in my diary – which continued throughout the night.
The good news is that the vast majority of posters – no matter who they support – agreed with me. But I’m still sleepy.
Reading the Spanish language press – nothing is being reported much about the debate except Bernie/Fidel.
I hope Geordie will be able to comment on the Florida response.
upper 50s and wet – gonna stay that way all day, then drift down into the 40s just before dawn tomorrow. Other than last Tuesday, it’s not raining hard – alternating between mist and drizzle – but we’ve still gotten just over 3″ this week. Seems the sky has been crying since the day after Tricia died, but that’s just my sorrow talking. Sunday laundry may be a problem – it looks like it may be too warm for a fire, which is how I get things dry when I can’t hang them out. (Except in high summer when I depend on a combination of ceiling fans and A/C.) Oh well.
My wireless is down at home so I couldn’t have watched the debates if I wanted to, which I didn’t. NYT had an editorial I didn’t read but the headline was enough to make me wonder if the Onion had written it. Said Hillary wasn’t going to win caucus states by “trying to tarnish” Bernie. So pointing out the truth of his votes and his plans is “trying to tarnish” Bernie, is it? Maybe you better re-think what Bernie is supposed to stand for if the truth is tarnishing him. Sigh. Hillary Rules again.
It’s getting to the part of the month where I’ve got to deal with departmental credit card charges. Hopefully I have all the receipts and it will go smoothly. At least it’s something relatively simple as I’m having problems focusing right now. Hope everybody has a lovely day. {{{HUGS}}}
I worry about the tarnishing that Bernie is doing to Hillary, the backhanded sniping, more suited for a right-wing cable host than a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination.
BNR: The Brutal Assault on Hillary’s Integrity
The moderators kept trying to pin Sen. Sanders down about what he expected to find in the transcripts and he wouldn’t explicitly say that he expected her to be shown to be a lying liar. Fie on him.
That’s why I said “Hillary Rules” – it’s fine for any friggin body in the whole friggin world on either side of the political spectrum to attack Hillary in the lowest way on any friggin thing they want to, but Hillary can’t point out truth about Bernie – doing so is one more excuse for attacking Hillary.
Good morning, 51 and very windy in Bellingham. The gusts kept me awake during the night, and now that’s it’s daylight I see some large branches blew out of our old maple trees. Fortunately they are not in the street and we can move them from the sidewalk to the lawn. But this means I have to call the tree service and decide what to do with my beloved old trees :( They are budding out now, and the remaining branches fill the sky outside my window.
They may be able to prune the trees but save them for you. Holding the good thought.
The Moose is behaving strangely this morning. Instead of a regular comment, the only form showing up is a “reply” box. Oh, well. It’s sunny here in NoVa, 70 F. going up to 78 F. today. Yesterday Dulles Airport recorded 82 F!
Seizing a minute to write in here while Daughter and Dearly Beloved are out walking the dog. Daughter hasn’t stopped talking since she arrived–LOL! Except when she’s asleep. We both need to get some work done today.
The foot is black where the injury occurred. It still hurts. There is something I can only describe as a “blood blister” on it. The others are going to the grocery store this morning so I’ll ask them to get some arnica gel. In the meantime I’m wearing bedroom slippers because I don’t know what else to do. Last night I went to bed at 11:30, was still awake at 1:27, so got up, had a cup of tea and a slice of toast, and read until 4 a.m. I’m going to feel terrible about noon, as I woke up just before 7 a.m. as usual.
Hated the debate last night and all the filth they threw at Hillary. Imagine getting up every morning and going out to face a world—or at least the journalistic medium—that HATES you for being female, smart, and qualified. She’s far more qualified than any of the vulgar creeps on the other side and has a far better grasp of things than St. Bernie. She is so brave. She wants to make life better for other people. I don’t know that I could be as selfless as she is: it would be so easy to just sit back, enjoy life, and play with the grandchildren. Goddess bless her!
The daffodils are out across the street, which makes me so happy that I’m going to send invisible hugs to all Meese! Have a good day!
The Moose is behaving strangely this morning. Instead of a regular comment, the only form showing up is a “reply” box. Oh, well. It’s sunny here in NoVa, 70 F. going up to 78 F. today. Yesterday Dulles Airport recorded 82 F!
Seizing a minute to write in here while Daughter and Dearly Beloved are out walking the dog. Daughter hasn’t stopped talking since she arrived–LOL! Except when she’s asleep. We both need to get some work done today.
The foot is black where the injury occurred. It still hurts. There is something I can only describe as a “blood blister” on it. The others are going to the grocery store this morning so I’ll ask them to get some arnica gel. In the meantime I’m wearing bedroom slippers because I don’t know what else to do. Last night I went to bed at 11:30, was still awake at 1:27, so got up, had a cup of tea and a slice of toast, and read until 4 a.m. I’m going to feel terrible about noon, as I woke up just before 7 a.m. as usual.
Hated the debate last night and all the filth they threw at Hillary. Imagine getting up every morning and going out to face a world—or at least the journalistic medium—that HATES you for being female, smart, and qualified. She’s far more qualified than any of the vulgar creeps on the other side and has a far better grasp of things than St. Bernie. She is so brave. She wants to make life better for other people. I don’t know that I could be as selfless as she is: it would be so easy to just sit back, enjoy life, and play with the grandchildren. Goddess bless her!
The daffodils are out across the street, which makes me so happy that I’m going to send invisible hugs to all Meese! Have a good day!
I hope the arnica helps your foot! It sounds awful.
I am not sure what happens with the moose and Safari but I notice that you have a duplicate comment. That is not supposed to happen because WordPress checks and tells you about it with a message “Looks like you’ve already said that!” :(
I hope you have clear skies to see the waxing crescent tonight. It is my favorite moon as it is filled with great promise.
Larry Wilmore on MSNBC’s shushing of Hillary Clinton last Saturday and Bernie’s EXCUSE ME moment:
“There is something so comforting when a MAN screams into a microphone”
“Apparently Bernie’ socialism doesn’t include sharing the conversation”.
Too bad that’s “comedy” and therefore nobody “serious” has to pay any attention to it.
For y’all not on FB or Twitter – my brother found a picture that we think is me in 4th grade. I’m too tall for me in 1st grade, which was the other possibility:
On WaPo:
Bernie Sanders’s most vitriolic supporters really test the meaning of the word ‘progressive’
Excellent article. It really makes me sad to see self-identified progressives act like this way. But then it surprised me when I found out about the frustrati racists on the GOS … racism is NOT a progressive value.
I hope this primary ends before more damage is done to our coalition. Some of these hateful comments can’t be unsaid and the hurt will surely linger.