Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …
It is 29 degrees in Madison WI, on its way up to 65. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good morning Meese
We haz snow!
Thankfully – it doesn’t seem to have stuck on the roads – but is causing some power outages up here.
Yesterday had to go to the funeral of the young sister of a friend from Black Kos – who lives in Ohio – but her family is here in upstate NY. Her sister was only 22 – and there are suspicions of foul play about the death.
So very sad.
Today is the kickoff day for the Moral Mondays Revival Tour –
which will be held at NYC’s Riverside Church.
The event today is being live-streamed at 3PM
We had some odd snow yesterday. It came in the form of snow squalls looping over us – blizzard, sunshine, light snow, sunshine, blizzard – over about a 6 hour period of time. It all pretty much melted, though.
How sad about the young woman! :(
That is very sad about the young woman. I hope her family will find solace.
Last night I watched the Founders Day Gala on CSPAN, live from Milwaukee WI.
Selected videos and Tweets here: From the Democratic Party Wing of the Democratic Party: Founders Day Gala in Milwaukee
If you don’t have time to watch all the clips, at least catch Al Franken’s great speech. It starts with him talking about his Republican father’s epiphany which has some real parallels to what is happening in politics right now.
Had a good time yesterday at my friend’s party. So happy to go to a 2nd birthday party that she wasn’t supposed to have.
Left all my cooking for today, but both dishes are easy so it’s not so bad. Target had frozen kale on sale so I stocked up. I’m buying groceries there because I can put them on my card. Anyway, that’s my day set — church & cooking. I need to get on the bike…
anotherdemocrat, that’s wonderful about your friend having her second unexpected birthday! Good for her. Just shows you never know, in this world.
Good morning, 44 and partly sunny in Bellingham today. Looks like I’m going to have to wash some windows….on rainy days they look fine, but the sunshine reveals all! This has been a record setting wet winter on the PNW. No surprise I’ve had water issues in the basement.
I surprised myself yesterday with a focused file cleaning. I’ve got more to do, but I’ve now got a plan and a good start. I just need some help carrying all the papers to the car so I can take them to be shredded. I filled several heavy boxes! It was a nostalgic look back through the last 10 yrs of our life, but no one is ever going to write a memoir so it’s time to make room for day to day files and let the past be.
I hear you, princesspat. I’m trying to make up my mind to get rid of the birthday cards I received. To throw them away would feel like breaking an arm. Hope it’s not too wrenching for you to part with the old files.
I did a short ritual and burned mine.
Morning all! Gorgeous day here – clear, sunny and crisp! I must savor it as we won’t get many more like it before suffocating heat sets in for 5 or 6 months.
Big kerfuffle in the Nevada caucuses yesterday – I guess this was the second step in a multi step caucus process, and an erroneous mail sent out to delegates resulted in a lot of Clinton delegates from Clark County (Las Vegas) not showing up, so Bernie delegates outnumbered them. This only resulted in a switch of a couple of delegates, Hillary still wins Nevada, and it could change again at the final state convention in May. But it reeks, nonetheless.
Apparently, this morning on ABC, Bernie said the reason he hasn’t released his tax returns is that his wife does them and she’s too busy to do it. Oh rly? That is about the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard a candidate give, and I hope the press roasts him for it. Can you imagine if Hillary tried something like that? Or something like what happened in Nevada? agh, the hypocrisy, it berns!
I got up too late to watch Hillary on MTP, I’ll look for it on the web later. Have a great day everyone!
I think if the Sanders campaign wants to spend their time gaming the system in order to flip 3 or 4 votes, more power to them! The latest Wisconsin polls show a tightening and if Sen. Sanders’ likely voters don’t turn out to vote, Hillary could eke out a victory. Either way, it will be close and the delegate gap will not close by much. Sen. Sanders will head to Wyoming where he will win and then New York will effectively end the race. He spoke to 4,000 fans in the nearly empty Kohl’s Center last night – his schtick is getting old and his obsessive focus on the polls showing him winning “biggah” is Trumpesque. Yes, he’s yooooge, as Generic Not-Hillary Democratic candidate. Plug Martin O’Malley’s name in and he would beat Trump by large margins, also. Meh.
The tax return release story is pretty funny. Man in glass house, throwing stones, finds stones thrown back! Someone started a crowdfunder to hire him an accountant. Ha!!
Hi Meeses – started the day at 48, it’s now 68, and we may (or may not) make it to 78 which was unexpected at 7 a.m. when I lit the fire that I am now allowing to go out :) – lots of sunshine. Yesterday generated 22.77 KWHs and from the looks of things I may do that again today. I’m already at 44 KWHs for the month and seriously could crest 60 by the end of the day if the sun stays out.
Saw Hillary last night – well, heard her, the “buffering” for the video on the link I had drove me nuts, so I just listened to her and played in the live-blog at Orange instead of watching. She was wonderful, as usual. I’ll see about checking out Al Franken’s speech when I get a minute (or however many minutes the speech runs – heh). Totally sux about the Nevada thing. And very – let’s just say interesting – that an erroneous date instruction letter was sent out. Although I’m actually surprised that Hillary delegates didn’t double check. And if they did, well, I don’t want to wander into CT territory so I’ll stop there. As with most of the B.S. “wins” it’s too little too late. Math is math and Hillary is going to be our nominee. And Dem B.S. supporters will vote for her. And anti-Hillary B.S. supporters either won’t vote or will probably vote Green. Sigh.
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday and a lovely week – what the heck, let’s not stop there – a lovely forever! :) And also {{{HUGS}}}
Good afternoon, all! It’s 44 F. here in NoVa on a sunny, windy day at 1:30 p.m. When I woke up this morning at 7, the electricity was off and when I took the dog out, there was no newspaper, either. The overnight wind blew a plant right out of its little nest and flung the doormat into the flowerbed. Mercifully, just as we wondering whether to turn the generator on so we could proceed with Early Morning Tea and the day’s plans, the electricity came back on. Dearly Beloved, who is 6’3″ on his good days, looked out the window and saw that the newspaper had blown into the street, so he retrieved it and all was well.
We watched the Formula I race, which didn’t even start until 10 a.m. EDT. We don’t allow ourselves to look at tablets or phones before we know who won the race, that’s why I’m so late with greetings this morning.
Tonight’s dinner, a beef stew with carrots, onions, and potatoes, is simmering away in the slow cooker. The custard is chilling downstairs in the fridge as it soaks into the ladyfingers, spread with raspberry jam and sprinkled with sherry. All that remains is to whip the cream that is spread over the pudding and scatter the toasted almond slices on top. I made a sour cream gingerbread for tea and frosted it with orange-flavored butter frosting. Younger Son and family are expected in a couple of hours.
Work on Scene 3 of “Setting Seattle Straight” (Political Granddaughter’s birthday story) is going much better than I expected! I feel quite confident about writing the rest of it now. Scene 4 will wrap things up and that will be that.
I’ll second bfitz in wishing everyone a great Sunday, coming week, and forever!
Your dinner sounds lovely. I was totally uninspired this morning – just added 1/4 c cocoa and 1/2 tsp cinnamon to my basic muffin recipe for “Mexican Chocolate” muffins. Just doing braised liver in sherry, baked potato, and steamed green beans for dinner, with oatmeal cookies and blueberries (frozen, from last June’s Farmers’ Market) for dessert. :)
Sounds yummy, bfitz!
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 31 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 37. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast. Yesterday we were in the 70s – for one day – and now we head back into the deep freeze. It will be cold across a lot of the country for baseball Opening Day. In other sports news, the UConn women will try for their 4th straight national basketball championship on Tuesday night and to extend their 74 game winning streak. The first-time-in-the-Final-Four Syracuse team are hoping for an upset. Me, too! They are a scrappy team and fun to watch.
I have vowed to not read any in-depth articles about Trump and Trumpism and that makes my morning news scan much easier. He will lose Wisconsin because right-wing talk radio, the same force that made Scott Walker governor, is going all in for Cruz. But there will be no Wisconsin bump because there is no other place where the media is the GOP establishment and can propel a candidate to victory. Cruz will be crushed in New York and Pennsylvania. Trump is the nominee.
Time to turn to the general election and to focus on voter registration and getting people ids and rides to the polls. Gallup reported an increase in self-reported Democrats , our peeps!

Now we need to make sure that everyone eligible to vote can vote on November 8th. If the primaries did nothing else, they were a reminder of how difficult it is to cast a vote in the worlds largest democracy.
See all y’all later!
Good morning Meese
We have snow here – it’s 27 and it is still snowing – totally weird. The wind knocked down an old cedar tree in front of our house – luckily it missed the front porch roof.
I spent yesterday afternoon watching Rev. Barber kick off the moral revival tour from Riverside church – hubby was glued to tv cheering on Syracuse women’ s team (who won).
I knew your husband was a women’s basketball fan! The Syracuse team is fun to watch – their coach is quite a character and built himself a winner. I am glad I will have something to watch Tuesday night rather than the bloviating talking heads trying to read anything into the results of the Wisconsin primary.
I had to laugh – I’m following Al Giordano on twitter who has been reporting on WI. He posted this before the big Sanders rally which did not fill the 17000 seat arena (got about 4,400 folks to show up)
Good morning, Meese, it’s 47 F. on a sunny morning in NoVa, going up to 70 F. later on, and that’s the high for the week. After today we’ll have a frigid week, necessitating fires in the fireplace.
Berning at the news that St. Bernard insisted on having yet another debate with Hillary and now refuses to name either a time or a place. I’m getting so sick of him! Also, I notice that it doesn’t seem to be any less toxic at GOS as far as HRC is concerned.
Currently wondering whether going to the gym every day would lower my cholesterol enough for me to stop taking this statin. One of the side effects is skin problems, and I now have eczema on my hands so badly I can hardly function. It hurts, too.
Hope it will be a good week for people everywhere, with less bad news and more good!
Yet another lousy night’s sleep. But driving in this morning, looked at the gorgeous crescent moon. And there’s going to be a Dr. Who spin off! Sp that will get me through Monday. And my head is playing Chocolate, which has a great title, but the lyrics are just nonsense. Which fits for Monday, right?
About 55 at dawn, 65 now and heading for 75 – another mostly sunny day in Fay., AR this Monday. Did crest 60 KWHs for the month yesterday. It’s a lovely time of year for generating electricity – generated as much yesterday as takes 4 days in December. :) That’s the good news. The not-so-good is headache that so far neither coffee nor Ibuprofen have dented – makes me clumsy and messes with my vision. No good going home though, getting horizontal just makes it worse (sinusitis). Sigh. I’ll survive. I always have.
Blessings on the Hillary Writers’ crew – Hillary safe diaries (and pootie diaries) are all I go into at Orange and they’ve made sure there’s at least one going all the time. I still haven’t had a chance to listen to Al Franken’s speech but maybe today. Right now listening to anything isn’t a good idea. (And I’m putting off some copying right now just because I don’t want to fire up the copy machine.) Blessing upon Jan and the Meeses, too. Many lovely (or at least informative) things to go into that are always safe and don’t go away before I can get to them if for some reason I can’t get to them immediately.
DIL1 and crew showed up yesterday to talk about goats eating my honeysuckle and also about making a river rock path along the east side of my house so I won’t have to tromp through mud every time it rains. They’ll do the inside of my backyard at “family rates” (free) but if I want to get to the source of the problem – the abandoned property on the other side of my fence – that will take over a week for the goats to eat that and they’ll have to charge. (A discount but still a charge.) So maybe, maybe not – we shall see. The goats will be here tomorrow for the inside. They were delighted that I’m going to NN this year. Not particularly because they know anything about NN, but the fact that I am taking an honest-to-goodness vacation and going somewhere for a whole week – staying in a hotel and even hiring a rental car so I’ll have A/C for the drive – is tickling the heck out of my entire family, my friends, and most of my co-workers. Tells you how often I do that. :) Anyway – gonna try more coffee and Ibu for the headache and try to get some work done. Bright the day. {{{HUGS}}}
Morning all! It’s lovely here this morning – Dee, so sorry you are STILL getting snow! That’s crazy! And thanks so much for turning me on to Al Giordano on Twitter – he is so politically astute, his stuff is great to read. And that video report was a hoot!
The NYT article (was that just online yesterday for in the paper today?) giving a bit of a premature obituary to the Sanders campaign is something else – everyone in Sanders’ campaign trying to deflect the blame from themselves and onto Bernie for the campaign’s failure. Remarkable. But, of course, the Times managed to work in some nasty stuff about Hillary as well, from that jerk Kerry (not John, the other one) who has always hated the Clintons. Oh well, we have 7 more months of nasty stuff about Hillary to weather, so best put my raincoat on now I guess.
Everyone have a great day!
Greg Sargent at WaPo disagreed with the Sanders people interviewed by the NY Times:
Exactly. And that is precisely why so many people are disappointed to hear him now echoing right-wing talking points, themes pulled from Karl Rove’s Crossroads PAC and Fox News.
They lost because they have a bad campaign staff and a one-issue candidate. After reading the NY Daily News interview, I can’t imagine how a person so completely clueless about how things work was even considered for the highest job in the land.
Girl, you said it! I read Cass’ diary on the subject at GOS. St. Bernard is clueless!
And this is so true:
Good morning……50 and partly sunny in Bellingham. The grand girls are here for spring break, I overslept but made it to the pool anyway, and soon we’re going to the bookstore for books and lunch. It’s fun to be with them….just need an energy infusion so I can keep up!
I was outdoors most of yesterday, and it was so nice. I clipped ivy, washed windows, cleaned up winter branches and pine cones, visited with neighbors, and came indoors tired and ready to relax. I needed the fresh air and looking at the world through clean windows is nice today as well.
Princesspat, please send some window-cleaning mojo my way! I need to do that, but, like polishing the silver and clean out the fridge, I keep putting it off and off.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday … Primary Day in Wisconsin
It is 25 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 44. Evening showers are in the forecast.
Soon WI will be done with campaign ads and news filled with images of irritating people. I am hoping that by October, the polls are so terrible for the Republicans that Wisconsin is not a swing state and that all the money goes to winning Arizona and Texas.
Most of the newspapers in the state have endorsed Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg for Supreme Court. That is the most important race. If we get down by two justices on the court, we will never gain a majority again. A win tomorrow would put it back to 4-3 and there is a right-wing tool, who cheated to win election in 2008, up for reelection in 2018 so the chance to flip would be there. Not so if we go into it down 5-2.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, told us to settle down, we are on track to win:
I predict that the youngs will stay home, that committed Democratic voters (“sheep” per Sanders surrogate Tim Robbins – whoever the hell that is) will go to the polls, the “independents” will choose to vote in the Republican primary and Hillary will win. Don’t pay attention to the Emerson poll by the way.
On the Republican side, the #NeverTrump people will wake up this morning, take another look at the punchable face of Ted Cruz and vote for John Kasich. Or not. Actually, I have no idea but I am not sure the polls are factoring in the ick factor of voting for Cruz.
Evenwel!!! Yay, one person, one vote and compromise decisions reflecting the 8 person court. We have probably not seen the end of this (Ed Blum will never give up trying to suppress Democratic votes) but for now, it is done. Rick Hasen:
See all y’all later!!
Good morning Meese – headed out to sweep the snow off of my car – and to start getting ready for school.
Thankfully – no more snow today!
This is not my idea of spring.
Not my idea of spring either!! We had 6 hours of spring on Sunday and won’t see it again this week.
Heh – everybody getting used to the “new normal” – 30 years ago in AR, a heckuva lot further south than you folks are, the annual “frozen daffodil and tire chain festival” was always about mid-April. (We had it in February this year.)
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s 30 F. on a brilliantly sunny day here, going up to 50 F. Denise, sorry about the snow. What a bummer at this time of year!
Lots to do today—must write Scene 4 of Granddaughter’s birthday story, visit the sales office of an old people’s apartment building, and think about which fish dish we’re going to have for dinner. Tomorrow I have to insert all the pictures in the story (gad, that’s going to be a lot of bytes) and supply a list of links for reference. Then I’ll have to .pdf the thing.
My Mac keeps going black. Whatever the cause, it can’t be good. Will have to see about taking it in to the Apple Store. Will be checking from time to time to see how things are going in Wisconsin. Wish HRC could pull out a surprise win or at least come close.
A good day to all!
If it is not close, they will be able to call it from the exit polls when our polls close at 8pm Central. Otherwise, it may take a while. Our state uses optical scanned ballots and so the results are usually pretty quick. A lot will depend on turnout and the lines at the polls. We have same-day registration (one of the few good government things that was not killed off by Walker) so if a lot of first time voters show up, it could be busy.
Here is the Wisconsin web site if you want to bookmark it: Current Election Results.
Have you considered sole or flounder poached in white wine for dinner? The stock makes wonderful fish chowder the next day (or so). Have fun with all your busy-nesses and hope it’s nothing serious with your Mac.
Didn’t ride my bike, again. Put my backpack by the door, so I will trip over it on the way in — and pick it up & transfer my stuff to it. At least that part of getting ready to ride will be done.
Very few thoughts in my head. Brain is playing a Snow Patrol song — “if it looks like it works & it feels like it works, then it works”. Not much else going on in there.