Last night, Democrats from all over the State of Wisconsin gathered for the Founders Day fund-raiser in Milwaukee. In attendance were both presidential candidates, Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, local party luminaries like former Senator Herb Kohl, former Rep. Dave Obey plus current elected officials from Wisconsin: Rep. Gwen Moore and Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Invited guests included Sen. Al Franken, Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood, Rep. Marcy Kaptur from Ohio, Rep. André Carson of Indiana, and Rep. Maxine Waters of California.
The purpose of the event was to raise money for the party as we head into the general election with the goal of electing another Democratic president, returning Russ Feingold to the U.S. Senate, and adding Democrats to the Wisconsin delegation to the House of Representatives. Democratic Party of Wisconsin officials think that there is a pretty good chance for Democrats to win back the state Senate and to narrow the gap in the state Assembly.
The full CSPAN clip is here and selected clips are below the fold.
(Speakers: Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, DPW Chair Martha Laning, Rep. Gwen Moore, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota, Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, former and future Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin)
Selected clips …
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) began with a barn burner. Rep. Moore reminds us of all we have lost over the past 5 years and recalls the role Wisconsin and Milwaukee played in looking out for working people and the oppressed.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) inspired the crowd (and made them laugh – a lot!) with stories of his father’s epiphany and how Democrats need to leave nothing to chance this fall.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke, leaving no doubts about what she thinks of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his hand-picked state Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley. Wisconsin has a chance to reject his appointee and choose a justice for the people, Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg.
From the Twitterater:
Molly Beck @MollyBeck
.@RepGwenMoore closes with “The fight will be won.” #WIPrimary
Alice Ollstein @AliceOllstein
.@alfranken talks about his family becoming Democrats b/c of Jewish values of social justice & civil rights. #FoundersDay
Alice Ollstein @AliceOllstein
.@MarcyKaptur slams GOP candidates for “embarrassing America in front of the world.” #FoundersDay
Democratic Party WI @WisDems
.@alfranken “to be honest i’m not a big fan of @RonJohnsonWI” #FoundersDayWI #wipolitics #VoteBlueWI
Liz Kreutz @ABCLiz
“I am a proud Democrat, and I support Democrats up and down the ticket. Always have and always will,” Clinton says at Dem dinner in Milwaukee
Democratic Party WI @WisDems
Standing ovation for .@BernieSanders “have to make sure @realDonaldTrump or Repub doesn’t become POTUS” #wipolitics
Celebrity sighting!!
Getting out the vote for Hillary in Wisconsin with my hero Cecile Richards and one of my favorite children. pic.twitter.com/sDWf0ELSw9
— Bradley Whitford (@WhitfordBradley) April 2, 2016
On Wisconsin!!
News coverage: USA Today
How nice to read about good news from Wisconsin! Thanks for sharing the C-Span clips here.
I read on twitter that both candidates were asked to specifically go after that awful judge you have up there in their speeches – Bernie said no, Hillary did so and with a vengeance. I watched Hillary and most of Franken – great stuff! And so cool that you were there!
I wasn’t there, except in spirit! I did watch it live on C-SPAN and stayed up way past my bedtime.
I did not hear that about them asking Sen. Sanders to go after Rebecca Bradley – and him refusing to. It does not surprise me, he isn’t a Democrat and doesn’t care about state politics – the only job he wants is president; other people can take on the “boring” job of leading the Democratic Party.
Hillary did a nice job going after Walker’s hand-picked judge. There was a lot of truly awful stuff that Rebecca Bradley had said, some of it going back over 20 years. But the part about birth control being murder was actually from 2006 – that wasn’t “youth” that was swallowing the right-wing ideology, hook, line, and sinker. May it “sink her“!
Managed to watch Hillary’s speech last night (had logged in to check email and dropped over to Orange to see what was up in the evening “I’m with Her” diary. One of the commenters had a link and my timing was just right :) – it was a great speech, as usual. It went after the R’s at all levels, as usual. She stayed to “work the crowd,” as usual. Bernie did none of the above, as usual. Holding the good thought for WI and all the residents thereof that there’s a Dem down-ballot sweep – and that includes the state Supreme Court! (And I do mean all the residents – when Hillary says “you may not be for me, but I’m working for you” she’s not kidding. Everything she’s got planned will benefit everybody, whether or not they believe it – or like it because it isn’t “The Return of White Male Supremacy” movie they think they want.