Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 71 in Madison WI, on its way up to 90. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good morning Meese
Happy Juneteenth!
And Happy Father’s Day!
I miss my dad.
Found and retweeted.
p.s. I had the Sunday post on autopilot (posts but no comments) and it was not up when you posted. I took the liberty of “moving” your comments here. I hope you don’t mind.
of course I don’t mind :)
Gosh, he was handsome! Not surprising, as he was the father of a beautiful daughter.
Thanks for sharing, Denise.
He was Diana :) Thank you
Your daddy was a handsome man. Funny thing, since my daddy was a white boy from a dirt-grubbing town in OK, but he kind of reminds me of my daddy. Maybe it’s just the youth and uniform as Daddy was in the Army Air Corps during WWII.
Happy Juneteenth to you!
That was a BHD.
I was laughing at the Tweet sent out by the Green Party candidate yesterday exhorting people to help with petition drives for Juneteenth. It showed a room full of WHITE people. I suspect that she does not know what Juneteenth is … or perhaps black people aren’t drawn to supporting dead-end campaigns which threaten to put a bigoted narcissistic bully into the White House.
For the first time since 1967, Summer Solstice and the June full moon will land on the same day:
The next time this happens will be June 2062 so you might want to take a moment to enjoy this one. :)
Wow, June 2062? I find it so annoying that I won’t be alive to see what my grandchildren will make of their lives. Wish there were some kind of other dimension wherein I could at least watch, even if unable to interfere.
Where I live, in the DC area, the full moon generally is not visible at all because there’s always a heavy layer of fog and obfuscation arising from Capitol Hill. This is hell on people who want to celebrate esbats.
I think of that too, Diana, being able to see what my daughter and her future children (if she chooses to have them) and their children are doing. None of us really know what will become of our essence. I like to think of it as always being part of the earth, the places I touched.
The president visited Yosemite yesterday and gave a speech in front of the soaring backdrop of Sentinel Falls. I posted it in the new roundup in the Weekly Address. His spirit will live on in the good works he has done and the protections he is putting in place for our places of natural beauty.
What makes you so sure you won’t be able to see what they make of their lives? “Windows of Heaven are open” – you can watch them from there when you get a minute from whatever research you’re doing in the Akashic records, :)
Can’t wait to see it – I’m one of those “born under a full moon” lunatics – lol
Last night I was up “restless” around midnight and noticed that the fullish moon was high in the southern sky. I hope the sky is clear tonight … maybe I will build a Solstice welcoming fire.
I just checked the weather here – we will have a clear night so it should be beautiful
Will see if I can photograph
I have never had much luck photographing moons. Someone told me that I needed a camera that let me change stop speed or something. I just have my smartphone and a basic camera with automatic adjustments. I can turn them off but then what??
Ooh, lovely idea, Jan!
Good morning, Moosekind, on another beautiful day! So nice to sleep with the fan in the window. I love being able to turn off the a.c.
We had a great time at the Father’s Day barbecue at Elder Son’s house. Mr. NewBaby was freaked out by the unfamiliar faces but cheered up in the end. Babylicious staggered around smiling—he is a big hit with one of his uncles (really, a second cousin but never mind). Both babies were passed around like candy while Miss Pink Cheeks and her cousin tore around outside.
Off to watch the Formula I race now—back later!
Formula I – oh my :)
Didn’t get in a workout yesterday, and I’m cooking this afternoon. I need to persuade myself to walk in the morning on the weekend….
Yesterday was the state Democratic convention. From my FB & Twitter feeds, looks like there was some unpleasantness but it didn’t rise to Nevada levels.
Anyway, today: church, cooking next week’s breakfast…. that’s really it. Happy Father’s Day to the dads here & people with fathers.
And Happy Juneteenth!
“it didn’t rise to Nevada levels.” – YET!!!
Iowa had their convention, too. It was not surprising that some BS delegates were no shows, more than a hundred could not deal with a revolution that takes longer than the time it takes to refresh a web page and stayed home to type mean things on Twitter and Facebook. Another reason I am glad that our nominee is a long-time Democrat who wants to build the party, not just fill an amphitheater and grab some $27ses. I am sure that Sanders will claim that he “forced” Hillary into the 50-state strategy (cuz he mentioned it!) even though it has been getting built for the last year. It is a continuation of the program put in place in April 2015 for the primaries. Here is where it is headed:
The Clinton “movement” wants to grow the party, expand the bench, win some state legislatures. Hugely important for President Hillary Clinton and for Democratic presidents who will come after her.
Organizing – From Apr 22, 2015
hmmm, looks like I’ll be paying a visit to Lowe’s, my kitchen light burned out & I cannot figure out how to take the cover off to change the bulb. There’s no thing on the outside to twist to take it off, I tried just moving to globe itself, can’t. And it’s time to leave for church. So while I the oatmeal is in the oven this afternoon, I’ll go & ask for help.
Good morning, 58 and partly sunny in Bellingham. RonK is looking forward to a cruise on Bellingham Bay this morning, barbecuing ribs this afternoon, and Game of Thrones tonight. Happy Father’s Day!
Started the day in the low 70s with humidity in the 50s so I opened up the house and used fans to pull in cool(ish) air while I did my cooking. Doing tahini-honey muffins this week. Probably won’t do them again. They’re OK, but the tahini has an aftertaste I don’t care for. Eating cold meals this week – something I don’t usually do until the end of July – so steamed green beans for green bean salad and potatoes for potato salad. If you don’t mind calling purple potatoes and onions blue, it’s a very patriotic potato salad as I made it with red, white, and blue (purple) potatoes and a bit of purple onion. And the green pickles can hark back to the Good Neighbor Policy as a wave to Mexico :) Of course it’s now in the 80s and humid enough to be rather uncomfortable. I’ve closed up again but the A/C hasn’t kicked on yet. Probably in another hour.
Happy Juneteenth. And Father’s Day. And full-moon. And Solstice. Holidays as new as the kittens at Horsefeathers house, as old as the human race. (Maybe not officially, but both fathers and freedom from slavery are celebrated whenever.) Hillary knows what she’s doing. Thank goddess(es). We could not have a better captain for the Ship of State at this time and maybe ever (or at least up until now). We’re her crew. The rest of them can go play shuffleboard or bitch at the bar as long as they stay out of our way. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Happy Father’s Day/Juneteenth/Full Moon to everyone! Just a quick hello, not a lot to report on today. I’m shopping online for a new computer – a vendor I saw mentioned in a couple of my gaming forums, Digital Storm, is where I’m shopping, combining components to try to get the most for my money without overdoing it. I will spend about half of what I spent 5 years ago on my current very expensive rig, and will still get terrifically upgraded performance. I just need to clear out and rearrange my study, desk and table space since I’m going to keep the current system for doing school work on when I teach again in January.
Have a wonderful day everyone! Dee, your dad was SO good looking!
wow – good luck with new puter shopping – are you getting one with a gaming keyboard?
I’m going to keep using the Razr Black Widow mechanical keyboard I have – it’s not that old, and yeah, it is a gaming board. Also my mouse, it’s a gaming mouse no need to replace it.
I bought a gaming mouse – but it wound up being too complicated for me – and since I’m not raiding – no need to use
Good Monday morning Meese
63 here in the Catskills headed to 93 – glad my house is always cool so unless I go outside I won’t even notice.
Sanders collides with black lawmakers The Congressional Black Caucus ‘vehemently’ opposes Sanders’ call to abolish superdelegates.
For me – this is key:
Wapo covering it too:
Congressional Black Caucus balks at two political reforms being pitched by Bernie Sanders
For Sanders and his mostly-white-male revolution, diluting minority voting is a feature not a bug. He wants caucuses, to be able to keep out people who don’t have time to spend 6 hours arguing with their neighbors, and independents because the majority of Democrats support civil rights and reproductive rights which is merely an afterthought to Sanders.
The California Democratic Party, which probably has the most delegates to the convention, wants to get rid of the caucuses completely but also cut back on the number of superdelegates and make them follow the will of their states. I want more people to come out in favor of closed primaries – I don’t want independents running in our primaries OR choosing our nominee. They turned out to be a disruptive force. The Democratic Party is finally right-tracked after some fits and starts and it would be insane to undo what we have. Cut back some on the superdelegates if you must but don’t cut out the governors and other officeholders who have built the party and who have a stake in its future. Sanders delegates have been no-shows to the state conventions – what does that tell you about their level of commitment to the party and its future?
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 77 degrees in Madison, on its way up to 81. Morning showers and afternoon sun are in the forecast.
The Senate is going to vote on gun control measures today. The NRA hit the talk shows yesterday to threaten lawmakers who dare defy them and to rant about the terrorists “coming to get us all!! arm now!”. They are sociopaths, people who see nothing wrong with making money off the bodies of dead innocents. The vote won’t matter other than putting in UPPERCASE the names of GOP Senators who are willing to defy the wishes of their constituents because the NRA has them by the, er, throat.
Rumors are flying that Clarence Thomas is not having fun anymore and will retire after the election. I suspect he would only retire if Trump is president-elect which makes him another carrot dangled in front of the NeverTrump’ers to encourage them to get on the Trump Train. Trump’s SCOTUS short-list is filled with the most regressive right-wing judges in the country. And if you want to be scared spitless, read this: “Donald Trump’s Constitution“.
Speaking of SCOTUS, a new Supreme Court Watch, brought to you by the Moose News Network, and featuring, I hope, the new Moose front page, will post at 9:15am Eastern this morning. Opinions will be released at 10am Eastern and I will be watching SCOTUSblog for news. We are watching closely for US vs Texas, the DAPA/DACA case, and the Texas abortion clinic closing case Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.
See all y’all later!
Looking forward to seeing the new Moose :)
It doesn’t look too much different – mostly showing more articles on the front page in a true magazine format. I added sections for our main categories to encourage more people to write. PLUS I have a hankering to write more and it will be easier to put something sort-of on the front page without hogging it. :)
I am looking for a different way to show lists of posts but it may not be possible with our WordPress theme. And there is so much about it that is good, I would be disinclined to scrap it.
Sunny Solstice to everyone! Please enjoy a rerun of an older post, updated for today’s holiday.
The minutes of daylight (at least here) start disappearing next Sunday so enjoy the long sunny days while you can!
If you did not see this, please enjoy: How should Hillary Clinton dress? However she goddamn pleases
There’s more!
Thanks! Tweeted!
Jesus H. Christ.
That’s all I can say.
Eff the patriarchs. I’m getting increasingly profane as the campaign wears on. I’ve noticed the same thing about a bunch of people.
I never used to use the F-word even in “WTF” but, JHC on a cracker, these people are getting on my last nerve!!! It will only get worse.
Good Solstice Moon Day, Moosekind! It’s a delightful morning here, 60 now in NoVa, going up to 90 F. and getting humid later. We’re having tuna and white bean salad in lettuce cups tonight, followed by Canta-Berry (cantaloupe rings filled with berries).
Haven’t looked at the news in depth yet, but will later. The paint I selected turned out to be the color of summer butter—eek! The painter plans to put on another coat of a different color to tone it down a bit.
The WaPo had an article yesterday that this may be the tipping point for gun control. The LGBT groups are powerful and organized. They got gay marriage in this country. They may be able to get gun control. I’m so disgusted! No one needs an assault rifle. The country is filled with paranoid eejits.
Must go below to cook Dearly’s breakfast. Today he works at the airport and doesn’t get lunch, so I want him to go with a Full English in his tummy!
(Waving) Back later!
1.22 miles today. Had an awful night’s sleep. And have I mentioned that it’s hot here? Eating oatmeal & drinking tea that isn’t strong enough even though it’s as dark as coffee. Ironic that I was wide awake at 4:30 but I know I could go to sleep right now.
I hope it’s true that Clarence Thomas is considering retiring. Giving Hillary 2 appointments right from the start…. nice.
I think the Clarence Thomas rumor is being spread to try to get the National Review conservatives back into the Republican fold. The ones loudly saying “Country Over Party!!” might rethink if the opportunity to replace an 80 year old conservative justice with a 45 year old bat-guano crazy right-wing justice presents itself. It won’t do them any good, though. There are not enough Trump voters even if you add the 10% or so NeverTrump’ers.
Happy Solstice! 71 at dawn, 80 now and climbing. Unless we get some serious sunny days the rest of this month, I’m not going to match my June 2015 electricity production. We shall see. It’s supposed to be a little cooler this week – new normal June rather than end of July (A/C kicks on at noon or so instead of 8 a.m.) – so that will help with electricity usage if not generation.
Hillary is running a strong, clean, hope-inspiring campaign. I keep focused on that and try not to let the “purists” reactionary actions get me down – or too angry. The 50-state strategy looks to me to be Hillary’s answer to the B.S. movement (and yes, I intended that the way it looks) and I think it will work to stop them in the short term and get the Dem Party back on track in the long term. If there’s anybody who can see 6 moves ahead as well as the next one to make, it’s Hillary.
Got to see what has gotten far enough through the approval chain that I can do the next steps. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Good morning, 62 and mostly sunny in Bellingham. I’m just back from the pool and Maggie has finally decided to forgive me for leaving her…..sill dog! So after I rest a while I’ll see what the rest of the day has in store for me.
The new front page looks very inviting Jan, Thanks for tending to the Moose.
The new front page works about 1000% better on my smartphone so there is that. I think giving all the posts the same space, just ordered differently, will do what I want. The full-width post at the top of the page was hiding the rest of the posts.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison on its way up to 77. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Sigh. “Thoughts and prayers” are all that the victims of the Orlando massacre will be getting from the Senate. But really, the problem is not the Senate – any bill passed there would have died in the House because their leadership would never have allowed a vote. We simply can’t keep skipping midterm elections and ignoring the damage being done when we let our blue and purple states turn red. Yesterday, the Supreme Court turned down a case challenging the assault weapon bans in Connecticut and New York, leaving them in place. That’s where change needs to happen. Just like federal action on a minimum wage is a dream, so is federal action on common sense gun regulations. You must have 60 Senators, and then a majority in the House, to pass anything and that is simply not going to happen. No gun crime is heinous enough to override the veto that the NRA has in Congress and it never will be, public opinion be damned.
In political news, Trump – and his campaign – is broke. The party of the wealthy, the party that made unlimited money in politics their holy grail, are drinking from a bitter chalice as the wallets of their have-mores have closed and the unlimited money is instead flowing into the coffers of their opponent’s campaign funds and PACs. Oops!
I am going to turn the Motley Megaphone over to Justice Sotomayor later this morning. She had something to say about racial profiling after the Utah v Streiff decision was announced yesterday morning.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday Meese.
Headed out to the dentist this morning. Didn’t get a good moon view last night – we had really bad thunder and lightning.
Have a good day
I hope the dentist visit is something routine!
We were lucky to see both the fullish waxing moon on Sunday night and the fullish waning moon last night. The storms we expected did not materialize and I believe are coming in tomorrow.
Good Tiu’s Day morning, Moosekind, and we’re just as embattled as Tiu himself. The majority of our citizens want stronger gun control, but our Congress, bought and paid for by the NRA, opposes even “smart” guns that only fire when their owner touches them.
It’s a lovely, partly cloudy morning here, with a blue sky and little cirrus clouds, subdued sunlight. It’s 71 F. now, going to 86 F. today. We’re supposed to get thunderstorms later, which kinda kills cooking on the grill.
Can’t wait for Hillary’s speech later today! The billionaire buffoon’s campaign has very little money. Qunnipiac shows him neck and neck with Hillary in Pennsylvania. How can this be? Of course, Quinnipiac could be growing something in the backyard and smoking it.
Training this morning, followed by making banana muffins with bananas and date paste instead of sugar. We’ll see how they turn out. Wishing all a good day!
Surprising to me is that a majority think that the serial bankruptee and wage-thief-in-chief would be better for the economy and jobs. It has to be that his male organ, small as it may be, lends him gravitas when it comes to the economy. Or people are simply insane.
I hope to be able to break away and watch her speech live on CSPAN at 11:30am Eastern. Here is the link: Hillary Clinton Speech in Columbus, Ohio.
They are billing it as like the San Diego speech but on the economy instead of national security. I hope they have not set expectations too high. The SD speech was amazing but part of its impact was the surprise factor. I doubt that anyone will be surprised by the contempt Hillary Clinton holds for the Republican nominee.