Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 68 in Madison WI, on its way up to 88. Thunderstorms are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Democrats were working on the party platform over the past few days, two days spent drafting and voting and one day (and counting!) spent complaining. It looks pretty solidly progressive to me and even includes a statement about the death penalty which is an issue I hope that Hillary Clinton will eventually evolve on. It does not directly come out in opposition to the TPP trade agreement for one very simple reason: the leader of our party, President Obama, supports it. While berners like Cornell West were unhappy because their only purpose in attending was to diss the president, all of the people on the drafting committee had a say and a vote. A snippet from Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris on Democratic Platform :
You can see why berners don’t like it – it gives voice to issues of race, injustice and reproductive rights and does not make “jail the banksters” the fix for every problem.
I look forward to seeing what happens with Maya Harris in the future – we know her sister Kamala will be in the Senate. I hope Maya winds up in a policy making position.
Here is a Brexit article I read that has too many excellent points to blockquote them all: I want my country back
Sadly – the racists and xenophobes in this case are not the fringe in GB – they are a majority who voted to die economically in the fires of their hate.
I have to admit I only feel sorry for those, who voted to remain, who now have to suffer as a result.
I found it instructive that the millennials, who voted overwhelming Remain, simply did not show up to vote. From Kevin Drum:
I think that maybe the youngs are not quite ready to have the baton passed to them. In our country they come out in force in 2008, took a pass on 2012 and were completely missing in 2010 and 2014 – with a devastating result. Do you think that “engaging the youth vote” is a lost cause and we simply have to wait until they gain the experience to realize that “purity” is not a policy and that the hard work of governing is boring?
Young people (and to me millennials are young people) often don’t show up to vote – for a host of reasons. I think we need to work to engage it – but not depend upon it being there.
By the way, here is a nice summary of the racist vs not-racist argument from NPR. One part:
“Make England White Again”
I have been interested in the communities of color in GB for some time – and the racial tensions.
Wrote about some of it in “The fire this time” for Black Kos.
Some of the British may want England White Again – however the irony is that England as an imperialist nation built an empire on the backs of people of color around the world.
Heh—does anyone else get the “country of J K Rowling, not Enid Blyton” reference?
I read all of Enid Blyton’s books as a child in Colonial Singapore and even wrote to her a couple of times. I have a letter in my possession, written by my late mother, in which she complains of the snobbery and jingoism in those books, but I was reading with the uncritical mind of a nine-year-old. To me the series, “The Secret Seven,” “The Famous Five,” and so on were about kids having adventures.
I slept in again. I didn’t get in a workout yesterday — maybe today, but it’s gonna be 95, so maybe not. Watching my wonderful representative on local news, talking about the sit in, and Brexit. He really is the best.
Today: church, cooking for next week, maybe a walk — I have a cool tie & arm coolers, so with them & a hat & water maybe I’ll be ok.
Good morning, Moosekind! Partly cloudy here in NoVa this morning, 71 F. now, going up to 84 F. later.
This will be a drive-by post as I need to get ready to take Darling Niece and my long-time British friend to tea at one o’clock. Why can’t Americans accept that tea is at bloody 4 p.m., not 1 p.m.? Still, we must go with the flow. After waddling home I will continue looking after Dearly Beloved, currently laid up on the family room sofa with pillows, the dog at his feet, the TV remote and library book handy. He injured his knee yesterday when the 12-inch concrete block he was holding slipped and landed on his knee. The pain caused him to have a video conference at 3 a.m. with our HMO. He’s icing it for 20 minutes on and off, taking pain pills, and staying off it.
Oh, dear me—and here we are planning to go to the beach on Thursday morning. Elder son and family are there already. Everyone have a good day!
Good morning, 58 and sunny in Bellingham. A busy family day ahead…..our grandson arrives for a weeks visit, our oldest grand girl has a ballet recital this afternoon, and our sons will be here this evening so we can watch the season ending GOT together. They are requesting a GOT supper, but I’ll leave that to Ron. My contribution will be slices of gluten free lemon cake from the co-op bakery. ( h/t Sansa)
My daughter’s Etsy site is doing well, but selling the PFC scarves and nursing shawls means we have to make some more, so that will happen today as well. My sewing table is still under construction so we’ll have to improvise a work space. Hmmmm…….it’s a lovely day so moving the machine to the patio table might be fun.
Obama breezes through Seattle for key Democratic fundraisers
Here is the transcript of President Obama’s speech at the fundraiser. This cracked me up:
Too hot to open up this morning and getting hotter by the minute. At least sunny at this point so generating electricity to cover the dishwasher and A/C that are drawing down at the moment. Soloing all next week so had to “down-size” my peanut butter muffin batch – they came out a little denser and sweeter than I like, but not bad. Made soup for lunches. Also did green bean salad and potato salad again – not as large batches as last week since the cukes are now at the market and I needed to make room for them. :) Bought cooked chicken again this week. The 2 hours of cooking this morning were all I can deal with until this heat wave breaks. I’ve got peaches and blueberries for dessert.
Think I’ve got a home for the little black kitty – definitely a he, about 8 months old, healthy, and “intact”. I’ll still have to pay the vet bill, but a neighbor would like to have him. He won’t get the care I’d give him if I kept him, but I really am too tired to try and integrate a new cat into my household before NN. If they change their minds after I get back in a couple of weeks, I’ll try then.
Hope the Brits get a 2nd shot at Brexit. If for no other reason than to see just what a 2nd change would look like. Would the “protest vote” people and the “didn’t vote because it was going to pass anyway” people actually put their votes where their mouths currently are? Meanwhile we have to keep “steady as she goes” as far as the economic impact so we don’t end up in the same place with no possibility of a 2nd chance. But between them I think Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have got this. A belief that isn’t going to change what I do about getting her elected – work headquarters, register voters, and vote – but does keep my tummy from keeping me up at night.
Heading over to GOS to see what’s what. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{{Hugs}}}}
Morning all! Got a decent night’s sleep last night to make up for Friday night when I went to sleep very late and was awakened by some robo call at 8AM grrrrr. No coffee again this morning – I’m going to stop at Starbucks before I hit the grocery store in a bit, to see how a latte goes down.
What a great idea for a GOT get together – lemon cakes, Sansa’s favorite! I am looking forward to yet dreading the season finale – all I’ve heard is ‘people will die’, which is of course about the safest prediction you can make for a GOT episode. On AMJoy this morning on MSNBC, Joy Reid, also a huge GOT fan, answered my personal most worrisome question about Brexit – the producers put out a statement saying Brexit would not endanger filming the last two seasons in Northern Ireland. Whew!
I’m so fed up with Sanders I could scream – he’s still campaigning against Hillary, to all intents and purposes, still demanding even more from the platform (which doesn’t matter at all). He simply can’t accept being defeated by a woman, imo. I talked yesterday to an old friend who to my dismay voted for Bernie in his primary, although he will vote for and support Hillary – almost got angry with him, but decided it wasn’t worth damaging a friendship over. We did agree Warren would be a bad VP pick – he knows her and has worked with her, and said “she’d be a terrible President”. Amen.
Ok, off to get dog food – I can get by with what’s in the house, but dog food must be had! Have a great day everyone!
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 73 degrees in Madison with an expected high of 77 degrees. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Today is a big day at the Supreme Court. The court will issue opinions (or announce no decisions) on the three remaining cases. The one we are watching most closely is Whole Woman’s Health, where we are hoping the court strikes down Texas’ TRAP law which seeks to close all but 9 abortion clinics in the state and set precedent to allow other states to implement similar restrictions. The SCOTUS Watch post will launch at 9am Eastern with orders at 9:30 and opinions at 10:00.
Hillary is up by double digits in the new ABC/WaPo poll released yesterday. The number of Sanders voters vowing to vote for Trump dropped from 20% to 8% but that fact that 85% of Democrats support Hillary Clinton suggest that the remaining 8% may not be Democrats. I laughed out loud at the report on the NBC/WSJ poll, one that showed a steady lead of 5%, when it said it was “after a rough three-week stretch for Trump’s campaign”. Last week it was a “rough two-week stretch”. Trump’s campaign cannot possibly have anything but “rough stretches” because the candidate is the most clearly unsuited presidential candidate in the past 52 years.
Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren will be speaking at a campaign event in Ohio later this morning (CSPAN link) and yesterday she spoke at the U.S. Conference of Mayors and then made a surprise visit to the NYC Pride Parade. Here is that speech:
See all y’all later!
Thanks Jan
That poll made me chuckle -true to my bent I looked at the poc voting – the numbers for black voters for Hillary have gone up!
The Latino numbers seem to be wonky (too low for Hillary) – again. I went to see what Latino Decisions had to say – when I saw their tweet
If we can get our coalition to the polls in November, the landslide will rival the 1964 Goldwater thumping. I hope that Democrats don’t leave the voting to others as the British “Remain”ers did.
I was watching some people on Twitter positing that Trump will be embarrassed by his polling position and bad press and drop out of the race, allowing a more traditional Republican to run in November. They have not been paying much attention to Trump’s biography. He will never drop out. His ginormous ego would not allow it – that same ego serves as an effective shield against any self-reflection. He is in it to the bitter end. He is so funny!! Yesterday he said that Cruz and Kasich will not get speaking spots at the convention until they issue full throated endorsements. He pointed to 2012 where he said “some speakers spoke for 45 minute and never once mentioned Romney!” as the scene he wants to avoid. Do you remember who that was? Trump manservant Chris Christie!! HAHAHAHA!! No self-reflection whatsoever.
Agree – I don’t think he’s going anywhere – and the press coverage good or bad – for him is free advertising for his enterprises.
I don’t think many Democratic voters will sit this out – first – because it is historic (like the vote for Pres. Obama first time ) secondly because Trump has enraged so many constituencies – women, pocs, religious groups, immigrants, Latinos, LBGTs …
I am hoping that a big turnout will flip the Senate and put major dents in the House.
We have to keep our eye on Pennsylvania which moved into “Toss Up” territory in the last set of polls. We can probably afford to lose it electorally because of shifts elsewhere but that is one of the states we need in order to flip the Senate – Toomey out, Strickland in. Plus Florida, with Rubio back in, is a problem. Will Florida voters punish him for his Senate no-shows or reflexively vote for the incumbent?
I don’t believe the PA polling.
I hope you are right about PA! It isn’t Strickland, btw, he is Ohio. It is a woman, the former AG, maybe?, against Toomey.
As someone else said–“Where is Bubbanomics when you need him?”
Good morning Meese
Drinking coffee and scanning the headlines – the Times has a piece on “White Nationalist” rally in Sacramento, Black Twitter was all about the BET Awards and tribute to Prince,
Lots on Brexit – will need several cups of coffee to get through it all.
Powerful speech delivered by Jesse Williams at BET
Transcript: Fusion: Here’s the full transcript of Jesse Williams’ amazing BET Awards Speech
Thank you! Did not see a transcript earlier
The stabbings at the Nazi rally in California, while unfortunate, underscores that with knives you have “many injured” – with guns you have “many killed”.
Brexit may not. Trending now is “#Regrexit” and there is some question about whether Scotland’s parliament has veto power over any exit from the EU, whether the EU will even discuss exit terms before Article 50 is invoked (which cannot be until the new government is in place in October), and the “do-over” petition that has drawn 2.5 million signers. I am not sure that a do-over would end in anything different. In Wisconsin, we had a do-over on Walker’s 2010 election, the same battle lines were drawn and he won again. It would likely just be even more acrimonious the second time. Do they think that the newspapers would suddenly start printing the truth?? Split, be done with it, and move on.
Oh, by the way, this is “economic anxiety”:
Wearing orange today, and I have my Stand With Texas Women to put on after work & wear to a gathering at Scholz’s after work. I saw an interview with Wendy Davis where she pointed out that of the Justices who have yet to write an opinion, most are favorable to us. 9am (here) will be a tense time.
Yesterday’s “bumper sticker theology” was one that I really, really hate — what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Ugh. When I was unemployed & hungry & depressed & my mentor had committed suicide….. none of that was making me stronger. The pastor gave a really good dismantling of that bs. And the songs that came into my head (because of course they did) were U2’s Stuck In A Moment— which Bono says is the argument he wishes he had had with Michael Hutchence; and REM’s Everybody Hurts, which Michael Stipe wrote after losing his grandfather & good friend Kurt Cobain within 6 months of each other. Links are to lyrics, because that’s what I was thinking of.
anotherdemocrat, did not realize you’ve had hard times in the past. Glad things are better now! You know we Moose have your back.
Rock on, Sis!
the only plus I will say about that time is that I will jump down the throat of anyone who tries to spew that Nietzschean bullshit at anyone else. Sometimes things suck. And when they do, fer cryin’ out loud, offer help. Not ridiculous slogans. That’s what I love about Stipe’s words, they’re comforting. Wish I had had them at the time. Bono’s are tougher, but still comforting.
The SCOTUS opinions are generally evenly divided and as of today Breyer and Kagan, and Chief Justice Roberts, are “short”.
We are hoping for Breyer on Whole Woman’s Health because that would be a good sign. There is no doubt that it will either be a win for us or a 4-4 tie – the four liberal justices all expressed their dismay at Texas’ ridiculous defense of their law. But since a split is a loss, that would be devastating.
I have fingers crossed on SCOTUS – of course the real solution will be when we elect Hillary and start to get SCOTUS fixed
Big HUG for you today AnotherDem!!!
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} – unfortunately, unless you can get some help and sometimes even then, what doesn’t kill you immediately kills you slowly later. I am glad you are no longer in that space – I’ve been close but not that bad – and hope the healing is processing well.
Good ‘ot, ‘umid, and ‘orrible morning, Meese! Hot today, thunderstorms tomorrow.
Well, what a difference a day makes. On the home front, I had to drive Dearly to Urgent Care at Kaiser yesterday because he was in such pain from his knee. He spent the night on the sofa again, very uncomfortably. It might take weeks to heal.
I’m going to drop off Miss Pink Cheeks at her aunt’s house so she can play with her cousin, drive Dearly to the orthopedist, and then go to my training. Yikes! Not to mention such everyday chores as walking the dog, emptying the dishwasher, and getting the garbage out. Have to do grocery shopping as well because Dearly doesn’t feel like eating anything except soup and he doesn’t like the kind I’ve bought for myself.
So, no beach for us this weekend! :( I was so looking forward to spending time with Mr. Newbaby, but that’s life.
Will hear the SCOTUS news on the radio as I’m driving about, most likely. Will try to pop by later to see how the rest of Moose country is faring. A good day to all!
That is a day filled will a lot of not-fun things. :( I hope things get better in NoVa land!!
Hugs and healing wishes Diana……knee injuries are so painful. And yes, the normal flow of life is disrupted and that’s hard for the most able kneeded person! Take good care of yourself as well.
72 at dawn so opened up and aired out the house – got 1/3″ rain just before daybreak which is helpful – but otherwise forecast pretty much the same as all last week, namely might rain, might not, but will get into the 90s with a heat index in the 100s. Sigh. If things go as planned, I’ll pick up the little black kitty from the vet after work and deliver him to my neighbor. I hope the almost 20-y.o. granddaughter – who spends half her time living with her mother and the other half living with her grandmother (my neighbor) – decides to take him to her mother’s. If so, he will be an indoor kitty as that isn’t a safe place for outdoor kitties (too much traffic). But it will be what it will be. At least they’re willing to keep him inside for a couple of days until he’s fully recovered from his operation.
Hillary walking in the Pride Parade looked so happy – and so did the people walking with/around her. Those of us seeing the pictures hoped to heaven those 4 blocks had been checked so thoroughly a rat with a pea shooter couldn’t get within range. The NYT sux – anti-Hillary to the end of their days – but she keeps trucking on. Hope sanity prevails regarding UK-EU – so many people just do not accept, never mind understand, how much trade agreements impact everybody. Which is why we need people like Hillary to make sure they’re FAIR trade agreements and not Free-for-All-Corporations trade agreements. But we still need trade agreements.
Soloing today and have a mess of stuff to deal with. And that’s just work stuff. Got a bunch of personal stuff too – need to talk to a lawyer about my house, get the kitty, get milk, check to see if insurance payment’s gone through… Oh well. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{{Hugs}}}}
oh, thank Goddess
Good news for women and families!
W00T!!!! 5-3 decision!
Here is the link to our liveblog with more information on today’s opinions:
We had a TRAP law struck down in Wisconsin in the district courts that will now be affirmed by this decision.
By the way, the Voisine case is also good news for women. It says that it does not matter if a conviction for domestic violence is in state court or federal court, your abuser CANNOT buy or own a gun.
Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren in Ohio (scroll down to see video):
Good morning, 66 and sunny in Bellingham. I’ve got a full but thankfully quiet house today as three of our grand kids are still sleeping. Ron and I are drinking coffee, reading the news, and getting ready for the gym (Ron) and the pool (me).
The kids will continue the Monopoly game they started last night. We’ll go to the park and to the bookstore this afternoon, and this evening we’ll all to to a Mars Rover event at the Mt. Baker Theatre.
Mars Invasion! The Future of NASA’s Exploration at the Red Planet & After Party
Interesting neighbors is part of the appeal of living in Bellingham…….Dr Rice lives across the street from us.
Good day all! I was so jazzed by the GOT finale last night, I stayed up and watched it again, then surfed the net about discussions on it. Finally got to bed about 4:30 AM, got up at 9:30 and then today have been so wonderfully surprised by the incredibly strong SCOTUS decision on abortion clinic access. The Notorious RBG just put the wood to states daring to think they can put these kind of restrictions on clinics in the future in her concurring opinion – she is just a legal badass, no doubt about it! And a great decision on gun control as well – a super SCOTUS day!
I am kind of depressed though, at the reaction to the Clinton-Warren joint appearance in Ohio – I’ve seen clips, they were both great, of course, but various folks are now saying Clinton has raised expectations and has ‘no choice’ but to pick Warren for her VP. Ugh. I will of course support whoever Hillary decides on, but I just can’t get past what I know and have heard about Warren – I think she might be great for the ticket, albeit she’d pull it even more left which I personally am fine with but which would diminish chances of pulling in Republicans who hate Trump, but I still think Warren would cause big problems once on the job. Too big an ego, too much of her own agenda to pursue, not long enough in public life to be ready to give up that agenda and subordinate it to the President’s agenda. But I know Hillary is looking at all these same factors, and I have to trust her judgment.
Still refusing to look at my investment portfolio – as I write, the market is down more than 200 more points after the sell off on Friday, so we may be looking at 1000 point drop. And the UK is still fumbling to figure out what to do about all this – there might be a way to stop it, but there’s no clear path or plan. And we think OUR politicians are dysfunctional and incompetent!
Ok, off to take a nap to make up for last night. Everyone have a great day!
I’ve got a GOT hangover today too Geordie. It was a fascinating episode, and like you I had trouble winding down. I’ve read most of the commentary, but I want to find time to watch again. I especially want to look at the library where Sam will be studying. The visuals of the kingdom display has me intrigued!
That was indeed the library of all our dreams, wasn’t it?
I don’t think it locks in Warren as VP.
If anything, it demonstrated that they are very similar in their personal demographic history: white women of a certain age with working class and middle class roots. It would do nothing to expand the coalition or embrace the Obama coalition.
It does, however, make Sanders a useless appendage. Warren brings in the gettable Sanders votes. The rest were voting for the anarchy part of his platform.
I agree – what I think it shows is that they are a great team. And I think what it means is that Hillary is more or less saying that Elizabeth Warren is going to be driving their agenda in the Senate, not whoever white guy the next Senate Majority Leader might be. If it starts looking like we might pull off a friggin’ miracle and take back the House as well, I expect we’ll see the same kind of event with Nancy Pelosi. (Sanders? Sanders who? LOL)
I think that becoming a strong Senate leader is what is best for Warren and the Senate. After all, she is in the Teddy Kennedy seat – the Senate will need a moral compass and a progressive conscience if the new leader will be Chuck Schumer.
That’s what I think Hillary is doing – letting Chuck Schumer know who’s going to be driving Hillary’s agenda in the Senate without any confrontation or “Dems in disarray” crap.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison on its way up to 70. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Yay! Windows open again!
I am suffering from a SCOTUS news hangover! Two important decisions, one striking down the Texas HB2 TRAP law and the other ruling that domestic violence is domestic violence – whether a state declares it a misdemeanor or a felony is irrelevant, you lose your right to purchase and own weapons. I will put some comments in the Front Page SCOTUS post with links to commentary that I found. It is difficult not to gloat about HB2 because the antis pushed and pushed and pushed and finally stomped on the last nerve of Justice Kennedy. They lost a reliable anti-abortion voter on the court – sucks to be them.
House Democrats released their own Benghazi report to get ahead of the news cycle. Nothing new – just like the last 4 investigations into the attack on the embassy it was a fishing expedition and a fund raiser for House Republicans.
The Zika bill will die in the Senate because the House “funded” the bill by taking money from Affordable Care Act funds and removed all help for birth control assistance. Who is going to pay to care for the babies born with microcephaly? Penny wise and pound foolish thy name is Republicans. I am glad the Senate will take a pass on it because then the president won’t have to veto it.
See all y’all later!
Good Morning Meese
Have not looked at headlines yet, other than to notice Republicans are doing their Benghazi dance again. It won’t work.
Making coffee and then off to check twitter .
Good morning. Couldn’t sleep past 5 o’clock. Going to make tea, then will be back.
There must be a disturbance in the force! I woke up at 2:30am and could not fall back asleep. I finally gave up at 3am.
I agree – woke up at 3:30 then managed to doze until 5.