On August 10, 1988, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, aka “Restitution for World War II internment of Japanese-Americans and Aleuts Act”, was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. It was passed to acknowledge the awfulness of the Japanese-American internment and offer restitution to Americans rounded up and forced into camps during World War II.
One of its promises was to “discourage the occurrence of similar injustices and violations of civil liberties in the future.”
Twenty-eight years later, the Party of Reagan aka the “the party built on the Southern Strategy and fueled by racial animus and hatred of The Other” has nominated a man who is fomenting a race war and proposing banning entire religions from our shores and our society.
The only way I can see to discourage this from happening again is clear:
Republicans, Delete Your Party
It really is time.
The internment camps are a terrible blemish on our nation’s soul.
I guess for Republicans, “never again” means “never again unless we can gain a political advantage”.
The Dance of the Distancing Pundits …
A half a Friedman Unit away from the election …
Joe Blow – Wow, who could have expected this!
Charlie Pierce: They’re done …
One of the early symptoms:
Maybe this time the zombie Republican Party will finally die:
Wheels coming off:
The Time story: http://time.com/4447985/inside-donald-trump-meltdown/?xid=homepage