Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 39 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 63. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday morning Meese
46 here in Saugerties going up to 59.
Congrats to Cubs fans!
Am wondering what the AT&T purchase of Time Warner means for the consumer?
On a light note: the benefits of learning Spanish:
I would hope that the AT&T purchase gets a lot of scrutiny. They own DirecTV, cellular service, landlines, ISPs and could acquire a lot of content with this acquisition. When only a handful of media companies own the content and the means to connect to the content we should make sure that there are safeguards in place.
My cell phone service is AT&T – my cable Time Warner. I already pay too much per month – and worry that costs could go up – rather than down.
Good shiny Sunday morning, Meese! It’s 43 F. in NoVa now, going up to 67 F. later today. Have a busy morning ahead, culminating in the arrival of The Cake, the anniversary cake, about 1:30. Lucky me, a pastry chef lives round the corner. Asked her to make Hillary’s favorite cake when she and Bill were in the White House: a coffee genoise layered with mocha buttercream and walnuts.
Canvassed yesterday morning with a nice partner, this time meeting with much greater success than last week, when almost no one answered the door. About half the people answered and most were for Hillary. It was an ethnic neighborhood of Middle Easterners, Latinas, and the occasional Russian. An elderly Russian would not say which candidate he favored but I think I can guess. :)
At the training yesterday the staffer said this is the last week of checking registrations. From now on it’s going to be GOTV. She mentioned I wouldn’t be able to have a partner next time. Um…I won’t go without a partner. After we returned to the check-in house, I imparted this info to the staff member who accepted our packets. The nice woman who was with me said she preferred having a partner and would be happy to partner with me next time.
I just don’t like or enjoy this type of political activity and am ONLY doing it for Hillary. Would much rather do data entry in an office, as I did for Jennifer. BTW, when we arrived home last night after dinner at Elder Son’s house, we found that one of my LuAnn Bennett signs had blown away! I can’t believe that someone took it because it was right up against the house. Yesterday was horribly windy and cold.
Time to cook breakfast for Dearly Beloved. Wishing everyone a great day!
Cooler here but not enough to run the heater. I’m going to wear long sleeves, and actual shoes. Got breakfast and dinner to make. Going to change up breakfast & try savory oatmeal with vegetables. And dinner is a dish from Engine 2 of sweet potatoes, cilantro, avocado — and I threw in black beans because that dish just asks for black beans.
And I’m so excited to vote tomorrow. Going to wear white to honor the suffragettes.
50 at dawn heading for mid 70s – online early because my hands and feet hurt so taking a break in my Sunday morning routine. Got a fire going and my laptop is close enough to it that my hands should be better in 15 to 20 minutes. Slow process. sigh. But it’s a pretty day – sunny at the moment and pretty much expected to be the rest of the day. I wish it would get cold enough for the leaves to drop though. I’m getting just under 9 KWHs on a sunny day right now but would be getting at least 2 more if the trees weren’t shading the panels until after noon or so.
I wish I had white to wear tomorrow but I don’t own any. I’ll see what I can come up with for such a significant vote. The Clerk’s office opens at 7:30 so even though the polls don’t actually open until 8 (for early voting – they open at 7:30 on election day), I’m heading there before work. If I’m not one of the first in line this is going to be a very interesting election. :)
Heading over to GOS to read Denise’s diary. (Denise, you showed up in a dream I had last night – something about trying to do two concurrent travel authorizations for you to Havana for two separate projects which of course my software didn’t like. As I was drifting up from sleep I was reminding myself of how to do that on our program and just had it worked out when I woke up enough to remember Denise doesn’t work at my university, much less my department. LOL) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Morning all! Our first really cool night last night, actually near record lows overnight down into the low 40’s – and I LOVE it. I love waking up warm under a blanket in a cold bedroom (I always keep it cool at night in the winter)!
Polling looking good this morning – especially interesting that Trump’s talk of “rigging” may be depressing Republican turnout, which would be great news for down ballot races. I’m still furious at Chuck Schumer and the DSCC for abandoning Patrick Murphy down here – it’s VERY close between him and the execrable Marco Rubio, and some money put into statewide advertising could really make a difference. Thank goodness, Pres. Obama strongly supported Murphy and went after Rubio when he spoke in Florida last week – I contributed more to Patrick and I hope others are doing so as well to make up for the DSCC’s short-sightedness. We’ve GOT to have a Democratic Senate, simply must. I’d love a Dem House as well, but that’s probably unobtainable this time around.
What I really hope is that the excellent campaign structure Hillary and the Dems have built for 2016 can stay in action for the 2018 mid-terms – we saw the devastating impact of Dems staying home in 2010 had, especially at the State level where Republican takeover of legislatures and state houses paved the way for terrible redistricting. We’ve got to consolidate any gains we make this year and build on them, in preparation for the 2020 census, and to keep the Senate blue and make progress in the House.
ok, off to GOS to catch Denise’s diary – everyone have a great day!
Good morning, 57 and partly sunny in Bellingham. We had a successful tree shopping trip yesterday, finding a large vine maple with multiple trunks (at 1/2 off, yay!) a very nice evergreen cypress, and some hardy viburnum that I’ll need to go back for. The cypress has soft needles and interesting cones so I’m especially happy with it. Now that I’ve got the large plants I can find the under story plants and shrubs. I’ll never replace the impact of the old maple tree, but the new plants will screen us from the alley and sidewalk and create a feeling of privacy. And the vine maple is large enough to start having an overhead presence.
Now to find someone to do the lifting and digging.
My sister just called to share her travel plans. She’ll arrive Wednesday, stay a few days with me, visit with other friends and family, then come back here, then go on to Oregon. So the guest room will continue to be busy! All of her dogs are staying home though :)
We may vote today…..can’t wait!
Hillary in Raleigh NC with Mothers of the Movement Sunday encouraging early voting:
I saw on Twitter that the mother of Trayvon Martin will be an elector in Florida and will get to cast one of Florida’s 29 electoral votes when Hillary wins Florida. Talk about applying your activism where it matters – to electoral politics.
“No enthusiasm” is breaking out all over. ;)
Hillary and FLOTUS in Winston-Salem NC is going to rock.
The concern trolling I’ve seen recently from folks on the “left” has been really frantic. They are truly disappointed by Hillary’s failure to tank – in spite of their best efforts
I will never forgive the left of the left for the damage they did to our party in their efforts to plump up their preferred candidate. A story in our paper yesterday noted that Hillary will not be making a visit to Wisconsin because the berners created so much Hillary Hate that she is better off not reminding voters that she is the nominee. :( In 2004, John Kerry was part of a major Madison rally a couple of days before the election, Barack Obama made final week visits to huge adoring crowds in 2008 and 2012. But Hillary can’t come to Madison because the Sanders fans made an unholy alliance with the right-wing fever swamp to spew false information about our candidate and drive up her unfavorables.
Jeez, I had no idea it was that bad. Disgusting patriarchal males!
I hear you. Of course I don’t think of these folks as “left” at all – how can sexist racist folks be left?
They can sit and stew in the toxic poo they shat.
Sorry Jan – I know this has to really cut deep for you.
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 45 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 54. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
President Obama was on fire in Nevada last night, campaigning for Hillary and with Catherine Cortez Masto, the Democrat trying to hang onto Harry Reid’s seat.
Her opponent, Joe Heck, tanked right after the Access Hollywood tape and his unendorsement of Trump. It is not certain if the tanking was because the Trumpers are angry or the tanking is because he is still lashed to the sinking (stinking?) Republican nominee. This seat moved from leans R to leans D. Hillary will need the Senate to get her cabinet filled and to fill the dozens of court vacancies (many are judicial emergencies) that have languished in Mitch McConnell’s obstructionist Senate.
Hillary will be appearing with Elizabeth Warren in Manchester NH this afternoon at 12:30pm Eastern.
See all y’all later!
I am so excited to vote today! I might wear all white, there’s a thing about that, to honor the suffragettes. Anyway, got very little sleep (gave up at 4:27), but I’m still pumped. It’s a Beautiful Day & Nov. 8 will be more so.
Another, thanks for the links you posted on GOS. I emailed them to Daughter-in-Austin and son-in-law. You’ve inspired me to wear all white to the polls too.
Happy Moon Day, Meese! When I took the dog out this morning the waning moon still shone silver-bright in the sky. Today in NoVa the current temp. is 58 F., going up to 64 F. later.
I have to leave at 11:30 to look after Mr. Newbaby in the next county this afternoon, so that pretty much puts paid for any plans for today. Still, I’m glad to spend time with him as he doesn’t know me very well.
Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day!
Just got back from voting! W00T!!! I was 3rd in a line of 15 when the doors opened to the Clerk’s office (paper ballots) and there were 25 and counting downstairs for the voting machines when I walked in the door. Since I’d done my homework, I was the 1st to cast a paper ballot! This is going to be a very, very interesting election!
Meanwhile, 50s heading for upper 70s and clear. Crested 200 KWHs yesterday – won’t make 300 for the month but should make 250 and might, maybe, make 275. Gots to get to work. :) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I have absolutely no idea why the 2nd paragraph bolded. I most certainly wasn’t the most important part of the post. sorry.
Wish you had early voting, too. (Of course I also wish your university paid adjuncts as well as mine does. About the only two things I can think of that AR does better than NY. LOL)
heh – from your lips to the ears of paycheck goddesses
Maybe send the Powers That Be asking why they’re letting AR, AR for heavens’ sake, show them up by 150%?
Good morning, 57 and cloudy in Bellingham today. It’s a pool morning for me, and I’ve got lots of choices for my afternoon activity. I didn’t accomplish much yesterday so the lists keep growing.
We planned to vote last night but dinner, the Seahawks game, and the big mess I made in my sewing room interfered. I miss going to the polling place up the street but it’s a good feeling of security to have our ballots and to know we can vote when we have time to collect our thoughts. I need to know more re some of the ballot measures and to make sure I’m voting for the best court justices. One annoyance this year is with the treasury secretary. Thanks to the top two primary on Wa State both candidates are R’s and I don’t want to vote for either one of them.
Time for coffee. Have a good Monday everyone!
Good Morning Meese it’s Tuesday
Only 43 degrees here today – going up to 50.
Long johns time for me – I hate cold :)
Love this tweet – go Texas!
I didn’t understand completely the push for early voting other than making sure the lines are shorter on election day and voting when it is more convenient if you can’t vote on Nov. 8th. And the stories of “more Democrats voting” seemed like “okay, fine, but election day is when more votes are cast and they will swamp those vote totals”. Then I read this article by Booman at WaMo and it clicked – those early votes may be the only votes cast while the presidential election is still on the line and could impact the western states:
Down-ticket Republican bloodbath – sounds awesome!! Of course the networks won’t declare a winner but if House seats and Senate seats are falling, it would not exactly be a secret if a landslide is occurring. We will know by 8pm Central when the Florida panhandle polls close and polls close across the Midwest.
We have some pickup opportunities in the House in California including Darrell Issa’s seat (please please please). President Obama was incredulous that Issa is running as his bestie, promoting legislation he signed on a campaign flyer after trashing him for 8 years:
Bank those votes!!!
Good morning, meese! Tuesday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 54. The forecast calls for “variable cloudiness” which I think means some sun, some clouds.
Two weeks from today we will wake up in “never elected a woman to be president of the United States” and go to bed (naps not included!) in an America where the ultimate glass ceiling has been shattered. All the boxes will be checked and, going forward, the most qualified person for the job will be considered without regard to race or gender.
Today Hillary is in Florida, Coconut Creek, at 2:15pm Eastern, Joe Biden is in Pennsylvania, Chelsea is in Wisconsin (three stops). Tomorrow, Hillary has two more stops in Florida, Tim goes to Pennsylvania, and Chelsea goes to Ohio. The big event, Thursday at Wake Forest in Winston-Salem NC:
President Obama talked yesterday about Michelle going on the stump:
Yesterday’s event in Manchester NH was great fun to watch: Maggie Hassan, Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. In case you missed it:
See all y’all later!
Jan – Question about Chelsea in WI – you reported about the burned Berners which kept Hill away – how well do you think Chelsea will do? Would be interested in hearing who turns out for her – demographics.
I think they see Chelsea as more one of them – she brings a lot of youthful enthusiasm to the stump. She is not a polished speaker but she speaks from the heart and it is obvious.
She will be in La Crosse, a college town, Stevens Point, a college town, and Madison, a college town.
Thanks – will look for coverage of her speeches.
I am sure it will be covered in our local paper. I will post something in the morning.
Voting yesterday was so easy & quick. Virtually no line (almost disappointing, I had fully charged my kindle & downloaded a new book from the library). They weren’t posting the number of voters every 2 hours, they just had a “morning” and “afternoon” — but the morning number was 1200! At one polling place. According to this article, 46,000 voted in Austin just yesterday. Woah. I’m so happy! I think we’ll take the Senate, and at least put a scare into them about the House. People Have the Power, indeed.
Good morning, Meese, and happy St. Crispin’s Day! It is indeed crisp here in NoVa, with the current temp 42 F., headed for a high of 59 F. Aside from that, it’s beautiful, a real blue-and-gold October day. My beloved nephew turns 42 today.
Totally exhausted from yesterday. Believe me. Yuugely tired! First of all, Mr. Newbaby had skipped his morning nap when I picked him up from the nanny at noon. He cheered up after lunch but refused to go to sleep in the afternoon as well. In sheer desperation I put him in the stroller and went for a 45-minute walk through the park, thinking he’d be sure to fall asleep. This worked like a charm on my other grandchildren. However, those big blue eyes never closed! Finally, at 3 p.m. Elder Son put him in his room upstairs. He wouldn’t go to sleep for me when I tried to put him in his crib, but after Daddy put him there he slept for 45 minutes. Then he woke up and started screaming.
A new tooth is coming in, which does not improve his temper. Thank Goddess Mommy pulled up to the driveway in her big black SUV, which did not look at all sinister, only heaven-sent, right at 5 p.m. I was able to escape but so rattled I missed my turn onto I-66, so it took me an hour and 20 minutes to get home instead of 30 minutes! Arggh.
Pleased to report that I plan to do very little today beyond making Crockpot Beef Stew for our dinner and Citrus Honey Teacakes for the HQ staff. Hope everyone will have a good day!
Oh my! “So rattled I missed my turn onto I-66, so it took me an hour and 20 minutes to get home instead of 30 minutes!” – how awful for you when you were already anxious to get home!!
How old is Mr. NewBaby? Is he going to give up his naps or was that a one off? I remember that the saddest day EVER was the day my daughter stopped napping. It had been a blessed respite from monitoring her safety and keeping her entertained.
Jan, he’ll be 17 months on October 30. Apparently the way to tire him out is to park the stroller somewhere in the playground and make him walk up and down. Of course Elder Son did not impart this information until I arrived back at the house. :)
Heh, heh! Love it, anotherdemocrat.
Great one!!
Mid 50s at dawn heading for mid 70s – sunny at the moment but clouds expected, dang it. Getting over 8 KWHs per day but not much over. Crested 210 KWHs for the month last night. The only reason I’m still accruing instead of burning banked KWHs is I don’t have the HVAC on. Fortunately the blower for the furnace uses a lot less electricity than the A/C.
Still pumped from voting yesterday. Didn’t have long lines (I went early – like I was there before the doors opened) but the fact we had lines at all is just sooooo encouraging. But whether or not TX or AR go blue this time, finally, we are going to elect the most experienced, most competent, most prepared, most efficient, and most caring person who just happens to be a woman! W00T!!!
Got work to do so I’d best get to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}