Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 39 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 64. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
The Story of Us
“On November 8th, let’s write the next chapter together.”
Today’s and tomorrow’s moons, Nov. 6th and Nov. 7th
Good morning Meese!
Clocks changed – am up and getting it together to head into NYC. Have tto catch a 9:30 AM bus – then 2 and a half hour bus ride. Am going to hook up with Kossacks to see Party People – 2 o’clock matinee – then to a reception after the play – then out to dinner.
Have a good day y’all and try not to bite off your fingernails.
Have fun! That sounds like an excellent respite from the polling wars (what a mess!)
I have my Electoral Vote map from Sam Wang and I will live in that bubble. No amount of worry will change a single vote.
Today, Hillary will be in Cleveland OH then Manchester NH. Tim Kaine will be in Wisconsin (3 stops), President Obama will be in Kissimmee FL with Stevie Wonder, Joe Biden will be in Pennsylvania.
Monday’s mad dash includes stops in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, two bring-it-home stops by Tim Kaine and Anne Holton in Virginia … all capped off by an election eve rally at Independence Hall in Philadelphia with Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, President Obama and Michelle Obama.
This is it, folks.
Good morning, Jan and Meese! Thanks for the moonshot. It feels odd to get up in daylight. Right now it’s 47 F. on another fair morning in NoVa, going up to 67 F.
Yesterday I canvassed with my partner on a spectacularly beautiful morning. We did a townhouse cluster and as usual, 60 percent of the people either weren’t home (it was easy to tell, because their cars were missing), or they just plain didn’t want to answer the door. We left “Please be sure to vote” reminders pasted on their doorframes. Of the people we did talk to, all planned to vote for Hillary or had already voted for her. One said her husband was in Philadelphia, driving people to the polls to vote early. A couple of others said they’d be canvassing today too.
I’m glad, because I’m taking the day off. I just don’t feel well. We postponed our dinner date yesterday because neither of us felt up to it. Yikes, it’s disconcerting to feel we’re the “frail elderly.”
The Brownie field trip went off very well: the girls visited the cats, dogs, gerbils, and snakes, and read bedtime stories to the cats and dogs. They were all adorable. I never did get the Brownie vest put together and in fact we were in such a hurry we ran out of the house without it. Most of the other girls forgot theirs as well and I noticed that at least two other other moms were as busy or freaked out as I, because they haven’t put their daughters’ badges on either! It’s good to know one isn’t alone. :)
Feeling more encouraged about the election, although some of my FB friends are apprehensive. Wishing everyone a good Sunday!
I have a link to a volunteer form up in my browser and I am considering doing a few shifts on Monday at the HFA site nearby. I would prefer canvassing but I can’t (nursing an ankle injury). So I am going to see if I can help by assembling packets or entering data or something that I could do from the office. If all they have is phonebanking, I will instead focus on raising energy with the waxing moon.
I hope you feel better soon!
Jan, that’s what I want to do for the next election cycle–enter data and whatnot. I’m getting too old for canvassing and stuff.
Watching the New York marathon (yes, I watch marathons) — people are wearing jackets & hats. I’m going to wear sandals to church. Got to cook breakfast this afternoon. Anyway, I’m distracted by the race
49 at daybreak which was just after I got up this morning – the sky was “pre-dawn light” a pleasant change from getting up in as pitch dark as it ever gets around here. I like “real” time. heh. Heading for 65 but sunny. Actually got 9 KWHs yesterday, highest for the month so far.
That “History of Us” in 7 minutes brought tears to my eyes. Practically every Hillary ad does. That’s Hillary ad – the anti-Trump ads I’ve gotten to where I just don’t watch them. I don’t need the upset tummy. Last day of volunteering at Dem HQ yesterday. Lots of phones (answering, other people were phone banking) and lots of saying, “Sorry, we’re out of all the Hillary stuff.” GOTV since yesterday we still had early voting although only 2 sites. Tomorrow will be the last day of early voting and only 1 site – the County Courthouse. The last poll our Poli Sci dept did for the state sucked – if those numbers are right. This year there are apparently a lot of people afraid to admit they’re voting for Hillary, but they are. But considering it’s blood-red AR, they probably are right and the Dem turnout is depressed. But I did my part.
Heading for GOS to read Denise’s diary and see what the Hillary folks have come up with. (On Sunday’s there’s an international roundup.) Everybody enjoy the last Sunday before the election (if that’s the right word for it). Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Morning all. A little cooler and grey here this AM.
I am completely confident Hillary will win on Tuesday – if only because the Latino turnout in early voting in Nevada and Florida is setting records, and I don’t think they’re voting for Trump. I’m concerned about the Senate – we’ve got to hold Nevada and turn a minimum of 4 seats Dem – I think Illinois is in the bag, but Wisconsin and Indiana are way closer than they should be, and who knows what will happen in NH, Pa, NC, Missouri and Florida. So that’s what I’ll be focused on Tuesday night.
Last night, a man held up a sign – well, tried to hold up a sign – saying “Republicans Against Trump” at a Trump rally, and all hell broke loose. It’s amazing to me that Trump followers who are so focused on the right to bear arms, open carry, and all that, were so panicky when someone shouted “there’s a gun!” that they proceed to just curb stomp this guy. Fortunately for him, the Secret Service and police got to him, after they got Trump off the stage which was quite proper, and rescued him from the crowd. And there was no gun. This did not stop Trump supporters from crying “assassination attempt” for hours after the Secret Service reported there was no gun, there was no danger to Trump, just a man carrying a sign who WAS endangered by Trump supporters. Clint Eastwood actually tweeted something comparing Trump to Kennedy! These people are deranged cultists, that’s all there is to it, and they’re going to have a hard awakening Wednesday morning.
Ok, off to finish watching AM Joy, my favorite program this election cycle – I’m so glad MSNBC is realizing what a great asset Joy Reid is for them and she’ll be hosting more shows over the next couple of days in primetime. She always has great guests on – women, women and men of color in particular – and she herself speaks with such clarity and precision of analysis.
Everyone have a great day!
Good morning, 51 and cloudy in Bellingham. We were at the Frog again last night for a Robbie Fulks so I’m still hearing the music. It was a full house and when he lead the vote for Hillary sing along it was a heartfelt moment.
I’m still adjusting to the sight of a large stump instead of the maple tree behind the upper garden, but I must admit having fewer leaves to rake and dispose of is nice. RonK has been diligent with the leaves this fall so our garden is nearly ready for winter. I need to get some plants in the ground this week and we have one faucet to replace before an overnight freeze happens.
My internal clock appreciates this question……..
Could Hillary Clinton Keep Daylight Savings Time Permanent?
I hope she fixes it! I hate the clock changing and the sudden plunging into darkness.
Oh, gods, I hope she’ll ask everyone’s opinion. I hate daylight saving. Real time is better.
Yes, please! I hate this part of the year when it’s dark leaving work. I have stuff to get done & I hate exercising or running errands in the dark.
gigglecrying because Joss Whedon
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 63. The forecast calls for mostly sunny skies.
FBI. Sigh.
Today the campaign fans out to encourage voting in the Election Day only states and to shore up the waverers: Hillary will be in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina, President Obama will be in North Carolina and New Hampshire, Tim will be in North Carolina and Virginia, Joe Biden will be in Florida and AL GORE (!) will be in Colorado.
Tonight Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, Barack and Michelle – and Bruce Springstein – will be at Constitution Hall in Philadelphia and then Hillary, Bill and Chelsea head to Raleigh North Carolina for the final rally of the 2016 election cycle (thank the goddess!).
Sam Wang predicts a Hillary win with 323 electoral votes.
See all y’all later!
Today’s and tomorrow’s moons, Nov. 7th and Election Day Nov. 8th
Today is the first quarter, the moon phase eliciting enthusiasm and excitement as we prepare our final GOTV plans. Look at tomorrow’s moon, literally bulging (left!) with energy and hope for the future!!
Lovely! Thank you, Jan!
Good morning Meese – had a wonderful time yesterday seeing Party People – and saw many old friends from both the Young Lords Party and Black Panther Party who came to see the show.
Am pooped – was a long day.
Have to get some rest this afternoon for an even longer day tomorrow.
A sobering reminder of what we are faced with
I am a little worried about post-election America. They really do hate us, don’t they? We can only hope that the violent ones are a small minority and that people will do what they normally do when their candidates lose – go back to watching reality TV for their buzz.
The violent ones have always been a small minority. The damage they do is all out of proportion with their numbers – and they mostly manage as much damage by being “lone wolves” who were incited to actually do something by the rhetoric rather than an organized group. The latter can be watched for and stopped. It’s very difficult to catch a nutjob who snaps before they’ve hurt somebody (or a lot of somebodies) – the best you can do for that is try to tone the rhetoric down so they don’t snap.
The t-shirt shows a long-held attitude about journalists though. I remember reading that many journalists were lynched as spies during the Civil War. Except I think the saying was “rope, lamppost, journalist” – same result. sigh.
Having lived through episodes of ugly violence in this country – I’m aware that even a small group can do a lot of damage.
I don’t think it is a small group – however. Too many really ugly hateful people are in our faces, and lauding Trump as a Savior.
My thoughts – it will get uglier before it gets better. Strap in for a bumpy ride. I figger we’ll survive it – I have that faith – it just ain’t gonna be comfortable.
When I say “small” I do mean relatively speaking. Of the “could snap at any minute” group, I’d say about 2% of the population – but 2% of 330 million people is still a whole lot of people. And of the ones who get violent in groups – that mob up when they have a leader like Trump – that’s probably another 20% which is even more people.
It will get ugly – but I not only have faith that we will survive it, I have faith that Hillary is expecting it and so has plans to defuse the situation before it gets really nasty. That won’t help the individuals/families/communities who are victims of the violence – the type of personal experience that you have of this – that will occur before she can put her plans into place. But I have faith that “Stronger Together” will help our nation recover and get on track for a better space.
Good morning, Moosekind! Another flawlessly beautiful November day here, current temp. 37 F., going up to 60 F. I’m supposed to canvass with my partner from 12 to 3. Judging by the way my throat feels, I don’t think I can canvass tomorrow unless I suddenly feel a lot better.
Greatly appreciate the gorgeous November Goddess has sent us. It would be great for early voting here in the Commonwealth, but we, ah, don’t officially have early voting. That said, I wish that once the election is over we’d have three days of slow, steady, dripping rain. We need it.
Lots to do this morning—laundry, changing the sheets on the beds, making crockpot chicken soup with veg. because I know I won’t feel like cooking when I get home tonight. So longing for the election to be over so I can focus on things that I need to do, like catching up on correspondence.
Wishing all a good day—keep your eyes on the prize, Moosekind!
I actually slept fairly well for once. Though my definition has changed — “only” waking up 3 times counts as good now. Pat Rothfuss wrote a nice balanced blog entry about the election — even ‘fessing up to having voted for Perot. And giving us insight into Kvothe’s character. And now I’m turning up the volume on the U2 song playing in my head.
Thanks for sharing PR’s blog post anotherdem. I enjoy his writing and appreciate his charity work.
I haven’t been able to concentrate on reading either.
53 when I got up just before dawn – overcast and drizzly. We can use the rain but I hope it clears off so I can get some electricity. Rain at night is good. :) Heading for the mid 60s today and low 50s overnight.
Our team is so well organized. It bodes well for how Hillary will govern/run her administration. She will make progress. How much will depend on the Congress we give her, but she will make progress.
I need coffee and also to deal with all the emails awaiting me on my work server. sigh. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 54 and cloudy in Bellingham. Thanks to RonK and our son I got two of the large pots in the upper garden planted yesterday. One pot has a lemon cypress tree, a large sword fern, an evergreen huckleberry, a lime green and burgundy heuchera, and some heather. The plants are all big, so the pot is full and the colors look great against the burgundy pot. The other terracotta pot has a lovely small maple tree, some more heather and a ready to bloom winter rose. I have one more cypress tree to plant in a large terra cotta pot and then all I see from the lower garden is the plants and pots. The sidewalk is still there but screened from view. Big relief that my plan is working!
The next step is to dig and enrich the planting holes for the new vine maple and the upright evergreen tree. I can’t dig but I supervise well :) As I have lamented we will never replace the old maple tree that was removed but this returns some interest and a feeling of privacy to the back entrance garden. I wish I could plant around the stump of that grand old tree but it belongs to my neighbors so I’ll have to wait and see what they decide to do.
Time for the pool, and then just one more day to fret away! Take care everyone.
princesspat, your garden plants sound so lovely! What a nice thing to think about.
So, as much as I’ve complained about how warm it is, that I’m still wearing sandals….. I went to the break room & made some Throat Coat tea because I have laryngitis. Dropped my cup & it spilled on my foot. Won’t be wearing shoes any time soon. I’m home, with aloe vera on my foot. Luckily I have 15 or so plants to snap things off of. Ouch.
Yikes! Hope your poor foot feels better soon!
I just bought some rose tea that’s partly magical. Think I’ll have some tomorrow.
Ouch! Healing Energy {{{anotherdemocrat}}}.
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s 5:41 on Tuesday. Woke up half an hour ago and can’t get back to sleep. Today is the day!
There’s frost on top of the vehicles outside in the darkness. Weather gadget says it’s 31 F. right now, going up to 69 F. today. It’s supposed to be sunny, which is great for voting and for solar panel collection.
Too early for morning tea as yet, so will mosey around the Intertubes and see what I can see. Back later!
Yikes! You snuck in while I was composing my morning greeting and I almost missed this.
I was up until 11:30pm waiting for the midnight Eastern zone returns from New Hampshire (and then reading the reactions) and got a late start this morning. Tonight will be another late night although I hope that early returns favor an early victory speech.
I am working on a post about the Philadelphia speech – hoping to see a transcript sooner rather than later – and I still have to put my waxing moons up! Today will be a short work day as I rearranged my work week to be easy on the front end. I will pay for it later but my head is so not into anything work related right now, it will be better in the long run.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday, Election Day 2016 …
It is 55 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of … 55! Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Last night’s rally in Philadelphia was simply wonderful. The speakers demonstrated, once again, what the Democratic Party means – putting smart, caring people in the White House.
Today, Hillary Clinton will rest (I hope!) and let her amazing ground game Get Out The Vote. I want to see her (metaphorically) shattering that Javitz Center glass ceiling after washing away the vulgar talking yam with a tsunami of votes. I look forward to not caring about what he says – forever.
I stayed up to watch Dixville Notch NH give Hillary a 4 to 2 win. I still have not decided how to watch the returns tonight. I will probably “watch” on Twitter then have one of the networks on, muted, for the numbers. I am not sure how long that will last, though, because last night I watched MSNBC to try to pick up the Dixville Notch numbers and they had stupid people on my TV!
See all y’all later!
Good Election Day Morning
Am up, dressed in white – waiting for hubby to come downstairs and we are going to vote together – our polls opened here 4 minutes ago.
Be back after voting