Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 32 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 32. Freezing rain is in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
So, last Sunday, our high was 36. Today, it’ll be 80. I’m wearing a t-shirt, white skirt & sandals to church. Got to cook breakfast either today or tomorrow — will take a long walk on the day I don’t cook.
Merry Christmas Meese. It’s a toasty 43 here. I got up early – we gave gifts to the dogs and cats and I’m now headed back to bed for a nap.
Have a Happy!
It’s about 61 and has been so the last 18 hours – yesterday was beautiful and sunny, today cloudy and I don’t dare hang my clothes out so I’ve got a small fire going (yes, it’s warm in here even for me) to dry the clothes inside. Of course last Sunday, when our family did the celebrating it barely broke 20 the live-long day (but sunny enough the kids could go out and play frisbee in 15-minute chunks). I’ve made cranberry muffins with the leftover homemade cranberry sauce one of my DILs brought. I usually eat them plain, but this morning I’ve topped one with the cranberry-orange zest-chopped pecan cream cheese spread another of my DILs brought. Merry Ho Ho Ho and all that. Will be putting the ham on shortly – it’s a spiral cut one and will only take 1-1/2 hours to heat up. Sharing that with my friend across the street (and her husband of course) as she did all three services at the local Episcopal Church yesterday ending with midnight mass.
Heading for GOS in a minute (well, several minutes as the washer just stopped and I need to hang up the clothes. See who’s there and if we can find something to celebrate. Well, that’s not exactly true – I celebrate the people here at the Moose Pond and over at GOS. (Even the pie throwers – but from a distance.) Hope everybody has a pleasant and comfortable day – whether or not you’re celebrating anything. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
It’s half-past four on Christmas afternoon. Hello, Meese! When I went out to wave goodbye to the guests the sky was gloriously blue but now a veil of white cloud is hazing it over.
Dearly Beloved has collapsed on our bed for an afternoon nap. He worked too hard today, helping me and ferrying our dog to and from Doggy Play Care. The guests all seemed to enjoy themselves although Mr. Newbaby, overtired, started screeching his little head off. The only things that went wrong today were that I forgot to put half-and-half in the cream pitcher for the coffee, forgot to put the saucers out, and neglected to put spoons out for the pudding. Problem was, the table on which I normally put the cups and saucers was taken up by our little Christmas tree.
Anyway, a good time was had by all (thank Goddess for Younger Son, who came over, peeled the potatoes, carved the roast, and helped set the table). Tomorrow I am going to do nothing but sit and stare, which will use up only 7 calories per hour. Oh, I might take the dog for a walk but that’s all.
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 36. Showers this morning and then the sun is expected to poke through in the afternoon.
A quick scan of the news suggests that people actually did take yesterday off for the most part.
This week is the last week of calendar year 2016 and I need to get things in order for the close of the year. “2017” has a harsh sound to it and looks pointy and dangerous. I hope elected Democrats around the country can mitigate the damage to our democratic institutions and to us. I have no hopes that Republicans, giddy with power, will rein themselves in.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meese! Been awake since 20 minutes to 5 a.m., so am catching up with social media and whatnot. It’s too dark to see what kind of day it is, but the weather thingy says 40 F. and cloudy, going up to 50 F. later.
All that rich food has disagreed with me, so I’m going to take it easy today. Dearly, despite not feeling well, announced his intention to go in to the airport for his last day of work as a Traveler’s Aid volunteer. After 10 years of doing it, it’s time to quit. After all, he is 86 years old!
I feel like writing again, so today I’ll start plotting my new book. Happy Boxing Day, all!
I did not set an alarm because today is a quiet day with no clients working and I could get my bits of work done without interruption. But my brain woke me up close to the time I usually get up anyway and, sadly, since I did not have my coffee pot timer on either , the end result was getting up at the same time but being coffeeless for 15 minutes. Oh, the humanity!
Goodness! I cannot imagine wanting to work anywhere outside the home when I am 86! I have not had the grind of getting out of the house daily at a fixed time for at least 30 years.
I hope you can write!
Happy Boxing Day
18 degrees here and snow on the way. Will get some shopping done this morning – then I have 35 student research papers to grade.
Have a good day peeps.
{{{Denise}}} Have fun with the grading. :)
Here is a silver lining to the gathering storm clouds – progressive causes are being funded at the highest rates ever:
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are excellent causes. I was thinking the other day about what it would take to organize a voluntary “shadow tax”, a continuing contribution to the institutions that will be defunded under the Republican Oppressors. Planned Parenthood will lose the $400 million a year that they use to provide health care to families. That will not easily be made up by contributions.
One thing I know: I will not be donating to any political causes for a while. Until things sort themselves out with the DNC chair election in February, I am taking a wait and see attitude. There are a few projects being cranked up, some that include Barack Obama and some that include people who have worked for him. I think by the end of February, we will know where our time and money can best be sent.
On January 3, 2017 we need to get on the phone to our congresscritters local offices to let them know how we feel about the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Social Security. In person visits, if possible. Keeping people from literally dying and keeping the promises to our senior citizens has to be a priority. The Republicans are going to govern as if they have a mandate but they have nothing of the sort – they found a candidate who encouraged the worst of the worst to crawl out from under their rocks and join with reflexive Republican voters to eke out an electoral college victory. Permission to destroy good government was NOT granted.
Slept in again, tomorrow morning is going to hurt. Had a nice day yesterday — church was small & casual, we had a carol sing where they took requests. Watched lots of Doctor Who, this year’s Christmas special was exactly as cheesy as a Doctor Who Christmas special should be. The North Pole episode gave me an awful Christmas song earworm. Today’s plan: take out trash & recycling, take a long walk. My brother sent me a rice cooker, so I’m going to straighten up the kitchen some & figure out how to fit it in.
2016 had been so hard on this world. Just hoping when the calendar page turns, that things get better. I wasn’t particularly a George Michael fan, but his death made me sad — it’s just one more sad thing this year. Going to listen to some of his music, maybe I can replace my earworm. I always liked Father Figure – “I will be the one who loves you, till the end of time”
Upper 50s right now and overcast – it’s supposed to clear up and temps start dropping about lunch time. (should I remember to eat lunch) – I’d planned to get my oil changed today but it’s not light enough to drive. Maybe tomorrow – the car has a heater, so I can drive in the cold. I can’t drive in uncertain light. It was even warmer yesterday but I had to have a fire anyway to dry the laundry – so outside it was almost 60 and inside it was almost 80. (I took off my sweatshirt and was down to my “Under the Bus” t-shirt – LOL – but actually it was comfortable for me. No aching hands or feet.)
Been to GOS for a minute to check kosmail – see if there are any updates on Lin (or Ono’s son or Avila’s dad…). No updates but lots of love being sent. Will go back shortly to check fundraisers and stuff.
For 2017 I will do my cards and phone calls but probably not be otherwise actively involved with the political side of life and concentrate on my various communities instead. I’ll have to wait until I see my next credit card statement to see what I actually have been donating to – I’ve got regulars but I’ve done a lot of “impulse” donating this last 6 months (most for the fundraisers but a lot for political campaigns or issues). Once I’ve figured out what I’ve been doing, I’ll shut down some and probably add some others although I’m going to have to cut back to a certain extent. I’ve been giving to ACLU and PFAW for years but not PP or SPLC. If I can shut down enough other things, I will add those two.
We as a people will survive the coming administration. We will protect what we can, aid who we can. In our communities there will be love always and joy sometimes. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t going to do our parts. It’s in our nature. I almost welcome 2017 – the guessing and anticipating will be over. Best, worst, or in between the enemy will be in front of us. We’ll know what we’re up against rather than fearing it. We have to go through the swamp to get back to our path forward, so it’s good we’re finally starting into it. As I keep saying at GOS – only strong together, but VERY strong together – and together we can have movers and watchers and defenders to protect each other as we go. Bright the day and wind to thy winds, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
That’s true in some ways, bfitz. I think what has so many of us anxious is that we don’t really know what form the awfulness will take. We simply know it will be awful.
I was trying to compare how the tRump Yaministration is forming versus the George W. Bush Administration. The difference in 2000 was we did not know yet how awful GWB would be – 9/11 had not happened, the Iraq War had not started, torture was just a glimmer in Dick “Dick” Cheney’s eye. Now we know what can happen and it makes it worse to contemplate. Will the incoming Republican president be any worse than Bush? In some ways yes but in some ways it will be pretty similar. The sad thing is that we thought those things had been rejected and that we would never see them again! :(
We know enough to be very afraid – but depending on who we are or what our personal issues are we usually focus on different parts to be afraid of. This administration has the potential to be so bad that everybody is afraid of everything. Reality, thank goddess, usually does not match our fears. I’m not saying it won’t be bad. It will. But it will not be equally the worst in all areas. We are a castle about to be besieged and not a atoll about to be drowned by rising seas. The army will attack with what it thinks is its strengths against what it thinks are our weaknesses. It’s up to us to re-enforce those points and turn their strengths against them. It’s also up to us to be sure we have more than one line of defense – should they manage to, as they quite probably will but hopefully at extreme cost to themselves, breech the outer defenses we must have another line for them to come up against. They have to break us to win. We just have to hold out to win.
Winston Churchill in the early part of WWII when German and Russia had a non-agression pact standing said that the Allies only hope was for the Nazis to “attack this island and break his air weapon”. Where our “island” is that can break the coming administration’s “air weapon” I do not know. Denise might – goddess knows she’s been in this war long enough – but there is one. And just like “London can take it” wherever that place/issue is we will “take it” – and break it and start the push back.)
As to evil being rejected so strongly that we never see it again – won’t happen. Good refuses to become Evil which it would have to do to destroy the evils we’re fighting against – and thus just bring about a different kind of Evil. Good unfortunately stops believing in Evil the minute Evil is pushed under the rocks and can’t be seen. This allows Evil to regroup, strengthen, and come at us again when we least expect it. This is the way of the world, more’s the pity. But Good always manages to push Evil back under those rocks once they get over the shock of the attack – and the realization that Evil does still exist and is still out to destroy Good.
Good morning, 34 and cloudy in Bellingham. The snow has become icy so it’s treacherous outside. My good friend slipped on her icy steps and is on the hospital with a crushed vertebrae…….ouch! I’m being very careful.
Thanks to ice packs on my creaky knees and kids who know how to do what needs to be done we had a very fun Christmas. I had everything organized, but I had to just stop and let everyone else take over. The grand kids all changed into Christmas jammies so dinner on Christmas Eve was very relaxed, and our sons cooked a wonderful dinner for Christmas Day. And now it’s over, yay!
I had planned to just stay home and read today, but I’ll see what my friend needs before I settle in.
Ow! and Healing Energy to your friend! And glad your holiday was pleasant. It’s time for the kids to take over most of the work. It’s their turn and you’ve earned the rest. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meese! Tuesday that feels like Monday …
It is 21 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 27. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. It is still windy but not nearly as windy as yesterday. The front that came through caused some havoc north of here but we mainly got the wind.
President Obama needs to make a New Years resolution to never talk to David Freaking Axelrod on the record. Axelrod hates Hillary and led the drumbeat of naysayers throughout the election season – picking at the campaign, casting his misogynistic snark at the candidate, her message, and, really, the party. The guy who put together the winning Obama campaign in 2008 … and then fired Howard Dean, neutered OFA, meddled in state politics … did more damage to the party than can be repaired in a decade. Thanks to his arrogance, we now have a short window to rebuild state parties in time for the next census where state gains can help end some of the gerrymandering. And for him to lead President Obama into the “I would have won because MAN” trap – just to plump up the ratings for his podcast and CNN gig – is disgusting. Instead of the story of tRump signalling his willingness to withdraw the United States from the United Nations, the news yesterday was filled with stupid “my d**k is bigger than yours” stories. Meh.
Busy day here. We have a short week which is also the last week of the year and I have a billion things to do.
See all y’all later!
Good Morning Meese
A balmy 45 here.
Got all my grades in but 2 – still waiting to see if final student papers arrive in the mail. Sigh.
Have to go make some coffee.
Have a good day folks.
Well, my alarm was early, but before that there was a truck with beeping & lights outside my window at 4:22am, so yay. Caffeine, breakfast. Of course I have a George Michael earworm. Vera Rubin also died yesterday — the woman whose research is the foundation of the theory of dark matter. She never got a Nobel Prize. Dark matter. Not like that’s a big deal or anything. Sigh. Turning up the music in my head, we’ll be super busy today.
and people say pop music is insubstantial
Well it looks like the road to heaven,
But it feels like the road to hell.
When I knew which side my bread was buttered
I took the knife as well.
Posing for another picture.
Everybody’s got to sell,
But when you shake your ass
They notice fast,
And some mistakes were built to last.
That’s what you get,
I say, that’s what you get.
That’s what you get for changing your mind,
And after all this time
I just hope you understand,
Sometimes the clothes
Do not make the man.
I’ll hold on to my freedom.
May not be what you want from me.
Just the way it’s got to be.
Lose the face now.
I’ve got to live
Good morning, Meese. After a gray and dampish start, the weather appears to be clearing. It’s 56 F. now, going up to 61 F. today.
Have device troubles today, just what I need. Will have to spend the morning at Apple tomorrow because today I’m heading out to visit friends in the retirement community some distance down the road. Also, a certain site on my MacBook Air appears to have been hacked. It’s certainly malfunctioning.
Miss Pink Cheeks is here and wants breakfast, so I must go. Wishing all a good day!
Chilly but not freezing here today – at least the bird water on the back step is still liquid. Very clear – hope it will stay that way and generate a bunch of KWHs – got 3.6 yesterday which wasn’t bad for how cloudy it was but 7+ would be a lot better. Anyway, being sunny and clear, I was able to get over to the Grease Pig and get my oil changed this morning (also dropped a pair of shoes at the repair shop to replace the heel taps – better to spend $8 replacing heel taps than over $100 on new shoes, presupposing I could find any that are comfortable).
Heading for GOS and my various community things. Aji posted a diary last night for Wings – he’s written a beautiful poem for Lin – and we’ve now reached the half-way point ($15,000) for Lin’s fundraiser. Totally unexpectedly somebody also donated another $300 on Aji’s home which met the match so as of last night there’s $12,500 left on that one. I’ve got a bunch of smaller ones that aren’t moving. Sigh. But I am thankful for whatever does.
Leaving even my phone calling until next week, I’m mostly tending to house and cats, trying to find a good source of firewood, and channeling Energy to everybody I can think of. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 41 and raining in Bellingham. It’s good to see green moss and no snow outside my windows today!
Between seeing my friend, exchanging Ron’s gift (for different sizes) and sharing Ava’s fun with her Old Navy gift card yesterday was busy. I’ve got to do some tidying up today and then I hope to start over reading Dreams of Dust, book #9 in the Malazan series. I was at about chapter 6 when the fall got to busy and election blues ruined my concentration. I may have to read something lighter, but I’m ready to be lost in book world again. I’ve Louise Penny’s latest mystery in my TBR stack so a visit to Three Pines may be a better choice.
the statement Debbie Reynolds sent out, signed “love, Carrie’s mom”…… just so heartwrenching, and then there’s:
I am pretty culturally unaware (I never saw a single Star Wars movie) and not much of a celebrity follower. But I am usually moved by the sadness of those left behind. Gary The Dog’s Tweet did me in:
She was so much more than Princess Leia. She wrote 7 books – all critically acclaimed, had a lucrative career as a “script doctor” – a writer who fixes scripts. What I’m seeing lots of people talk about though is her mental illness advocacy. Here’s a link to an interview she did about being bipolar: https://twitter.com/Rethink_/status/814057383202816000. And a bunch of great feminist quotes from her: http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/12/15-of-carrie-fishers-best-most-honest-feminist-quotes.html?mid=twitter_cut
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
It is 19 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 34. Sun this morning will give way to clouds and a chance of snow flurries overnight.
I was following the news of President Obama and Prime Minister Abe meeting in Pearl Harbor and I was reminded that a president speaks for our country – when he apologizes, when he accepts condolences, when he gives condolences, when he declares friendship or issues warnings. President Obama always spoke for me because he is a decent and honorable man who truly loves his country and cares deeply about its citizens.
See all y’all later.
Good morning Meese
36 degrees here in Saugerties. Skimming the news, and my twitter feed
From twitter:
Charles Pierce…very funny guy. His priceless statement still lives in my memory. Although I don’t remember the exact wording, it went something like, “Somewhere in the White House there is a big bag of f*cks that won’t be discovered until halfway through Sasha Obama’s second term as president…”
As I said, priceless!