Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning everyone…Thank you Jan for allowing us to raid your blog…I hope we are not an inconvenience or taking up all you time…
God bless all the familiar faces I see here..Been missing youse guys…
Fight on we must because what Dump is trying to do is destroy our Democracy from within…
Well, not that I want to go but I have something I have to do this afternoon…See everyone soon..and Thank You again Jan!
Glad to see ya!
It looks like my moniker has not changed from when I first got my Word Press account years ago…I’m sure you all have figured it out but Batch it is…:)
Well, welcome home by whatever name – but you’ll probably always be Batch to me. {{{HUGS}}}
Me too :)
Hey, Batch! I’m trying to figure this out and I’m not doing very well. However, it’s good to have you back again.
It’s good to be wherever you are…Thank you!….and to the rest of the Village…YeeeHawww…We’re free of the purity dipshits…
Thank you again Jan for allowing to be here as a group.
Hi sweetie…Always feels good wherever you are…Thank the ceiling cat we can still be together everyone…Changed my name so I am Batch again!
I’m glad you’re Bath again, it was disorienting to have you be someone else :)
I’m glad you’re Batch again, it was disorienting to have you be someone else :)
Maybe now I can quit worrying about you and get a good night’s sleep.
Me, too. G’night Batch. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Heh – I turn my back for just a half a day – and all kinda new Meese snuck in the door :)
Welcome- welcome – welcome. Your local weather may be horrid but the Pond is always just the right temperature.
Thank you, Denise. It’s good to be here.
For Black History Month the Orange Bigot lauds Omarosa
{{{Denise}}} – over at DK Zen Trainer is trying to get a bunch of Black History diaries up honoring Dr. Reid – since that’s the 90-for-90 group she’s hoping for at least 3 a day but seems to not be getting many stepping up to do them. Did she contact Black Kos about it?
And of course The Donald gets it wrong about Frederick Douglass – tell me somebody he’s gotten it right on – if the person in question isn’t The Donald’s fantasy version of himself, he’s got nothing. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I saw that – however since folks don’t even pay much attention to Black Kos – I doubt she’ll get very far.
Plus – – there are not a ton of people who can write those pieces – other than the folks who are already doing so.
That’s kind of what I thought. I certainly don’t feel competent to do so even if I had time which at the moment I don’t. Basically all I could say is that I thank Denise Oliver Velez as the currently last of a long line of wonderful Black women who’ve kindly and gently taught me that all the “happy Negro” stuff I was taught in school is worse than crap. Or that even a family income much lower than many of the Black families I knew did not erase my White privilege. (And bless my White mother who taught me enough that I listened to them.) That does not a diary make.
She quite rightly honors Dr. Reid and her work on voter registration before the election is admirable, but you know better than I the makeup of DK (not just racial) makes it unlikely she’ll get her 90 diaries. Or even 30, although I wish her luck.
Agreed, and maybe it’s just me, but it would be weird coming from certain groups like Kos Katalogue (which ZT messaged). I’ll happily support any posts, but don’t feel I could do them justice writing them.
I may be a white single woman but even I’ve heard of Frederick Douglass. So glad to be hearing your words of wisdom again. I’ve been afraid to travel to other diaries at the other place for some time now.
Yes, to all you said.
The ineptitude and ignorance are cringe-worthy. Unfortunately, it also comes with power and a following, so it’s also dangerous. I await the tweet where he invites Mr. Douglass to join him at a WH photo op.
He talked about a African-American pioneer like he was a maintenance man who rodded out a shower drain. “Good job, keep up the good work.” This is our reality unfortunately.
His Press hack seems to be clueless too
The masta compliments his Afro-American. How noble of him.
Hey, Philly! Glad you could make it.
Hey there, good to see so many friendly faces, waiting on Batch.
Batch is in here but apparently he’d already had a wordpress username so it changed him to the old one of “stevebuc” – but that’s our Batch.
Hello! Glad to see ya!
Hi, Philly.
Why would she allow herself to be played like that?
I would like to become a member of your community. I would probably want at some time to contribute posts.
kathy dunn
Admin Notes:
First, you have to have cookies enabled for the site password to stick. Clear your cache if you still have problems.
Second, there are still a few of you whose comments are getting hung up in the moderation queue and I am releasing them when I see them but until you can login, it will be hit or miss.
Third, for folks who still can’t get in, please reply to this and I will have the Moose reset your password. When you get it, just use the one provided … don’t try to reset it.
Sorry for the delays but I am only a part time blogger! :) I will try to get a Village diary set up first thing in the morning so you have a rallying point.
Thanks for all your help, be gentle with My Village people, hahaha
It is very confusing! Some folks are getting in just fine and others are having a heck of a time. We’ll get through it … tell your people to hang in there!!!
We think you’re swell to let us in. We do understand it’s going to take awhile to process the group that just showed up on your doorstep.
thanks so much for this…
Propane Jane is blasting away again – in case you missed it
Heffens! I’ll say! That’s one heck of a righteous rant. I am so glad this woman is out there, speaking up, and has enough of a following to make a difference.
I <3 Propane Jane.
She’s a really good twitter follow… speaking my language right now.
PJ is the best. I always say if you’re on twitter & not following her, you’re doing it wrong.
Important read from Kurt Eichenwald
This guy is smooth, which makes him very dangerous. He needs to be filibustered until his nom is rescinded. He is to the right of Scalia and is anti-LGBTQ, anti-Civil and anti-reproduction rights. He is very high on the judicial branch having more power that the other branches and espouses the view that he would carefully check Dem presidents but not GOP presidents. If he is on the court, it will be harder right than it was with Scalia. Call your Dem Senators and tell them to filibuster!!! Do not give in!!!
My walk did not go as planned. I know I haven’t been training enough, but I barely made it through a 3.5 mile walk. There is literally no chance I could have done 10. The race is in 3 weeks. Crap, crap, crap.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} – Healing Energy.
I don’t have any advice, but {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Sorry to hear that.
That was 2.5 miles further than my walk today ;)
I’m trying not to panic. 4 miles should be easy this close to a half marathon.
weather and allergies maybe? wish I knew something to help – but sending Healing Energy anyway.
thanks for the healing energy & all the kind words
Heya map!
Hi Map!!
{{{map}}} – welcome to the Moose Pond. We should have a Village diary by tomorrow. Janf’s planning to get us started with one.
Hi there, VUTB member still trying to join. Posted yesterday, want to make sure I did it correctly and am in queue.
Watch for a Village diary/post tomorrow morning where I can gather everyone in and we can compare notes about where we are with sign ups and check the status of password resets and such.
Sorry this is such a pain … the old system of automatic sign ups let in a bunch of spam bots and we only want humans here! This is our first full-blown migration on the WordPress platform and we have a few kinks to work out.
Once we get settled in I want to get all y’alls opinion on the DNC Chair race.
To New Moose
I hope by now you’ve read About the Motley Moose
The Moose pond has a long tradition of attracting and welcoming immigrants from other parts of the web.
Right after it was founded – I was floundering in an ugly sea over at MyDD.
I got thrown a lifeline my the newly formed Moose crew who were there – and have been here ever since. I also joined Daily Kos.
The irony for me about Moose is that back then – it was a safe space to be supportive of Barack Obama – as a very loud group at MyDD (who later were at Hillaryis44) became more and more openly racist.
There were Hillary supporters here – but they found the ugly group just as revolting as I did.
Over the years – when things got rocky for the folks in Black Kos – Moose would show up to have our backs.
We were invited to cross-post here – from Black Kos – the only place out side of DKos that made that offer.
Fast forward – It then became a place where I could openly, and comfortably support Hillary – during the primaries and up into the General – without having to huddle in spaces under siege.
Over time – the “Elder Moose” founders drifted away – real life and other blogging eroded the base.
The Moose was revived by the entrance of JanF – who has successfully put us in a new platform – and kept us going – so she is “Mama Moose” at this point in time – thank you Jan for all you do.
One thing I want to raise – that is important. This is not a “sit around and gripe about DKos site – there are enough of those around already.
Some of us exist in both spaces – others not.
There will be times we reference things over at Orange – but keep in mind that in the past there have been a few people scanning comments here – who have tried to use something said here – over there – and it just makes messes.
The Moose has also had a long tradition of not worrying about labels – no one is running around trying to burnish their “progressive cred” or doing “leftier than thou” posturing.
We are an eclectic – warm and friendly bunch – though we don’t tolerate “isms” – you know the list.
Enjoy the pond – it’s wonderful to have a new crew.
Thanks for the welcome! I promise not to be one of those people who join a new place just to gripe about the old one, lol. It’s so 99 cent or something. ;)
Hear, hear.
Thanks for more history of the Moose Pond, and absolutely bless JanF for keeping it going even when we had to change platforms and she practically had to rebuild it from scratch. I’ve only been here a few years (my, how time flies) but it has definitely been a calm place to check in and visit when the pie was filling the air elsewhere and life in general just sucked. I am so honored that you folks invited me to join back then. {{{HUGS}}}
Hey dudes.
Yo, back!
Samantha Bee has me rolling on the floor laughing
Joe can’t stay away long…. pretty sure he wished he threw his hat in the race in 15.
Pete Souza
This is too awesome! Nice way to throw shade.
Doesnt open?
Didn’t for me either. Ah, the joys of learning a new system.
The link was not set up quite right – I fixed it.
There are two ways to do links:
1. Just paste it into the comment
2. Use the “link” button so you can add words to describe the link
If you use the “link” button, you have to make sure you “close” the link properly or it does odd things.
Click “link”, paste your link into the popup box, click OK, type some words then click link again. The second time it puts in the closing part.
In no time, everyone will be an expert at this!
I love it, although it makes my heart ache too. I don’t typically fangirl about any politician, but President Obama was and is an example of Good.
I was Sylv at the old site although I hardly commented, but can’t seem to log in, get a user ID error message for that name and my email. My email may have changed and I don’t know for sure if I am using the correct password either so probably need a reset.
This should be a link to one of my old comments:
Hello, everyone! Nice place. :)
Glad you made it over here!
Guys! I missed all the drama…..Luckily I logged on today and got the message from DoReMi :)
Yay! We still have a presence “elsewhere” but we’re preparing for what looks to be an unceremonious dismantling of the Bus. And there are moose here…!