Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Feb. 5th through Feb. 11th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

February 5th Welcomings – Page 1 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 2 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 3 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 4 Comments


  1. Heading for 30 degrees today north of Detroit, but it’s also blustery and with flurries. Tomorrow will be in the 40s though, so any snow that might stick will be gone in a hurry.

    I’ll be in Detroit tomorrow for the state Democratic convention (at Cobo, where NN14 was held). There are a lot of new party members since November, so it will be a full house and boisterous. Voting privileges are only for people who have been members for 30 days (and precinct delegates/office holders), but there is already a group who want to push to amend that so that you can join and vote on the same day. I will not be supporting that in this case, because I know where the idea is coming from. It’s not from people who have the long-term interests of the party in mind; it’s from a very vocal group who want to “take over” the party. I’ll probably use Saturday’s experience as the basis of my Tuesday post to the Village, and I hope it’s good news and not a cautionary tale of what happens when the loudest people ignore those with experience. It will be a long day, but it’s in my beloved Detroit so that makes it worth it.

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – good luck with holding line. It’s the same ol’ same ol’ with them. They didn’t bother to learn the rules for voting in the various states, just threw temper tantrums and accused the DNC of “cheating” when they couldn’t do what they wanted to when they wanted to how they wanted to. Now they want to take over the Dem party since their own party-building skills are non-existent and think they can do it by throwing temper tantrums when they aren’t allowed to circumvent the rules. By “winning” pvl45 gave permissions to be Deplorable to more than just the white supremists. White Light Energy to holding the line on ‘rule of law’ – and hanging onto the Dem party for Dems.

    • It is frustrating for an older Democrat to hear the voices promoting the idea that the olds need to be shoved aside in favor of the youngs. Yes, you need young people to grab the baton but, for crying out loud, grabbing a baton that people hand to you makes a lot more sense than starting the race on your own. Plus, we are not quite done – those of us who remember history would like to share it with those who didn’t even remember what happened in 2000 when “both parties are the same”-ism installed a Republican president who wrecked our country’s economy and set the world on fire without a popular vote mandate. Superdelegates were not an ebil plot to thwart The People but a way to avoid a McGovern-type electoral disaster. And guess what? The superdelegate fail-safe was never triggered but you can bet that the Republicans wish they had had one. They are in power now but at what cost? We will find out in 2018.

      Looking forward to your report!

      • I know you’re overwhelmed with requests now and hate to bother you, butI don’t know if I’m now a member or not.
        How do I find out? And if I am, how do I get the info for username & password?

        • I am not sure! I thought I was keeping up but I was travelling earlier this week and may have missed you.

          What user id do you want and I will get you set up this afternoon.

  2. Heavens save us from the know-it-all take over peeps. They never learned the power of learning a lesson thru loss. With you in Spirit!????

    I am VonsterTX, friend of Momentary Grace, a recent Village Person from under the bus @ Kos, and beholder of Moose. I would love to step into the pond and stand with the Moose friends, by your leave.

  3. ICE raids in Austin – just north of my neighborhood, maybe 2 miles away. All the local elected but 1 are Dems & they are all furious. One council member just spelled it out (his immediate previous job was at the Worker’s Defense Project):

    The community needs to know that we have confirmed a large amount of Immigration and Customs Enforcement actions in Austin in the last 24 hours, particularly in the North Lamar and Rundberg area. I believe ICE is out in public arresting people in order to retaliate against our community for standing up for our values against people like Abbott and Trump

    I’m a plump, middle-aged blonde lady. No Texas cop is going to stop me, not for much of anything. But even I’m nervous. My good friend who’s a state rep for the southeast part of town is furious – posted about how kids in his neighborhood are afraid to leave their homes. Lots of reports of citizens being stopped & hassled for “driving while brown”.

    • Yeah, heard that. And it’s not like my brother in law doesn’t get stopped and hassled once a month or so anyway for driving while brown. Holding the Good Thought. Warrior Moon protect us.

      • part of local news report includes some state senator I’ve never hear of (so, not from anywhere near here) denouncing our city council members who’ve issued statements against the raids. eyeroll

      • {{{Diana}}} – yes, it’s shameful. But we’ve been here before. Definitely under Hoover and partly during the FDR Depression years we did the same crap. We will be able to undo the damage and go forward, once we get back in charge. It’s very depressing to have to watch official America act like thugs again and know that we can’t stop it – but hang in there, we’ll always come through the swamp in good enough shape to repair the damage and make some progress.

  4. Good morning, dear Meese.

    MPLS/St Paul weather: 37 with a high of 41. The locals will take this as a sign of spring and act accordingly. There will be some shorts and t-shirts in evidence on the streets and in the parks. Frisbees will be thrown, dogs walked.

  5. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of … 39! Showers today and freezing rain tonight.

    I am still taking my news in small doses – the fire hose of awful from Hair Twittler and his party got to be too much. Yesterday, when his ignorance about other people’s culture and his lack of respect for people who are Not Him was on display again. He manhandled Japanese Prime Minister Abe and then refused to call him by his proper name – in TrumpameriKKKa, “Abe” is a first name, not a last name, and that is how it will forever be. Em-freaking-barrassing.

    The Fighting Back post is up:

    Fighting Back: Nancy Pelosi – “We are united by our values”

    Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of Barack Obama’s presidential announcement – February 10, 2007. I just listened to the speech (and will post it shortly) and it was sad to realize how the issues of 2008 – where we won – were not much different from the issues of 2016 – where we lost. It was also sad to hear Candidate Barack Obama talking about his plans for the future of America, plans that were mostly derailed when the Republican Party handed him the worst financial crisis in a generation and then set up plans to block any good government initiatives he would present. Despite that, we got Dodd-Frank, we got the Affordable Care Act, we got some progress on climate change and set the stage for a green economy – we got Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Some of this progress will be difficult or impossible to unwind in the two years before the first electoral response to Republican Unified Government’s priorities. And if we can take back Congress in 2018, or at least one house of Congress, we can build a firewall to protect the American people.

    See all y’all later!

  6. Good morning, Moosylvania! It’s a brilliantly clear, sunny morning in NoVa, 34 F. at the moment, going up to 43 F. tonight. Yesterday’s clouds obscured the full moon; good thing I no longer celebrate esbats, because I don’t think I’ve seen a full moon in years.

    The news is crappy, as usual. One thing is good, though: Indivisible is growing.

    Got a medical appointment this morning and lots of correspondence to catch up on. Today my brother-in-law and his wife have been married for 50 years. Wish we could go to Australia to celebrate with them, but I think our traveling days are pretty much over.

    Need to get on with things, so will close now and hope to be back later. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!

    • There was a lunar eclipse last night but by the time I realized it was going to happen, it was over. The moon was very bright, though, and that is always welcome.

  7. Good morning.

    It’s going up to 43 today with a chance of showers. Pretty springy. I hope the trees don’t start budding.

    In honor of “it”, I went to Nordstroms yesterday. I decided to find something to buy, just because. They had cashmere sweaters on sale for a really good price, so I bought 2. I told the ladies behind the counter, who both had accents, that I was buying them because of him, and they both said good.

    Last night I was on twitter, and there was a comment about my Illinois governor rauner. I responded by saying that I hope he’s out next year, and Chris Kennedy, Bobby’s son, is our new governor. All of a sudden Chris Kennedy is talking to me. We had a nice little conversation. I should have mentioned that several years ago my husband and I were in a Chicago restaurant call Green Zebra, and I looked at the people at the table next to us and said to my hubby “that’s one of Bobby Kennedy’s sons”. He was there with his wife and Dan Ackroyd and his wife. Small world.

    • {{{broths}}} – the fascinating world of social media! Holding the Good Thought for you, your state, and Chris Kennedy!

    • I have some Illinois peeps who call your governor “Gov. Ruiner”! When he loses next year there will be celebrations north of the border as well.

      I don’t have any hopes for my state – Walker’s most serious challenge will be a primary, not a Democratic resurgence. There is not even the tiniest bit of purple left – we couldn’t even muster enough votes to defeat a vulgar talking yam. I worry about Tammy Baldwin but I may have already bailed out by November 2018. Between the state Democratic Party, now enthrall to the berners who stayed home and pouted, and the gerrymandered-R-for-a-generation state legislature, there is not much of a future here for my daughter. We will go find a blue state that celebrates diversity and values education.

  8. Mornin Meese – reminder – today is Moral March in NC

  9. 60 in Fay., AR heading for upper 70s. The trees haven’t been silly enough to start budding but the irises and daffs all have a couple of inches of green leaves above the ground. Partly cloudy at the moment. Hope it clears off again. Got another 11 KWHs yesterday. Given the slow start, it’s not possible to get the solar generation I got Feb. 2016, but I’m on track to beat Feb., 2015.

    My usual shopping will be done later than usual today – which is why I’m online now and not out doing it – as I need eggs so have to wait until the Farmers’ Market opens (Summer outdoor Market opens at 7, Winter indoor Market opens at 9). I’ll check the Fighting Back (unless something changes that will be the Village Hangout for the day) then drop over to DK to deal with community needs stuff. Need to finish my Street Prophets diary for today. (For some reason the draft keeps going into “auto-scroll” when I try to edit anything. Maddening when I’m trying to paste something in – I can’t get the damn-thing to stop scrolling as long as the cursor is in the body of the draft, so hard to get the “paste” where I want it to go.)

    Anyway, I’ll be around except when I’m not. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  10. Good morning, 42 and cloudy in Bellingham. A busy but fun day ahead with the family celebrating RonK’s 75th birthday. Thanks to my son’s help the shopping is done, the guys are cooking, our Oregon daughter and her family are safely here, Seattle daughter and her family will arrive soon……the house will be full! I have set a limit for the grand dogs though……3 dogs and 13 people are enough. The other 2 dogs will stay at our son’s house for the day.

  11. Walked 6 miles this morning, felt ok. Didn’t feel up to walking another 7, but maybe next week, the race excitement will… I just dunno. Doing laundry, put away the groceries & I’m exhausted. Oh — it’s 85 or maybe warmer. Yay winter!

    • 77 here – I’ve got all the windows open and am airing out the house. Healing Energy and hope you can manage the race. Do you have somebody you walk with? That can help me keep going. Always stronger together. :)

      • No, I am a lot slower than everyone on my team – and pretty much everyone in the race. I count on my iPod to help me. My playlist is all my lovely boys: U2, INXS, Snow Patrol, Coldplay; 1st song is Patti Smith’s People Have The Power, because it’s great. Also Fight Song, because I need it. But it’s 80% U2. All the other stuff is just there to be something non-U2.

        • Music is a good “pacer” – or it can be, depending on what you choose. :) And yeah, the Fight Song is good. Healing Energy and holding the Good Thought.

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