Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Feb. 5th through Feb. 11th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

February 5th Welcomings – Page 1 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 2 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 3 Comments

February 5th Welcomings – Page 4 Comments


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Sunday morning low of 10 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 27. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Hello, Meese!

    Weather forecast for MPLS/St Paul: ‘High of 23 but will feel like 10.’ I guess the other 13 degrees won’t count.

    • My “feels like” here in Madison is 12. But since I am comfortably indoors, it “feels like” about 70!

      • Indeed, JanF!

        I have no intention of being in ‘feels like’ 10 today. Currently, ensconced in my easy chair with afghan and kitteh, sipping coffee. Only a crowbar will pry me out.

    • It hasn’t been so bad in Minneapolis. Sunny when I went out this afternoon, and not too much wind. Not that I stayed outside for too long…..(Hi, Meese!)

  3. Good morning all.

    It’s supposed to go up to 36 today in sunny Chicago. Nice. We haven’t had any snow in about 6 weeks, which is weird.

    Just doing stuff at home today waiting for the evil R’s to do something horrid. Which I’m sure they will.

        • You just have to wait for something to say “groovy” about – like our new Village by the Moose Pond. {{{HUGS}}}

        • Other than Marcia Brady on the Brady Bunch, I don’t think I ever heard “groovy” when I was growing up. I’m going to make the executive decision that it’s because I was too young to be around the people that used it. :D

    • Knowing that the article was written several years ago – and knowing all that has followed – the closing line, “And that is the burden of black boys, and this case can either ease or exacerbate it” breaks my heart.

    • And that adds about elebenty million more dammits! to the sorry-ass election outcome. Happy Birthday, Trayvon and Healing Energy to your mother – and your family. Which we all are.

  4. Morning! 26 degrees in Chicago metro and going up to 40 on this superbowl sunday. The Budweiser commercial is another sign that if persistent enough, a positive message wins over fear and decisiveness.

    Melissa McCarthy is a rock star btw!

  5. Today: church, visiting my friend (she’s making great progress in rehab — may walk out without a cane!), clear out dvr while I put together next week’s breakfast….. and that’s really it. Chilly, for Texas — 50s. Earworm: Disappear. Michael was such a gorgeous man.

    • Yes it is but it’s showing up more and more on Dem websites. They’re going to have to work harder to start a fake war.

      • Glad it is showing up on Dem websites and being debunked. Doesn’t Bannon think of anything new? Fake Polish incursions was Hitler’s excuse for invading Poland 9/1/1939.

  6. Good morning, Moose Peeps old and new! Partly cloudy today and rather chilly. It’s 34 F. here in NoVa now, going up to 49 F. We will be eating an unhealthful dinner as we watch the Brady Bunch try to defeat the high-flying Falcons this evening.

    Actually got something done yesterday—sorted out my various 1099s into the right envelopes, so today I can get the taxes done between doing laundry and baking that last batch of chocolate chip cookies. I used a “healthful” recipe for them, which turned out okay, not great.

    Still wondering how to get in on all these fascinating Twitter conversations, but am resigned to never being able to do it. The advice I’ve received so far has not helped. There is no “Me” button at the top right of the Twitter screen with a drop-down arrow that, if pressed, says “More options.” There is no “Me” button anywhere to be seen.

    I can use my political account, @DianaInNoVa, to get to that screen when one of you starts following me, but when I attempt to sign on, the other account won’t let me wipe its name and password off the screen and enter the political name and password. It just gripes, “Error,” and reverts to GoddessFiction.

    Oh, well, I tried! Wishing a peaceful Sunday to all at the Pond and Beyond.

    • I still have on my to-do list to conduct a Twitter In-service. We will get you “tapped in” in a way that will work for your desired level of engagement. Are you using your browser (Safari) to follow Twitter or an app?

  7. This ad made me want to cry. We almost had an easy way for this guy to talk to his daughter about a woman’s place and worth in our society. “Look … there is President Hillary Rodham Clinton!” :(

        • {{{rto}}} – hope you’re right, reese – but the most qualified candidate ever just got cheated of that position by a combination of hits supported by RW-owned media. And while we have some wonderful women in our “bench” none of them are yet as qualified as Hillary. I’d love to see it happen, but the media is still RW-owned and it will take time for our “rock stars” to become as or more qualified as Hillary. sigh. But. That doesn’t mean I won’t work towards that end because of course I will.

          • Well, I’m 65 – be 66 in October. So maybe. But it really does take time as well as the willingness and the work to become as experienced and qualified as Hillary is.

  8. Hi folks – started the day at 32, 45 now (feels like 42), heading for 65. Was mostly sunny but now clouding up. I’m only here for a minute – I’m going to chance it and hang my clothes outside today – but I’ll be back to see what’s going on when I do than and get the soup on (next week’s lunches).

    Later will go over to DK (been there just long enough to hang the community stuff on the community lynx) again to read Denise’s diary and also Michael’s’ Breakfast – and check on my fundraiser stuff. But mostly planning to do my hanging out at the Moose Pond. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses New and Old. :) and also {{{HUGS}}}

    • {{{{Fitz}}}} I left you a message on here somewhere yesterday…Don’t know if you saw it so here it comes again…I’m playing with the writing here and will attempt a thread on Friday morning if that’s OK…

      • {{{Batch}}} – haven’t found it yet but haven’t really had time as every time I sit down to the computer I get interrupted. So far it’s been cats, phone calls, the washing machine buzzer, another phone call… :) I will certainly look as soon as I can. That will make next week’s Village posting schedule:

        Sunday – n//a so far (posting in Moose Weekly Welcome)
        Monday – Philly76
        Tuesday – DoReMI
        Wednesday – MomentaryGrace
        Thursday – reesetheone
        Friday – Batch
        Saturday – ??

        We’re getting there! moar {{{HUGS}}}

          • DoReMI was doing that – don’t know where we are on it. It would definitely be nice to have Michael here. I’ll try if DoReMI doesn’t hear back – but somebody may need to tell him he’s got kosmail. He may not check. And if he doesn’t get it often, he may not even notice the flag. I certainly didn’t for the longest time.

  9. Good morning, 33 and snowing in Bellingham, with more snow forecast for tomorrow. Fortunately I can stay cozy indoors while RonK goes to the grocery store.

    My sewing room saga is finally at the fun stage, yay! Getting the new carpet (and pad) in place yesterday was difficult but it’s done….3 x’s a charm :) All the furniture is back in place and now I can comfortably reorganize my fabric stash. For new Moose readers, I’m retired now but my work was a small home decor sewing business so the space was well used and in need of repair. It’s been a slow process but it’s becoming a personal space where I can focus on comfortable creativity, not production sewing. I’ve kept a lot of fabric and trim so I’ve got lots of possibilities!

    Best Sunday wishes to all.

    • {{{princesspat}}} – YAY! on your sewing room getting done. Seriously have fun – or is that have serious fun? – working with your fabric stash. :)

    • Late to see this, and filled with envy. My sewing room is an utter disaster, and I have lots of plans for redoing it: décor, organization, removing some furniture, and adding in other pieces. Unfortunately, it’s the getting started which has held me back. I need to empty the whole room, and that is so daunting, I’ve never done it. Please keep posting about your comfortable creativity; it may be just the motivation I need to start getting my space comfortable.

      • I redid mine. Took everything out and put in the garage. Then I imaged what I wanted in the space I had. Ikea turned out to be my friend.

        • Where to put my fabric hoard (I can’t honestly call it a mere stash anymore) is the problem for me. My sewing room is off limits to my dogs and cats, but everywhere else in the house is open to them. Even though I can put my fabric in bags, my cats will find a way to nestle in. We don’t have a garage; we do have a carriage house, but it’s way at the back of our lot and is my last resort.

          The furnishing of my sewing room is handled. I’ve bought pieces over the past two years that are ready to go in, once there is room. I’m a bit of a vintage nut, so everything is either an antique I can use as is or a vintage piece repurposed for my sewing room.

          I guess I just need to deal with the probability of cat and/or dog hair on my fabric, and just start moving things. It’s more productive than complaining on a blog!

  10. Good morning all! Looks like a nice day at the moose pond. 51 and partly cloudy in Sacramento. Getting ready to take a walk before the next storm arrives later today.

    • You have been set up as a new user. Expect an email from “wordpress at motleymoose.net” (check your junk mail if you don’t see it) with your start-up password. After you get it, go to the Log In screen to get started: FAQ – How to Log In. You can change your password after you connect or leave it as is.

      Welcome aboard!

  11. Hai all! It’s 58 degrees and cloudy here in Mission Viejo, Ca. Watching the Puppy Bowl- Team Fluff is ahead.

    • Sounds like a much better game to be watching. I don’t have a TV so I’m not watching anything – just checking back and forth between the Villages (well, and doing my Sunday get-ready-for-the-coming-week chores). Wish I could offer you some of the chicken-pasta-veggie-curry soup I’ve just finished making. {{{Mvgal92691}}}

      • When you’re dealing with puppies (or kittens) it doesn’t matter who wins – the game itself is a win. :)

  12. Meant to log in earlier today, but I’ve had a headache most of the day. I went for a short walk in our “brisk” 23 °F, and that helped a bit. I think I did too much yesterday and it is catching up with me.

    See you at the Moose pond in the morning.

  13. Good Monday morning Meese- have school today – 34 degrees here in New York’s Hudson Valley.

    While I am happy to see the number of protests against the so-called President – I would be a hell of a lot happier if I saw that people were being signed up to vote – and given information about the upcoming primaries.

    We should also be vigorously opposing Voter suppression

    • Speaking about voting rights Rev. Barber discussed them with Joy-Ann Reid along with the failure of “faith leaders”

      • Thank you, Reverend Barber for calling out -in no uncertain terms- the ‘faith leaders.’ Thank you.

    • {{{Denise}}} – srsly and amen – we have got to find a way to circumvent voter suppression, register the heck out of everybody, and get their butts to the polls.

  14. Good morning, meese! Monday …

    It is 16 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 36. Looks like a bit of everything in the forecast – sun this morning, clouds this afternoon and then fog in the evening.

    Republicans in Disarray! I am trying to take comfort from the fact that the yam and his yaminions are widely despised – and incompetent as heck – but I can’t quite get there. In three weeks we went from “my government cares about me” to “the government is trying to kill me”. Hard to make lemonade out of that lemon!

    I was following Twitter during the Super Bowl and people noticed that the ads are suggesting that corporate America is assuming that the xenophobic, racist Trumpian movement is going to be short-lived. The ads, at least the ones I understood (lots of them made no sense to culturally illiterate me!) were about inclusion and the kind of America that Barack and Michelle Obama believe we can be. I hope they are right!

    See all y’all later!

    • Admin Notes for Monday morning:
      – New users added: Lisa, Michael Holmans
      – Users with login problems: Bluesophie and broths
      Bluesophie, you set up your initial user request as Bluesopie so that is how it was added (we are very literal here!). If you can log in as “Bluesopie” (it will display as Bluesophie when you comment) that would save me some dinking around. If it will be confusing, I can fix it but it requires removing your old account and adding a new one. Let me know!
      broths, my computer’s autocorrect changed your name from “broths” to “Broths” when it set you up. If you could you log in as “Broths” that will save me having to do an add/remove.

      Note: When you just leave a comment using your email address, rather than logging in, the comment goes into the moderation queue even if you have successfully commented before (it is supposed to skip the test but that feature is not working for some reason). That means that your comment won’t appear until I see it and release it … which will be sad for you and those who want to talk to you! :)

      You can tell if you are logged in by seeing if the Fierce button shows. If it does, you are logged in … if it doesn’t, you are just a guest. See the “Troubleshooting Tips” section at the bottom of the FAQ: How To Log In for more information.

      • Hi, JanF, when I got my pasword reset, I realized that in my first reply I spelt my username wrong! I have fixed my profile so my username will show up as “bluesophie”. No need to change anything. I can log in with my email or with “bluesopie” (which just makes me think of artisan soap ☺).

        • Welcome to the VbtMP Michael – Hope you want to do your Sunday Breakfasts here but I know there are issues with cross-posting between the two platforms. But if you do the Sunday Breakfast here, at least for the time being, it will actually be the post of the day so you could call it something else if you wished. Heffen knows your British Breakfasts are the sorts of meals Americans tend to eat later in the day. :)

    • Hi, Michael, just in time to answer my question about British English. In a comment above describing how I mispelled my username, I used the past tense “spelt” instead of “spelled”. My Scrabble dictionary tells me “spelt” is okay, but further Google research shows that “spelt” has been more common in British English, and “spelled” is more common in American English. However “spelled” has invaded England and is becoming more common. Huh.

      Maybe I need to stop reading British Chic lit….

Comments are closed.