Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
February 5th Welcomings – Page 1 Comments
February 5th Welcomings – Page 2 Comments
February 5th Welcomings – Page 3 Comments
February 5th Welcomings – Page 4 Comments
Good morning, 28, fresh snow, and partly sunny in Bellingham. Looks like more snow is in the forecast so I may have to cope. I can stay cozy today.
The response of the legal community to the odious Muslim ban is encouraging……
Local lawyers help create website to provide legal aid to immigrants at airports
Stay cosy, princesspat!
Good Morning, Meese!!
Still raining here in Folsom. I also somehow managed to pull/strain/do something to a muscle near my right hip such that it hurts when walking. Took some meds and will try to sleep before going to week.
Basket, poor you! Hope the meds are working so you’re more comfortable.
Good Morning, Meese!!
Raining here in Folsom, and I also managed to injure myself somehow while getting ready for work. Bleh. Took some ???? and sleeping before going to work.
{{{basket}}} – injuring yourself is not good. Healing Energy. Hope the nap and meds help. Moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.
Live stream of oral arguments on Decent Humans v Trump, 9th Circuit
Good morning, Meese!
MPLS/St Paul weather; currently 7 (feels like -10) high today 11.
Just want to say how grateful I am for this fine community and wonderful gathering place. Bless you, Meese!
What gets you up so early, inkaudlay?
Morning, JanF.
I just wake up ;) I see you’re up before the crack of dawn also.
I usually start my day around 4am. I love the quiet of the early morning to read and think. I can also get things done on client projects before phones start ringing and emails start arriving.
Since the election, I have been waking up, mostly in a panic, between 1am and 3am and unable to go back to sleep. Lately, now that the parameters of awful have been coming into focus, I am able to sleep longer. It is starting to look like the courts will have our back. Now the only question is if the Republican’s president will submit to a court order or defy it.
Same here for me, Jan. I’ve always loved the early morning quiet time. Like you, my early morning has gotten earlier since the election. I was waking up around 1:00. Now, even if I wake up, I stay in bed until 3:30.
Knowing him, I hate to tell you, he’ll defy it. He thinks he’s above the law.
In the end he’ll loose.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
It is 25 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 18. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
I listened to the livefeed of the oral arguments from the 9th Circuit yesterday evening. Yikes! The orange sh*tgibbon is going Full Nixon!! His lawyers are arguing that the president, when he and he alone determines that there is a national security threat, can suspend the rule of law. And … his actions can never be the subject of judicial review! Since he has a compliant Congress who will give him carte blanche, the only review we have is judicial review. It was fascinating listening to the arguments and not surprising at all that the George W. Bush appointee, Clifton, said that it is no big deal because only 15% of the world’s population is affected. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The Solicitor General from the State of Washington did push back when Clifton said that the president can ban people from certain countries – he pointed out that that is certainly true but that treating a 5 year old child the same way as an adult shows that it is not about security. Even Clifton seemed unwilling to go along with the notion that the revised ban – taking Bannon’s words and plumping them up with some legalese from the OLC – should be looked at at all. It was rightly pointed out that tomorrow the administration could come up with a new interpretation that makes it worse. This is what happens when you apply your hate with a firehose – you can’t defend it as law. I loved that Guiliani’s bragging about how he helped the Republican administration figure out a way to craft a Muslim ban legally was brought up as evidence of intent to ban a religion. HAHAHA!! Nixon had tapes – the Bannon administration has a million hours of cable news TV feed.
See all y’all later!
Good Morning, Meese!! :D
I’m having breakfast at Shari’s (a West coast diner that I first found out about in WA) on my way to the airport for a work trip to Seattle. Hopefully it’s not still snowing there…
Good morning, basket. Nothing beats a good diner breakfast. Order a side of hash browns for me:)
Record warm again today — supposed to be mid-80s before a cold front comes in. Sandals today, jacket tomorrow. Texas weather.
So, Ted Cruz can call Sen. Post Turtle a liar, but the Rs all need their fainting couches because Sen. Warren read a letter — a very polite letter — from Coretta Scott King. Yeah.
I was listening to U2 in the car because of course I was, but when I opened a tab for youtube to pick something to post, Love Will Tear Us Apart started playing in my head, really loud. I tried pushing it away with a U2 song, but no go. So for some reason, this is the song today. I really love the guitar on this, anyway.
Good Wednesday Meese
Am coming up for air for a sec – since Wednesday is my “write for Sunday” day – I’ve been at it since about 3AM
I have to run out to take some photos for my piece – since I can’t find what I need online in the public domain.
Only have one tweet to post atm –
Excellent meme! Drain the swamp, indeed. NOW if we can just get people to vote.
From her keyboard to C.C’s, FSM’s, goddesses’ – pick a deity’s – inbox!
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s brilliantly sunny and blue-skied this February morning in NoVa, with a current temp. of 57 F., going up even higher today. Yesterday it got up to 71 F. In February! Melt-in-your-mouth snow is predicted for tomorrow morning.
Absolutely dumbstruck by McTurtle’s shuttin’ up the wimmenfolk and by the arguments presented in the federal court in San Francisco. Someone has suggested sending postcards to the White House deploring President Bannon’s governance of this country. That’s guaranteed to cause a tantrum by Thing!
Busy morning ahead—in fact a busy day altogether—so must get on with it. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
The Senate’s rule 19 was apparently put in place to avoid canings! I am non-violent but I will admit that when Mitch McConnell smirked through his harrumphing about Senator Warren an image wandered unbidden into my brain …
Prevent canings? LOL!
I did read somewhere that one of the Dem Senators (not sure who) said rule 19 does not apply during a confirmation hearing.
It shouldn’t have! It was Mitch McChinless rearranging the rules to suit his purposes … yet again.
Good morning, Meeses! A grey 30 degrees here today, but it beats yesterday when we received more than an inch of rain. Because it’s been warm here (by February standards), the rain soaked right in; I doubt very much that our ground has frozen more than 1/4″ here…but I’m not going to go digging around to test that theory.
I was full-on rage Tweeting last night. I’m incensed by the treatment of Elizabeth Warren, and finding out Sen. Merkley was allowed to read Mrs. King’s letter later only increased my anger. (Kudos to Sen. Merkley; I would have liked every D senator to read the letter on the floor.) If they wanted to find a way to ensure that people stay motivated, they found it. “Nevertheless, she persisted” indeed.
Here is Merkley reading it without the “offending” line that Snowflake Sessions couldn’t handle.
If he can’t take the heat from a woman who has been dead for years, how will he handle the tough job of Attorney General? I suppose he will just “silence” his critics.
40 at dawn heading for mid 50s and sunny so far. Temps going to drop with the sun and we’ll get another whole night and day of winter tomorrow. (Good – it will be cool enough for a fire tonight so I will the thoroughly warm when I go to bed.) Here’s hoping for 2 days in a row of over 10 KWHs (so far this month just over 10 has been alternating with just under 5) – total for the month as of last night is 54.1 KWHs. So we’re getting about the level of sunshine as Feb 2015 or about 2/3 the level of sunshine of Feb 2016.
Need to get a Street Prophets Helping Humpday diary put together over at DK – again, the “shell” is easy but checking the updates is very time consuming. And of course post the community lynx stuff. Otherwise, I’ve got to deal with a bunch of papers on my desk. And find where some contract things are hanging up in the system. I’ll be in and out of the Village diary the rest of the day but will check back in here before the endo of the day. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 27 and partly cloudy in Bellingham, with either snow or rain in the forecast. We don’t have as much snow as the northern part of the county but the hill we live on is very icy so I’m hoping for rain.
I used to joke about seeing Canada from my front porch, but now it’s a serious alternative for many working in Wa State…..
Moving to Canada no election-year joke anymore
I want to be part of the MotleyMoose….please
Glad you’re here, USMarine70! Jan will help you through the initiation.
Good to see you again.
Watch for sign-in instructions from “wordpress at motleymoose.net” with your username and password.
Welcome aboard.
Good morning Meese! It’s partly cloudy and 67 degress here in Costa Mesa , CA.
Hi, Mvgal! 67 degrees sounds dreamy ;)
Finished writing – turned on the news and we have a big winter storm watch – looks like we are in for heavy snow 6 to 12 inches.
I guess I won’t be driving to school tomorrow.
{{{Denise}}} – stay safe and warm. And if the internet holds up, come play in the Village by the Moose Pond. – reesetheone is scheduled for tomorrow.
Thanks Sis – will drop in as long as my internet stays on – it has been cutting in and out this morning
Stay safe and warm, Denise. Hope your husband is feeling good.
He’s feeling better – still sore from surgery.
Good Mornin’ Meese
Since we are about to be hit by blizzard here in NYS – cancelled my classes and am staying home – even though school seems to be open.
Any of you in the path of the snow – stay safe.
Good morning, meese! Thursday …
It is 10 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 16. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I am going to take a news break today. Watching the Republican Senate rubber stamp a white supremacist for the position of Attorney General – in charge of federal law enforcement and the Department of Justice – is too much to stomach right now. It was one of the most craven acts of party over country, party over decency that I have ever witnessed. It did not even enrich anyone, the usual reason for Republicans to band together against decency, it was because of Senate Comity. The KKK and the NRA sent out congratulatory tweets with the chilling hashtags #LawAndOrderComingSoon and #OurTimeNow. The Republican Party was put in power with the help of the KKK and now they have rewarded them by handing over the DOJ to them. A-freaking-mazing.
We need to be clear – and repeat it over and over to everyone – that about 98% of what is happening is not happening because the person “Donald Trump” was elected. It is happening because there is a Republican president and a Republican Congress. Would a Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Scott Walker have been better? Other than the special personal grossness of Donald Trump, it would not have been much different. Elections Matter and it is really difficult for me today to help but feel that this election will kill.
See all y’all later!
Hi JanF! I do news blackouts regularly, I’m on a peep-between-my-fingers-on-twitter and local news regimen for the time being till unspecified.
I agree with you that this is Republican potus and congress together creating this cluster$&%# however there is one thing ThatOrangeMan has specifically to answer for – the open inciting and encouraging of the KKK and alt-right-read-white-supremacists, and the blatant dehumanizing of women. That was the one place he went flagrantly in his campaign that I don’t think the others would have dared, although now that he’s blazed the trail I doubt anything will be off the table ever again. But before this man, they kept it to wink nod and nudge. Now, they are willing and open collaborators.
Good morning, Meese.
MPLS/St Paul weather, umm cold, but hopes of warmer temps tomorrow.
What you said, JanF. This isn’t a trump disaster; it’s a Republican disaster. Trump is a distraction; we need to focus on, organize against, and fight what Republicans are trying to do.
Test from “broths”
It’s alive! It’s aliveeee!