By silencing Elizabeth Warren, the GOP gave women around the world a rallying cry. #ShePersisted #LetLizSpeak pic.twitter.com/uH6WIngHaL
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 8, 2017
Despite the naysayers, Shirley Chisholm became the first black major-party candidate to run for President of the United States #ShePersisted pic.twitter.com/UcWeRvmuBE
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 8, 2017
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, vulnerable 2014 Dem whose state Trump won by 36 pts, says she’ll vote against Sessions for AG. pic.twitter.com/2lyo721CAt
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 8, 2017
.@SenSherrodBrown: "It's a sad day for our democracy…when the words of #CorettaScottKing are not allowed on the floor of the U.S. Senate." pic.twitter.com/qIrejA3HqN
— CSPAN (@cspan) February 8, 2017
Though it had only been 3 days since her husband had been assassinated, King led a silent march for striking sanitation workers in Memphis. pic.twitter.com/C5E2N4Ifnr
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) February 8, 2017
RT if you agree: Jeff Sessions is a threat to civil rights. We cannot allow him to become our next Attorney General. #StopSessions pic.twitter.com/4qbiRXVV7X
— Women's March (@womensmarch) February 8, 2017
Need more proof? Warren's Facebook reading of the King letter is at 1.4M views, 40K+ shares. https://t.co/iphhqIjtCJ pic.twitter.com/ApBZYXBgUM
— Eric Bradner (@ericbradner) February 8, 2017
Sen. @CoryBooker: I start my remarks tonight aggrieved by what I saw happen to @SenWarren. #StopSessions #LetLizSpeak pic.twitter.com/erfYPuNX6M
— The Leadership Conference (@civilrightsorg) February 8, 2017
If you’ve ever wondered what you would have done during the Civil Rights Movement, this is your opportunity to find out. #goodtrouble
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 4, 2017
Thank you @SenWarren for being the soul of the Senate during the #Sessions hearing. #LetCorettaSpeak #LetLizSpeak pic.twitter.com/DQiiO0sOAF
— Be A King (@BerniceKing) February 8, 2017
#NeverthelessShePersisted pic.twitter.com/ZlQ6GkeYBW
— Rebecca Eisenberg 🥯 (@ryeisenberg) February 8, 2017
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
So must we all.https://t.co/JXROGHPNkH
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 8, 2017
Forty Seven years persisting….. she deserves the final word
Thank you, thank you, reese. We will persist.
Wow, what a roundup. Thanks Reese. The energy in the Resistance movement is awesome. Now we’ve got to get a few concrete victories, but I do think they’re a bit surprised and I doubt that they know how deep this opposition runs
Thanks, rto! What a great round up. It’s good to see you again! When I was at the march in DC, I met women who told me that Dem women are organizing in private Facebook groups. They were from FL and I’m wondering how wide-spread this is. Maybe there’s a giant underground movement building that will crash over the Rs in 2018. I really hope so.
Hiya yellowdog! I’m on twitter most of the time throwing tantrums lol! I’m definitely not happy with the first three weeks of this administration but what can you do right? Folks will need to organize to help folks get id to vote…. CRITICAL going forward.
We’re going to take more losses than wins in the next four years but gotta move forward :)
That’s certainly what I’m seeing in MI. Between Indivisible and political offshoots of Pantsuit Nation, there are lots of small groups popping up. The key, of course, is to ensure that they don’t just become bitch-and-moan groups and actually DO something. That’s where a lot of my time and effort is being spent…taking that energy and trying to organize it so it is effective.
{{{rto}}} – thanks for the great roundup – and of course Hillary has the (currently) final word on what the problem is. Backlash is always nasty and painful. For some it is/will be fatal. i am disappointed but not surprised at how many hits we are taking right now. I temporarily hoped Boozman would step up on some of the worst. I got over it. (Although still hoping we managed to save some of healthcare and all of Social Security – just not particularly hoping any of my congresscritters will be on our side.) Molly Ivins was a 1st Amendment Freedom Fighter for most of her life and she nailed it more often than she missed, but sometimes I think her mentor’s reminder about how precious few wins we get is the best one to keep in mind. He told her to remind people to have fun together while we’re doing the fighting because that was the main reward we get. Of course the other thing she used to say was that we can laugh, cry, or throw up and laughing’s easier on the system. So laughing at them is good but laughing because we enjoy the fight in each other’s company is better.
My WWII analogy will never be perfect as this is an internal threat so we are a nation divided – but while pvl45 himself is a shock, those who are using him have been planning this for a long, long time just like the Japanese did before they attacked. (Actually longer than the Japanese did before they attacked.) So they are prepared and we are not. We are resisting, persisting – but reacting, not yet acting. As more and more of our team get together, plan together, work together that will change. As our units go from platoons to armies, we will start winning. Our biggest problem will be when our groups get big enough to join with other groups. Ask a vet about getting the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force to work together! Eyes on the prize – we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now we’re still forming platoons. {{{Village Peeps}}}
Is anyone else not finding this under the “It Takes A Village” tab at the top of the page? I actually wrote, published, and then trashed a filler diary, because this wasn’t showing up. Reese, did you click on the It Takes a Village category tab before your published? Now to go back to actually read!
I just went and looked. It’s there now. {{{DoReMI}}} And if there’s a way to hang onto drafts without publishing them, it might be a good idea to have a filler diary available on the “be prepared” line of thought anyway. BTW – are you planning to do one next Tuesday? if so, we’re covered for weekdays – just need to find folks to do the weekends. Do you know if Michael has given any more thought to cross-posting his Sunday Breakfast? If so, that would just leave Saturdays. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I tweeted Reese and let him know what was up, and he added the check mark that was missing. And yes, I’ll take next Tuesday. Michael commented here, somewhere in one of the Welcomings; I’ll have to try to dig up his comment to see if he said he would cross-post (and registered as a writer).
Nothing further from Michael; I guess I should head back to the orange to see if he’s been around. I absolutely cannot do Sundays, since I’ve added going to church to my Resistance activities. My pastor is making sure I don’t get too comfortable though; just about that point in the sermon when I’m tempted to feel smug and self-righteous, she throws in something that makes me very uncomfortable and encourages introspection. I asked her about it last Sunday, and she said, “Well, it’s not specifically for you, but…”
In the future, I may be able to do an occasional Saturday, but I can’t do this Saturday. If no one steps up, I suppose I could throw up a bare-boned shell.
We’ll come up with something. Weekends may just end up visiting the Weeklong Welcome diary and touring the site. JanF always does a weekly – used to be the president’s address but now… the last few have been Nancy Pelosi – that definitely make good reading and would make a very good “meeting place” on Saturdays. There are many good things to read on this site so a day set aside to “explore” isn’t a bad idea at all. In fact, it’s a good idea. I think I’ll put that on the schedule for the time being.
Many, many years back at one of the churches I went to the minister used to say that his words were not all for one person. That if something he said didn’t seem to apply to you, don’t worry about it – those words were for someone else – but if they did, be they comforting or uncomfortable, those registered because they were God speaking to you. :)
My pastor told me her explicit goal with her sermons is to create discomfort. I haven’t been back long, but so far, so good!
Well I’m not comfortable with that. I believe a good minister “comforts and afflicted” as well as “afflicts the comfortable” – so unless that congregation is exceedingly comfortable, there should be some comforting in there. And some encouragement – some sort of ‘you’re doing better, keep up the good work’ to acknowledge where there is good work even as you indicate the goal is not yet reached.
Glad you are doing it though. Part of what cost Hillary the church woman vote was the underground communication vector – the church women’s volunteer groups’ email lists. The screeds of evil killer Hillary were never countered with Methodist do-gooder Hillary through the one source church women would believer – their own email chain. Whoever our next candidate is – and especially if she’s a woman – will have the same sort of crap spewed through that email chain. If we can counter lies with truth through their trusted network… You may not be able to do that, depending on what sort of activities you are involved in and what kind of activities your church actually does, but some folks on our team will be able to once we learn how to use that communication tool. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Oh, I think you’d actually like my pastor. When she talked about creating discomfort, she wasn’t excluding comforting, but she doesn’t sugarcoat things either. And as much as anything, I’m attending to support her. I got to know her first as a person and only more recently as my pastor, and being a liberal serving a conservative congregation creates a whole set of complications. She handles it well, but it can’t hurt for her to look out on a Sunday morning and know that at least one person is cheering her on.
Those email chains have always passed me by, if they even exist in our congregation. It’s just not a phenomena I’ve ever seen, experienced, or heard of in my church. I wonder if it’s a more regional thing, or if I’m really that far out of the loop? On the other hand, I’ve never been able to attend the women’s group meetings, because for as long as I can remember, they’ve held them during the day. (The whole concept of working women seemed to pass them by and still does.) So who knows what they say at their meetings…
That’s good. And under those circumstances I can see why she designs her sermons to make people uncomfortable.
Yes, a lot of the volunteer church ladies don’t work outside the home. The email chains aren’t so much secret as group specific – there’ll be a group email for the prayer circle group, another for the choir, another for the altar guild, and so forth. And of course if one person is in more than one group – say prayer circle and choir – then they’re on both lists. If that person gets “interesting” information sent via that trusted group then sends it to a mother, sister, daughter, cousin church lady in another city now it enters a whole new set of church women groups. That’s how those Killer Hillary ones got out. I saw the ones my aunt got – and from the email history, those suckers had traveled across TX before they got to her. If I’d been as gormless and still active in the parish, I’d have pushed them across AR. Which somebody not me did. sigh.
DoReMi, I just checked the It Takes A Village link and it seems to work for me. I wonder if you have your browser cache set in an odd way. If you click and you don’t see the list, try refreshing the tab.
Someone mentioned a problem with the pull-down menu the first day all y’all migrated and I didn’t have time to follow up on the problem. I do now!
p.s. A misbehaving plug-in made the site a little slow to load earlier this afternoon (until about 1pm Central). I think I have the problem resolved but let me know if anyone else had problems with speed.
Good morning, and thank you! It’s easy to feel discouraged so reading today’s post is a needed antidote to the tRumpian blues I’m struggling with.
Thanks reese…it was great to see your photo rants once again…they are sorely missed at DK…
Thank you, Reese, for the inspiring diary. I love the way people are using the “she persisted” meme, and I love that photo of the massive pink-capped crowd at the rally/march!
A little inspiration this morning from one of the top contenders for DNC Chair.
Good article.
And for those who have been/want to be involved with Indivisible, this is one way to start. I’ve been on two of their national calls, and they always have terrific and inspiring information.
The 35 year old undocumented mom who was picked up by ice was heart breaking…. I’m am FURIOUS right now. didnt. Have. To. Happen.
Awesome job bro, I see Chris Hayes, a white male reporter, is holding townhall on Chicago crime, because of the Vagina Grabber in Chief concerns and I ask we are going to get the White Male solution to violence.
I have family in south shore, edgewater, Englewood, near midway, north west side…. All over. Hayes will not capture what’s going on… so I’m not gonna watch.
Chicago will be a political football.
The press needs to stop looking where NotMyPresident points. It’s intentional distraction. Why isn’t Chris Hayes having a townhall on conflict of interest in the administration, or Russian influence on our government? I know, rhetorical question, but the MSM is still serving his purpose too often and too freely.
I actually like Hayes a lot, and he does have family ties to Chicago, although he’s never lived there himself. But this townhall leaves me leery, because while it is being promoted as a more nuanced approach to urban violence than 45s, it still looks to be using 45s “urban war zone” meme as the jumping off point. And just how much nuance can you cram into a televised townhall anyway (unless you’re Hillary; she was a pro at it)?
Thanks for the rant and the inspiration, reesetheone, and for always remember and giving HRC her props.
Speaking of props, I’m glad you liked yesterday’s VNV. ;)
Had to cut loose on twitter this morning… i actually feel better now! I focused on the problems part, now energy on solving them :)
hmmm, think I’ll mosey over to Twitter and take a look :)
Morning meese…Thanks reese…Another superlative thread buddy…
Morning everyone…Just want to let everyone know…especially {{{fitz}}}…That I still have Friday’s thread…I’m not going to be around to monitor it or anything though as It seems my foot and ankle have swelled up and I’m going into the VA hospital inthe morning….No worry out of any of you either…Just swelling…no discomfort or anything…I’m still the cantankerous Batch you all know and love…LOL
Yep, we like our batch all cantank-ery, because we know you’re a sweetie.
{{{Batch}}} – Healing Energy and are you sure you shouldn’t go today? Ice (or at least cool compresses) can help swelling if it’s a temporary thing. If it’s hot as well as swelling, well, go today. moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.
Yes, I’m looking forward to your post tomorrow – but I’m looking forward to a good report back on your health even more. and moar Healing Energy.
{{{{{fitz}}}}}…Thank you for the healing energy…This is why I love ya all…Because no matter what we look out for each other…I broke the ankle in 75 while in the army and haven’t had any problems with it until this swelling…I can still walk normally so your guess is as good as mine…
Thanks to everybody for the support…
Will let everyone know what’s up when I get back home tomorrow…
Love ya all!
{{{{{fitz}}}}}…Thank you for the healing energy…This is why I love ya all…Because no matter what we look out for each other…I broke the ankle in 75 while in the army and haven’t had any problems with it until this swelling…I can still walk normally so your guess is as good as mine…
Thanks to everybody for the support…
Will let everyone know what’s up when I get back home tomorrow…
Love ya all!…moar {{{{Hugs}}}}
Taking care of yourself is priority #1, Batch. And one of the many nice things about posting here is that you don’t have to worry about algorithms to maintain your mojo; I’m taking the attitude that we all start with infinite mojo that we can only mess up if we do something really egregious. {{{Batch}}}
Infinite mojo and fierceness for all Meese.
Feel better bro!
OK – best I know next week’s schedule for the Village is:
Sunday – maybe Michael’s British Breakfast but probably The Moose Week-Long Welcomings
Monday – Philly76
Tuesday – DoReMI
Wednesday – MomentaryGrace
Thursday – reesetheone
Friday – Batch
Saturday – JanF’s Editor’s Choice: Fighting Back
Reply to make changes. Thanks and {{{Village Folks}}}
I’m becoming the Link Queen for today (I guess that’s what happens when you haven’t even visited the orange place yet). I really hope you’ll all take the time to read this as a cautionary tale.
Our state Democratic convention is Saturday, and I’ll be there all day. I have been receiving lots of inquiries from new party members (mostly Berniecrats) as to whether I’ll be attending the progressive caucus. I’m not; it’s scheduled at the same time as the women’s caucus, which is where I’m far more likely to find like-minded folks. However, I will be watching their recommendations/votes carefully, because I expect that’s where most of the momentum to remold the party in His Saintliness’ likeness will originate. It’s a concern, but I’m hoping their ineptitude will help me identify those who are more intent on destroying than strengthening. And if their ineptitude doesn’t do it, I have several supported-Bernie-but-sane friends who are attending the progressive caucus meeting, so I’ll be able to get the dirt from them.
And one more random, rambling thought…I’ve seen quite a few people in FB groups, political neophytes all, who are falling for the “Gorsuch seems nice and might not be so bad” line. If you hear this yourself, please step up and speak out. “Nice” is not a qualification for SCOTUS, and even if it was, “nice” is not a word I would use for someone who out-Scalias Scalia. I’ve seen this often enough now that it’s a real concern to me. I think that’s what the latest revelation about Gorsuch’s “demoralizing” comments are all about. It’s theatre to make him seem a bit more mainstream and independent of the Republican administration.
have fun at the convention. And basically, we’ve got a lot of ‘good Germans’ in this country. Nothing bad has happened to them personally – yet – they aren’t particularly interested in politics, most certainly don’t know how the system works, may not even be able to connect the bad things that will happen to them to this election, and consider us to be crying “wolf”. Basically they wish everybody would shut up and let them get on with their lives – anything that seems to lead to that end (including normalizing pvl45 and his fascist administration) is fine with them. As usual, to protect ourselves we have to protect them too – and fight them to do it. sigh. But still have fun at the convention and {{{HUGS}}}
I think we can enjoy this one.
Hurrah! for a win in these dark times. 3-0 the Courts ruled to confirm the stay on the Muslim Ban. Hillary sent out a tweet (that of course I can’t reproduce) that simply says:
There’s your “mic drop” moment. :)
Thanks Reeese for the article. You’ve lifted my spirits!