This diary is about my fundraising effort for the Hill Country Ride for AIDS, but if you know me, you know that I usually use music in these diaries, so: there has been a lot of “us” and “them” lately. “We” are good and pure, “they” are awful. This is not true. Neither statement is true. We are here to elect more & better Democrats — because we believe they will do better for our country & our world. We want things to get better — we know things can get better. Please, can we be good to each other? The best thing about the AIDS Ride is that it is a day of the way you wish the world was. People help each other, people cheer each other on, push each other up hills…. It is just beautiful. I want to live in that world.
The Hill Country Ride for AIDS raises money for local organizations that serve people with HIV & AIDS. I’ve done it every year it has existed. Never done every mile, but I’m there every year. Because helping my neighbors makes my life better, too. The cause is, of course, a fantastic one; but the Ride itself is wonderful & beautiful – it is one day of the way we wish the world was.
And if you know me, you know that I’m just somewhat of a U2 fan. Just a little bit. And my beautiful boys, without knowing anything of the Ride, have captured it perfectly:
There is no them, there’s only us
We’re not separate from each other — the people who these agencies serve, they’re us. And there is no “them” to do the helping, there’s only us. Really, truly, if we don’t help, there is no help. And making the lives of people with AIDS better really does make our lives better. Please donate at my Hill Country Ride page, and let’s do some helping.
and of course, I need the song
sent a little – also for your DK one I republished to Community Fundraisers. Not sure it will get you any more eyes, but worth a try. {{{anotherdemocrat}}} – thanks for doing this.
today is the birthday of the guy who got me started doing the Ride, the kindest human I’ve ever met, so I think it’s an auspicious day for raising money for the Ride
here’s the story:
I was reminded when I opened Facebook that today is David Smith’s birthday. David is the person who got me involved with the Ride. One day, more years ago than I want to claim, I was finishing up the AIDS Walk, that we have in late October here. I was in my mid-30s, overweight & huffing & puffing from finishing a noncompetitive 5K stroll. He was standing at the finish line, handing out flyers for the first year of the Ride. At that time, it was a 2 day event, 120 miles, with camping out & all that stuff. He looked at me — overweight, not young, out of shape — and said “you can do this”. I still tear up when I think about this. People don’t say things like that to people who look like me. Really, no one has ever said that to me about an athletic thing. Except David. I’ve talked to others who know him — and we agree that David doesn’t see the outside of you, he sees the inside — and not even that; my theory is he sees the Platonic Ideal of you, the best possible you. And that spirit permeates the Ride, even though he’s not the Director any more. He’s why the HCRA is so special.
another reason we need more donations than ever:
Trump’s next target – people living with AIDS
There is literally no one safe from the Republican dismantling of good government. Their 10 year quest to regain control of all three branches of government has been achieved and the damage will be widespread. I hope the most vulnerable can find a way to survive.