Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning/evening Meeses. I have no idea what the weather has been like (apart from raining) because I didn’t go out at all today. Lazy and tired and feeling stressed.
See all y’all soon! (I fly back on Sunday)
{{{basket}}} – hope you are feeling better by now and thank you so much for attending to the DK Village lynx comments. Unless somebody else decides to do one, I’ll be putting up tomorrow’s hangout. i may just go ahead and create it tonight if I have time. we shall see what we shall see. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}
Take care of yourself, basket, dear!
Upper 30s at dawn heading for 70 and sunny. yesterday I got 17 KWHs! Just over 90 KWHs for the month to date (which is half of what we got for the total of January). We may possibly moving into a sunny “Chinese” year since the sunshine (rather than just day length) started coming back with the Year of the Fire Rooster.
The political situation is of course depressing when it isn’t frightening and it’s frequently both. Those of us who are politically active are not surprised at how seriously it impacts ordinary life. We Dems have protected ordinary Americans from knowing how important politics actually are by simply making government work – not as well as it could and under an appalling load of negative circumstances – but work, so they didn’t have to think about it. I doubt the lesson will be learned by many in the 40 and up range, maybe not even the 30 and up range – and if we can just get if back and make it work again, I’ll worry about reaching a new generation then. When we have time to breathe. Meanwhile, more and more people are coming to me for fundraisers at the same time fewer and fewer are donating. And the stalwarts who have always been there are just running out of money. Wish I could send the tab to the “Alt Left” purity patrol at DK. Maybe they could do “$27” donations to cover. (Am I bitter? Why do you ask?)
Gotta get to work. Got another, I hope last for a while, chiro appt in an hour and need to get a few things dealt with before I leave. Back when I can. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) does a nice job explaining the damage done by the Affordable Care Act “replacement” and the difference between the rollout and transparency involved in the Affordable Care Act and this bill being rammed down the American people’s throats.
“Who gets hurt? EVERYONE except the insurance companies, drug companies and the very rich”
Good morning. It’s going up to 50 with sunny skies, but it’s beyond windy in Chicago. If you had a toupee it wouldn’t stay on long.
I’m starting to believe that the Statue of Liberty turned off her own lights. She’s as sick of what’s going on as we are.
Wearing red today. I am woman!
Good morning, 39 and partly sunny in Bellingham. After so many cloudy days the brighter sky is surprising my eyes! I have a puzzling/annoying computer challenge to unravel today. RonK was using my computer and accidentally pinned two tabs so they open with Chrome. I haven’t found a way to undo what ever he did, but I’ll persist until I do.
Danny Westneat, Fog clears on GOP health plan, and it’s not a pretty sight
Nate’s blog enumerated the groups who will help kill the bill. Seven Groups That Could Complicate GOP Plans To Repeal Obamacare
I hope the olds start calling their representatives. I think they are the one group that might make even Republicans stop and listen. They will not care about Democrats.
I found the fix for the pinned tabs……clicking on “unpin this tab” opens the tab, next step is to close the tab, and then waaaaay down at the bottom of the Chrome menu, click exit. Took reading several help forums and watching a few YT videos to get all the steps in the right sequence.
Weather Underground was one of the sites and it is hard to get rid of!
We’re at a gloriously sunny 71 degrees here in Costa Mesa, CA. I see more groups have come out against AHCA. The Trump WH has requested you don’t call the AHCA Trumpcare. Trumpcare it is!
Good morning, dear Meese.
MPLS/St Paul weather forecast: The only part I cared about, ‘winds diminishing tonight.’ We’ve had crazy, howling winds for days. Wind makes me cranky; I was nearing berserker-level cranky. I’ll get better now ;)
Our winds diminished! We had two days of constant winds of over 25 mph with scary gusts. Yesterday I was driving into a headwind that I had to accelerate into to keep my speed up. Yikes! Wind is very disconcerting. I once lived in an area that had unusual wind patterns, I am not sure if it was the topography – or ghosts of Native people! – but it was very uncomfortable. You could hear the windows and glass doors moaning under the pressure.
Good morning, Janf!
Yep, to getting bullied by the wind while driving. I’m glad calm reigns for now.
‘You could hear the windows and glass doors moaning under the pressure.’ That would be very disconcerting.
Know how you feel, ink. I don’t like the sound of wind either.
Funny what pushes our buttons, huh? :)
{{{Inkaudlay}}} – high winds are scary winds, but as long as it doesn’t sound like an on-coming freight train (tornado) you should be OK, right? Glad they are diminishing and moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 30 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. The forecast calls for snow flurries and/or rain. It looks like this last front ushered in cold weather as the next 5 days shows highs in the mid to upper 20s. Where’s my spring??!
The health care industry weighed in on the TrumpedCare bill and are now being called the “medical industrial complex” by Republican Congressmen. Good lord, these people are insane! I guess we will find out if tax cuts for the wealthiest .1% will outweigh the concerns of those CEOs that their businesses will collapse when insurance will no longer cover the millions of people showing up at emergency rooms across the country. By the way, don’t count on the Freedom Caucus to vote down this bill – their constituents are tRump voters and they know it. Our only hope is that the Senate will find that whatever bill finally emerges from Paul Ryan’s bowels will be too gross to touch.
I have decided that the tRump-Russian story is a distraction. The only tangible result that could come out of it would be information for articles of impeachment and this Congress will never impeach, and remove, Donald Trump. To the extent that it damages his administration and lowers his approval rating, fine, have at it. But the real damage is being done in Congress where programs that people need, and which save billions for consumers, are being zeroed out to plump up the defense budget. We need to focus on taking Congress back to set up a firewall. That starts with some of the special elections coming up that might serve to scare blue/purple district Republican Congressmen into not voting in lockstep with Ryan.
See all y’all later!
Thursday here in the Moose Mountains of NY and 46 degrees.
My entire internal clock is wacked – falling asleep at dinner time and waking up at 2AM.
(apologies to Bfitz who I was going to call yesterday evening)
Just finished my Sunday writing chores for Orange and now have to get ready to head to school, after I take a look at twitter and my news reader.
Have a good day folks!
Good morning, Denise.
Bless your heart.
My entire internal clock is whacked also! Dead sleepy when the sun goes down and wide awake at 2:00 AM. (It seems to have started on November 8 last year for some reason.)
I think the reason we’re falling asleep over our suppers is because we’re waking up at 2:00 in the freakin’ morning.
November 8th … hmmm. I wonder if it is because of the sense of impending doom that most people have felt since then. A few nights ago, after North Korea had launched a couple of ICBMs, and people were yakking about some ignorant Tweets, I woke up at 2am wondering if the yam had launched any nukes. I don’t expect to have a good night’s sleep until January 20, 2021 – if we live that long!
{{{Denise}}} – I’m just glad that’s all it was. Mother Duck that I am, I was worried about you. And of course your internal clock is going to get double-whacked this weekend when the clocks are changed from “goddess time” to “gummint time”. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Moosekind, and a beautiful Thor’s Day it is in Northern Virginia! I think this is our last day of mild, wonderful temps before the cold front screams in. Currently it’s 46 F., going up to 67 F. later.
Pleased to be on Twitter, although I have nothing intelligent to add. I can see how it could become addictive.
The health care fight on the Hill is really depressing, as is the fact that we’re stuck with that batarde Comey for another 6 and 1/2 years. May karma punish him as he deserves. In fact, I hope karma punishes all the Rethugs as they deserve.
Hope today will be quiet. I really need to (1) write to my sister-in-law and (2) work on the troop meeting presentation. At least I have an idea of what to do now and the troop leader has promised to help me through it. Why are all the other Brownie moms so much more confident than I?
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
They aren’t. My mom was a Junior troop leader of my scout troop one year. She used to pray let it be a mistake I can laugh off.
Mvgal, that makes me feel better! :) Thank you.
So, Rachel had another terrifying/informative show last night. Asking the important question: did Russia stop meddling in our affairs on election day? Yeah. Happy thought.
My real representative — not the gerrymandered official guy, but Lloyd Doggett, the best congressman ever — fought Trumpcare all night (literally — they voted it out of committee at 5 this morning). He did as much as a Democrat on that committee could do.
Woke up with Hozier playing in my head. Fun, funky song. Need happy music in my head to counterbalance the awful stuff happening in the world.
65 heading for 75 today – sunny at the moment but rain and that nasty cold front moving in after dark. Not as low as Jan’s getting, but not pleasant. Only day I’m really worried about is Sunday morning just before dawn – the currently projected low is 23 and that’s gonna kill stuff. Like possibly the entire local fruit crop including my cherries (which I haven’t gotten for 2 years already due to late frosts). The rest are cold but not killing frosts.
The community needs folks are tearing at my heart. Especially Aji and Wings – they’ve been fighting pneumonia for 3 months and of course they can’t get better – that RV they live in is not only uninsulated, they’re breathing formaldehyde and mold in the there. There’s only one drawback to retiring at the end of this year – if I had the time to pay it off, I’d just flat out borrow $10K and get Aji, snoopydawg, and jtg off my list. (Of course Aji would have a fit if she found out but that’s neither here nor there since I can’t do it.)
Need to check the Moose Village diary then get to work. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I understand, bfitz. I’ve gone round and round trying to think of a way to send $$ their way to help. But, there’s no $$ to send.
You’re doing everything you can, please be kind to yourself.
{{{inkaudlay}}} – I know. And I keep reminding myself of what I used to tell Tricia when she was upset she couldn’t send anything to anybody – getting the word out to people who can help is just as important as sending the money yourself. They couldn’t do it if they didn’t know about it. But… Doing my best. moar {{{HUGS}}}
It’s chilly and clear 58 degrees here in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Good morning, 35 and cloudy in Bellingham. Thanks to a long nap yesterday, and a restful sleep last night the world looks less awful this morning. The worries of the tRump presidency are very real but I hope I’ve got a less fraught day ahead. I need tend to my desk this morning, then this afternoon I can be in my sewing room. I treated myself to a new Kaffe Fasset book, Bold Blooms yesterday so I’ve got some ideas for a new sewing project stirring.
I’m listening to a fascinating interview with Tommy Vietor and Mike McFaul, on Pod Save America
My therapy pool will finally open again on Monday, so I hope resuming regular exercise will strengthen my legs and improve my mood! Best wishes to all for a pleasant day.
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 23 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 25. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Sorry, Alaska! You knew he was a snake …

The RepubliCare bill passed out of committees and will head to a vote next week. They rejected a “There is not enough death in this bill” amendment that would have rolled back the Medicaid expansion at the end of this year instead of the end of 2020. At least 4 Republican Senators say that they can’t vote for a bill that essentially repeals Medicaid and 2 of them also say they can’t vote for a bill the singles out Planned Parenthood for defunding. I hope they can withstand the pressure to give in to the yam-in-chief. Meanwhile, House Republicans, hoping to make the Senate into a smaller version of the House, are telling their leaders to override the parliamentarian and pass all of the ACA repeal via reconciliation. I hope that the “saucer that cools the hot tea of the House” remembers that what goes around will come around. If the Republicans nuke the filibuster to pass this bill, they will complete the destruction of the Senate that Mitch McChinless began with blocking the Garland nomination. We will get control of the government back – those of us not killed by untreated illnesses and injuries – and we will not allow Democratic Senators to sing kumbaya when we are in the majority.
See all y’all later!
Here is a handy list from Andy Slavitt, the Obama administration’s go-to guy on health care:
Another Kennedy who cares about the poor, the homeless, and the sick: “With all due respect to @SpeakerRyan, he and I must have read different scripture.” – @RepJoeKennedy”
The Rs not only don’t care about the poor, they’re too short-sighted to understand that if you bring down a program that keeps your local and regional hospitals open, those hospitals won’t be open if you need them. ACA is seriously needed by Washington Regional (originally Washington County hospital, but now covers a 4-county area) – although Washington and Benton counties at least have enough wealthy people (Walton, Tyson, etc) to made the mean income look good, Madison and Carroll do not. The AR median income is $15K below the national and while most of the below poverty line folks live in the delta region, Carroll and Madison are Ozark “hillbilly” poor.
And Womack, who supposedly represents them, is going to vote for this Death Bill. But he doesn’t have to worry. If he’s not actually in DC should he need a hospital, he’ll be flown to the best – on the taxpayer’s dollar.
Friday and we got snow here in the Catskills and hazardous conditions – rapid drop in temps made for wet snow with a layer of ice underneath – the winds are picking up too. Glad I don’t have school and hubby is going to stay home – commute is too dangerous.
#NativeNations march is today in DC.
{{{Denise}}} – glad you don’t have to go out and your husband decided not to go out in that. Stay safe and warm.
Good evening/morning Meese. I didn’t check in yesterday as I was terribly sick with a migraine and throwing up to the point where I had to see a doctor. I am feeling better now though. :) Weather has been rather warm and humid today, without any rain to cool things off. Am going with my family tomorrow to an exhibition at the Air History Museum in Singapore, which also includes a screening of “the making of Hidden Figures” or something like that.
My mom and dad (and aunt) offered food to Buddhist monks on the 9th, in memory of those who have departed and also offering merits to those whose birthdays are coming up. This time, the list of those who departed included my cat Lillian and they also offered merits for my safe journey back to the US on Sunday.
Food as prepared for serving to Buddhist monks
My mom and I went to visit my sister at her office and had lunch with her. Along the way, we came across this sign board that indicates where the first blocks of HDB (public housing) flats were built in the 1960s and how people were resettled from their kampongs (villages) into the blocks.
Basket, so sorry you’ve been ill! What a bummer to be ill while you’re on holiday.
Thanks for the photos. I assume the new public housing was built during the tenure of the redoubtable Lee Kwan Yew. I seem to recall that he said only couples with two or fewer children would be eligible to rent those flats. Last time I was in Singapore, five years ago, I was told that the waist-high floodwaters of monsoon season were no longer a thing. Lee Kwan Yew caused drainage systems to be built.
I remember going with our amah to a temple where she made offerings. All the amahs were Chinese and therefore Buddhist. She used to burn joss sticks every evening in a little tin of sand she kept on the windowsill.
Safe travels home, friend!
{{{basket}}} – glad you are feeling better and lots of Healing Energy. Sounds like you have a very good family. And Buddhism is a very Life-affirming Spiritual tradition. Safe travels home. Remember to stay hydrated on the trip – helps ameliorate jet lag.
Thanks for putting the lynx & comments in the DK Village for me. I appreciate that very much. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good gray Friday morning, Meese! It’s currently 45 F. here in NoVa under soon-to-be-rainy skies, going up to 50 F. later today. Looks as if New York and Boston received the snow we nearly had. This has been the warmest, most snowless winter I can remember in in the 52 years I’ve lived here. Am dreading the thought of another rainless summer.
Not much to say except that we seem to be living in an ongoing nightmare. It’s like menstrual cramps that go on and on, and all the Advil in the world only quells them momentarily.
Must hurry to eat breakfast and get dressed for a 9 o’clock meeting in the neighborhood with a mom who works 2 or 3 days a month. She’s considering whether I am a worthy candidate to pick up her two boys from school on the days when she works. They seem to be nice kids, aged 8 and 6. The elder is in Japanese Immersion and Chess Club with Miss Pink Cheeks.
Back later to say hello!
Yay, Friday — and I don’t have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning! I’m putting a post-it on the August page of my calendar to look at my checkins from now to remind myself not to sign back up for the training group.
Rachel was amazing again last night. If T is impeached over the Russia stuff, she will have played a part in that.
Earworm report: I woke up with Just Say Yes playing in my head, and weirdly, when I opened a tab for youtube, this acoustic version was sitting right there. If you open the link, it’ll show you some other acoustic versions on the side — every one of which is better than the poppy, dance-y version they released. It is a really sweet, romantic song as an acoustic.
“Rest in Power”