.#InternationalWomensDay photo by carinvanderdonk Instagram #NoFearNoGreedNoEnvy pic.twitter.com/ioj8YjlHTi
— Vincent D'Onofrio (@vincentdonofrio) March 8, 2017
#InternationalWomensDay Fight for all women!! pic.twitter.com/jk4d6OvKtC
— Stop Trump (@StopTrump2020) March 8, 2017
I'm celebrating #InternationalWomensDay by fighting like a girl. pic.twitter.com/tEjZRseuIO
— shauna (@goldengateblond) March 8, 2017
Explaining how awesome former First Lady @MichelleObama is in 140 characters: impossible. #WomensDay2017 pic.twitter.com/Scq8ZhCE72
— Gabrielle Giffords (@GabbyGiffords) March 8, 2017
.@Malala inspires me with her bravery and courage. #womensday2017 pic.twitter.com/5dKdFlKfl2
— Gabrielle Giffords (@GabbyGiffords) March 8, 2017
@HillaryClinton put 65 million cracks in the glass ceiling & inspired generations of women. #womensday2017 pic.twitter.com/GWPuBTppPm
— Gabrielle Giffords (@GabbyGiffords) March 8, 2017

On International Women’s Day, @MichelleObama and I are inspired by all of you who embrace your power to drive change. https://t.co/RJ0ZH2htU8
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 8, 2017
"There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." — @MichelleObama #InternationalWomensDay pic.twitter.com/qKex5Cay6c
— The Obama Foundation (@ObamaFoundation) March 8, 2017
Today and every day, I stand with all women. I will keep fighting for you. #ADayWithoutAWoman pic.twitter.com/7hzRU9BMtb
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) March 8, 2017

What a great thread, reesetheone! Love, love, love all the photos, tweets, and excerpts you’ve provided.
OK, you’ve got me on the picture with Coretta Scott King. Is the woman at the extreme left Dolores Huerta?
I get depressed every time I see a photo of the real president. Although she’s looking relaxed and cheerful, she must be thinking, “I told you so, a**holes,” every waking minute of every day. This country is on a disaster course.
After next week I’ll start trying to be more intelligent about politics so I can say something clever on Twitter. It’s great to see you on Twitter, Reese, and PhoenixWoman, StarbucksGirl, and Batch!
The woman to the left of coretta scott king is maxine waters ???? she’s on the far right in the pic!
Our fierce Auntie Maxine!
Yay! I hot it right. Love me some Maxine.
Yes an excellent pictogram…I admit that outside of King I didn’t recognize any of the women…so Maxine Waters is the woman on the left with the big glasses?…
I don’t know if you saw Reese’s post, but if you’re looking at the picture, she’s on the far right. If you put yourself in the picture, she’d be to Mrs. King’s left. If I read his post correctly.
good morning reese and thank you for the inspiring diary. The picture of Gabby and Malala gave me chills, to think that both survived male madness to continue working towards their goals makes me know that our world could be a better place.
Thank you reese.
Reading one of your diaries strengthens the spine and deepens our resolve!
37 and chilly in Chicago metro….. morning guys! If the gop decides to ram through this bill, lets make em pay a price next year at the polls.
This is kinda spooky.
{{{rto}}} – it’s why they watch – and only trust – Fox News. Fox hooked them by “reporting” what they wanted to hear, then netted them by telling them that only Fox News reports the truth.
What’s weird is that the more stupid things he says and does, the more his base loves him. Stupid.
{{{broths}}} – he hates who they hate. That’s all they need to know.
Thanks for the wonderful roundup, reesetheone. These women remind us of how far we have come as well as how far we have yet to go. And how strongly we must persist in resisting to keep from being pushed back. (Or unfortunately with this/any R administration, limit how far we are pushed back.) Progress – has been done, can be done, will be done.
Gotta get to work. Back when I can. {{{Village Peeps}}}
Good morning and thanks reese. I wore my red yesterday. Power!
I tried to pick up a prescription from a doctor yesterday, and when I got there the whole building lost power. Pitch black. Trying again this morning.
It was so windy yesterday in Chicago that it was hard to walk. Calm today.
I know! The wind, that wind.
we have wind out here that is normally quite dry when it’s fierce. The short period of the year when it doesn’t blow reminds people why they shouldn’t complain when it does. I got a good introduction to dealing with the wind when I first moved out here so it’s never been a big problem for me. Now when it gets up over 35 mph steady with gusts over 50 then I’m ready to stay inside and wait it out.
A wonderful inspiring diary Reese. We’ve come a long way but we have a long way to go.
Besides the people getting hurt politically hurting voters 45 and up by making them pay more is really dumb… dems should fall back and let the gop shoot themselves in the foot.
Sounds good in theory – but how many real people will die first if we do? That’s the problem with being a Dem. We care about the innocent bystanders. (Besides, the Rs would blame it on us anyway – it’s a loose-loose for us.)
we can not prevent them from shooting themselves and us in the foot. The voters made sure of that so the voters will have to see what they get when they don’t want Democrats protecting them. I’m not expecting a revolution, heck I’m not even expecting a majority to come to the correct conclusion. I think the stupid bare majority will continue to blame Democrats for all ills and vote republicans in to make sure it happens.
They passing this via reconciliation… can’t filibuster it…. not too much we can do… i think the senate torpedoes the bill as they face All voters in their states… but I’m not sure
Ryan/Ayn Rand math. Increased premiums, decreased services – Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose – including your life.
That about sizes it up.
It goes a long way in explaining why they are pushing HSAs so hard. Insurance is really in direct contradiction to their beliefs and values. I wonder how Ryan would justify his car insurance…shouldn’t he just be saving money each month in the event he has to repair or replace his car? And screw over any passengers or other motorists who may be involved in a collision?
Paul Ryan the clueless git about insurance actually works. He doesn’t care how many people lose their insurance. He only people in the abstract.
Ryan is anchoring himself to trump on this deal…. they sink or swim together.
How are you at anvil tossing? They could use one.
Extremely awesome post today reesetheone. Thanks for it.
The hypocrisy is stunning.
That and the nuts jobs attacking Casey because “they” have said there’s no connection with Trump and Russia. They are just plain scary – talk about your lemmings determindly heading towards the cliff!