Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Mar. 12th through Mar. 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

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  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 10 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 25. Snow flurries are in the forecast and a winter weather advisory for overnight Sunday into Monday.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!


    Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday morning at 2am! Spring Ahead!

  2. Hate Daylight Saving Time? You should, it can kill you!!

    When clocks in almost all of the United States spring forward by an hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, it will likely prompt an increase in heart attacks and strokes, cause more car accidents and reduce worker productivity, according to studies. It will also fail to cut the nation’s energy bill, contrary to what the experts once believed.

    In December, a psychology journal published results showing that federal judges handed out sentences that were on average 5 percent longer the day after daylight saving time began than those given out one week before or after.

    Disruptions, even minor ones, to human beings’ sleep patterns can have outsized effects, according to researchers.

    The good news for Democrats is that most of us have been having whacked out sleep patterns since Nov. 8th so losing an hour of sleep is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  3. Good Sunday morning Meese
    Have a lot of wonderful music from women who organize with it this morning over at Orange.

    Am still sleepy – need moar coffee.

    Am worried about the blizzard they are predicting for us this coming week.
    Will winter ever end?

    • Why did she have to die so young? I loved that song! Love thinking of the women I know (and even the ones I don’t know) as my sisters. Rest in peace, Joni Sledge, you made all our lives better.

      One of the nicest things about feminism is ditching the patriarchal construct that makes women view each other as rivals in pursuit of the human male. Most men think far too highly of themselves, so if one feels collegial with sisters, laughing at male absurdities puts men in their place.

      My little girl hugs her best friend tightly when they part after school. Girls are so sweet at that age. I hate to think what might happen in a few years, but live in hopes that my wild-eyed, radical self can prevent Miss Pink Cheeks from viewing other girls as rivals and enemies.

  4. It got cold overnight! I was in shorts yesterday, this morning it’s 48. Brrr. Yesterday was groceries & gardening. I got some mint plants. Maybe this time I won’t kill them. Today I might get some basil.

    I think the iPod in my brain is in the ‘80s section. In addition to the REM, it’s playing me Alejandro Escovedo, & the Reivers. I did not listen to Madonna or the hair bands in the ‘80s. These are 2 local bands/artists that I did. Dunno why the musical reminiscing, I didn’t steer it.

    • Good luck with your herbs! You never know, your luck may have changed. I used to kill houseplants with a single glance but now—surprise, surprise! The orchid has lived for three years and is blooming merrily, the poinsettia that was supposed to die after Christmas is stubbornly putting out new leaves, and the latest plant persists in putting out long, snaky feelers. I think they like living in our bay window.

  5. Good morning, Moosekind! It’s a fairish morning here in NoVa—pale blue sky showing beneath a veil of white cloud—with a current temp. of 24 F. Later it’ll go up to 42 F.

    Today is my birthday so the family are coming over for tea and chocolate hazelnut cake, made by the pastry chef around the corner. I’m going to ask if she can make a cake for Easter Sunday.

    The weather people are predicting “heavy snow” for Northern Virginia starting tomorrow night, a forecast that I regard as so much rubbish. They’re always predicting disastrous weather but the fronts and storms take one look at what’s happening in DC and skate on by—they don’t want anything to do with Thing or Congress either. So we shall see.

    Yikes, it’s already 10 a.m. new time, so I must skedaddle. Wishing all a good Sunday!

    • Happy Birthday, fellow March birthday person!!

      We are in a snow band that is expected to get 3-6 inches of snow overnight and into Monday but below us and to the east of us are expected to get 6-9 inches. So who knows? We might also get nothing or a dusting.

    • {{{Diana}}} – Happy Birthday – enjoy your chocolate hazelnut cake and your family celebration.

  6. Got snow last evening so it didn’t go down as far as predicted and so far the few blossoms that were on my cherry tree yesterday are still there. Getting diddly for electricity generation with 2″ of snow on the panels but the sun is shining and I’m getting a trickle. Still lots of clouds but they’re starting to clear off and we’re supposed to get to 50 today so the snow should be gone by this afternoon which is when I get the most generation anyway. Don’t like the forecasted overnights for the next few days though – down in the “killing frost” territory but clear so nothing to stop it from actually getting that cold. (The poor spirea in the back – which is in full bloom and shouldn’t have for another couple of weeks – is seriously drooping. Hope it survives.)

    Need to get back over to DK and read Denise’s diary. Went to drop community and other links in Michael’s British Breakfast. He’s having computer/internet issues so there’s only a picture of the food and an apology there isn’t anything else in the diary. I expect that’s why he didn’t cross-post. We finished the current fundraiser for Aji last night which is cause for celebration. Reading her blog I see that what we hope really will be the final one is going to be bigger than we hoped. sigh. Sales have dropped too much to take up the slack. Increased sales would mean decreased need for fundraiser. Holding the Good Thought.

    Need to carve time in my day to go get kibble. I’ve enough to get through the week – I think – but I don’t want to push my luck. Kittehs are not understanding of these things. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  7. Good morning, 45 and cloudy in Bellingham, but the air finally has a feeling of spring. RonK has been busy with pruning and garden clean up and I hope that with warmer temps I can do the same. He just left, via Amtrack, for a few days in Oregon. He will stay with our daughter and attend the funeral service for his mother’s brother. When people pass in their 90’s it’s not unexpected, but it’s still important for the family to gather. I wish I could have gone with him but given the health issues that continue to plague me travel isn’t wise right now.

    I had a happy surprise yesterday when our son delivered the sewing machine table he built for my sewing room. It’s made with the same wood and details he used for the large cutting table so the room looks very finished. I feel so fortunate to have such a comfortable studio, but now I need to use it! Today I hope to cut and start sewing linen napkins for my daughter’s Etsy store.

    • As a fellow sewer, will there be pics to show us this fabulous sewing room of yours?

  8. Good morning Meeses. Landed safely at San Francisco and I’m off to pick up my car and drive home.

  9. Good morning, moose folk! Monday …

    It is 21 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 28. The weather widget says light snow all day but the forecast has us in a winter weather advisory calling for 3-6 inches of snow. Regardless, it won’t manifest until later today. We got about an inch overnight.

    Rep. Steve King (R-IA) thinks that black and brown babies born in America are not our babies but someone else’s babies. Paul Ryan laughed when he was talking about how many people will be unable to afford insurance and called losing healthcare “freedom”. Those people, and that belief system, was in place long before Donald Trump’s rise in politics. Our enemy is not Trumpism, it is Republicanism – and we do our cause a disservice if we don’t hammer that home whenever possible. He is actually a perfect standard bearer for them – an ugly hateful man leading an ugly hateful party.

    Elijah Cummings is right, by the way, the Preet Bharara firing stinks to high heaven. Let’s see if Senate Democrats can find a smoking gun with the powder burns on the orange shitgibbons hands.

    See all y’all later!

  10. Good Monday Meese

    Have school today and then will get home quickly to prepare for the blizzard – they are predicting we will get hit with 12-18 inches :(

    So glad we have back-up generator because we will have a slew of power outages up here.

      • Just heard the latest – as I get ready to walk out the door – they are now predicting more – not less :(

    • {{{Denise}}} – Holding the Good Thought – stay safe – and warm. moar {{{HUGS}}}

      • Thanks Sis – I’m worried about my neighbors who don’t have back-up generators.

  11. Ugh, 3rd cold day in a row. Just not used to this. And it’s March, where was this in February when it would have been normal? We Austinites just don’t do this “cold weather” thing well.

    There’s always interesting stuff going on got SXSW, but this takes the cake:

    Those are tweets of pictures of people in costumes from The Handmaid’s Tale. They were all over downtown last weekend. Really creeped people out. Hope it gets people to read the book. And my brain is still playing REM at me.

  12. Hello, dear Meese.

    MPLS/St Paul Weather: As many of my fellow Meese are attesting, winter is upon us again.

    It’s been raining shoes (scandals) all over 45*’s fetid administration. I’m waiting for the 20,000 ton shoe to drop. I know, this statement doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it’s cold outside and the time change has really screwed up what little sleep I get :)

  13. Good morning, Moosylvania! It’s a beautiful morning here with a few wisps of cirrus cloud across the blue. Currently it’s 19 F. in NoVa, going up to 44 F. Heavy (for us) snow predicted to begin at 10 p. m., continuing into the early morning. We shall see.

    Just on the off-chance that snow won’t prevent our Brownie troop meeting tomorrow night, I’ll spend the day preparing for it. On one hand, I’d like to get it over with; on the other, I feel so clueless compared to the other mothers.

    Had a long chat with m’daughter in Austin over Facetime last night (Goddess bless technology). Both daughters-in-law are taking the day off today, so I’m glad they’ll get a chance to rest. It was great seeing the whole family for tea, and the chocolate cake with hazelnuts was a hit. The pastry chef stated that she had never made such a cake in her entire life. It must have taken the whole day, I swear.

    Longing to put this troop meeting behind me so I can get started with Political Granddaughter’s birthday story and resume work on my novella. It’s a good thing I keep up with the blogs, because I just learned that Thing has an executive assistant. My protagonist, Caramel Tart, is going to be hired by El Presidente as his executive assistant in my book.

    Wishing as good a day as possible to all at the Pond. Sigh. The news from the outside world is not very good.

  14. 37 just before dawn which was an hour late this morning. (I hate DST) At 42 now and pretty much gonna stay there all day. Yesterday’s clear and (relatively) warm got rid of the snow on the solar panels quickly enough that I got 12.5 KWHs yesterday – unfortunately it’s overcast today, also gonna stay that way all day, so I’m probably looking at another ‘under 2’ day today. On the other hand, the cloud cover will keep the overnight low in the upper 20s rather than the lower 20s – I’m probably not going to get cherries for the 3rd year in a row but I’m really hoping the Market people don’t lose their crops.

    I can’t do anything about the political realm besides the calls and cards, so focusing on my community needs as my part of the Resistance. As in I need to finish and release a fundraiser diary for bigjac this morning. Trying to time it so it won’t interfere with anything we’re doing for Aji. 12 folks on my list now. Good luck has to wander through one of these days, right? I’ll keep plodding along until it does.

    Also need to get to the job I’m paid for. I’m planning on retiring, but not just yet. (9-1/2 months to go) Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Good morning, Meese! A brisk 19 here right now with an expected high of 26; perfect February weather (too bad it’s March). We’re only expecting 3-6″ of snow which isn’t much by Michigan standards, but usually at this point, we’re old hands at driving in snow. Not so this year, and there are still people without electricity from last Wednesday’s wind storm, so the general reaction to the snow prediction is, “What fresh hell is this?”

    Still reeling from the absolute ignorance and hate of Rep. King’s statement; the filters really have been removed. I suppose in some ways that’s a good thing, since there will now be no doubt as to who the enemies are. Last I checked (yesterday), there was still not a single call by other congresscritters for his censure; this is what normalization looks like.

    In other news, yesterday I went to see the documentary Equal Means Equal about the status of women in this country (spoiler alert: not good). Before the film, there were women speakers from the Michigan political sphere, including the inestimable representative, Brenda Lawrence (D, MI-14). I have never heard her so down ever before. She admitted to being very tired, and while not anywhere close to giving up, she acknowledged she needed the “group hug” of attending an event of like-minded women. If you are fortunate to be represented by a Dem, I encourage you to reach out to them in some way (tweet, postcard, whatever works for you) and give them some encouragement. I doubt Rep. Lawrence is the only one needing a group hug.

    Finally, my pastor gave a brilliant sermon yesterday. The lectionary reading was the story of Nicodemus; she juxtaposed that with stories about Bonhoeffer’s career moving from comfortable to resistance, and all of the hymns were songs of the Movement. I literally sobbed during We Shall Overcome. For the first time in my life, I heard the story of rebirth and understood it within the context of privilege. Powerful stuff that I am still pondering…

    • I follow Brenda Lawrence on Twitter for some reason. Was she involved in the Flint “Water” hearings, maybe? That would make anyone exhausted.

      I think your assessment of the yawns that greeted Steve King’s comment is accurate. I was thinking this morning when I woke up that while his ilk have been out there pretty much forever; one thing that tRump has done is invited them to come out in the open so we can take their names for later asskicking. There will be a reckoning; I am not sure when but it will come but Steve King and the leaders of his party who enable this sort of speech will pay a price.

      • She is on the Oversight Committee and has been a vocal advocate for Flint (even though it’s not in her district), so that’s likely. She was also a strong and early Hillary supporter, so that may have been another way she made it onto your radar.

  16. Good morning, 46 and raining in Bellingham. The dark grey sky is finally getting lighter, and I’m getting ready to go back to the pool, yay! I sure hope being back in the water will strengthen my legs and knees and improve my doom and gloom attitude. tRump wins when thoughts of him take over every waking moment.

    The Wa Monthly has a thoughtful article re David Cole, the new legal director of the ACLU.

    Can the ACLU Stop Trump?

    Cole begins Engines of Liberty with a quote from the great jurist Learned Hand: “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it.” The first part is true, but the second is not. Even liberty-loving men and women need a legal system to preserve their rights, and they need groups like the ACLU to fight for those rights. Cole and the ACLU have to do two things: harness the energy of those Americans concerned about the rule of law, and persuade those who aren’t concerned that they should be. Without that, all the lawyering in the world won’t matter.

    • Here is another group gearing up to do some legal work on our behalf: Democrats Strike Back in the Redistricting Wars.

      Kelly Ward is determined not to bang her head, politically, against the wall. She spent four years running the Democrats’ House Campaign Committee where, thanks to the Republicans’ prodigious gerrymandering of congressional districts, she made little progress.

      Convinced that under the current structure Democrats have little chance to win a majority in the House, party heavyweights, including former President Barack Obama, have launched the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) with Ward as executive director. Working with other party organizations, the group is targeting governor’s and state legislative races in 2018 and 2020 with the ultimate aim of making Democrats competitive in the next redistricting after the 2020 census.

      We had an important gerrymandering victory last week in Texas and there are a few other cases queued up that might give us some relief. But taking back the statehouses starts next year. We will probably not be able to undo the last 6 years of tea party gerrymanders but if we can take back a few governorships (easier because you can’t gerrymander a statewide race) we can create an effective firewall against the post-2020 census redistricting.

  17. Morning/afternoon, Meeses. I’m at work and not jet-lagged yet, surprisingly…

    • {{{basket}}} – glad you’re home and glad you are not jet-lagged. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  18. Good afternoon fellow Meeses! It’s a clear and sunny 58 degrees here in Costa Mesa, Ca.

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