Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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Good morning, Moosekind! It’s another lovely but cold morning here in NoVa. Currently it’s 24 F., going up to 38 F. later today.
Feeling OUTRAGED by Dem senators cutting a deal with McTurtle! Jesus, if I wanted to vote for a Rethug I would have done it, and may not tick off the box for senator at ALL in 2018 if my senators do that. Will try to “jam the switchboard” after breakfast with my Congress Critter (She-Who-Hides-from-Her-Constituents by blowing off town halls) to let her know she should vote “no” on that un-health care bill.
Between outrage and sadness I simply feel exhausted. My friend is still in the hospital and appears unresponsive. What staggers me is that less than a week ago—St. Patrick’s Day—we were having a jolly lunch together at Greenspring. It’s the swiftness of the disease that staggers me. When my other friend, who lives with her, visited yesterday, the ill friend’s eyes remained closed and the nurse reported that she seemed confused.
Going to stay home today and do catch-up things. Wishing all a good day at the Pond, which was acting up this morning. Had to “Clear history” to get in.
I’m so sorry. {{{{Diana in NoVa}}}}
{{{Diana}}} – Healing Energy, to you and your friends. However it needs to be shaped.
We’re so caught up in our own horrible news (and the Russia thing & healthcare fiasco are awful) that we can’t spare more than 5 minutes for the terror attack in London yesterday? Ok, yes, there is an ongoing attempt to co-opt our nation by Russia, but there was….. I can’t even. Our POTUS’s statement, and Jr’s ridiculousness, just make me sad. I was already embarrassed for my country, this is just…. sad. Turning to comfort music, early U2, 3 Sunrises — a happy, pretty song.
My husband is London-born and bred. We watched the awfulness on TV and were horrified. London’s his home town and I’ve been there so often that I feel it’s mine too, in view of my deep love for the place.
We are none of us safe, anywhere. I grieve for those who died and those still in the hospital. Every time I read of such an atrocity anywhere, I ask myself, “And how, exactly, does this help your cause?”
yeah, I read the Guardian article – they say several people have “life-changing” injuries & it just breaks my heart
this, 10,000 times this:
Good Morning, Meese. Up early today for a session with my therapist…
Hi, there, basket! Hope it’s a sunny day in CA and that your session will leave you feeling optimistic and hopeful.
Take care.
{{{basket}}} – Healing Energy to shape as you need with your therapy session. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I want to say how much I enjoy reading Dahlia Lithwick. From the article princesspat left yesterday (that I did not have time to read through):
We had a shorter tour of early Spring than expected – was 52 at dawn and heading for 77 today. A bit hazy at the moment but supposed to clear off – rain’s been shifted to tomorrow about midday. Reached 270 KWHs as of last night and if it’s as sunny as it’s supposed to be today, should reach at least 285 by shutdown.
Nobody knows who the jerk is who claimed Aji’s running a scam, but the underlying platform that YouCaring uses will not reinstate the account – rather nasty about it but not naming a particular infraction of the rules because there aren’t any (update according to Aji’s blog). I will, of course, stop recommending YouCaring to anyone who comes to me about a fundraising need. Meanwhile, we are going to finish Aji’s house via PayPal, Lowe’s cards, and sales from Wings gallery.
I’m very in and out everywhere today. Soloing at work as I’ve been all week (tomorrow the University is closed so I get the day off) but for some reason today people are calling or emailing me to do stuff I could have done last week or could do next week but… Anyway, I’ll visit and re-visit all the posts and diaries that I can, but I may be a little late with comments and replies. Like this one. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. Life overwhelmed me yesterday so I retreated to bed and pulled the covers over my head. Between toxic tRump events, the lingering issues with my tooth/infection, and apparently overdoing my pool workout by body just stopped coping. I was awake in the night several times, but had enough sleep to feel like I can finally face the day,
So now I will make another round of calls re health care. The calls see like a small thing to do, but the numbers of calls are making a difference so I will continue to add my voice.
Trump tries to close health care deal with GOP skeptics
Chuck Schumer says that Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch:
Good. There is no reason to keep our “powder” dry on this nomination. Gorsuch is the very embodiment of the type of person we can’t allow on the court – a soulless puppet of the right-wing. That seat belongs to a moderate like a Judge Garland. And, thank you, Sen. Hirono. From that article:
<3 <3 <3
Good Friday morning Meese
Spent some quiet prayer time this morning thinking about Timothy Caughman – the black gentleman murdered by white supremacist terrorist James Jackson in NYC.
Talked abnout it with my husband – who works with clients – in a converted mid-town hotel – similar to the one Caughman lived in. His tenants and staff are very distressed – this murder hit home in a very personal way.
Decided to re-tweet whatever news stories I could find about this – sadly – it will more than likely fall by the wayside in the face of other news – health care, London, Trump the asshole etc.
Please say a prayer for the life of Timothy Caughman this morning. And for his family and friends.
found these stories –
It did not go unremarked that the apricot asshole tweeted out condolences to the London terrorist victim but not Mr. Caughman:
Sherrilyn Ifill from NAACP Legal Defense Fund was all over it:
I am sure that Jeff Sessions will just say the killer had “economic anxiety” not hate. :(
Yes, Denise.
Prayers for Timothy Caughman, and comfort for his family and all those affected by this brutal, stupid act.
Will pray for him, Denise.
And will point out that U.S. terrorists are much more likely to be home-grown white males than brown-skinned Muslims from overseas.
May Timothy Caughman rest in peace.
{{{Denise}}} – Golden Light of Healing to Timothy Caughman’s family, friends, and all harmed by this evil act by an evil man created by an evil culture, let loose by an evil administration, enabled by an evil press. Goddess protect them from further harm.
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 55. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
Yesterday’s news in Tweets:
The RyanCare bill still has to be voted on – and leaving the ACA in the hands of an administration that wants it to fail will require constant vigilance – but this is a big win for people with human bodies. I slept through the night!
See all y’all later!
This @darth Tweet was fun!! (look at the hands)
Good morning Meeses!
MPLS/St Paul weather: Soft rainy, misty, warm morning. I like.
The photos of 45* playing in the big truck are … hell, I can’t think of a word to describe how ludicrous. What a dink.
The Rude Pundit tweeted out that no one can EVER mock Michael Dukakis’ tank photo-op after that. I think we can do both!
This photo-op was bad on so many levels – “man of the people” with a Manhattan manicure pretends to drive a truck. Sheesh.
There’s a big golf thing in Austin, so naturally it’s supposed to rain today. But at least no severe weather. I did my faxes about the ACA vote, not that my senators or rep care what I think, but at least it’s a tick on the right side. I love resistbot, it’s so easy. My rep, McCaul, has never won Austin, so he really just doesn’t give a crap what anyone here says.
Still on the comfort music because the world is still horrifying. U2’s A Sort of Homecoming. Beautiful, sweet, rock but calming.
and you’ll need to listen to my sweet happy music while you read this terrifying, infuriating thread
(MEGA-THREAD) The plot to sell America’s foreign policy for foreign oil and steal an election in the bargain began at the Mayflower Hotel.
Read it. Dear Goddess.
and another – not a thread yet but I bet there’s more
So… the RNC paid a firm with “intelligence connections in Russia” to try to find dirt on Hillary Clinton.
(seriously, listen to the music, it’ll make you feel better — I feel like Prof. Lupin from the Harry Potter books telling Harry to eat the chocolate)
Music AND chocolate!
I am seeing some people warning about the sourcing for that thread. I am always hesitant to retweet or “like” tweets that seem incredible – because they very often are NOT credible.
The House vote on RyanCare is scheduled for 9am Eastern.
Here is the CSPAN link to the vote: House Republicans Vote to End Their Careers
Right now they are discussing the bill in the We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Rules Committee.
Good morning, Moosylvania! Ink, we have the same soft gray sky here in NoVa that you have in Minnesota. We’re expecting a warm front by lunchtime, but the current temp. is 34 F. High today will be 64 F.
Like Jan, I’m feeling a bit better about the ACA. Let Thing keep it in place while he goes off and golfs in his southern “White House.” Will be watching the Russian revelations with interest.
Miss Pink Cheeks wanted to stay to dinner last night, so we asked for and received permission from her mother. When I asked her to do her 20 minutes of reading, she selected one of the “Shakespeare for Children” books I bought her, “As You Like It.” She’s now read four of them. I’ll see her again tomorrow night at Elder Son’s house. Every time the temperature rises above 59 F., Elder Son seizes the opportunity to use his barbecue grill.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
Oh hai, Diana in NoVa.
I too am allowing myself to have some hope about the ACA. A couple hopeful signs below:
Trump’s bored.
DNC has stepped up to bat.
It would be political malpractice for Democrats to not be preparing ads and campaign materials based on the RyanCare vote. We have them in a box: if the Republican member votes for it, regardless if it fails or not, they can be tarred for being willing to take insurance away from millions; if the Republican member votes against it, and it passes, they will be tarred for being in the Party of the Grim Reaper. If they vote against it and it doesn’t pass, their tRumpkin voters will be angry and they may get a primary challenge. And if their primary challenger wins by being to the right of the original member, we can run against the extremism and President 37% Popularity.
63 at the moment and also sunny at the moment. The former is expected all day, the latter to go away as a front and rain move in. Depending on when that happens, my solar electricity generation could range from 2 to 15 KWHs – I’d prefer the 15, that would put the monthly total over 300. We shall see.
Well, my dyslexia kicked in big time this morning at DK – I was trying to post my Village diary for today and accidentally posted houyhnhnm’s Saturday one instead. Since I’m not the author, I can’t pull it back (at least if I can, I don’t know how and it’s too late now), but as a Village group admin I could and did edit the date for today. (Then went and changed the date on mine for tomorrow.) Meanwhile pvl45 ordered the House to hold a vote on healthcare so we shall see how many good little nazis will obey orders. Need to call my congresscritter’s office again. sigh.
Off work today so will be able to visit the bank and other places that are only open while I’m at work. I’ll probably be online less “at home” than I am on a work day. heh. Meanwhile, I need to get some coffee and check in with the Village diary here at the Moose Pond. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Hai, bfitz.
Randomly publishing diaries sounds like something I would do :)
Have a great day not at work!
{{{inkaudlay}}} – well, so far I’ve published one of SJohnson’s evening editions instead of a diary I’d written and one of houyhnhnm’s Saturday morning editions. My cursor isn’t always where I think it is. sigh.
new word instead of Republicans (saw in my twitter feed):
Good morning, 46 and cloudy in Bellingham. I rested yesterday, spent some time in the garden clipping ivy, listened to music, and took a small media break. Needless to say I feel better this morning! I’m going to pass on the pool today and enjoy some more time in the garden.
I’m not alone with tRump induced anxiety…….
Mental-health therapists see uptick in patients struggling with postelection anxiety
I think the “do not read or watch news right before bed” is good advice. There are studies that show that using electronic equipment (my way to read news) gets our brains all buzzed and they do not easily rest after that. I know that if I am working on a computer project right before bed, I have images of the screens burned into my brain. It takes a lot of time to clear them.
I am looking forward to more days without stress after the first Big Scary Thing (losing health insurance) is not looming over me.
Diana!!! Is this your Comstock? If so, good job!!!!
She said NO?! OMG!!! And yes, that is That Woman Comstock.
Good morning, Meeses. It’s still raining and I’m at work… TGIF.
{{{basket}}} – it’s just started raining and I’m not. :) – but if I can get the butter to get soft enough, I’m about to make oatmeal-pecan cookies. Wish I could send you some.