Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
it is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 48. Mostly cloudy skies with a chance for showers towards evening. Its foggy right now – or maybe that’s me!
I am discouraged by the talk of the ACA repeal returning – a lot of emotion was put into that fight. I am hoping it is simply fund-raising stuff; the Republican Party has been raising money, and winning elections, off of repealing the ACA for 7 years now – can’t let that cash cow go!
There has been a lot of hypocrisy in the Republican Senate over the Gorsucks vote but Lamar Alexander of Tennessee wins the prize for “chootspah” (h/t Wonkette):
I guess not giving a sitting president’s nominee a hearing because there would be an election in 8 months is steeped in tradition (note: it never happened).
And today in Republican cruelty, Iowa lawmakers passed a bill to not only bar municipalities and counties from raising the minimum wage over $7.25 but the law also retroactively cuts the wages of any worker who is already earning the higher wage. The governor is expected to sign it. You know, the people who fired Howard Dean from the DNC, and lost the states in 2010, have a lot to answer for. We will never take back and rebuild until we can start winning some state houses and governors races. The Angry Apricot’s executive order rolling back the Clean Power Act is being challenged by the blue state Attorneys General. THAT is how you fight against a federal government that does not reflect the will of the people – by having a firewall in the states, instead of willing accomplices.
See all y’all later!
Good morning Meese – 42 degrees here in Saugerties NY.
Have to run out and drop my husband’s car at the mechanic, then take him to his commuter bus – the check engine light and cruise control light are blinking wildly – hope it is just a computer belch.
Then I’ll spend the rest of the day writing and grading papers.
Trying to stifle my anger at “Republican hatin’ on black women week”
Isn’t that every week, Dee? I was glad to see the Hillary Clinton video of her speaking out against the hate. She is such a strong voice for what is right. I keep wondering what role she will take going forward. I don’t want her to disappear – I was not a big fan going into the campaign but I came to admire her and her strength and I miss her!
I was glad to see her tweet!
They hate Maxine Waters cause she does not ever mince words.
They hate black women cause we vote for Democrats.
Here is a longer clip from Hillary’s speech:
Good morning, all you fine Meese.
Rep. Maxine Waters is fierce, wicked smart, good hearted, and powerful!
The first crack in the dam.
I hope that turns into a full breach. But as long as Paul Ryan needs tRump’s tiny hands signing legislation, there will be no calls from House “leadership” for an honest investigation.
I would comment and say that the tRump White House was caught in another lie (about Sally Yates’ testimony) but I realize that “caught in another lie” is the new normal. That may be the most disturbing thing about this mess, lying just gets a shruggie.
The dam will break.
We had thunderstorms last night, but the news didn’t talk about any damage anywhere. It was more severe in north Texas, 3 storm chasers were killed by a tornado. Thunder woke me up at 4:30. Sigh. Eating oatmeal, drinking tea that will not be strong enough. I’m wondering if there’s something wrong with our server because there’s only 5 e-mails in our box. That’s…..never happened. Teens to low 20s is more normal for a weekday, that’s why we have 4 people who work on e-mails. And our intranet page is down.
So, I opened a tab for youtube so I could put in a music link — and I saw this from the Daily Show: Meal Team Six — how to save Meals On Wheels. It is funny/sad. There are so many awful things coming from this administration, we’ve moved on from the horror that T wants to eliminate funding for food for old people & his budget director actually said he can’t justify the program. Ugh. So, with that, I’m sharing sweet, gentle Song For Someone, because after being reminded of the rapaciousness of #45, you’ll need this. Slow & romantic. (once, introducing this song, Bono said that he still feels like the schoolboy trying to impress Ali Stewart – they were high school sweethearts & still together, I love that)
65 heading for 72 and so overcast the PV system is still on night mode. Yesterday was great – highest production for the year at 17.99 KWHs for the day. So far this year isn’t as good as 2016 for production but better than 2015 by just a bit. March 2015 total was 327 and we reached 330 KWHs yesterday with 3 (unfortunately cloudy) days to go. In the middle of a long, skinny “system” of light rain at the moment but there’s a much bigger one west of OKC than may or may not hit today (and may or may not go around us as most systems do).
Little to no movement on my community needs folks. sigh. Hope folks are just waiting for end of week/month paydays. In truth that’s what I’m waiting for. But I’ll be posting my Street Prophets Helping Humpday this afternoon anyway. Not much I can do in the political realm – hampered in the phone calls because work. I need to work out something else. Not that my congresscritters give a rat’s rear about my opinion but at least the staffers are polite.
Got some travel stuff to do at work but gonna visit the Village post first. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 45 and raining in Bellingham. It’s a pool day for me and then a dental checkup to see if the infection is gone (I think it is) and the bone is healing (crossing fingers)
Birthday flowers for Jan……may you have a happy moment today!
Thanks, princesspat! I am trying to get unburied from a crush of projects that are demanding my attention so that I can sit back and put my feet up. Whenever I think I am making progress, something new shows up that requires immediate attention.
I hope your bone is healing well. Good luck!!
What? What? Birthday!
Happy birthday, JanF!
It’s your birfday? Hope it went really well and you did something nice to celebrate. {{{HUGS}}}
A day late and a dollar short – A Happy Day after Birthday wishes Jan.
Jan, belated happy birthday! Hope you were able to treat yourself to some time off.
Sadly, no. I kept trying to unwind myself from client projects but I have end of quarter deadlines to meet. I need to have a birthday closer to the middle of the month! :)
Hi everyone! Reporting in for the week from sunny (and very pollen-y) Raleigh, North Carolina. You may remember me from the #VUTB diaries on kos as the boy hugging the cactus avatar. Looking forward to getting reacquainted with some of the voices I miss.
Hiya, Leezzy! Welcome to the Pond!
{{{Leezzy}}} – so glad you joined us. I’ll have to get used to the different user name, but very glad you decided to set up a 2nd home at the Moose Pond.
notcondoleezza, would you like a moose user account or will you just be reading? Let me know what user name you would like to use and I will set you up.
Hi JanF…didn’t see your comment before. Yes, please set me up with this username…but I am already using this username/email on sickofbernie….does it matter?
No, it does not matter where else you have it. Most people like to use the same name cross-blog so their peeps know who they are.
I will set you up shortly.
Watch for an email from wordpress at motleymoose.net – it may end up in a spam filter. That will include your password which you can change or keep.
Something happened…I never got a link or anything to change my password…and I don’t know how to reset it…
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of … 39. Rain, light rain, and mixed precipitation are in the forecast. Saturday we will finally see the 50s again.
The Senate Intelligence Committee investigating #TrumpRussia is trolling the House in an epic fashion. They held a press conference yesterday where the chair and the ranking member demonstrated how people work together in a bipartisan fashion. From what I understand, they will call Sally Yates to testify at some point. The difference in tone is probably because Senators outlast presidents while House members are almost like “polling” on the president’s power and popularity; they know they will go down with tRump. Speaking of which, early voting in Georgia’s CD 6 shows higher Democratic turnout. Winning the Price House seat would be a boost.
See all y’all later!
Thursday and 30 degrees here in Saugerties – expecting sleet and snow tomorrow and a messy evening commute today.
Since my husband’s car is in the shop – it needs a bunch of stuff – new catalytic converter yadda yadda – totaling 1,900 :( I have to drive him to the commuter bus this morning, come home and then get ready for school.
Have a good day folks
That’s hard luck about the car, Dee. Isn’t it always something? Hope it all turns out all right.
{{{Denise}}} – you be careful. I know you’re eyes are worse for driving in uncertain light than mine are and mine are pretty bad. And yeah, Subies are darned good cars – and darned expensive to fix. Your repair bill is just about what mine was two months back. Stay safe and moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meese! It’s cloudy in NoVa, currently 45 F., going up to 63 F. later.
Yesterday I showed up 10 minutes early for my periodontal appointment, only to be kept waiting 15 minutes past my actual appointment time. This was just the twice-yearly cleaning, but whatever that woman did to my teeth has left me in pain when I drink anything hot. Have been popping aspirin. Don’t know whether to call and complain or just cancel next October’s appointment. I’ve never had pain following a cleaning before.
Feeling discouraged this morning. In the news, black girls are missing but the lily-white WaPo only wants to give tongue baths to Trumpster voters and supporters (Mrs. Pence, for example). It seems as if El Presidente and his minions are never going down. That’s disheartening. If they were Democrats there would have been a pre-election uproar. Also, I’m so far behind on my granddaughter’s birthday story it’s not funny. It’s due a week from tomorrow!
Wishing a good day to everyone at the Pond.
I ignored the Karen Pence puff piece. I have no patience for people who are trying to humanize anyone associated with the tRump administration including the 63 million people who voted against their own economic self-interests because they wanted the white male.
I did catch a few Tweets about the Pence story and was not shocked that she has to serve as Mike Pence’s chaperone at social events – he does call her “Mother”, I heard. Someone said she was married and divorced before she met Pence – to the guy who developed Cialis. Trying. Not. To. Comment.
I may laugh all day about this.
More sad fallout from our storms of night before last. In addition to the 3 stormchasers, 2 brothers playing in a park near some downed power lines were killed. Just awful.
Today is my friend with brain cancer’s 53rd birthday. She wasn’t supposed to have a 50th. So yay for her. She is getting better — posted on FB that she was able to walk 3 doors down the other day, good progress for someone that had brain surgery about 8 weeks ago.
Music report: posting Ultraviolet because the guitar is so pretty.
49 at the moment and gonna stay there all day. Overcast but the chances of rain are under 25%. Hoping it will clear off like it did yesterday and let me get some electricity generation (got 13 KWHs) – and at least it’s not so dark that the PV system isn’t generating at all. Still counting in watts rather than kilowatts, but it’s counting. Standing at 343 KWHs for the month to date (.787 megawatts for the year to date).
As bad as things are, and they are bad, I’m beginning to think that we won’t lose as much as we were afraid of. As we’ve known all along, many of the things that the Rs (and their corporate bosses) have been agitating and fundraising for are not actually fiscally viable. They don’t make money, they cost money. Getting them is worse than the dog finally catching the car as far as the corporate masters are concerned. Now they have to find some way to continue to fundraise from the ignorant while stopping the “desired” action they’ve been agitating and fundraising on. This is not going to help save lives directly, nor is it going to do much for the range of equal rights issues under attack. But it may help with the environmental issues and thus save some lives indirectly. Live in hope.
Need to check in the Village diaries and get some work done. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meeses! 37 and messy, slick driving this morning. The highway near my work is shut down due to multi-car accidents, and as I was driving in this morning, I almost ended up taking out a mailbox along the side of the road. I managed to correct without over-correcting, and it only took another mile of driving before my BP was back down!
But the good news is that I’m driving…I met peregrinekate from DK for dinner in Mexicantown (Detroit) Saturday night, and as I was driving home my car started acting up. It had been running a bit rougher than normal before that, but this was worse than usual. I managed to get to my village and limped into the parking lot of the town’s only car repair place and walked the last few miles home. My wallet’s a bit lighter, but I have a new clutch, and my car is zippy and on the road again. At some point, I’m going to have to assess how much longer I’m going to keep my 10-year old, 157K mile car, but I’m hoping to eke out at least another year. In the meantime, it’s time to build up my “car repair” account again, because I’m sure I’ll need new brakes sooner rather than later.
{{{DoReMI}}} – hope you had fun with peregrinekate and so very glad you made it home in one piece and also to wherever you were driving to this morning! As to how long to keep the car, I kept a 1983 Datsun (bought used in 1992) until 2013 when it had well over 200K on it and currently have a used 1999 Subaru that I’m not sure what the mileage is on it because the odometer works intermittently but it’s got around 300K. I’ve had something like $2.5K in repairs in the last 12 months but expect to keep it going for another 5 years. moar {{{HUGS}}}
If I were driving a Subaru, I’d have more confidence that my car will last. But I’m driving a Kia Spectra5, which are cheap cars to begin with and don’t have the same longevity. Still, if I can go another year, I’ll be in a place where I can more easily get another car if it becomes necessary, and just as easily decide to drive this one into the ground if it’s still going. In the meantime, I have my little zipmobile back…a new clutch makes a huge difference.
Holding the Good Thought anyway – and yeah, a new clutch can indeed make a difference. :)
My car went over 150,000 earlier this year and I am determined to get it to 200,000. It is 13 years old – I don’t drive it nearly as much as I used to after the Internet allowed me to “visit” clients without going there.
We had the rain but the temperatures are staying high enough to keep it from freezing. Gloomy day, though.
Whew, thank Goddess you’re all right, DoReMI! What rotten luck about the car. Hope you can stay mobile. It’s such a nuisance not to have wheels in a country like this, which is so lacking in public transportation.
Good luck!
Thank you! I’m fortunate that I’d been saving for car repairs, because I knew from the way it was running that the clutch was likely on its last legs. I just didn’t expect it to fail in such spectacular fashion, but that says more about my car ignorance than anything else (my husband just gave me his “how did you not know this?” stare when I told him what happened). And as far as my failed effort to take out a rural mailbox…I’m also fortunate that I had moments before realized how spectacularly bad the road conditions were and had reduced my speed a lot. Once I started hydroplaning, I think it was my slower speed that allowed me to maintain some control. Some days, you just get lucky!
Good morning, 44 and cloudy in Bellingham. Good news from the dentist yesterday. Everything is healing so I should have a new tooth by the end of June. If we ever get to the point of implementing rational health care in this country dental care should be included. The jaw bone is indeed connected to the rest of the body!
Danny Westneat, at the Seattle Times…….
UW professor: The information war is real, and we’re losing it
Good news on the tooth! I agree that dental care should be included with healthcare but curse you for giving me a “Dry Bones” earworm!! :)
It is hard work to check sources. When I used to write regularly on another blog, I happened across a story that was particularly interesting and I wanted to write about it. I found a lot of references on Google – but they all led back to the same HuffPo article. Needless to say, I did not write about it and it turned out to be false. There are many news aggregation sites, bots that find articles and put them on web pages. Most don’t do it maliciously, they just want the ad pennies from you clicking there to find the link that goes to the story itself.
The biggest firewall against fake news is a healthy dose of skepticism. If something sounds far-fetched, it very often is. If it sounds spectacularly awesome it may be connecting to your own biases and supporting your own narrative. I have seen enough people embarrassed by a retweet or basing a post on bad information to want to go there. Better to be a day or two past “BREAKING” but on solid ground.
Good Friday Meese
36 and wintry mix here in Saugerties NY . Waiting for daylight to go pick up hubby’s car from the mechanic.
Need more coffee :)
Wintry mix doesn’t sound good. Our temperatures stayed warm enough to avoid that last night. I am done with winter – I wish it was done with us!
Haven’t seen winter hold on so long for quite a while. Oh spring – where art thou?
{{{Denise}}} – Spring’s down here in AR where I think Winter passed through a couple of times for a few days on his way to somewhere else. Stay safe.
Good Friday morning Meeses :) I’m getting ready to head to the airport for my flight to Newark (and NYC) via Denver. There’s a chance of a snow storm in Denver, but what’s life without some risks? ;-)
I’m going to attend a concert (two, actually) at Carnegie Hall by the pianist, Richard Dowling. He will be playing all of Scott Joplin’s compositions (all 54 of them!) to commemorate the 150th anniversary of his birth (and 100th anniversary of Joplin’s passing).
There is also a 3-CD collection available from Rivermont Records which I plan to acquire either at the concert or when I get back: https://rivermontrecords.com/products/richard-dowling-the-complete-piano-works-of-scott-joplin-bsw-2240?variant=38470359631
I just found out yesterday that the Rev. Dr. Barber will be kicking off Beyond the Dream at the Riverside Church this Sunday – Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1733256360298838/
and DoReMI highly recommended that I attend it, so I shall try very hard to.
Anyway, off to the airport! Belle is snuggled next to me but I think she knows I’m going.
That sounds like a wonderful trip! Safe travels, basket!!
Thank you!
Oh! Enjoy your concert! And do go hear Rev. Barber if you can. I love Riverside Church – and love Rev. Barber even more.
Thank you!! I am planning to meet my cousin who lives in Poughkeepsie and hang out with her on Sunday, will see how this can be mixed in to the schedule :)
You are heading up into my neck of the woods :)
Actually, I think she is coming down. But I have been to Poughkeepsie and Kingston before. They are beautiful places to visit!
I was sitting one or two tables behind you when Dr. Barber spoke at NN14. I had persuaded a friend from Flint, a devout, but eyes-wide-open Catholic, to attend, and we were both thoroughly pumped (albeit in my very staid Methodist way and her equally staid Catholic way). The group at your table was equally pumped but far more expressive; my friend turned to me and said, “Did it ever occur to you that we need lessons in joyfulness?” Dr. Barber brings a strong, moral message, but I will always remember the joyfulness too.
can tweet it – spread the word
I fly back on Monday morning, but I just retweeted that tweet!
I posted a quick diary on the events at DKos
Basket, have a wonderful visit to the Big Apple! The concert sounds great.
Wish our old Moose-friend Portlaw were still at the Pond. She loves music and would have been a good friend for you to meet.
What a weekend you’re going to have, basket! Love Scott Joplin; I had a big-ass CD collection of his work.
And hopefully see Reverend Barber. Wow!
{{{basket}}} – have a grand (and safe) trip. The concert(s) sound wonderful and I know you will enjoy them. I do hope you can make Rev. Dr. Barber’s event. Skritches to Belle. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 36 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 45. Mostly cloudy skies, clearing later this evening.
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation looks as though it will be both intelligent and a real investigation. You have to wonder if the old time Republican Senators, not the new teabaggery ones, are embarrassed about their party’s standardbearer – and his abject sliminess – and are ready to deal fairly with the issue. Time will tell!
The Onion mocked Mike Pence for his “won’t be left alone with women” comment (“Mike Pence Asks Waiter To Remove Mrs. Butterworth From Table Until Wife Arrives”). It was funny but also exposed the awfulness that is Mike Pence. There were a number of Tweet storms surrounding it and some articles discussing what it means to women who want to be treated as equals – not if you are going to be a temptation to the Mike Pences of the world!! As awful as tRump is, a country presided over by a dominionist who considers women to be only sexual objects – and incubators for white babies – would not be a very nice place to be. My only hope is if Donald Trump is removed from office, or resigns, that his fans take it out on the Republicans and make it impossible for them to govern.
We have 30 no votes for Gorsuch and of the remaining “undecided” we have a good chance of getting the 11 we need to filibuster (probably closer to 13). The only remaining question is if there are 50 votes in the Senate to nuke the filibuster. Senators are already lamenting that it just makes them the House of Representatives with 6 year terms. Exactly. And that defines Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Tom Cotton, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst, Ron Freaking Johnson – the Senate Republican classes of 2010 and 2014. The new brand of Republican Senators simply does not care to be the saucer that cools the tea of the House – they prefer to be the bludgeon that pummels the other party into submission. Sad!
See all y’all later!
Is Flynn really going to spill the beans or is this offer to testify a manipulation of some kind? I had people arguing both ways last night. That he sees he’s about to be thrown under the bus, so he’s throwing them first. Or — this is yes another twist in the Russian/fascist long game. It’s too scary to think about. And my earworm is not helping. It’s Red Hill Mining Town, a song that a rarely listen to — haven’t in years. Like, probably since the album came out. It is too full of heartbreak & desperation. Sample:
The seam is split
The coal-face cracked
The lines are long
There’s no going back.
Through hands of steel
And heart of stone
Our labour day
Has come and gone.
And it gets sadder from there. So here’s the video. I’m gonna hafta get a happier song in my head or I’ll cry all day at work.
I have always enjoyed listening to Benny Goodman’s version of Get Happy
The Senate needs to be careful. The only reason that Oliver North could not be prosecuted for the war crimes he committed for Reagan and Bush was because Congress granted him immunity. Flynn cannot go unpunished – cut a deal, fine, but it needs to include pleading guilty to a crime that gets him prison time.
Good morning, Moosekind! This last day of March is already rain-soaked and gray, with the promise of thunderstorms and heavy rain. Current temp. in NoVa is 44 F., going up to 60 F. later.
Today I was supposed to drive out to the retirement community to see my friend and support her through the crisis of having her best friend and roommate being transferred from the hospital to the rehab facility where they both live. I’m a nervous driver at the best of times, though, and the thought of driving in thunderstorms and heavy rain makes me quail. Just replied to her email by saying I’d rather come out on Sunday, when the weather will be better. I’ll be available by email and phone, though.
In addition to everything else, the wretched Senate voted yesterday to defund Planned Parenthood and Halfpence broke the tie vote. Cursed be they who hate women, the sick, and the poor!
Whereas one used to look forward to the weekends as offering the prospect of rest, now they seem to bring fresh, horrible revelations about our national nightmare. In the meantime, wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond.
I was chuckling at the people on Twitter who were bemoaning the fact that they “just leave for an hour” and 10 new breaking news stories hit! It is really incredible – I would like a few days without anything NEW to worry about. AJ+ has a day by day review of the last 70 days and it is remarkable what we have been through.
I don’t blame you about driving. I have gotten wimpier as I have gotten older.
I feel the same way as the rest of the twitter peeps – if I leave the puter for just a few – new events have popped up – I can barely keep up with it all