Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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Good morning Meese – 45 here as well and drismal (it is raining)
Still no transcript yet – here is Rev. Barber’s sermon at Riverside Church on Sunday
Good morning, Meese.
Thank you for Rev. Barber this morning.
I woke up with a headache, but I think it’s because I didn’t drink enough water yesterday. Moving slowly, eating my oatmeal & drinking my tea slowly. Steering my earworm away from loud, crunchy Salome to my Scottish friend’s pretty, sweet Alison Stewart. Energetic but soft. (“surrender now, my love, it’s time to fall in love, time to be what we should be”)
Warmer today – could wear sandals, but a cold front is coming & lows tonight will be in the 40s. Brr!
Good morning, Moosekind! Gray clouds are scudding across the sky. It rained last night—there was even lightning during the wee hours—but everything is drying out now. Current temp. here in NoVa is 60 F., going up to 74 F. this afternoon.
Trying to think of something intelligent to say but not succeeding. Perhaps it will come to me later.
In the meantime, my schedule is for coffee with Darling Niece at her place, where we will stuff plastic Easter eggs with little toys and non-candy snacks. After that we’ll stop by Goodwill to donate some things.
Wishing all a good day!
Virginia is turning out to be a hotbed of grassroots democracy. I saw a report yesterday that 82 of the 100 state legislative seats up in November have a Democrat running in them and that most of the new candidates are women!
Oh good – the deadline for individuals filing was 3/30 but the Party has until june to put somebody on the ballot “by acclamation” and it looks like they’ve already done a few of those as VA was at 79 HD seats with Dems running for them as of 3/30. (I’ve got the list – way too many links to bring over here – of non-primaried seats over in the DK Village diary. At least I hope I don’t have any Dem v Dem races included. I tried not to.)
YAY! Thanks for this welcome news, Jan!
if only there was a way to spin this so that T & company would like it
<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”>
Economist found increased earnings for women workers more likely to lead to econ growth than tax cuts for wealthy. https://t.co/yulixP6wmT
— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) April 4, 2017
{{{another}}} – The Rs can’t stand that particular “well, duh” which is precisely why the Rs have totally ignored such research. If they deny it, it isn’t true. Right?
But Heifer International has been working on building their programs around women in the community for well over a decade, may be over two by now. Money in women’s hands traditionally goes back into the community. Funny how taking care of the Village helps the Village take care of you.
Good morning, Meeses! I’m still stuck on Eastern time at the moment and do not want to be up at 6 am, sigh. But I have a purring Belle-cat next to me so I’m hoping her purrs will help me go back to sleep.
{{{basket}}} – hope you got some more sleep. :) and moar {{{HUGS}}}
46 at dawn, 56 now, and heading for 76 today and sunny. Cool front and rain supposed to move in late this afternoon. The later the better as far as I’m concerned as I want those kilowatt hours generated! :)
The Evil Ones are being Evil. Surprise. Well, a good many of us warned them – not counting Hillary herself – and I’m gonna just leave it right there. Meanwhile, we play that good card we have called filibuster on Gorsux and call their bluff on that issue at the same time. A good card is no better than a bad one if never played. And on the “homefront” I’ll keep putting out my community needs list at DK – trying to think of some new places I can put it because just about everybody who can give has in the communities I’ve been posting it – and it’s getting longer. sigh.
Gotta get back to work after I check in with the Village here. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 45 and cloudy in Bellingham. The age differences with the grand kids is more complicated this year so today’s plans are still being negotiated. The older two ( ages 14 &15) want time alone and the 9 yr old is tired of feeling like a tag along. I think I’ll take them somewhere new to everyone today so we’ll have a different experience and interactions.
I’m feeling the limitations of my creaky old knees today, and the news of another health care assault/vote is overwhelming. Fortunately I’ve got about an hour before I need to be a happier grand mother.
Good afternoon fellow Meeses! It’s a fair and sunny 66 degrees here in Costa Mesa, CA.
Good Wednesday Meese.
Sitting here thinking about the attacks on Planned Parenthood here – and the impact of Trumpism on Reproductive Justice – globally
Very, very distressing.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday ..
It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 45. The forecast calls for rain all day.
JHC! The right-wing hates hates HATES smart black women. Leave our Susan Rice aloooone!! It is all they have, really, with the orange shitgibbon’s house of bullshit caving in on him.
Good news out of the conservative 7th Circuit – LGBT discrimination is sex discrimination – and banned under the Civil Rights Act. Now, let’s pray that Anthony Kennedy does not retire before that case is heard in the Supreme Court.
Busy day here. See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meeses!
MPLS/St Paul weather: Right now 43, with a high of 54.
Good morning, Meese! It’s fair in NoVa at the moment, currently 53 F. on its way to 68 F. Yesterday our high was 80 F., so Dearly Beloved grilled dinner on the barbecue. Tomorrow we’re expecting rain, wind, even a tornado—although I hope that last is a faint possibility.
Feeling depressed this morning because of that murderer in Syria gassing his own people. It’s horrible in Sub-Saharan Africa because people are starving to death—and it’s manmade causes. There’s just too much bad news nowadays, including right here at home with Thing revoking the Equal Pay Act or something—did I get that right? I’m on bad news overload at the moment.
Still need to finish Granddaughter’s birthday story, which seems to be tapering off to a boring ending. Have to do something to jazz it up.
Need to eat breakfast and get ready for my last weight training session. I’m taking a break from training for a while, although not from the gym. Everyone have a good day!
I think they revoked Obama Era rules related to pay as they impact federal contractors, the only people the federal government can make rules for. That is the problem when things have to be put in place with executive orders because Congress won’t pass laws protecting workers – everything is temporary. The other side of that is that tRump’s executive orders aren’t permanent either so if we survive – not a given – we can undo them in 2021.
The good new is that the window is closing for the repeal of rules by simple majority vote: last Friday was the last day that new repeals could be introduced and all the ones that have been introduced have to be voted on by mid-May. Then changes have to go through regular order – passed by the House and passed by the Senate – subject to filibuster.
All decked out in pink for the noon Planned Parenthood rally with Wendy Davis. I’m even glad it’s cool enough for socks because — bright pink socks. I was afraid for a while last night that my a/c was broken, but I changed the batteries in the thermostat (since when is that a thing?) and it finally kicked on before bed.
If I get good pictures at the rally, I’ll post. Happy, soaring City of Blinding Lights is the theme for the day.
Good morning!
Hello! Are you looking to join the Moose Pond? Let me know and I will set you up with a username and password.
{{{JSappAR}}} – glad you found us.
I got you set up, JSappAR. Watch your email for your user name and password, sent from the Moose Admin.
It will come from “wordpress at motleymoose.net” and sometimes appears to be spam.
The initial login can be tricky – some notes are here: FAQ: How To Log In.
We had our high of 57 just after midnight, 48 now but might possibly inch back up to 52 just after lunch before heading down again. Getting more clouds than rain – so what else is new – but did get .3″ over night. It came in on a serious blast of wind that had the lights flickering last night, but that’s about it. Clouds are reducing the electricity generation, but I’ve still averaging over 11 KWHs per day so far – 49 for the month as of last night. Just dribbing in the low watts this morning but it’s early yet.
The Evil Ones are being Evil, as usual. just hoping they don’t manage to get more competent with it. They’re hurting – killing – enough people being incompetently Evil. So we Resist as we can – and trust our pros in Congress to block them as best they can (and thank them for the effort even when they can’t). And ‘do all the good we can…’ elsewhere in our lives. Only Love can defeat Hate, but Love is quiet and builds from the foundation up. Hate is noisy and blows the tops off things. Hate gets attention. Love mostly does not – but it gets the job done as long as we keep doing it.
Gotta get to work as soon as I check the Village diaries. The first part of which will be simply seeing if anything has cleared the approval chain so I can finish the requisition. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{Meese}}}
Good morning, 51 and raining in Bellingham. I have a busy but easier day ahead with the grand kids……the older ones need some time alone, and the younger one wants to paint pottery with her mom. So I’m the on call driver, which gives me time to do some desk and house work.
The kids have been carefully asking me questions about the SCOTUS vote and the tRump mess. They are paying attention and I’m trying to give honest but reassuring answers. They are worried and I don’t want to increase their fears. We have also talked about how they can share their views with their less informed friends, especially with those from R voting families. It’s nice to have enough time with them for the conversations to develop naturally and then move on to other topics.
let’s see if this works
and a shot showing more of the clergy at the rally
Yay, Wendy, and everyone who turned out! Good job, anotherdemocrat!
Thursday Morning here in the Catskills
45 and rain – heavy at times.
And kudos
The disrespect is infuriating. They do it because they know they can. They do it because “white male” – even totally unsuited and dangerously unqualified “white male” – is back in charge in America and women and people of color were repudiated. They puff up their chests and say “this is finally OUR AMERICA”.
Well, fk them all, Dee. This is NOT their America – what we have is a backlash and, when it runs its course, they will have to face the wave that will relegate them and their privileged white asses to the backbench forever.
I agree about backlash – it happens every time we move forward.
Was looking at my newsfeed this morning – shaking my head at the raft of articles attacking feminism – written by women. Want to kick their collective asses.
Meanwhile – reproductive health is under attack – here and and globally.
Adding this tweet with the video audio
We will elect a black, female, Jewish lesbian woman as president and see how they like that.
Bloody white males. So entitled, so full of male privilege.
Good morning, meese! Thursday …
It is 37 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 48. Clouds will give way to sunny skies this afternoon.
Today, Senate Republicans will “reluctantly” codify the de facto rules that they have been working under since 2005: they will not honor the filibuster of a Republican president’s Supreme Court nominee. Back then it was Samuel Alito and that filibuster was blocked by a bipartisan group who thought there was something special about the Senate (there isn’t). So the button to launch was pushed – it just took a while for the missile to land. This is fine – their institution was trashed when they refused to even give a hearing to Barack Obama’s nominee. We will take back the White House in 2020 – and the Senate – Ruth Bader Ginsberg will retire and we will nominate and confirm her ideological twin. Maybe Debo Adegbile to inflict maximum pain!
See all y’all later!
Would love to see him on SCOTUS – I’m a fan.
He is a perfect example of a person disrespected for the “sin” of doing his job of representing people in the criminal justice system. Was his client a despicable person? Possibly and probably. But justice is supposed to be blind – everyone deserves representation and to punish those who respect the constitution and the right of everyone to have the best possible legal defense is disgusting. I have no doubt that if either Adegbile or his client had been white, there would not have been a controversy regarding his nomination to the DOJ.