Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 55 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 75. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Hello, Jan!! Hope your travel difficulties were resolved (or at least simplified)
I got where I wanted to go, tired but otherwise unscathed! Now, I am regretting agreeing to visit with a relative who is an hour and a half away because the idea of driving and sitting in a car for 3 hours makes me tired all over again.
It is cold here in New England but expected to warm up and get into the 70s tomorrow. I hope to get out in nature.
Have we nuked anyone? I am trying to avoid the news now that the Angry Apricot has realized that bombing something makes Republicans horny for him again. ????
Good Sunday morning Meese
30 degrees here in the Catskills.
Today is the birthday of Paul Robeson
He sang happy birthday to me when I was a little girl and I will never forget it.
Will be talking about hypocrite Trump and the drug overdose epidemic over at Orange
Yes, restarting the Republican War on Drugs is exactly the solution to the drug epidemic! Along with defunding social services, education, and job programs. ???? (my kindle has a grrr emoticon!)
Instead of harm reduction – Sessions opts for harm expansion.
Of course he did. He’s a White Supremist so he believes 1) all social problems are caused by or suffered by “blah people” and 2) it’s his Xtian as well as Murican duty to punish them. Believes as in faith – no facts will ever change his mind or his behavior.
Yesterday was just groceries & some preliminary prep for today. After church, I’ll be baking oatmeal. Maybe 3 weeks’ worth, I got more berries than I usually do, and I’ll use more than 2 cups of oatmeal. Anyway, that’s my day: church then cooking. Playing dreamy, drifty Rise Up in my head.
Good morning, 42 and cloudy in Bellingham. Looks like the wind and rain storm has moved on which is good for us today. Ron is taking our grandson home, and the antique day bed I bought when his mom was 13 yrs old is going with him. It was where our kids watched tv , it was my waiting up for them to come home spot, and the grand kids have all enjoyed using it for naps and overnights.
It’s new home will be in our daughters family room and now when family is there we will all have more places to sleep. I made new bedding out of denim so it’s ready to be a boy’s place to sprawl between visits.
I’ve really enjoyed our week with Ryan, and I’m especially grateful he has recovered from his wrestling injury. Last year he was still on crutches and a long way from well.
62 at dawn heading for 75 and unfortunately partly to mostly cloudy. Last 3 days in a row averaged 20 KWHs each and I’m at 120 for the month, but not gonna do that well for the next week. Oh well. Still producing more than I use and that’s mostly what I care about. This being AR, they aren’t going to pay me for the overage just roll it over for 13 months – at the end of which time it becomes a present to AEP/SWEPCO as happened about 4 months ago. But that was still 200 KWHs of clean energy that somebody used – gift to the Universe.
I have no idea how we are going to get through this evil time – something an ordinary, caring German probably felt along about 1938 or so – but I know we will. Our various small and large(r) communities will keep doing all the good we can, Resist in every way we can think of, and Love will eventually overcome Hate. I would like to be around to see it, but as long as my grandsons are…
Since I’ve already read the British Breakfast (had to – since Michael is TO over at DK, I copied it and pasted it into a diary I published and I had to get jsfv references out of it first – LOL), heading over to DK to read Denise’s diary. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning fellow Meeses! I’m having a quiet Sunday at home here in Mission Viejo, CA. It’s a sunny 63 degrees.
My neighbors came downstairs & put up the hooks, I went to Lowe’s & got the dowels cut & put the curtains on them. The need a little adjustment — one place needs a pin on the side & one needs…. a bit of tape between 2 curtains, there’s a bit of a gap. But I have curtains on all 3 sides of my bay window.
Good Monday Meese
It’s 40 here in NY – going up to 73! Spring haz sprung!
Just noticed this – about Bernie Sanders “gift” to Democrats
News from New York
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s another beautiful day in NoVa. Current temp. is 42 F., going up to 78 F. later on. Crabmeat Pasta Salad tonight, I think.
Our family are walking on air because The Letter arrived on Saturday. Younger Son only got round to opening it and reading it yesterday. Miss Pink Cheeks has been accepted into the Advanced Academic Placement program for next year and therefore has a choice among three different elementary schools for grades three through six! She also finished the fourth Harry Potter book (700+ pages) yesterday, so I gave her a tiny box of Clever Girl chocolates.
(Think I must have posted in the wrong place yesterday because I don’t see it here.) Miss PC came over for lunch Sunday to avoid going along on “boring errands,” so she stayed on and we took her to the Passover Seder with us. She found the hidden matzoh after dinner and won the prize, the hosts’ cockatoo screeched throughout the evening (somewhat to the detriment of the ritual), and Mr. Toddler alternately chuckled and cried as he ran through the apartment. I’m so glad I don’t have to look after toddlers full time!
Is Thing going to get us into a war? Dear Goddess, please, no. Climate change is bad enough. Today I’m just going to try to concentrate on pulling up weeds and planting herbs and not think about it. Just for a while.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Congrats on the Miss Pink Cheeks news Diana!
Thank you, Sis! One has always known, of course, that one’s granddaughter is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but it’s nice to have her brilliance confirmed by outside organizations. ;)
(Am I obnoxious or what? Going to shut up now.)
Eating oatmeal, drinking tea. Ignoring #45s efforts to get us into a war. And the horror of a Supreme Court justice more conservative than Scalia. Nope, nope, nope. My head is not helping, it’s playing Blackeyed Peas. So here’s some U2: In God’s Country
Set me alight, we’ll punch a hole right through the night.
Every day the dreamers die to see what’s on the other side.
67 heading for 72 – cloudy-ish. May or may not get rain, may or may not clear off. Got 17 KWHs yesterday bringing us to 135 for the month to date. lots of things blooming – many that shouldn’t be yet – getting slammed with pollen, light green-grey dust over everything – so very pretty, but having trouble breathing when i get horizontal (i.e. going short on sleep). Ordinary things.
I had hoped to decrease my presence at DK and instead I seem to be covering for people who’ve left (voluntarily or otherwise) – combine that with the community needs list just not moving (I’ve got 2 on the list that seem to be stuck at less than $50 ea to go which is ridiculous and if I had it, i’d cover it myself) – so totally depressing and more than a bit stressing. But I’ll keep on keepin’ on as long as the need is there.
Got a meeting that was supposed to have started 10 minutes ago (another person was late, not me) I need to get to. I’ll be back when I can. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and cloudy in Bellingham. Spring break is over, the grand kids are back home and in school again, and the house is quiet again. I’ll go to the pool soon and RonK will go to Costco and restock the cupboards.
Best Monday wishes to all!
Good Monday morning, Meeses. Warm and cloudy today. Working. Thinking of goodness from DoReMI and MomentaryGrace diaries to get me through.
Hi, meeses! Late check in (it’s almost tomorrow!).
Gorgeous weather in New England today … more expected tomorrow.
I am trying to stay more or less news free but like most Democrats, I am watching the KS House race tomorrow. The Republicans will have to spend a bunch of money defending every seat next year if we get this race within single digits.
I agree. I’m watching Kansas also.
We have a better chance to win in Georgia CD06 but the fact that Republicans are nervous in KS is good. Kansas is ripe for regime change: Brownback vetoed the legislature which voted to expand Medicaid last week. People there are sick of “starve the beast” economics – they found out it was self-destructive.
Both the KS and GA races are featuring PAC ads that are flat out lies. I hope people are starting to come to realize that that crap is … crap. It would be nice if “fake news”ism came back to bite the Republicans in the ass.
Good morning. It’s going to be a toasty day here with temperatures nearing 80. Have some writing to do and will be back later.
No severe weather overnight, barely any rain at all. Working on e-mail & blog posts for Thursday, when the AIDS Ride will have a matching thing for donations. They changed website hosts & e-mail is awkward. So, I’m typing in every address by hand.
There was a Hozier song playing in my head, but when I opened a tab for youtube, Spanish Eyes was sitting there. And that was that.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
My sleep is being disturbed by the prospect of our country being gorsucked. I am thinking about how much damage he can do and it is enormous. The judge in the Texas voter id case came back yesterday and said the law had discriminatory intent. If that holds, the entire law can be tossed and it would result in Texas being put back into pre-clearance. But the case will be heard with The Man Who Stole Merrick Garland’s Seat and he hates voters and minorities and the 20th century. Kennedy, the swing vote, has never shown much interest in preserving the right to vote. And we know John Roberts’ view of racial discrimination.
See all y’all later.
Good morning, Meese! It’s another beautiful day in NoVa, with current temp. at 59 F. Later it will go up to 81 F.
It would be a great day for solar collection, but as it is I’ll be going out for more weeding. Got all the herbs planted yesterday; now need to focus on the three strawberry plants and two of the plants that are hogging the bay window. My three-year-old orchid has put out beautiful white-and-purple blooms for umpteenth time. I’m still trying to figure out why I had a black thumb until age 70, when it suddenly turned green.
Need to get back to the naughty novella but am temporarily burned out. Perhaps tonight? Not sure, because the focus this week is getting the house ready for the massive Easter dinner we’re planning.
Trying not to dwell on the news too much. The radio made the situation in the Far East sound really alarming; 150,000 Chinese troops massed along the border with North Korea to send a message; emergency “invasion” drills in Pyongyang. Nothing is looking good except spring: here, the dogwoods are coming out.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
46 just after dawn heading for mid 70 with some overcast again – yesterday “only” got 14.9 KWHs bringing the month’s total to date to 150 – if we can do as well the 2nd 2/3 of April as we’ve done the 1st 1/3 it will be a decent month – not as good as April 2016 (475 KWHs) but decent. Lots of stuff blooming, oak tree is starting to leave out so maybe it will quit putting out so much grey-green pollen soon (I hope) – not that I’m allergic to it, but there’s so much of it I might as well be. There’s lovely color everywhere you look around here and will be more as the irises haven’t really started yet.
Not gonna let the Rs get me down – I’ve lived on caring for others and anger at the Haters for years. Not easy on the tummy, but it works. Caring and anger (and community and laughter) generate energy. Love will overcome Hate and Good will overcome Evil – and I will focus on whatever good I can find, including fields of blooming bluebonnets (memories of TX) and Aji’s dream about her 3-year’s-gone pup, to give me the Energy to keep on keepin’ on.
Gotta get some work done, but gonna check on the Villages first. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}