Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Happy Friday, Meese!
Weather: I was able to walk from my car to office without a coat. All is good.
I’m not familiar with the Palmer Report, so am not holding my breath…but right now I’d like to think this is accurate.
I have not heard of the Palmer Report either but there was something in the news about a lot of fake news regarding smoking guns and arrests in the #RussiaTrump investigation. I will believe it when I see someone perp walked.
I’ve been very skeptical of the Palmer Report, but I have to say that he’s been ahead of the curve as compared to the traditional media. Make of that what you will…
A lovely MI spring day today, with an expected high of 62. The weekend temps look even better with low-to-mid 70s predicted. Unfortunately, there is also rain in the forecast; I am so done with wet, grey weather, and I’m pretty sure it’s been contributing to my less-than-perky mood of late. I fully intend to hide away in my sewing room this weekend (if it rains) or do some yard clean-up (if it doesn’t). More importantly for my mental health, the TV is staying off unless it’s cartoons.
60 to 80 and overcast today – did manage to get 13 KWHs yesterday pushing the month-to-date total over 200. hope it clears off today as April is supposed to be a 450+ month and it’s certainly not going to be if we don’t get regular sunshine.
Part of the problem with pvl45 and the Rs is that all their ideas of what happens in war is based on old WWII classic movies. Even the few who’ve actually served and should know better (looking at you, AR delegation). Keep going back to wishing we had the Enterprise holodeck to put these guys on – they could happily live out their fantasies without hurting anyone. Since we don’t have one, we still need to isolate them so they can’t hurt anyone, but they’ll be unhappy about it and fight us. Meanwhile, we are fighting Hate as well as the political party that represents it in government. Getting rid of the political party of course requires political action. Dealing with Hate requires acts of loving-kindness to turn fearful strangers into supportive community.
Way late everywhere – and getting interrupted multiple times while writing every single comment making me later – will check in the Village before I get back to work. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 47 and a bit of sunshine in Bellingham. I’m slow today….finally got the Easter cards in the mail but they will arrive late. Oh well, guess my inner Easter bunny needs a new battery.
I’m hoping some time in the garden will rejuvenate me. Have a good day everyone!
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 55 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. The forecast calls for showers and thunderstorms.
I just scanned Twitter and it appears that we have not started a nuclear war in east Asia yet. That is good news!
It does not appear as though there is a Democratic Weekly Address this week because Congress is not in session. But there is a Tax Day Rally beginning at 11am and some posts related to forcing tRump to release his taxes that I will put up in the Fighting Back post. At this point, it is not about embarrassing him or stopping him from winning the election (sadly, that opportunity has passed and likely no tax disclosure would have deterred his voters anyway) – it is about making sure that we know when his tax policies enrich him and his demon spawn. I read yesterday that $14 million of campaign money went to Trump branded properties and people last year and this year his re-election campaign (goddess save us) has hoovered up millions and $500,000 has already been spent at Trump venues. He has turned the presidency into a promotional tool for his businesses. :(
See all y’all later!
Jan, I hope he’s in jail long before the question of reelection arises.
We knew he would – that’s his M.O. – there’s not a single thing about pvl45 that Hillary didn’t warn America about and America to a certain extent (she did win the popular vote) didn’t care. Between the Extreme Left “both parties are the same” B.S. and the Extreme Right “but we can harass and kill anybody who isn’t a white fundie-Xtian male again” B.S and a lot of in the middle “elections don’t matter anyway” B.S. enough of America in the critical states basically said it’s not as important as defeating the woman.
“The worst thing we can do in a time like this is to go inside of ourselves”
Good Saturday morning Meese
Today is my clean and sober anniversary. Heh – one would think tax day would drive someone to drink. After 30 plus years – I still enjoy the habit of sobriety. :)
Greg D. put together a good storify from Armando
My favorite part of that:
Exactly. And it is why any Democratic candidate unwilling to turn away from President Barack Obama’s legacy was going to lose the electoral college.
Congratulations, Dee! Thirty years is a long time.
Congratulations, Dee! We’re almost the same! I’ll be celebrating my 36th alcohol-free anniversary on May 1, Beltane.
Yes, it does feel good to be sober.
{{{Diana}}} congratulations to you, too. And glad it feels good to be sober.
{{{Denise}}} – congratulations. I will admit that I haven’t a clue how hard that is. Alcohol is a “meh” most of the time for me although I do occasionally drink it. But I know it is hard and you’ve “dun gud.” The storify from Armando was good. Not surprising to any of us, but good.
Slept in, hit snooze…. I like Saturdays. Today: groceries & take the bike for a tune up. Maybe cook next week’s dinner so I don’t have to tomorrow. Waiting for Joy Reid’s show.
Morning, Meeses.
MPLS/St Paul weather: (Peeking outside) rain!
So the world appears to have survived the night; it will be interesting to see what today brings :)
Good morning, Meese! So thankful to have survived the night without being nuked. It’s a really dreary day here in NoVa: cloudy and 56 F. now, going up to 76 F. later. Rain may happen later this afternoon, and if it does I won’t have to water the new plantings.
Yesterday I did get the screened porch cleaned up, with newly washed cushions put back on the furniture and pretty plants set out—it looks very nice. As the temps. tomorrow will be in the mid-80s, people can sit out there and look at the lilacs before dinner. Today will be another busy day. Dear Goddess, these holiday dinners are such a lot of work! The good news is that I scored the last two Lemon Zinger cakes at Trader Joe’s yesterday. These, plus the See’s chocolates, will be passed around with coffee for dessert tomorrow.
Work is supposed to start on Elder Son’s kitchen expansion next week, so I’m hoping that by Thanksgiving everything will be in place and we can have Thanksgiving over there.
I’ve got paid child-minding from 8:30 to 6:30 or 7 p.m. on Monday, and 3:30 until 6:30 or 7 on Tuesday. That seems to be the only way I can earn money nowadays. What with the new hearing aids and the dental work, my credit card is way up. Must get it down.
Wishing a good Saturday to everyone!
Good morning, 43 and raining in Bellingham. I was in and out out of the garden yesterday but it’s still to chilly to plant anything. Our main focus was the garage, which we ignored all winter. I feared it was getting messy out there, and it was. So the Christmas totes are finally back in place, the remodeling discards are gone, the last of the boat gear sorted and stowed, etc. Best of all my potting bench and flower arranging space are clean and ready to use again.
I’ve got a busy day of Easter prep ahead, but baking a chocolate/orange/almond cake, making a few flower arrangements, and setting a pretty spring table are tasks to be grateful for.
Have a good day everyone!
60 at dawn heading for 80 and more or less sunny at the moment. Hope it stays that way. As of last night we’re at 215 KWHs month to date at a day short of half the month. A solid day of generation this time of year is 20, but I’ve only gotten that twice this month (on the 6th & 7th) although I’ve gotten close on other days. The 2016 total was 476 which I could meet or beat but only if I get mostly 20K+ days the rest of the month. Just back from the Farmers Market and grocery store. First of this season’s strawberries are on the Square (2 weeks earlier than the “new normal”). Yes, they’re twice as much as what’s in the grocery store – but I bought a quart anyway. Local fruit (except citrus), local eggs, local salad greens (and green beans later in the season), and occasionally local meat – that I can do towards decreasing my “carbon footprint” with my food dollars, and so I do.
The world situation is calling back memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis but it’s really not that close to us. If we do something Kim reacts to with nukes it won’t reach us and I doubt he’d even try. Depending on whether he lobs just one or goes for broke, he’ll target SK first, then Japan, not sure what his next priorities would be but if he thinks he can hit HI, he’ll probably try. So it’s a good idea to find some way to stop our insane leader before he provokes their insane leader to do so. Meanwhile, we do what we can as individuals and small groups – politically and otherwise. Taking down political Evil requires political action (like run a Dem for every slot open, register and GOTV like our lives depend on it because they do) but taking down Evil itself requires acts of loving kindness. The former can only be done in (a limited) variety of specific ways. The latter has no limits.
Need to take my shoes back to the repair shop. The metal taps I had put on them 2 weeks ago are pulling out. It’s very hard for me to find shoes that fit so I wear them until they are literally falling apart. Heel taps give me an extra year or two, even if they are noisy. (Now if I can find decent house shoes, I’d wear those inside and only wear the “street shoes” when I go out.) Also check a new “great clips” hair cutting place. I used to go to a neighbor but she moved. Actually I still went to her for years, but now she’s moved further out. Then I went to a guy close to campus but he has a big screen TV going all the time and I just can’t take it any longer. I’m over a month late on getting the hair cut and it’s becoming sort of uncomfortable – and definitely untidy. But anyway, need to go deal with those and get back to my Street Prophets diary (2 came off last week, 1 new one added – and Aji needs almost $1.5K a week to cover labor which she certainly didn’t get last week and may have to stop work on the house because she can’t pay the crew). I’ll check back when I get back. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}