It Takes A Village: VNV Wednesday We Won’t Be Erased

The Village News & Views April 12, 2017
Wednesday Get Over the Hump Free for All

Good morning, Village Meeses! We’ve made it to another Wednesday. It’s Day 83 of the Resistance.

Fair warning, I’m about to dedicate the larger part of today’s posting to a lot of tweets I didn’t write, which make a point that is probably, in this crowd, preaching to the choir. But I wanted to, and so you are stuck.

In the, “tell us something we didn’t know already… oh, you didn’t know?” department:

Middle-aged women are leading the anti-Trump resistance

Al Giordano set off a quiet storm by tweeting this:

243 replies and counting. Here are a few.


There were many, many more.

This message keeps showing up in some form, over and over again on my feed:

It appears and re-appears because so many women are still feeling like we haven’t been heard, or like we’re only a noise, not a cry of consequence. That’s why I chose to give this space over to the women and to their, our, words.

Thank you, male allies who acknowledge the truth of our experience and respect our accomplishments, our intelligence and the tensile flexibility of our steel determination.

We will always remember those who are with us and never forget those who never were and never will be.


Now a shout-out to our women Resistors in elected office and the public eye:

In the comments, let me know who among our female elected officials you listen to and admire. I chose women of color for today, because they awe and inspire me, knowing the extra obstacles they have to overcome. But there are many amazing congresswomen, councilwomen, mayors, governors and more.


And now your daily dose of Art, and Purrsistence…

Thank you for your patience. Love and peace, Village! Enjoy your Wednesday gathering.

We are #StrongerTogether

We are #TheResistance and #WePersist

All are welcome!


About MomentaryGrace 41 Articles
I voted for the Democrat in every election since 1976. I appreciate honesty, kindness and courage. I loathe cruelty and indifference. I am Discordian. I mean you no harm. But if you are cruel, or indifferent, I may point and laugh. #stillwithher.


  1. Thank you, MG! I watched the responses to Al’s tweet in real time, and it was so inspiring. Some men and those in the DC bubble don’t quite seem to realize the anger that has been awakened. Even if they did, I don’t think they would address it as with the focus on the Trump supporters (with regrets or without). That’s OK; we may just surprise them in 2018…and beyond. As someone tweeted to me, our invisibility is our superpower.

    • Good morning DoReMI! Yes it was very startling when the quiet storm happened on Twitter, and I wanted to acknowledge it. The world in general is used to ignoring the anger of middle aged women. We’ll keep taking care of the house, kids and grandkids, keep working at our jobs, and our rare muttering can be safely ignored for more important concerns. But I believe this election changed the balance. We had real hope, we were excited, we were so close… and even as close as we got, we saw our excitement ignored, our hope discounted and our candidate trashed, denigrated and insulted and the election stolen.

      So now we’re just supposed to go back to supporting male-led efforts quietly?

      I don’t think so. We will support, we will fight, but quietly, with no acknowledgement? Never again.

      I feel much the same is true of POC as the cornerstone of the Democratic base.

  2. good morning Momentary Grace and thanks for the very interesting round-up of news/tweets this morning. I think it’s always been women who did all the unpaid work on political campaigns which the men didn’t mind until we started wanting some recognition and power-sharing. I maintain though that our most serious opposition comes from other women who figure they get an advantage propping up men, like any and all R women polititicans.

    We ae overcast and cool in the desert today which is great for my plans to be working in the yard.

    • Yes, the conditioning runs deep, some women have been convinced, or instinctively “know” that their best play is to suck up to the male power structure, play the game and get what they can from it. It’s safer, and they know because they see what happens that speaking out on their own will get them attacked and worse.

      That contingent will be around for a long long time to come, but they are shrinking. Like the mythical WWC, we can’t convince them, we have to rise above or go around them.

      I’d love to see a picture of your garden sometime… as an apartment dweller, I live vicariously through others with actual places to grow things. ;)

      • when I lived in apartments I had house plants every place I could put them, digging in the dirt is a compulsion with me. My mother told me during WWII when she and my dad were at Los Alamos it was so bleak she started growing carrot tops in saucers on window sills just to cheer herself up.

        • I used to grow things in indoor pots also, coleus and when I was college age I planted some pot seeds my friend gave me, even though I never partook of the substance other than a contact high now and then. ;) They made cute little plants but having them made VonsterTX nervous so I let them go.

          I grew garlic from cloves for a while – pretty dark green leaves! My mom gave me the idea of seeing what in my spice rack might grow for me. She was creative that way like your mom!

          A few years before she passed, she got permission from her apartment management to take the small flowerbed in from of her apartment and plant it – she grew corn! And tomatoes, I think, and I don’t remember what else.

          Nowadays I don’t do any of that, though I now have a patio, so I might try sometime. :)

  3. Oh, I forgot to answer your question! As far as female elected officials go, I watch and listen to Sen. Debbie Stabenow very closely. There are times she makes me crazy with some of her “typical politician” stuff, but overall, she’s a survivor of a male-dominated system who supports and empowers other women. She’s also a practitioner, par excellence, of throwing shade, all with a smile and Midwestern nice oozing from every pore. Stealth verbal castration is a skill I very much admire…

  4. Good morning, meese. Thanks MG for the wonderful selection of responses to Al’s question. I can’t post tweets here (I don’t know why) so copied my reply to Al:

    I share the pain of @HillaryClinton. I’m tired of old white men wagging their finger at me, telling me to sit down and shut up. #Resistance

    As far as additional political women (you selected two of my favorites from the great state of California: Barbara Lee and Maxine Walters), I will complete the trifecta of awesomeness with Senator Kamala Harris.

    52 and cloudy with rain this afternoon and a high of 64.

    • My bad, MG. I completely missed that it was Senator Harris that tweeted the school shooting story. So, you covered all of my faves. ????

      • No problem WYgalinCali, Senator Harris is wonderful and has been on my twitter feed for a while now. I know RTO sees her as a possible presidential choice for the future and I don’t disagree.

        Thank you for adding your response to Al, and I agree with you completely.

  5. Thanks, so much, Momentary Grace.

    It was and continues to be personal. POC/Women are takin’ care of business this time. Everyone else just please sit down.

    • Absolutely, and white women who voted for Trump, or didn’t vote against him, wake the eff up or get out of the way. You’re giving the rest of us a bad name and we’re tired of that.


  6. Morning Gracie and meese…Thank you for the great thread this morning…

    Women are the most affected by the bigoted and misogynistic bullshit that the Repukes and Dump are trying to enact…Defunding PP…Taking decisions for women away from them…Restricting things women need…1000 different reasons women are leading the Resistance and all righteous.

    Duck tape it, Bernie!

    • Hey, Batch Love the duck tape it, Bernie! ????. Nice to see you hanging out at the Pond.

    • I’m going to amend my response a little…POC are just as affected and they have been for centuries as have women. With this election though the misogyny has been front and center and it isn’t and shouldn’t be allowed.

      Just as the jerks on the right have shown their ass where it pertains to POC they have also done the same when it comes to women.

    • {{{Batch}}} – like the “duck tape it, Bernie” – truth to tell, I always have to stop and remember what #sob actually stands for as in my mind it’s #sub – “shut up, Bernie”. LOL and moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Hi Batch! Glad you came by!

      Women and POC are the most at risk, and women of color were the staunchest voters for sanity and progress in 2016. I support and listen to them.

      If Bernie wants to tell Dems what to do and how to act he needs to become one. Until then, duck tape is a good option.

  7. {{{MomentaryGrace}}} – thanks for doing double duty – and the more in depth one here where we can safely make references to old white men who wag their fingers at us and tell us not to yell. For me it’s very personal. I wasn’t trashed the way Hillary was/is – truth to tell, I’m not strong enough to take what she has – but I was, as an elected official, ignored and discounted most of the time by most of the rest the Court. How much of it was that I am female and how much of it was that I’m a secretary I cannot say. But it was so and having Hillary running for the highest office in the land, being the most qualified and experienced candidate (and the most caring candidate) was vindication. Watching her be trashed and having the election stolen from her by the Extreme Left was more than infuriating. You betcha it was personal. It is my duty to care for those folks and do my best to see they’re OK and i will do my duty. But. Not gonna forget. Not gonna forgive.

    As to women leaders – practically any of them on the Dem team, as long as they really are on the Dem team. Mostly depends on what they’re saying on which topic. (EW for example – I listen to what she says about financial issues. I ignore what she says about what Dems should do next. Hillary’s the only one I’ll pay attention to on any issue because what she didn’t already know when it came up she’ll find out before she says anything.)

    Gotta get back to work – had multiple work-related interruptions just in the writing of this one comment. Back when I can. {{{Moose Villagers}}}

    • {{{{{{{{{{{{bfitzinAR}}}}}}}}}}}}}

      You are an embodiment of this thread. You do the work of trying to keep the Village going, encouraging all of us and taking on extra posting duties just so we have a place to gather. I appreciate you so much.

      I will never accept all those assertions that HRC was a bad candidate. She was and is amazing. Inspiring. She calls me to be better. She also set the bar for every Dem presidential candidate after her to call out misogyny and racism. No backing down, no pandering to WWC. Understand them, yes, be compassionate regarding their issues, yes, but put them above POC? NO.

      • I try to be. Not sure I always make it, but I try. Couldn’t do it at all without the community itself though. People caring about people is what makes community. No matter why they came together – what issues or goals they have (or had) in common – it’s the caring that takes a group that extra distance into community. So as long as the Village cares about each other and the community, I will help keep it going. {{{{{MomentaryGrace}}}}}

        And yeah, HRC was a very good candidate – who just happened to be a woman. She is also a very good person and she calls us all to be better. Some answer that call by trying to be better. Some answer that call by trashing her for calling them to be better.

        • Yes, it seems quite clear to me that much of the anti-Hillary sentiment is from people who are threatened by the bar she sets.

  8. We’re getting ready to get hit with a round of thunderstorms so I’m shutting everything down until it all passes. Will check back in later this evening when the weather has finished providing excitement for the locaals.

      • thanks bfitz. I pretty much stay safe since I got totally scared by some cloud-to-ground lightening out here ten years ago. Sounds more innocuous than it is. It looked like a bolt of lightening laying on the ground sparking the entire length of our north property border about fifteen feet from the windows. It was a bad storm with dire warnings so I had everything turned off and was watching the storm when that happened. First time the weather had ever frightened me, didn’t help that mr witw was traveling at the time which he did for several years. I never minded before, that managed to be

        • {{{wordsinthewind}}} – I’m gonna be a whole lot happier if you come back and finish that sentence. Healing Energy and White Light of Protection.

          • so sorry, it was a combination of factors that interrupted that comment. We’re back online now and everything is okay if wet and a bit rearranged.

      • thanks bfitz. I pretty much stay safe since I got totally scared by some cloud-to-ground lightening out here ten years ago. Sounds more innocuous than it is. It looked like a bolt of lightening laying on the ground sparking the entire length of our north property border about fifteen feet from the windows. It was a bad storm with dire warnings so I had everything turned off and was watching the storm when that happened. First time the weather had ever frightened me and I suppose I’ll never forget it either. Fortunately it’s a very rare weather happening, the local weather guys talked about it for days afterward.

    • yes definitely be safe!

      I love wild weather, just not excess rain for days and days, not since we were flooded by Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. Floods is Bad.

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