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Found on the Internets …
On Saturday, April 15, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Representatives Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD), and advocates deliver remarks at a rally to call on President Trump to release his tax returns and oppose tax cuts for corporations and wealthy Americans.
WaPo: Thousands expected for Tax Day march calling for Trump to release his returns
An idea that sprung from a law professor’s tweet after President Trump’s inauguration will unfold Saturday on the Mall, where thousands of protesters plan to call on Trump to release his personal tax returns. The demonstration is expected to be the largest of more than 100 affiliated protests planned across the country.
The Tax March, which falls on the nation’s traditional April 15 deadline to file taxes, is expected to be one of the most high-profile demonstrations of the Trump era since protesters around the world participated in women’s marches — marches that served as an unprecedented rebuke to Trump’s presidency on his first full day in office. Presidents are not required to release their tax returns but have done so voluntarily dating to the 1970s.
(CSPAN link to Weekly Democratic Address: here)
(Link to Nancy Pelosi Newsroom here)
Last week’s Democratic Party Address was delivered by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries
Transcript: Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
“I’m Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and it’s my honor to represent the hardworking people of Brooklyn and Queens in one of the most diverse districts in the nation. Almost a third of the people I serve were born outside of the United States. People from all over the world come to Brooklyn and Queens to pursue the American dream.
“Growing up in Brooklyn, my Grandmother often told my younger brother and me that if you get a good education, work hard on your job and play by the rules, you can make a life for yourself in this great country. I’ve never forgotten those words. Abraham Lincoln once said, we deserve a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Everyone, including the President of the United States, should play by the rules. That’s the American way.
“Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees things differently. As we approach tax day, it’s important to remember that every President since Gerald Ford, Democrats and Republicans, have released their tax returns to the American people. Before the election, Donald Trump repeatedly promised to release his tax returns, just like Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him. But as President, Donald Trump has broken this promise.
“Is he hiding something from the American people? I certainly hope not. Here’s what I do know. The American people deserve an answer to that question. The tax return issue is about fairness. It’s about being straight with the American people. It’s about playing by the rules.
“There is a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the White House when it comes to our President. He came to Washington on a promise to drain the swamp. But instead, by failing to keep his word and release his tax returns, Donald Trump is a living, breathing conflict of interest.
“Seventeen different United States intelligence agencies have concluded that Vladimir Putin and his Russian operatives interfered with our election in order to help Donald Trump. The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the Russian hacking scandal, including possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin’s Russia.
“This is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. This is an American issue. Our Democracy was attacked. The release of the President’s tax returns will help the American people better understand the extent of Trump’s financial ties to Putin’s Russia. The American people have a right to know whether financial conflicts of interest exist between the President of the United States and a hostile foreign power.
“The American people have a right to know whether the decisions being made by President Trump are in the best interest of America, or are benefiting other countries and corporations with whom he has a business relationship. The American people have a right to know whose side the President is on. His tax returns will help provide the information necessary to figure that out.
“To whom much is given, much is expected. Donald Trump has been given the opportunity to lead this great nation. The least we can expect is that President Trump play by the rules and share his tax returns with the American people.”
Any bolding has been added.
Pelosi Statement After President Signs Measure to Cut Americans’ Access to Family Planning
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after President Trump signed H.J. Res 43, a resolution under the Congressional Review Act that repeals the Obama Administration rule that was designed to protect Americans’ access to family planning and lifesaving preventive care services:
“Instead of acting to create jobs for hard-working families, Republicans are focused on restricting millions of women’s access to family planning and preventive care services.
“Title X-funded clinics play a vital role in our health care system, with over four million women receiving family planning and preventive care at these clinics each year. President Trump’s assault on Title X will likely have heartbreaking impacts for thousands of vulnerable families who will lose access to lifesaving preventive care.
“This measure is only the latest effort in Republicans’ crusade against women’s health care. From the White House to the Congress, Republicans are obsessed with obstructing women’s access to comprehensive health care services.”
San Francisco – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement following the publication of comments by President Trump in the Wall Street Journal in which the President threatens to withhold Cost Sharing Reduction payments as a negotiating tactic with Democrats. Last month, Leader Pelosi and Senator Schumer wrote to President Trump urging him to follow the law and continue implementation of the Affordable Care Act, including ensuring these payments to insurers are made that help low-income Americans get the health care they need.
“Instead of working with Democrats to bring down costs, President Trump is cruelly threatening to raise premiums on millions of families as a pretext to do even worse damage to Americans’ health care.
“Refusing to make the Cost Sharing Reduction payments has no purpose but to hurt millions of people, and manufacture a crisis. If President Trump followed through on his appalling threat, millions of Americans would see their out-of-pocket costs skyrocket and premiums would immediately be driven up by at least 15 percent.
“The cruelty of President Trump’s threat is matched by the bill Republicans desire to pass to drive up Americans’ health costs. TrumpCare is a moral monstrosity because President Trump clearly does not care about the millions of families who would suffer from soaring premiums and out-of-pocket costs under his disgraceful plan.
“Once Republicans set aside their plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Democrats stand ready to work across the aisle to update and improve the law.”
Additional reading: New S&P Report: GOP (in)action might drive up your premiums
Following the Republicans’ crippling failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Standard and Poor’s released a report on Friday that made clear, once again, that the ACA is not in a “death spiral,” and that it’s now up to the Republicans whether the law continues to work, or they cause uncertainty that will lead to increased premiums. The GOP’s attempts to discredit the health care system could dismantle the steady progress that has been made.
Click into this news release for more links on the report.
Leader Pelosi calls on Congressional leadership to address the Trump belligerence:
Dang right! Hope to heaven we get “Speaker” Pelosi back in time to clean up the mess they’re making before it’s too late. OK – as long as we live, it’s not too late. But the mess is getting scarily bigger by the moment.