Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Check this out
Good Friday morning Meese
Glad to see Rev. Barber expanding his reach
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 54 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 66. Clouds this morning and clearing this afternoon. It looks like nice weather for the weekend.
I turned on my Twitter to watch the latest episode in the reality show This Is Your F*ked Up America. I wish it could be cancelled. The Lester Holt interview gave some valuable insight into how the tRump White House is run – he and his counsel, Don McGahn, ignored Sally Yates’ warnings about Mike Flynn because “we don’t know this person who was telling us this and Michael Flynn is a general.” So career professionals from DOJ – or anywhere really – are not to be trusted because he doesn’t know them – and, look, Generals! The same thing with James Comey. Without the loyalty oath, he was not to be trusted and had to be gotten rid of. I hope to hell that the Republican Party allowing this man to run the government will come home to roost in 2018 and 2020 and make them a permanent minority party. Ed Kilgore, who is usually pretty rational about these things, believes that we are getting close to impeachment territory – watch the polls:
If the “hard kernel of GOP grassroots support” drops below 30%, Republicans will have to do something or suffer a bloodbath.
Everyone should keep an eye on the new voter suppression commission put in place by tRump and to be run by Father Pence and Kris Klux Kobach. There was some discussion on Twitter and some people I respect believe that the Democrats invited onto this commission should decline because they give a fig leaf to whatever awful thing comes from it. And it will be awful. I am sure that others think that being part of it is better than not being heard. Yes, just like the HBCU presidents – and voters in North Carolina and Pennsylvania who voted for a unified Republican government and now have no disaster relief. Being part of it just means you look like an idiot when you are ignored or trashed. The orange shitgibbon has shown you who he is – believe him!
See all y’all later!
How apt! :)
Friday! And next week is a 3 day week for me. I keep hoping someone will do something about the walking constitutional & existential crisis that occupies the White House. If I believed in a interventionist God, I’d ask Her to reach her hand down & smack him upside the head. #45 reminds me of some kind of awful combination of a Ferengi & a Pakled (from the ST: NG episode called something like Samaritan Trap). Grasping, evil, not overly bright, yet somehow successful.
Playing California very loudly in my head this morning. There is no end to love.
Good morning, Meese! A gray day here. Yesterday it poured. More rain is expected by afternoon. Currently it’s 51 F., going up to 55 F. today.
Had the night from hell—waking up at 3:30, unable to get back to sleep despite trying from 5 a.m. onward. Have lost my voice but have to go out to visit my friend today, she’s counting on me.
Feel that we are very close to something big happening. With Thing, it’s just as likely to be the weekend as during the week.
Hope all at the Pond will have a good Friday!
P. S. Is bfitz off line?
Does tea with honey help when you lose your voice? Sending healthy thoughts.
Thank you, another! I will try that tomorrow. Too late today.
{{{Diana}}} – I’m here. At work so hit and miss as to when I post. Last night we had an event after work for a number of our graduating graduate assistants but especially for a retiring faculty member. She’s been with us long enough that several of our younger faculty either had her intro to Sociology class or were her GAs back in the day – and has been for several decades the teacher I wanted to be. By the time I got home from that it was time to feed the kittehs and go to bed.
Healing Energy and you know my standard suggestions for strengthening you immune system. (Vitamin C and garlic soup.) Moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.
Thanks, bfitz! I have in fact hit the old Vitamin C today.
This is not a cold—when I don’t sleep, my voice disappears. Will very likely be OK tomorrow, provided I can sleep. :)
59 at what passed for a rainy dawn heading for 69 maybe and rain until mid afternoon. (.6″ rain yesterday and already .8″ today) Yesterday the sun came out enough to get 11 KWHs – half of what a “good” day produces in May, but more than a “good” day produces in December – which is more than I use in a day so that’s good. For some reason my “fierces” aren’t sticking. Weird. At least I can post and reply.
Every new thing that the media gets around to publishing brings two basic responses: 1) we’re so effed and 2) this will bring the R party down. Neither response is real. We are in trouble, people are being and will be hurt, but we will survive. And the Rs won’t go down until they are taken down by a Blue Wave at the polls. The way we do that is find ways to circumvent the voter suppression laws/activities, register the heck out of our team, run a Dem in as many races as possible, and get our people to the polls. Meanwhile we resist, block, push back where we can politically. And we do every community-supportive thing we can think of. Taking down the Rs is the battle on the political front but overcoming/overwhelming Hate is the war. So. I’m so very delighted/grateful/relieved that Fineena’s match was met (still needs $318 for the moving expenses goal, but only $318 for the moving expenses goal) as well as movement on others on my list. We will survive – and we will rejoice in every good thing.
Gotta get back to work. Trying to untangle the messes of partially-completed projects sitting on my desk. Then get them done before the deadlines. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
My fierces aren’t sticking either. Until the 7th or 8th try. Then they just do, with no change that I made.
Weird. Oh well – I lubs everbuddy anywayz :)
One of the things that changed last week when we were having the bot attacks that slowed down the server was the implementation of a change that the hosting firm had recommended, a caching feature. Caching is where the parts of the web site that don’t or rarely change are kept in memory (or in ready to display files) rather than re-read from the disk and re-displayed. For example, the Moose header does not change and so the system does not have to go find the jpg file and set it up to be displayed each time – it can use a cached version.
They also had me make a change to use browser cache which led to terrible problems. If you were logged in during that time, you might still have some bad instructions in cache as to how to manage the site.
Bottom line: If the cache on your browser has not been cleared since we made the changes last Sunday, then you may be out of sync with the web site. I recommend logging out, clearing your browser’s cache, then logging back in again. If that does not help, let me know and I will check with tech support to see if there is a setting we need to tweak. The fact that it takes after 7 or 8 tries is perplexing.
I’m not sure I remember how to clear a cache and I’m afraid of losing my links to stuff if I did. LOL But I’ll figure out something. thanks
Good morning, 52 and mostly sunny in Bellingham. In my little world all is well, I’m off to the pool, and then I’ll start getting ready for the weekend fun with our family. I’m gloomy and grumpy about the state of affairs in tRump America but determined to keep my balance as best I can.
Have a good day everyone!
Saturday morning
Rainy here in the Catskills.
Feel like going back to bed.
Yes to Michelle!
I have her video clip up in a tab and look forward to viewing it later. There are a lot of sadnesses related to Donald Trump’s electoral college win but one that is particularly sad is how we went from intelligence and decency and caring – the very essence of Michelle Obama – to a rejection of all that is good about government and government initiatives to make people’s lives better.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Perfect spring day!
I was scanning the news and looking for something for the Fighting Back post (Nancy Pelosi is out of the country and there was no Thursday presser) and it struck me that the thing that people are talking about – King tRump’s firing of Comey and the cover-up – while important, is not the most important thing that happened this past week. Republicans unleashed two assaults on justice and fair elections and we need to make sure our elected officials understand how important they are to us. The Sessions sentencing guidelines will re-fill the federal prisons with non-violent drug offenders – a population that President Obama was trying to reduce. The new Kobach-led voter suppression commission has to be watched closely to make sure that the inevitable lies are challenged at every step.
There once was bipartisan agreement that harsh sentencing was a bad idea and until Mitch McConnell turned the Senate into a branch of the RNC, there had been hope for a bill to codify the changes that President Obama and then Attorney General Eric Holder had put in place. Maybe it will take white kids being sent to prison for opoid related crimes for Republicans to care again. As for the voter-suppression commission, it might be time to send another Tubman to the ACLU. If we lose the vote, we lose the chance to fix this awful thing that is happening to our country.
See all y’all later!
Warm & sunny in Austin. Highs in mid-80s & weather people are already reminding us about sunscreen.
All my food for next week is already made, so all the “cooking” this weekend is thawing. Once again, it was lovely to keep going back to sleep after my wake-ups. Eating breakfast, watching the news. And I really should get in a walk…. after Joy Reid’s show. And a visit with my friend.
Good morning, Meese. It’s another gray day here in NoVa, with streets drying after the overnight rain. Current temp. is 50 F., going up to 57 F.
Went to bed at 10:30 last night, only to find myself still awake at midnight. That’s when I got up, took two night-time cold capsules, and went back to bed. Got up at 9:30 this morning—first decent sleep I’ve had in ages! Will gargle with salt water soon for the sore throat and keep on truckin’.
Spent several hours at Greenspring yesterday with my friend S. We visited her roommate, P., in the Rehab Center. On Monday she will be moved to Memory Care as she is clearly not going to improve sufficiently to resume her former life. So sad.
Going out to dinner tonight and tomorrow night, so that’ll be nice! I love not having to cook. No big plans for today, just hoping to have a peaceful, restful day. Hope everyone else will have the same!
Sigh. Wonder whether anything will happen this weekend. Hope not, I’m tired.
I wouldn’t mind a drama free weekend. I am back to not sleeping well again. :(
Good morning, 50 and raining in Bellingham. I’ve got a fun mom’s day weekend ahead……RonK brought home an armful of flowers from the flower shop last night, Ryan (and his mom and dad) will be here for lunch today, and tomorrow we’ll enjoy breakfast with the Bellingham family, and all the dogs :)
I knew when I set up the patios that rain was forecast but seeing them ready for fun lifts our spirits and that’s needed now. We’re all feeling like this last week has been rough. As someone on twitter said, “….what a year this week has been.”
Happy Saturday wishes to all!
I loved that comment:
Late in – it was in the 50s at dawn – a bright clear dawn, too – heading for mid 70s today. Already at half-again as much electricity generated as for the whole day yesterday. I guess that makes up for the almost flat tire I had this morning (as in it had just enough air in it to drive to the tire place without me having to change it). Fortunately it was fixable (just under $20) rather than needing replacement (around $80).
Working on my Street Prophets – thanks to a very staunch but anonymous donor I can take snoopydawg off the list, plus MaureenMower can get her husband’s ashes back from the storage company and Fineena’s match has been made – so some good news to report for a change. Not much in the way of good news on the political front. Resist, resist, resist. And don’t let the “impeachment squirrel” distract you from what Congress is up to.
Anyway – Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}