Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
- Link to Page 1 of Comments is here.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 50 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 75. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday and Mother’s Day Meese.
Will be heading out to dinner with the hubby after doing my diary tending this morning.
Much love to all the moms we love.
I have one of those (a mom I love)!
Have a great day, Dee!!
I’m wearing a skirt that my mom made to church today. Going to put together breakfast for next week, and visit my friend in the hospital. Not much else going on. No idea why my head is playing Walk On. Specifically the 2nd verse:
You’re packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Good morning, 47 and partly sunny in Bellingham. It’s a family full weekend for me with flower fun, phone calls with my sister and Oregon daughter, lunch in Fairhaven yesterday with Lisa and her family, and breakfast with our sons and the grand girls today. It’s to damp and chilly to eat outdoors but Ron will cook the sausages and veggie browns on the grill so we’ll have some outdoor fun. I’ve got a blueberry cake to bake so one more sip of coffee and then I’d best get busy.
Happy Mom’s Day!
Wow…love the flowers!
Happy Mothers Day to All – even if you aren’t mother you obviously had one. The world is blessed with your presence because of her, so a heart-felt “thank you” is in order. Thank You.
Being Sunday I’m not sure of much of anything except the sun was shining by the time the muffins were in the oven. I’ve now baked muffins for next week, grilled breakfast sausages for the next 5 weeks, wiped down most of the flat surfaces (need to re-do the kitchen once I’ve cleaned the electric grill – I do not like the current model of GF grills, the older one was more efficient, less messy, and easier to clean), vacuumed, got the laundry on the line and had breakfast. Just got a call from my older son – he’s taking me out for lunch, but around one since I ate breakfast so late. LOL. Got 22 KWHs yesterday. We’re at 196 for the month to date right now so should crest 200 in a few hours at the current rate of production.
Not sure what to do or say about the national situation or the DK situation except keep resisting and avoid the Extreme Right and Left as much as possible. Need to write another diary for Fineena as she’s been told of another match offer ($750 this time) – to finish off the moving expenses and then either car or health stuff. Presupposing I manage to get it written, it’ll probably post Tuesday afternoon or early evening. In addition to the other diaries I need to write. (How the heck I got into this I do not know.) Community support is the biggest chunk of my Resistance living where I do.
Need to check on the British Breakfast and get some coffee. Then get ready for lunch with my son. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 48 degrees in Madison with a expected daytime high of 75. Sunny this morning giving way to clouds with a chance of thunderstorms. We are expecting a one-day heat wave of 88 tomorrow then temperatures drop back into the low 70s.
I am not sure how much longer people can live with their outrage meters pegged at “holy hell!” I was relieved to see that Wisconsin did not really elect the yam but sad that the voter id law kept people away from the polls. There is no fix for it. Once you let the Republicans take over state government, they can never be driven out because they control the elections. The Republicans in the AP story about Wisconsin voter id trot out the lie that “anyone can get a valid id”. They lied to the 7th Circuit and the 7th Circuit let them – so much for “the courts will save us”. By losing the electoral college, a reactionary anti-voting-rights justice was given a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court and the future of honest elections is seriously in doubt. That is what keeps me up at night – the Wisconsin nightmare went national.
See all y’all later!
Good Monday morning Meese
54 and Raining here in the Catskills
Have school today – final exam for one class – which is turning in a paper – which I’ll be grading over this week – ugh.
Note to self: Have to come home and update windows protections on my laptop – which I never use
I see that the Burnouts are attacking Maxine Waters (again)
My early Marxist training has bubbled up – they fit Lenin’s description of “left opportunists” to a T.
Good idea on updating the “rarely used computer”! Sometimes people forget about those and power them up weeks later and get themselves infected. That happened to me once with a laptop I only used for traveling. The antivirus protection and the Windows updates were both out of date and it got compromised. Fortunately I noticed before I attached it back up to my network.
I had better check my husband’s laptop too.
He’s had a lot of virus issues in the past because hos job computers are a sewer of problems and he has downloaded work from them – they have really piss poor tech staff :(
Warm & muggy. But expecting thunderstorms later this week, which will cool things off. Never heard from my friend yesterday. I sent her a Facebook message, hope to go by on Wednesday or Thursday when I’m off. I’m really pissed about Lawrence O’Donnell’s show maybe not getting renewed. I was just ok with him, until he cried about Planned Parenthood funding. That made me love him, a lot. Brain still playing the same U2 song as yesterday. At least it’s a pretty one.
MSNBC made a conscious decision to go the route of CNN – do whatever it takes to curry favor with the Republicans in power. Too bad, really. I noticed that Maddow’s show crushes in her time slot with the key demographic and that Lawrence O’Donnell is now beating Hannity. I don’t watch live TV except for sporting events and CSPAN hearings but I like to read about what was reported.
That’s probably why they don’t seem interested in renewing him. he’s too good, too caring – can’t have that from someone who’s only supposed to be “librul cover” for their reactionary policies.
55 at dawn heading for mid 80s and sunny again today. Already generating well – 214 KWHs for the month to date and at this rate should be about 235 by dark. I’ll take it. :) Sunshine always makes me feel better, more capable of dealing with whatever is going on. Or at least surviving it. What it seriously keys me into is “I’m alright right now” and the enjoyment of simple pleasures – the Pad Thai soup I’m going to make tonight from the leftovers of yesterday’s lunch with my son, purring kittehs on my lap (one at a time – they’re too big to share), how good the sun feels on my back this time of year, touching base daily with online friends. Simple but sustaining.
Every new OMG from the Rs isn’t new. They are busily trying to return us to those ugly days of yesteryear and that is totally bad. People will be hurt. People will die. There is no denying that reality. But. But they are trying to return us. That means we’ve been there before and we got out of it. We got out of it when we weren’t entirely sure there was a way out. Now we know there are multiple ways out. We will find the right one for this time – find out how to circumvent the voter suppression laws, get people registered, and get them to the polls. Has been done, can be done, will be done.
Meanwhile there wasn’t a DK Village diary this morning so I threw one together and got it out. I’ve written a draft of the next fundraiser for Fineena and queued it for her to look at. I’m trying to find the time to edit and rewrite my community lists for clarity and brevity – also my political lists on the DK Village diaries. Not doing too well at that. sigh.
Gonna pay a flying visit to the Moose Village post (haven’t managed to even get to Squirrel Village for days), then get back to work. May Payroll runs the end of this week and I’ve got to enter all the Summer Pay for the 9-month faculty (and get it approved) before Payroll runs – and of course I still don’t have all the cost centers yet – some of the faculty seems to think either that I’m a mind reader or that brownies and fairies are doing this. Well, I’m going to enter what I’ve got. The ones who don’t give me the information won’t get paid. It will serve right the ones who don’t give me the information – but it will/would be totally unfair to the other faculty and GAs who are working for them this summer. Anyway, bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good news from SCOTUS!!!
Good morning, 51 and cloudy in Bellingham. The new green leaves on my old maple trees tell me it’s spring, but the dark cloudy light makes me feel like it’s still winter. Sunny skies are forecast for the end of the week though, and thanks to my kids I have some flowers to enjoy so no more complaining!
Time for the pool. Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 82 (heat index of 90). Sunny skies are in the forecast. Thursday overnight will be in the low 40s. Heating to air conditioning to heating in one week!
Says it all.
Hillary launched her new organization – “Onward Together” – set up to help those who are helping people resist. I am going to grab the pieces of it that I found and post something after I get my morning work done. I love her logo! The arrows at the bottom are us – diverse, different colors and sizes, somewhat chaotic! A friend pointed out that it suggests that not everyone is at the same place in the process. Excellent symbolism.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday Morning Meese
While much of our focus is on US news and Trump-Russia – as a medical anthropologist – this story has me deeply upset
We are doing permanent damage to our standing in the world. Insinuating Father Pence’s religiousity, a view where women are simply fodder for the culture wars, on everyone else is inhumane. Even George Freaking Bush thinks that America has a duty to help other countries with health issues. We have learned nothing from the Ebola crisis – we can’t put a wall around disease and we will regret this shortsightedness.
There is so much to regret, isn’t there? :(
Thunderstorm chances starting tonight & continuing through the weekend. I feel bad for the college graduates, probably won’t get to have commencement. Really looking forward to my 2 days off. Tired of my work, and of course we have a POTUS who is actively summoning the apocalypse, so that’s tiring. Head is still playing Walk On, but as I was looking at my youtube tab, it struck me that this video is more appropriate. The song, Chocolate, is just nonsense (pretty sounding nonsense, but still) but the video is about the world ending & then re-setting it.
I thought people here would like this thread (applies as much to US politics as England)
<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”>
Every single Tory policy can be summed up as 'lol can you not just use your other money'
— Phoebe (@PRHRoy) May 15, 2017
it wouldn’t let me edit, so here’s another copy
Good morning, 46 and raining in Bellingham. The furnace is on, I need lamp lite to see the keyboard, my toes are cold, and I have another tRump induced headache. Sorry to be so grumpy!
One of my pool pals is 94 yrs old, and her determination to stay mobile and even more important to be happy is inspiring. Time for me to think about Bernice’s wise words, find some coffee, and seek a more positive perspective.
May we all find a peaceful moment today.
Almost 70 by the time I got to work but my internal thermostat still wanted something around the back of my neck. Not quite as sunny yesterday and today as it was over the weekend, but still sunny. At the moment we’re at 236.8 KWHs and hoping to make it to 250 by dark. Forecast sez clouds will start moving in tomorrow even though the rain isn’t predicted until Friday night. dang it. Nice weather means I’m walking home more often (at least 2x a week) and that’s good.
We’re all tired. We are spiritually and emotionally as well as politically under siege. The bombardment hasn’t let up since January 20th, the noise since November 9th. The noise is deafening and demoralizing. But while we’ve taken damage we are not defeated. Our Constitutional foundation is still firm. The walls of Rule of Law are still standing, if cracked in places. And they will not win unless we give up. Which we are not going to do.
Gotta get back to work. If I can ever manage to get a straight answer on anything from anybody that doesn’t change as I’m trying to enter the little bugger. So. Back to regrouping and figuring out what I can do next. Payroll runs on Friday so they’d better get their stories straight soon so I have time to enter and get the mess through the various approval chains. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Morning—or rather, almost afternoon—Meese. It’s Tuesday, a perfectly delightful day here in NoVa, 70 F. now, 80 F. later.
Feel deathly ill from this thing the doctor diagnosed yesterday as sinusitis. She prescribed four different meds, which I’m taking. Yesterday my throat hurt so much I just wanted someone to shoot me to put me out of my misery.
Naturally I’m getting nothing done but Twittering while I’m out of action. Toddlerlicious is over here this morning, but I’m wearing a surgical mask so as not to infect him.
Going back to bed right after I nuke lunch. Hope all at the Pond have a good day and that WWIII doesn’t start!
Yikes! That sounds awful. Hope you feel better today.
If you’re over at DK and missed it – we’ve got a new fundraiser diary and match for Fineena: