TGIF…Stupid is for GOP!

Seems every time I turn around another name gets added to my list. I just don’t understand the stupidity that runs so rampant on the right and in Fuckin Bernie land.

We hear something halfway sane exit someone like Lindsey Graham’s mouth to only double down on his stupidity the next time he opens his mouth and we then we have the king of stupid, Fuckin Bernie, you know that so far out in left field guy that he exited the playing field in 1960 whatever.

I have had it with the rampant stupidity..I hate the word hate but stupid people get on my last nerve and get as close to hate as I get…Hence my language getting a little salty. Sorry if I at anytime offend anyone’s sensibilities…Not…LOL…

Back to a few of the stupid people…

Our favorite stupid person …The ever hateable Fuckin Bernie…

I found this writer on “Medium” and she reminds me so much of us that it seems she must get her angst from us or we channel her…Anyway for a few of her wonderful writings I offer you

Val Perry Rendel…

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We Dems are fighting a war on two fronts: Trump and the GOP are the most obvious, and must be dealt with before we can turn inward. But we’re also fighting a vicious faction from within, Tom, and I must say you are not helping at all one little tiny bit. You know you fucked up hard with that “unity tour” bullshit; you’re an intelligent guy, so you already know that and I don’t have to point out how very very badly you really did fuck up. These people literally want to take over our party. I’m not worried this will happen. I also don’t give a fuck about whether the brogressives think their little revolution-thingy is gonna show us a thing or two.

The problem is twofold: there’s ol’ Bernie himself, running from interview to interview to bask in what he imagines to be his wounded-yet-noble glory, and there’s also his rabidly misogynist cult that wants to burn the establishment or whatever to the ground. We can’t afford these people, Tom. You know it, deep down; you’re simply delaying the inevitable. It’s a job you don’t want to do singlehandedly. I understand, and I’m here to help.

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They need to believe Putin did not sway the election, because, for them, it proves that Clinton was not robbed of her rightful victory by a foreign conspiracy, and really was a “weak candidate” with “weak message” that somehow nevertheless managed to get the greatest number of votes. So let the record show: Bernie Sanders acknowledges that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election “big time” — though, as always, he stops short of identifying this as a crucial factor in Clinton’s mathematically-perplexing loss.

This is a familiar pattern: only the issues Bernie cares about are important, like income inequality and…uh, nothing else, really. Everything else is a trivial distraction, like gun violence, or “identity politics.”

Read her articles…You’ll get a laugh out of her love-hate relationship with Fuckin Bernie which mirrors ours.


I was going to continue with more of the stupid jerks but can’t stomach them anymore tonight…So it’s on to twitter…There will be stupid mixed in becasue there is a lot out there…


Miss these guys so much..

And as always I’ll close with “our girl”…

This makes me want to rip someone’s head off…

This is your Friday thread…Fire away!


About Batch 76 Articles
64, Life long Democrat...Kossack ex-pat...fed up with the puritanical leftists wanting to destroy our Party.


  1. Morning everyone…Trump is leaving the country sometime today…Now if we can block his reentry into the country it would be nice.

  2. {{{Batch}}} – Extreme Left = Extreme Right. The only difference is which authoritarian they want ruling us. Neither is “into” actually governing. Just giving orders for whatever they want at a given moment. Somebody needs to create a “holo-deck” where we can put these guys. That way they could live out their fantasies without hurting anyone and we could go about the business of progressing towards Liberty and Justice of All. moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • {{{{fitz}}}} The problem right now is the entire GOP= extreme right. The extreme left is a small minority of dipshits led by a moron who wants nothing more than to do the same thing the extreme right wants to do…Destroy the Democratic Party…moar {{{{Hugs}}}}}

      • The Extreme Left is a small minority and most of the time we can ignore them while we go about our business. But they are so aligned with the Extreme Right and are using so many of the Extreme Right’s tactics they are hampering our Resistance and regroup efforts. We’ll get the job done anyway but it will be harder than it should be. {{{HUGS}}}

  3. Thanks Batch…I found Val a couple of weeks ago and what a joy it was to find some one who said it out loud with out apology…who did take any shit from the Bros…

    • Yeah…Val lets go with her rants against Bernout…Something we all feel.

  4. Good morning, Batch and other Meese Peeps! I’m finding it very easy to ignore Sen. Sanders these days, in part because he continues to make the same tone-deaf moves towards irrelevancy. Even some of my diehard Bernie-fan friends are moving away from him; they still “love” him, but they’re more tuned in to Indivisible than Our Revolution at this point. Things might swing back as we get closer to the 2018 elections, but for now, at least, Bernie doesn’t seem to register as a leader of the Resistance with people I know. And in terms of MI Party politics, for all the noise the Berniecrats were making during the MDP Convention, I’m not seeing much difference in terms of action. For my own district caucus, one of the diehards who was elected vice-chair has already resigned…she’s still involved in the local Party, but she found that caucus vice-chair “wasn’t a good fit.” I’m not sure what that even means, but I think it’s likely that she had just bitten off more than she could chew. I’m seeing this pattern elsewhere too; the discovery that there’s boring, but necessary, work involved seems to be a surprise to some of these people. Fortunately, the Party regulars are still in the background, so I don’t think the flake-rate will hurt the Party in the long run.

    • It’s the same old same old with Fuckin Bernie…You expect him to say the one idea he can remember it seems…So whenever I see his name heading an article I already know what it says.

    • {{{DoReMI}}} the Extreme Left, like the Extreme Right, has no interest in governing. That’s work. They’re only interested in ruling – give orders and it magically happens (somebody behind the scenes they don’t have to pay attention to does the work). Which is why they throw temper tantrums until they get positions of authority then leave when they see the amount of work that comes with them.

  5. Good morning Pond Dwellers and TGIF to those who still have their nose to the grindstone. Thanks for pulling double duty, Batch. It’s going to be a warm day here with a high of 90. Yuck.

    I’m anticipating a big story to drop today. A major story was supposed to drop either yesterday or today. Since nothing has dropped yet, I’m looking for today. Friday news drop with the president out of the country. FWIW: I did read this on Twitter, but they had “sources” so it must be true, right?

    Now I’m off to enjoy a bowl of Frosted Flakes because “They’re Great!”

    • They ARE great. I got some on impulse in the midst of my galloping croup this week and they have been a life saver for both the wifey and moi. I haven’t had them in like half a century. :)

      • Remember when they were “Sugar Frosted Flakes”? And now I want some…

        • Well to be fair, I bought the store brand which actually was “Sugar Frosted Flakes”! :D I’m a cheapskate. ;)

  6. Hi Meeses! Thanks Batch, I concur with your loathing of the stupids. They are many.

    Okay what did Uncle Joe do yesterday? Something that upset the Vonster, but she was on her way out the door to work and didn’t give details. Someone on the dk thread mentioned being miffed at him as well. So what’s the skinny?

    • He dissed Hillary and her campaign again. I think he truly regrets not running; I also think there’s a part of him that feels it was his turn. He really needs to shut up and work out his inner conflict in private.

      • Ah okay I see. The thing is, getting elected successor to Obama would have been the absolute worst thing that could have happened to him. Half the country would have compared him to Obama and found him wanting and the other half would just keep making fun of him as a bumbler and hate him for being an “N” lover and a race traitor.

    • The usual with Joe…He started talking off the cuff and stuck his foot in his mouth…Not very good look for Joe…Like Sher says he needs to keep his thoughts to himself if they are going to sound the way he did on this.

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