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Found on the Internets …
Congressman David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, delivered the Weekly Democratic Party Address:
“Each day, it seems, President Donald Trump and his Administration become further and further embroiled in scandals of their own making. In just four months, these scandals have shaken the foundations of our democracy and even caused panic in the markets as many begin to question the President’s ability to govern. […]
“Donald Trump promised that as president he would drain the swamp in Washington. He promised that he would create 25 million new jobs. And he promised that he would make life better for millions of families across our country who have been left behind.
“But after four months, all we have is an Administration in chaos that hasn’t lifted a finger to help hard-working Americans. […]
“So let me tell you what Democrats are fighting for:
“We’re fighting to create good-paying jobs. To reinvigorate manufacturing. To make sure that hard work is rewarded with good wages. And to make sure that families in our country have an opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.
“We’re fighting to make sure every American has access to high-quality health care at a price they can afford. To lower prescription drug prices and bring down the cost of health insurance.
“And we’re fighting to make sure that all Americans can retire with economic security and peace of mind. To preserve the Social Security benefits that seniors have earned and the Medicare benefits they need.
“Democrats are not going to allow Donald Trump to take our country backwards. We are going to continue fighting for you and your family, and the values that define us as Americans.
Full transcript below.
(CSPAN link to Weekly Democratic Address: here)
(Link to Nancy Pelosi Newsroom here)
Transcript: Congressman David Cicilline Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
Washington, D.C. – Congressman David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, delivered the Weekly Democratic Address. In this week’s address, Cicilline called for an independent commission to investigate the Trump-Russian connection and interference in the 2016 election. Video and audio of the Weekly Democratic Address can be downloaded here.
Below is a full transcript of the address:
“Hello, I’m Congressman David Cicilline from Rhode Island’s First District.
“This has been a difficult week for our country. Together, we learned that President Trump exposed highly-classified intelligence to officials from Russia, one of our greatest adversaries. It’s also been reported that before he fired FBI Director James Comey, he asked him to stop an investigation about his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. And we learned that the White House knew that Michael Flynn was under federal investigation at the time he was hired to be the National Security Adviser.
“Each day, it seems, President Donald Trump and his Administration become further and further embroiled in scandals of their own making. In just four months, these scandals have shaken the foundations of our democracy and even caused panic in the markets as many begin to question the President’s ability to govern.
“On Thursday of this week, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel to investigate the growing evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
“This is an important step forward. Director Mueller is a respected public servant with an impeccable reputation.
“And now it’s important that the Trump Administration make clear that he will have the resources and the independence he needs to conduct this investigation.
“Director Mueller’s appointment, however, does not eliminate the need for a truly independent investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
“We already know that Vladimir Putin directed his operatives to help Donald Trump win the presidency. The American people deserve to know the full truth about Russia’s interference in our presidential election.
“Most importantly, all Americans deserve the peace of mind of knowing that this will never happen again and that those responsible are held accountable.
“None of us want our elections to be tainted by foreign interference. And an independent commission, free from the Trump Administration’s influence, is the best way to ensure we achieve this goal. Republicans have been stonewalling an independent commission, but this week Democrats filed a motion to demand a vote on legislation to create this critical, independent commission.
“Donald Trump promised that as president he would drain the swamp in Washington. He promised that he would create 25 million new jobs. And he promised that he would make life better for millions of families across our country who have been left behind.
“But after four months, all we have is an Administration in chaos that hasn’t lifted a finger to help hard-working Americans.
“This is not what the American people signed up for. Working men and women want a government that is focused on results, not ratings. They want a president who throws them a lifeline, not a headline.
“The American people deserve better than what they’re getting from Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans.
“And every time Donald Trump creates a new scandal for himself, it takes away from the important work we need to get done for you.
“So let me tell you what Democrats are fighting for:
“We’re fighting to create good-paying jobs. To reinvigorate manufacturing. To make sure that hard work is rewarded with good wages. And to make sure that families in our country have an opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.
“We’re fighting to make sure every American has access to high-quality health care at a price they can afford. To lower prescription drug prices and bring down the cost of health insurance.
“And we’re fighting to make sure that all Americans can retire with economic security and peace of mind. To preserve the Social Security benefits that seniors have earned and the Medicare benefits they need.
“Democrats are not going to allow Donald Trump to take our country backwards. We are going to continue fighting for you and your family, and the values that define us as Americans.
“Donald Trump’s presidency is a challenging time for our country. But if the history of our nation teaches us anything, it’s that we will persevere.
“Because that’s what we do as Americans. That’s who we are.
“When the stakes are highest, we come together as one nation to protect and preserve our democracy and to build a brighter future for every American.”
Any bolding has been added.
Leader Nancy Pelosi’s weekly news conference from Thursday:
Transcript: Transcript of Pelosi Press Conference
Leader Pelosi. I just got off a red eye from Arizona, where last night I was at my granddaughter’s graduation from high school. So it’s morning to me. Good day. Good day.
Speaking of days, these past 10 days the American people have witnessed earth‑shaking revelations about the outrageous behavior of President Trump.
The appointment of former FBI Director Mueller as special prosecutor is a good first step. The action shows the urgency of investigating Trump‑Russia possible collusion and interfering in our election. It also recognizes the gravity of the President’s abuse of power in trying to shut down the FBI’s investigation. Former Director Mueller is a respected public servant of the highest integrity. Everyone respects him. The Trump administration must give former Director Mueller’s investigation the resources and independence it needs.
I am concerned that Director Mueller will still be subject to the supervision of the Trump‑appointed leadership at the Justice Department. We must remain vigilant to protect the integrity of a Mueller investigation.
A special prosecutor cannot take the place of a truly independent, outside commission that is completely free from the Trump administration’s meddling. A commission is also necessary to address the broader vulnerability of our elections to foreign interference in the future.
The investigation that – what do we call him now? – Special Counsel Mueller is undertaking is about what has happened and is there wrongdoing. We are saying we have got to prevent this from happening in the future. That is one of the reasons we need an independent, outside commission.
The Justice Department has a role to play, and we respect that. The Democrats will continue to fight for vigorous congressional review, investigation, as well. The Senate is doing a bipartisan investigation. The House is moving forward. We have an important role to play.
But with investigations inside the Justice Department and investigations inside the Congress, it is necessary for us to have an outside, independent commission as well. Yesterday, House Democrats filed a discharge petition to force a vote on bipartisan legislation launching that commission, H.R. 356, Protecting Our Democracy Act. Already, more than 176 Members have signed. We expect to have well over 190 by the time we have the vote later today.
If the President has nothing to hide, then he and the Republicans in Congress should welcome an independent investigation to remove all doubt of a cover-up. The American people have a right to know the truth. There is reason to believe that the President’s pandering to Russia is endangering our national security, our economy and our democracy.
In a few days, we will be marking the first four months of the Trump administration, the 20th of May. Nothing. There is nothing to show for it. We haven’t seen any evidence of a jobs proposal. The President loves to talk about the election, but the election was about jobs. Show us the jobs. Where is his initiative? We were hoping to be working with him on an infrastructure bill right from the start. No sign of one.
The President’s budget will be coming down. Next week we will see the President’s budget proposal and all the broken promises to the American people that President Trump’s budget represents. Instead of creating good‑paying jobs, investing in infrastructure, he is ransacking education and job training, cutting the Department of Transportation with a budget that has a specially cruel impact on rural communities.
Reports suggest the cruelty of Trumpcare, which some people are now calling the death panel bill, will be amplified by new cuts to NIH, Medicaid, Social Security, disability benefits, SNAP and other crucial social services.
The President is gutting the EPA and slashing funding for cleaning up hazardous substances and for cutting funds for clean air and clean water.
Why do people even think public policy is important? As a mother, what do I need government to do for my children and my grandchildren? Clean air, clean water. That you can’t do for yourself. Clean air, clean water, food safety. Forget about it in the President’s budget.
The budget, as you have heard me say over and over, our national budget should be a statement of our values. What is important to us as a country should be reflected in how we allocate our resources, our investments for the future. President Trump has shown that he does not value the future of our children, our seniors and working families in our country.
With that, I will be pleased to take any questions.
Press questioning followed (see transcript)
From Nancy Pelosi’s newsroom:
The GOP Health Care Meltdown
In a recent interview with TIME Magazine, President Trump claimed: ‘In a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about health care.’ We beg to differ. It’s hard to believe this is true with Trumpcare – an attack on hard-working Americans that strips away health coverage from millions while driving up costs.[…]
[Trump] claims that uncertainty in the insurance industry is evidence that Obamacare is collapsing and needs repeal, not that he and his allies have created the uncertainty. This is disingenuous nonsense. On the whole, insurance markets in much of the country are on stable footing and will remain so if Congress doesn’t do things to undermine Obamacare, according to a March report by the Congressional Budget Office.
What’s bizarre about the Republican strategy is that it is likely to cause the most damage where many of Mr. Trump’s supporters live. Rural and suburban areas are more likely to lose insurers and see big premium increases if Obamacare goes down, because companies have less incentive to stay in markets where there are fewer potential customers and where it is harder to put together networks of hospitals and doctors.
More at the link.
Nancy Pelosi on the Republican Party’s attack on our health care:
Democratic states have asked to intervene in the lawsuit blocking the Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) payments. If the defense of the lawsuit is dropped by the Trump administration, as is expected, the CSRs will cease and the health care exchanges will be plunged into chaos for 2018:
The decision in this case is due on Monday.
News report on states intervening:
In the News – Good week for criminal justice in the South:
More on the CSR threat …
It appears our president is ready to move on from hostage-taking to hostage-shooting.
Paul Krugman: What’s the Matter With Republicans?
Did we dodge a bullet? We may need to keep ducking.