Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
I guess I am not the only one who thought that Quist was not a great fit for Montana … and that “nationalizing” a House election in a deep red state is not a great strategy. Also, I did not realize – but it does not surprise me – that the election day turnout and vote showed that body-slamming a reporter gave a big boost to Gianforte! Expect more. :(
Excellent tweet thread by Al Giordano:
This (from the older comments):
Jan—this is priceless!
Good morning, Moosekind, and happy Friday! For once we have a fair morning, although the sky is beginning to be partly covered by white cloud. It’s so nice to wake up dry: I feel like a three-year-old who has been potty trained. (Ugh, perhaps there is a better analogy to use for a non-rainy* morning.)
Have had this nasty whatever-it-is for two weeks today. Longing for the day when I can no longer claim to be the Mucus Queen. Dearly Beloved still has the deep gravelly voice and the cough, although he feels a tiny bit better.
Will this be the day that I actually get to plant the squash, peppers, and cilantro? The basil I planted a few days ago in the herb garden seems very happy.
Dreading the Friday news dump, as in, What now? Wishing us ALL a peaceful, non-traumatic* weekend.
(P. S. I know we’re supposed to hyphenate all winter and make everything one word in the summer, but I think hyphens promote clarity in certain cases.)
I don’t know this rule: “hyphenate all winter and make everything one word in the summer.”
Please, explain it to me! Lately I have found myself needing to hyphenate words because they are connected; I feel the need to express myself with creative punctuation.
Uh…well, the modern way is to make everything one word. I will go along with this to some extent, but not when it interferes with readability.
I read very, very fast. If I have to slow down to figure out that a word has been “portmanteau’d,” so to speak, that’s a no-no! I want to look at a word and perceive its meaning in a nanosecond. That’s why I chose to hyphenate “non-rainy” and “non-traumatic.” “Nonrainy” and “nontraumatic” require too much work to interpret.
As for the old rule about hyphenating all winter—that is einen leetle editorial joke. Yes, it’s pretty feeble. ;)
67 at dawn – not quite as clear as yesterday, but still sunny – and heading for mid to upper 80s today. Got over 22 KWHs yesterday, ended the day with m-t-d of 402! Now if we could have sunny days the rest of the month, we’d crest 500. Pardon me if I don’t hold my breath. But I certainly won’t be upset if we get it :) – last year May topped at 487.6 and it would be nice to “meet or beat” that.
Not even exactly disappointed about the MT race – aside from the fact that jsfv support is pretty much the kiss of death, a state that red usually likes “he-men” defined as physically violent (as long as they win) so even the few Rs who weren’t planning to goose-step down to the polls and vote R anyway would have made the effort. Dems do most of the early voting – those who aren’t interested enough to vote early usually don’t vote at all on our team – so the chances were slim the news would help us. I am hoping we can get GA and maybe even SC.
Still so very relieved about mufftootuff getting her rent covered. So many people are doing PayPal instead of the gofundme sites (with their 10% bite) right now that I’m not sure where we are on who at the moment but I’m pretty sure maureenmower is going to need help with rent as she’s been too sick to even do the online transcription jobs the last few weeks. We shall see. As with the political side, it feels really great when we “win” one – but there’s so much work left to do. So stop to breathe and enjoy the moment, then get back to work.
Speaking of which… but I’m going to visit the Villages first. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and sunny in Bellingham. My appointment with the hematologist went well yesterday and I have a new med plan to try for a month. The new blood thinner will allow me to take an anti inflammatory for arthritis, doesn’t require testing, and has no diet interactions, yay! So I’m wary but hopeful.
The doc is both a hematologist and an oncologist and his office is in a cancer center so the visit was a perspective check as well. I have the good fortune of just wanting to improve my quality of life, and I’m not dealing with cancer. I’m very grateful.
Time for the pool. Have a good day everyone!
This needs to go viral
Great stuff!!
Gawd, could he have found a more Republican looking family?
heh – that was my thought too
OMG, how can I share that on Facebark?
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 46 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 75. The forecast calls for mainly sunny skies with periods of cloudiness. It sounds like a beautiful day and I will be trying to get my projects done this morning so that I can get out in it!
Yesterday, I viewed Hillary Clinton’s speech to the graduating class at her alma mater, Wellesley College, and read the transcript. I will never be able to watch her or hear her speak without thinking of the what-might-have-beens, especially in contrast to the what-the-hell-we-have-now. I have to believe that her electoral college loss did not signal the end of something, though, but the beginning of something – a two-by-four-upside-the-head reminder to all of us that democracy is fragile and that it takes all of us, a village, to keep it strong.
I posted it here:
Yes, yes I will.
See all y’all later!
Saturday morning – Rain here in the mountains of NY.
Hubby is up – getting ready to drive to Philadelphia for a gig.
Scanning the news – this is not from The Onion:
Was wondering what would happen to NC NAACP now that Rev. Barber is stepping down:
I love this man
He is an inspiration. We need people to inspire us in this dangerous time for our democracy.
On that “award” thing — turns out she has done this before, and they were just as disgusting. How she wasn’t fired on previous occasions, and how no parent hasn’t done something is just beyond me.
Wow, it is gonna be hot — heat index of 108, the weather guys are using their serious voices talking about taking precautions. I feel totally justified in doing very little today. If there aren’t many people at my complex’s pool, maybe I’ll swim some laps.
The Kushner thing. They kept asking last night “maybe he’s naïve?” and didn’t know that his chats with the Russian ambassador about setting up secret backchannel communications needed to be revealed on the FBI form asking about any communications with foreign officials. Bending over backwards to find an excuse for that psychopath grafter, even on MSNBC.
The main defense for all of the awfulness coming out of the Trump administration is that they didn’t know how things worked or that they need to get up to speed (John Boehner said Trump needs to “learn the presidency”). Sorry, no mulligans when you are charged with running the country. If you don’t know, ask someone who does know – don’t just wing it.
I don’t for one second think that Kushner just made a mistake. The reason he wanted it secret is because he wanted to hide it. End of discussion.
Good morning, Meese!
“They went to Jared”—and look what happened. Now it appears that Erik Prince (evil incarnate) was involved, and that Pence was involved with Prince. Bye, bye, Pencey-poo.
Everyone says, “Oh, move on,” and I have done so, but my heart is still irretrievably broken. To have had her as president—a brilliant, well-qualified woman who has been through all the shit women our age have been through, all our lives—would have meant a great deal to me. A form of reparation, if you like.
But it was not to be. The saving grace is that women and Democrats have become energized. We won’t go back! And we must INSIST that women of color be recognized as our leaders. They’ve led the way for years.
It’s cloudy here this morning, 62 F. now, 72 F. later. I have to get out into the garden to plant and weed before the rain arrives this afternoon. It would be so nice to have a rain-free day.
My poor husband had an absolutely terrible night. With this illness, lying down brings on horrendous coughing spells. He’s going to take it easy on the sofa this morning while I air the bed and put clean sheets on.
Yesterday we went out to lunch and did a little shopping, after which we collapsed into bed. We both slept for two hours! Apparently everyone in our tenant’s sister’s house has had it too. Now our tenant has the sore throat, poor guy. He said his sister was unable to work for 10 days, even though she works at home. Yikes!
Well, enough about that. I’m staying off Twitter until this afternoon because I have so much to do.
Wishing all a good day!
75 and 90% humidity does not a comfortable morning make – overcast which I’m not happy about but we had a decent day of sunshine yesterday, not great but decent, and we’re at 419 KWHs for the month at the moment. Hopefully as the temps go up, the humidity will go down. Rain supposed to move in late tonight or early morning. Hope it rains itself out by 10 – it’s laundry weekend and it’s way too hot to have a fire for drying clothes.
It was a good in one way not so good in another visit to the Farmers Market this morning. Blueberries are in. (Yes, it’s too early. Why do you ask? LOL) Wonderful that they weren’t harmed by the April rains like the also too early strawberries were. Green beans are in too early, too. But the lettuces, cabbages, and other cooler weather crops are still available. I’d have gotten away from there spending only the $25 maximum I’d allotted myself except…There was TX-style BBQ brisket. If I hadn’t taken their “free taste” I still might have made it. But I’ve been eating chicken for the last several months and have been craving beef lately – had just been speaking to a friend about that – soooo $22/lb and I got a pound for my protein this week.
I listened to Hillary’s speech last night – and I’m not a fool. I know if she were in the White House as she should be we’d be in the middle of non-stop, on-going, tax-payer funded witch hunts. But we’d have an intelligent, knowledgeable, experienced, policy wonk and diplomat representing us at home and abroad. Sometimes the Dark Side wins – mostly because all they want is power and the ability to hurt people – but before I’d talk about how wonderful it is to have re-invigorated our team to actually do stuff, I’d ask the dead if it’s worth it. Hillary – Still With Her – Onward Together.
Guess I’ll wander over to DK and see what’s going on. I think we’ve just about funded Vetwife’s vet organization for the year (totally volunteer run, mostly by her) – of course their budget is $1,800 so that helps. Got my Street Prophets Sharing Saturday to finish. Need more coffee, of course. :) Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 58 and sunny in Bellingham. I’m still surprised to see a blue sky outside my window, and still feel like I need to do something special to honor a sunny day. It was a long grey winter in the PNW!
So I may putter around in the garden, but the main fun of the day will be seeing the grand girls this afternoon and taking them out to dinner tonight. It’s Ski To Sea this weekend so the restaurants are usually busy, which means I’d best plan ahead and not just arrive like we usually do.