Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
56 at dawn, another clear and sunny so far, heading for around 80 – tomorrow we shift into summer with highs in the (thankfully) low 90s and lows in the (unfortunately) upper 60s. Averaged 22 KWHs/day the last three days and the m-t-d is 128. June is the power month of course, with the summer solstice, and July is close behind. So far this year I’ve managed to not turn on the A/C so banking everything over “normal” household use. We shall see what we shall see.
Wish there was some way to send the medial bills to the congresscritters who vote to take away health insurance of whatever nature. I also wish there were some way to leave the dead bodies on their doorsteps with a sign “you took away my healthcare” – with permission of the person before they left it, of course. They live in a bubble where only they are people and everyone else is disposable after being used up. My two bloody-red Senators are totally delighted to take away healthcare for everybody except themselves. Boozman wants the tax cut for his masters. Cotton is an End-Timer – he wants the Apocalypse and is working to try and force it by creating the conditions it’s supposed to bring. Remember the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are Religion, War, Famine, and Death. But we are going to survive this anyway and push these slimeballs back under their rocks – it takes time and people will be hurt and die while we are doing it – but we will do it.
Got work to do, so need to check in on the Village then get to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 56 and cloudy in Bellingham. Sometimes days just don’t go as planned and yesterday was one of them. So today will be a both serious catch-up and legs up day. My knees are better but the BCH damage to my left leg and torso is still a reality and my gardening fun has resulted in some swelling. When that happens I have to get serious about rest, elevation and compression.
Timothy Egan, at the NYT, G-Man Versus Con Man
That one man kept the popular vote winner from the presidency and may possibly also be the cause of the winner of the electoral college being ousted is troubling. I am glad of his role in the later but if he had kept his hands off the email server matter it would never have come to this. I couldn’t help but notice that he wanted to settle a score with Attorney General Loretta Lynch (questioning her use of certain terminology). He must really really REALLY hate having a woman boss.
That the president is a liar is now established in a congressional hearing. I guess we will see what happens next.
Absolutely agree with your statement, Jan. I will never like Comey and will always deplore what he did, since it has had such devastating consequences.
Still, if it comes to a question of “whom do you believe,” I know which one I’d pick.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 66 degrees in Madison with a expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I feel like I have a news hangover and I hope that the weekend is quiet. No one can take away my healthcare for the next 3 days and I guess we will get 20 hours notice before that happens, so there is that. I suspect that my “planning for every contingency” personality will not serve me well in our current political climate and I should learn not to sweat the day-to-day. In any event, Claire McCaskill is not going to forget what the Republican Majority in the Senate is doing and payback is going to be suck for them.
I am keeping half-an-eye on the UK election results. It does not surprise me that the left-of-the-left second place winner has declared victory and that his most rabid fans are butthurt that he not be declared Winner Because We Came Close. It is ghastly that the Tories have made a government with what sounds like the most awful political party in Great Britain (now that UKIP is deceased) and I hope the next snap election clears up that muddle. From here it looks like people rejected hard Brexit and possibly Theresa May’s stewardship of it rather than embraced Corbyn and the Corbynistas.
Nancy Pelosi’s interns must be feeling overwhelmed as well because they have not gotten a transcript up for the minority leader’s new conference. I will check it later this morning and cobble something together if nothing is posted.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Moosekind! Today is going to be a hottie in Northern Virginia. It’s beautiful this morning, with a bright blue sky and sunlight, current temp. 61 F., going up to 87 F. or worse. It’s also going to be unhealthful, so I’ve got to get my gardening and watering done right after breakfast.
The almond croissants are in the oven and the cappuccinos are being made by Dearly Beloved, so will keep this short. Like Jan, I feel as if I’m suffering from a news overload. However, I’m excited about resuming work on my book.
Wishing everyone a peaceful Saturday, doing what you like best.
Good Saturday Meese
Have a heat wave on the way – Sun through Tues we’ll be in the 90s here.
Am burned out on news atm – will spend the day outside – taking a walk in the woods and just breathing in nature to recharge my batteries
Have a good day all.
Allergies are killing me — huge mold count from our recent rain. Also slept surprisingly badly after yesterday’s early rising & exercise. But I am going to one of the gyms this afternoon. For right now, watching local news & waiting for Joy Reid’s show. And yes, there is a U2 song playing in my head.
Good morning, 54 and raining in Bellingham. I’m sleepy and sneezy this morning. Hope it’s just the pollen in the air and not a cold coming on. Ron and our sons are going to an Orcas In Our Midst Workshop today, so Heide will be keeping me company. I’ve got some easy planting I want to do, but I didn’t finish my desk duties or the laundry yesterday so I’ll see how long my energy lasts.
The tRump flue is so exhausting. I’m resigned to finding a way to just muddle through the next few years. I keep trying to convince myself we will all survive this mess but then I read the news and worry overwhelms me again, especially re my families access to affordable health care.
Danny Westneat at the Seattle Times, First to lose Obamacare? The sickest county in the state
Take care everyone.
60 at dawn and heading for 82 of another so far clear sunny day. Only got 20 KWHs yesterday but that’s not bad, just not as good as it could have been. We’ve gotten 2 already today putting the m-t-d at 150 KWHs with a good 9 hours of daylight left to generate in. Holding the good thought on that and many other things.
I’ve been on bad news overload for years. I really think my last year of elected office just burned me out. (Or finished burning me out – I was pretty burned out on news even before I became an elected official.)
Now I get my news from you folks – and just enough to know what I need to call my totally-uncaring congresscritters about. I make the calls even though I know they don’t give a damn mostly so they can’t claim they had the solid support of their constituents for whatever evil they are contemplating/doing.
Horsefeathers and I are working on a new format for the Street Prophets Community Fundraiser diaries I do on Saturdays and Wednesdays – hopefully more effective. At least it will be different and sometimes just different is effective. For a little while. I’m trying to figure out who to get with about starting the updates for the 17-18 Kos Katalogue so we can get it published by labor day (and then of course I’ll carry those links forward). The 16-17 Katalogue didn’t get out until Thanksgiving. If we can somehow get the vendors and artisans more sales, I’ll see fewer people on my needs list. Half of the 12 on it at the moment are Kossack vendors or artisans. So while I’m not as politically active as I have been and my Resistance efforts aren’t particularly political in nature, I’m still doing my best to Resist the Hate that put these Deplorables in power long before we called them that. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning Jan…..looks like my comments are going to the spam file. I’ve closed and restarted everything and cleared the cache but I won’t try to recreate my morning musings again. Lets see where this one ends up.
Trying again…..I’ve C/P’d from the spam file and redone the links.
Good morning, 55 and raining in Bellingham. Looks like my first comment vanished into the unknown so I’ll try again. Ron and our sons are going to an all day Orcas in Our Midst Workshop so Heide will be keeping me company today. I have some easy planting to do, but I didn’t finish my desk duties or the laundry yesterday so I’ll see how long my energy lasts.
The tRump flue is exhausting. I’m resigned to finding a way to just muddle through the next few years, but when I read the news worry overwhelms me. I’m fortunate to live in a blue state but health care access is being impacted here too.
Danny Westneat at the Seattle Times, First to lose Obamacare? The sickest county in the state
I don’t know how we’re going to move forward on health care, an issue that’s stumped us for decades. I guess we’re going to tear it all down and cast millions off coverage first, before we eventually crawl on all fours to a better way.
For a rural place, a surprising number of Grays Harbor callers seemed ready to chuck the whole mess and do “Medicare for all.”
“This is sickening that an entire county could be left behind like this,” said a resident from Ocosta, a spot outside Aberdeen.
That’s the right word. Obamacare tried. But now that it’s faltering, nobody in Washington, D.C., is apparently going to lift a regal finger to help the sickest county in the state. The sickening truth is, the plan is to make it sicker.
I released the comments. Yikes, we have some ugly spam!!! Normally, comments from authorized users are keep in a moderation queue, not sent to spam. I have no idea what happened to yours.
Thanks Jan…..I try to be careful with links but something set off the spam filter this morning.