Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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60 something or other at dawn – a beautiful clear sunny dawn that is about the only cheerful thing I can think of at the moment. (And my PV system is still down. Finally did reach the installer – he’d been in MS for family stuff over the weekend and was driving back yesterday when we connected. He said he’d be out this morning to see what’s going on and hopefully fix it.)
There is so much evil going right now. We will overthrow it. I don’t know when or how. I just know we will. my hopes for a “short” 4-year turnaround come from looking at both the Civil War and our part of WWII. But Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 – and WWII officially started 9/1/1939. in Europe things just kept getting worse as battle after battle was lost and country after country fell to the Nazis. The turning point in Europe was October 1942 – 3 years after the war officially started and 9 years after Hitler became Chancellor. So maybe not as soon as i’d hoped (if the WWII model) – Could be as soon if the Civil War model – but either way it’s going to happen. Good will overcome Evil, Love will overcome Hate.
need to check the Villages and get to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Just saw this posted at Orange
powerful ad
Ryan now has two Ds running for his seat; the other is David Yankovich. I hope they learned from VA and will use Ryan as their punching bag, not each other. Perriellio and Northam really impressed me with their class and dignity.
Yankovich starts out ahead in money but behind because he is moving to Wisconsin to run in this race. I am not sure how that will go over because I have never seen it since I have lived here.
Obviously the race is generating national interest because Paul Ryan is the author of some of the most immoral pieces of legislation in recent history – and has spent his entire life trying to destroy the safety net after he got his college paid for with SSA Survivor Benefits. In 2011, the state R legislature grabbed some real estate from Jim Sensenbrenner’s blood red district to try to make CD01 richer and redder for Ryan. It will be interesting to see if that gerrymander holds in 2018.
I didn’t know that about Yankovich; it will be interesting to see if that’s a deal-breaker or not for Wisconsinites. I mentioned to bfitz over at DK that I tend not to be an early adopter of any candidate. I like to see their ideas and how well they sell them; if they are effective at creating grassroots organization; and yes, if they can fundraise. I know it sounds shockingly pragmatic, but unless someone is running on ideas that are totally anathema to me, it’s how I roll.
He is getting money – I guess as a result of the ad
I share your pragmatism.
I prefer to wait and see how someone conducts him or herself before I support them online – or offline. The important thing in the end is the D after their name in the general election so that they caucus with the Democrats. That is something that I wish berners would “get” – and that they would understand that it is what makes us angry at them!
I was not surprised to see BernBros gleeful over Ossoff’s loss this morning, Fk them, really.
Adam Parkhomenko has a real burr up his backside about Randy Bryce and blasted it all over Twitter. I have no idea what it’s about; he was fairly cryptic, and it sounded a little inside baseball. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what I think as a non-Wisconsinite, nor am I likely to have much to spare for contributions after their primary. My senator, Debbie Stabenow, is up for reelection, and since (for me) reading MI these days is like reading Mandarin, I will be all in for her, financially and otherwise.
I can’t vote for Randy Bryce and don’t have money to spare for his election – I will let the boys duke it out.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin will be up for re-election and she is going to be targeted by the right-wind smear machine. In 2012, she benefited from Republicans going after each other and their nominee arriving wounded to the general election. I don’t think we will be that lucky this time around. I just hope that she has shown that she has been a good Senator for all Wisconsinites and that they won’t appreciate the ugly that will be heaped on her. But I no longer understand what motivates Wisconsinites – their stupidity in voting Green out of purity was infuriating.
I just saw the Adam Parkhomenko tweets (I was offline most of yesterday). Yikes! I suspect that he helped convince Yankovich to move to Wisconsin and is vested in his run.
No one has an exclusive right to run in the race and certainly not because he “sacrificed so much to move!” I am pretty sure that Parkhomenko is not a berner but the entitlement whine in his tweeting suggest that he is no more clued into how politics work than the people who think that winning a caucus where 600 people show up counts as much as a primary where millions vote.
I had that video up in a tab to look at later! That looks like it might just resonate with the working people of CD 01 – it is not fancy just like Randy Bryce is not a fancy guy. And, unlike those who won’t put people of color on their ads because they are afraid that WWC will be angry, Bryce appears okay with that. In the olden days, CD 01 was made up of blue collar guys from Janesville, Kenosha, and Racine. They were told that Democrats would take their guns and forgot to watch out for the Republicans who took their unions – and now are threatening to take their health care.
I wish him luck!
I immediately noticed the poc in the ad – have to admit I was very surprised – since I’ve seen plenty Democratic ads where we don’t really exist – except maybe in a crowd shot.
Thanks – Having his actual name, correct spelling and all that, I found his website – and over at the DK Village am adding it to my Eyes on the Prize, Team Blue list.
Good morning, 62 and cloudy in Bellingham. RonK and the grand girls just left for a day trip to Friday Harbor and a visit to the Whale Museum. They are taking the ferry over so they can drive to several whale watching beaches and visit the lavender farm…..a busy day! I need to keep my legs up for a few more days so a quiet day is welcome for me.
Best wishes to all.
George Takei said it for me:
Two tweets:
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
Beautiful day here – 50s now, 70s later. Waning crescent in the east sky.
Can’t stay, early morning appointments.
Bright blessings on this day-after-Solstice morning.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meese. My calendar says today is Summer Solstice, so why did my Facebook friend think it was yesterday? Oh, well, I’m going to enjoy it. Currently it’s 68 F. in Northern Virginia, going up to 86 F. We have a pale blue sky with white clouds and sunlight.
So the Democrat lost in spite of countless people working their Ossoff. Very disappointing. I’d feel encouraged that he was even competitive except that the Rethugs will gloat.
Have lots to accomplish on this child-free day, so will get to it right after early morning tea. There’s a rumor that Mr. Toddler will enter day care in July, which will free up a few days a week for me. As much as I love him, that will be a good thing because looking after him is quite exhausting, even though he’s three now.
Kossack Ellid will be on “Jeopardy” tonight, so I’m looking forward to that. Wishing all a good day!
The Summer Solstice was yesterday for people in the Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones. For you it was early this morning at 12:24am!! That is why there was a “discrepancy”. I did not realize it until later yesterday morning and hurried to update and Publish my Solstice post!
Writing day Wednesday here – so I’ll put my attention back onto pounding the keyboards.
Bright Blessings to you all
Another depressingly hot morning — 76 at 6:30am. And the tropical storm in the Gulf will do us no good, we’re going to be on the dry west side of it. Ossof lost, but just barely and the guy in South Carolina did even better — with pretty much no help at all. Hmmm.
I keep checking my e-mail because I went to the AIDS Walk office yesterday & they helped me make a sip-synch video for the Walk. Of course I used U2’s Walk On. She said she’d send it to me….. I used this part:
Walk on, walk on
What you’ve got they can’t deny it
Can’t sell it, can’t buy it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight
it’s a beautiful, soothing, encouraging song – here’s the full lyrics if you want
mid 60s at dawn heading for 90 – bright and sunny (and my PV system is still down, darn it). But I will enjoy the sunshine while we have it. It’s been a cloudy year.
I haven’t even looked at the particulars about Ossoff. The Rs boasted that the shooting would win them the election – which tells you one more nasty thing about the Rs – and apparently it did. I will just take the election now passed off my list and go on. And I will rejoice in small blessings – like Wiccaneagle’s kitteh Anam. The lump on his throat was simply a cyst – removing the fluid for the thankfully negative biopsy resolved the problem. Once he woke up from the anesthetic he was hungry, started eating, slept on her pillow Monday night as he used to, and is basically back to normal. Wiccaneagle and Anam were the smallest of my fundraisers but the happy result feels just as good.
Gotta get to work as soon as I visit the Villages. Bright this lovely 1st day after the Solstice point, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Ron and the grand girls enjoyed their day on San Juan Island yesterday…..a fun start to summer vacation. I’m going to be in the garden as much as I can be today, planting the lavender plant they bought for me at Pelindaba Lavender Farm, planning the last two pots, and reading an actual book while elevating my leg in the outdoor chair.
Good advice…...6 Tactics For Dealing With Political Stress
You’re a woman after my own heart, princesspat! I’ve planted several lavenders and am enjoying the sight of bumblebees and butterflies dancing above them.
Let me see if this works – they sent me the video we made yesterday, hope this works:
Hi! Can I join in? Thanks :-)
I will set you up later today (Thursday).
Watch for an email with your user id and password coming from motleymoose.net – they often end up in spam filters. You can find out more about how to log in at the FAQ: How To Log In.
Welcome aboard!
Thanks! I am logged in and glad to be here. For those who are part of DKos, I am mapamp over there. I have spent the better part of at least a year (or more) lurking there, after having spent a lot more time commenting and participating. Just not feeling it these days. I remembered there was this place and thought I would come visit and take a look. I’m thinking I may feel more at home here. I’ve had a wonderful morning with my daughter making spaghetti sauce (currently bubbling in crock pot) and going out to breakfast. I look forward to being here :-)
Peace, Hope, Faith, Love
Glad you made it!
Good morning, meese! Thursday …
It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 81. Chance of rain and thunderstorms all day – it is storming right now!
I picked a good day to be lightly online, I really did not need to see the “hot takes” about Democrats being in Disarray because we did not flip the Congressional District that had been gerrymandered for Republicans since the 90s and which had been held by Newt Gingrich for decades. Republicans retained 4 seats in blood red districts pretty much as planned when they appointed the previous officeholders to the Trump administration. But they did not win them by much and they will have to defend them in 2018 along with the other 224 seats they now hold.
The text of the Senate “healthcare” bill will be officially released today. Except it is likely not the text that will be voted on because they are doing some legislative tricks to avoid putting all the details on paper until the vote. They changed the age-based premium supports back to income-based premium supports but still made the premiums out of reach for many. They removed the change to eliminate pre-existing conditions but replaced it with new opt-out rules that will raise deductibles and co-pays so high that people will be able to afford a policy but not be able to afford actually using it! (Hmm, who does that benefit??) And they destroy Medicaid completely, ending the promise to the poor and the elderly, making nursing home care unaffordable and sending granny home to live with the kids. Apparently they set up a completely inadequate Opioid Fund to buy the vote of Senator Capito of West Virginia. The nearly $1 trillion tax cut is intact fulfilling a promise made to the Republican base.
Wisconsin’s Republican Senator Ron Johnson says he thinks a vote next week is too soon and wants time for constituents to weigh in. After I get a chance to see the released text, I will do just that!
See all y’all later!
p.s. I am still with Nancy Pelosi and not at all shocked that the boys would like her to go away. Follow this Rebecca Traister tweet for more.
Bold is mine.
Good morning, Moosekind! Sounds as if it really is “Thor’s day” in Wisconsin, but here in NoVa it will be hot, humid, and horrible. We may start getting the leftovers from Hurricane Cindy late tomorrow and early Saturday. Right now, though, we have blue skies, a mackerel sky, and weak sunlight. It’s 68 F. now, going up to 89 F. by 4 p.m.
One doesn’t know which to worry about more, the Russians or North Korea. The Russians, like VP Pence, can at least be considered somewhat sane if bloodthirsty and immoral. Kim Wrong ‘Un, on the other hand, is batshit cray-cray.
The Deathcare plan will be revealed today, as Jan said. Part of my mind wants to screech “This-is-not-happening,” but I know that it is happening. So far, unlike the people in occupied countries in WWII, we still have the right to protest, gather, and speak. We can resist!
Kossack Ellid, after a rocky start, ended up winning last night’s “Jeopardy” round, so that’s a bit of good news! Wishing everyone a peaceful day.
I finally got the video thing to work. 4th take was finally below the 40mg limit. It is waaaaay to close, but I’m leaving it up, this tweet has a link
<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”>
Check out my #AIDSWalkATX for @asaustin video https://t.co/ZUyDUDVCnO #WalkSong #30yearsofwalking pic.twitter.com/yTD3xZ4zb0
— Becky (@beckythecyclist) June 22, 2017
hmmmm, maybe this?
It didn’t like my check in comment again. But there should have only been one link in the tweet I embedded… is it the embedding? I thought that’s what I was supposed to do….. It is too early & I’m confused.
It is not the embedding, it is the number of links. The Tweet had 7 links which exceeds the limit of 5. Each # creates a link as well as each @ then the tweet itself. I think it is all the hashtags that are putting you over. Sorry!
ah – so a tweet with a lot of hashtags is the same as one with links, got it — thank you!
Thursday YAWN
Had to get up at 3AM to get the hubby person out to work way early – and fell back asleep.
Have not even had coffee yet – or looked at twitter or the news.
Wish I could crawl back in bed and wake up when Trump and the R’s are gone :)
Me too: “Wish I could crawl back in bed and wake up when Trump and the R’s are gone”
Except that they are going to need us to help them out the door. :)
Good morning, 52 and sunny in Bellingham. I write my plan for the day, then reality happens and plans change. So yesterday we planted the pots and window box at my sons house, which we had planned to do last week. Today will be busy with a dentist appointment and some necessary errands so tomorrow I’ll try to plant the lavender……it’s good to stay flexible!
Best wishes to all.
mid 60s at dawn and supposed to be a cooler mid 80s today with possible mid-afternoon rain. It’s certainly cloudy enough for that. sigh. PV system’s back online – got 16 KWHs yesterday which put the m-t-d over 300. The likelihood of making 500 for the month is slim, forget the 568 of last year. But with electricity generation as with everything else we’ll do what we can and deal with the rest as best we can.
There’s no way to get the microphone away from the Extreme Left except by breaking up the 6 RW corporation consortium that owns 90% of the media and influences the rest. There is no way to give Dems, our very good candidates, or our excellent platform the microphone until we do that. That consortium has been working for years on the one legal means – propaganda – of suppressing Dem votes. The Extreme Left, like the Extreme Right, has no interest in governing – they think they’re supposed to be able to rule (give orders and be obeyed) and throw temper tantrums when it doesn’t turn out that way. So we have to fight the Rs and try to ignore the Extreme Left at the same time. But then the adults – usually women – have always had to take care the entire family, no matter what kind of destructive little twerps some of them are. Nothing new here. Just having to do it under war conditions now. sigh.
Gotta get to work. The closer we get to end of fiscal year, the more fiddly little details have to be dealt with. Gonna visit the Villages first. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
It’s 70 here on the mountains going up to 83 with rain
I am seething about the attacks on Nancy Peolosi from the faux-radicals ….who claim to be Democrats.
So glad to see Barack on the offensive against the R’s re health care.
I am going to post Barack Obama’s words here so I can read them more carefully. I saw a screen shot and have to go find the text. Republicans are acting like he should have kept quiet and let the next president have the stage. JHC!!! This bill did not come from “the next president”, this bill is the fervent wish of the Republican Party since Reagan – to repeal Medicaid and begin dismantling Medicare and Social Security.
Trump got a boost by claiming to be “not like those other guys”. This is a massive fraud on the electorate and if the #BasketOfDupables doesn’t rise up and start holding their shitgibbon to his word, we are all screwed.