Every single time Republicans have come back with a plan, it’s somehow even worse. 32M more uninsured people by 2026 than under current law. https://t.co/8Gm5Yra1uq
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 19, 2017
Yeah, if ramming through is having over 200 bipartisan meetings and hearings and taking over a year to gather input, then yes he rammed it. https://t.co/oEuYDTLhzo
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) July 19, 2017
Premiums would nearly double and 32 million fewer would be insured by 2026 if Senate repealed Obamacare, CBO says https://t.co/a8RyqNLJVZ pic.twitter.com/F3ODFxR7lY
— CNN (@CNN) July 19, 2017
Two year “delay” built into ACA repeal is a fantasy. 17 million more uninsured in first year. pic.twitter.com/4all5nYYXs
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) July 19, 2017
Bumped into a group of Planned Parenthood activists outside my office. Happy to see all that pink – keep up the fight! pic.twitter.com/86EkzoEHHl
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) July 19, 2017
We have the energy and the anger…. we can’t ease up. Keep scrapping!
This is your Thursday thread.
Good morning, Pond Dwellers! Hey, Reese, long time no see in the Pond (although I do see you elsewhere). I do love me some Kamala and, as bfitz stated in squirrel, if she’s really being compared to HRC and getting early hate, they must be afraid. Afraid another woman will keep their saint from winning the primary. I chuckle just thinking about that. He can become the Pat Paulson (Google If you aren’t old enough to remember him from the Smothers Brothers show) of the alt-left.
60 degrees right now…high of 94. Time to drink up and start getting motivated. (If you’re so inclined, DoReMi has a diary here today, too. On the Democratic Party platform).
Hiya WYgal…and thanks reese…Pat Paulson…ah yes I remember him…lol…I love me some Kamala too…I think she’s got the charisma people say Hillary lacked but has bit to go to get the experience…that will come…
By the time the next presidential race starts, she will be equal to PBO in senate experience. Plus she ran for and won AG out here. I think she will be ready.
Good morning, Reese and Meese! I am highly amused that the Twitter activists are recycling the same, tired rhetoric they used against Hillary; neoliberal is apparently the insult du jour. As I watch the outrage against Sen. Harris, I am becoming increasingly aware of two things: a) a good number of these folks, while loud, show no evidence of ever having pounded a pavement on behalf of a candidate; and b) they’re not the brightest crayons in the box. I’m not going to totally dismiss them, but I’m not going to lose sleep over their Twoutrage either.
The perfect description of these loud ones. The description of them living at home, playing Xbox games and bullying folks on social media platforms, fits perfectly. Hell, most of them couldn’t even be bothered to vote. Eyes on the prize, here, but use “mom’s peripheral vision” to keep an eye on them.
{{{rto}}} – So glad to see the younger ones doing so well. As with Hillary 40 years ago, these attacks do nothing but tell me Kamala is a good person to have on our team and I will be happy to support her in whatever she feels is her duty to do. moar {{{HUGS}}}