Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page 1 of Comments is HERE
– Page 2 of Comments is HERE
Good morning, 58 and sunny in Bellingham. My sister is now on the air porter bus, returning to our Oregon daughters home where she will stay for 2 more weeks before returning to Santa Fe. So today I’ll clean the guest room and have it ready Erica’s visit with us. I don’t know why they planned it this way, but I’m happy to be with them regardless. I just have to stay in B&B mode and keep the meals planned! Erica and her family arrive tomorrow.
High drama with the health care vote last night, and an overwhelming feeling of relief this morning.
In case I’m not FB or twitter friends with everyone – I did a video for the AIDS Walk
Saturday and 62 going up to 75 here in Saugerties NY
I’m really angry about the brown shirt travesty Trump speech to cops in Suffolk County Long Island exhorting police to abuse arrestees
I have worked with the immigrant population on Long Island
I have good friends in Suffolk County
I’ve done work with gang members there – and their families
Trump is stigmatizing latino immigrants and ensuring that there will be more deaths
Suffolk County is where this happened
And this
In other news
Auntie Maxine – yes!
When I saw the clip I was shocked to see the police officers behind him – women, too! – laughing and cheering! I hoped it was because they thought he was making a (very poor) joke and were just being kind but it was probably because they want permission to treat SUSPECTS badly. What struck me is that he said “there’s a guy who just killed someone, don’t be nice to him!” So cop on the street is now judge and jury and the suspects are not given the right to defend themselves. It is no wonder that law enforcement is just executing people of color on our streets. Why bother “being nice” … or, as it is more commonly known, following the law and respecting everyone’s civil rights. Grrrrr.
The shitgibbon’s tenure is limited but those cops will be on the street with that attitude for years.
By the way, organizations that allow their members to be used as props for Trump need to wise up. It is NOT an honor to be addressed by this president. There is more honor in saying “we cannot allow such an undignified person to address our group and embarrass our organization”. The leaders of the HBCUs found out the hard way, the Boy Scouts found out the hard way. Why is it so difficult to learn?
Knowing how cops treat poc on Long Island I was not surprised how they responded.
These are Trump voters.
Good morning, meese! Saturday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 77. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Vanita Gupta (former Obama administration DAG), speaks for me!
Someone on Twitter pointed out that Kushner testifying was on Tuesday. It seems like a month ago.
I will go see what Nancy Pelosi has for us and then I will get back to my work projects. I was up in the middle of the night with a dog whose belly was gurgling and went and sat on the deck to watch the Delta Aquariids. I saw about three meteor trails and then the mosquitoes found me. It was not easy to get back to sleep and I have to try to plow through some projects so that I can have a nap this afternoon.
See all y’all later
I had to leave work early yesterday. One of my skin tags started bleeding (they are kind of fragile & sometimes get bumped the wrong way & just start bleeding). The band aids we have at work are just dinky little things & I went through 2 of them… decided to come home & wash my shirt & get a real band aid. Sigh. Must ignore pain/itch on belly. Don’t worry, it’s mostly itch. Today: Joy Reid, groceries & my Dem Club’s summer party. And I want to squeeze in a workout.
The update from John is so sad, I don’t know what to say:
Sorry about your friend, another. We all have to leave the world one day, but to leave it sooner than normal and in such pain, is horrible. I hope they can at least make her comfortable. Blessed be.
I thought that leukemia was one of those cancers they had made so much progress on, I thought it was more or less survivable. And to have this happen when they were getting ready to move to their retirement place, slow down & enjoy…
65 at dawn – still 68 and feels lovely but I’d probably best start closing up if I want to keep this lovely coolth inside as the bright sunshine raises the temps outside. Early enough I’m still generating in watts rather than kilowatts – m-t-d is 477 – won’t say “on track to” but there’s a very strong possibility I’ll crest 500 tomorrow afternoon. My computer wanted to install updates last night – took an hour to download and install – and now my computer is being very sluggish. I may have to mine my old emails from Jan about how to take the bloody thing off again. sigh. I love the outreach/community contact I can have via computers but I hate that they won’t let me alone!
We had a lovely day yesterday, relief and celebration both warranted, but now we need to go back to watching the R like a cat. They’re going to try again. I do not understand people who can do the evil they do and brag about it as if it were a good thing, who don’t see anyone outside their own little group as human beings with all the needs – and rights – of any other human being. But just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean I don’t know it exists – unlike Rs (and the Extreme Left) I don’t deny reality – and do my best to stop them from hurting people.
Need to check the Fighting Back and check in at the DK Village. About to see if the sluggishness of my computer is going to impact how many tabs I have up (when I’m monitoring, editing, and writing diaries all at the same time I may have 6 DK tabs up at once as well as several other not DK tabs). But the sun is shining and it still is cool and I’ve got coffee ready – and all but one of my community needs folks have housing taken care of (of course 2 more have mortgages due on the 15th…) – so we’ll call it a good day. :) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Saturday morning, Meese. We’ve had enough rain here even for me, although a lot of it went right round us yesterday. It’s mystifying. More is expected this morning, which is why I’ve got to run out of here before the banks close. Current temp. in NoVa is 69 F., going up to 70 F. later today. It’s cooler than that where we are.
We had Sunday breakfast this morning because tomorrow we’ll be getting ready for Mr. Toddler’s birthday party. The only other child present will be his cousin, Mr. Preschooler. The rest will be giants, which is a pity, but goodness knows he’s only two and hardly knows what a birthday is.
Meanwhile, Lammas approaches…one of my favorite sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. M’daughter-in-Austin and our very own Denise were born on the same day, the first of August. All hail the lionesses!
Hoping we all have a good day. Sigh—remember when Fridays were boring? I mean, as far as news is concerned. Not any more.
Good morning, 64 and sunny in Bellingham. My daughter and her family have decided to arrive tomorrow instead of today so I’ve got some unexpected time for myself, and I don’t know what to do! I’ve got lots of choices so I’ll see what happens.
Danny Westneat, at the Seattle Times……
The Obamacare fight was ugly. It’s also what democracy looks like.