Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments are here.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 59 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 72. The forecast calls for mostly cloudy skies.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday Morning Meese
Had a wonderful day yesterday at my Women’s Gethering
They gave me a b-day tee-shirt with “Nevertheless She Persisted” on it.
Today is VRA anniversary
Please use #RestoreTheVRA
#RestoreTheVRA – got it!
Sounds like you had a nice birthday gathering. Keep persisting! :)
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s cloudy this Sunday forenoon, with the current temp. 60 F. going up to 80 F. Yesterday was so delightfully cool we turned off the a.c., turned the fans on, and had tea out on the screened porch. It’s hardly ever livable on the screened porch in the summer, so this was an unusual treat.
We’re going over to our son’s house for lunch. This will be another day of small chores.
So glad Thing is out of town. I keep wondering when the Great Fall will occur. Will things be worse after the fall? If only one didn’t feel it was also the fall of this country as whole.
Glad you had a great time at the gathering, Denise! I’m ashamed to look at that map and see Virginia among the states with voting restrictions. Of course we’ve had a Rethug lege for years. We’re hoping to change that this year.
Wishing all a peaceful day.
We would like Virginia to lead the way by turning itself blue. The Democratic gubernatorial candidate looks like he is doing well and you are ground zero for the “run in every race” theory of taking back the states.
I feel such a relief to know that the orange garbagescow is not in Washington DC. Sad for the people of New Jersey where his golf club is located – people did not expect that buying property near a golf course was going to suck like it has.
Her sheep can join the rest of us!!
Post is up
Thank you! I missed seeing that yesterday as I was in and out, trying to get caught up on accounting work. Got it this morning.
There are a lot of organizations working to get out the vote for the upcoming races. I was reading yesterday that OFA is stepping up their game after being quiet for a while. We won’t be able to restore the VRA until we take back Congress and the White House so we have to work on getting people registered, getting them ids, filing lawsuits where needed. And then we have to take back the states before 2020 so that a party that wants to expand the franchise is in charge of managing the franchise and redistricting. It is a tall order because the votes we need to take back power are being suppressed with surgical precision. I will be watching the Gill case closely, scheduled to be heard in the October Supreme Court sitting. If partisan gerrymanders are ruled “just fine” it will make the stakes of every election much higher. NOW if we could just get people to quit fighting about 2020 and focus on 2017 and 2018 …
Slept in, waiting for Joy Reid’s show. Today: church, laundry, pack up next week’s food, & go to the gym. Didn’t go yesterday, though I did cook & freeze vegetables to use later. I’m taking a break from beans for dinner, bought some frozen meals & I add vegetables to them because they need them. Feels like less work than beans.
68, been 68 since just before what passed for dawn, been raining since 4 a.m. (yes, I was awake. Why do you ask? LOL) but tapering off now. Shouldn’t be online yet – haven’t finished cleaning or even started the laundry (waiting to see if it actually stops raining or just shifts to drizzle for the rest of the day) – but wanted to check Aji’s blog for as late as she posted news on Ice (and her). When Avilyn posted Aji’s tweet asking for good energy for Ice, I put it in the Pootie diary, the Village diaries, and Ojibwa’s museum/photo diaries. Let’s just say that there are people of all Faith traditions sending good wishes, Healing Energy, and for those who “work” that way, various visualizations of blockage being eroded and washed away. Now is one of the few occasions I wish I was on twitter – just to get more recent news.
With the Rs out of DC, I can “unsplit” my focus – make it purely on removing blockage of all kinds for everybody on my community needs list (and those who should be but aren’t). As with Ice physically, for my needs folks Good can’t flow until whatever is blocking it is removed – be it eroded, sanded down, chipped away, or blown up (I don’t recommend the last). I do ask, here on this site, that anyone “that minded” spend a minute or two visualizing or however you “work” the erosion of that blockage – for Ice, for Aji, for all of us, for America – make it as tight and focused or as broadcast to the Universe as you will, but please “see” it. Thank you. Bless you. Blessed Be.
Meanwhile I need to finish my housework with the possible exception of laundry. I’ll get back online in a bit to read Denise’s FP at DK, the Fighting Back diary, and Michael’s British Breakfast. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I was sorry to hear about Ice. I have a friend who has had horses her entire life and has told me that those kind of blockages can be deadly. In this case, it sounds like it was. :(
Good morning, 68 and still hazey in Bellingham. The air smells less smokey and the sky is blue behind the haze but over 100 wild fires are still burning in BC. The PNW needs cleansing rain and a strong wind!
Out daughter and her family returned to their home yesterday. It was a fun but very busy week. So today I’ll focus on laundry, paying bills, and cleaning up the garden so we’ll be ready for the next round of company.
The deer have been so aggressive in Ron’s vegi garden……eating blossoms from the pepper plants, breaking down the tomatillos, eating all the beans, and last night stomping and eating all his carefully nurtured corn plants. We haven’t wanted to fence the garden but I’m going to look into it. I wish we could fence the whole garden but that’s not possible. I’m going to price metal deer fence with decorative iron posts because that will be less obtrusive. A wood/wire combination will work too and will prolly be more affordable.
Best Sunday wishes to all!
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 61 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
A quick scan of the news shows a lot of mushroom clouds but mostly from yesterday’s remembrance of Hiroshima Day. No new ones, thank the goddess.
Yesterday’s political Twitter was a reminder that the sooner the DSA-MRA-Berner movement is marginalized, the better. One reason I am careful about who I retweet is because if you don’t know the history of the person whose article you admire and realize where it is coming from, you can get yourself in a mess. Jon Lovett chose to tweet out an article by an unrepentant white privileged male from the left and drew a bunch of people into an unnecessary fight. Even I couldn’t resist when one of those defending it said that Democrats are “soft on mortgage fraud”. That is bulldung – no Democrat thinks that defrauding people getting mortgages is right and they fight it where they can. The problem with the left-of-the-left is that they want to set aside the rule of law to go after the people they don’t like – it doesn’t work that way. If you can prosecute banksters you do, if you can’t, you get elected and pass laws so that you can do it the next time. Unicornism rejects pragmatism and creates convenient straw men for lazy pundits – and for pundits blinded by their own ideology.
This is what you need to know – THIS is the enemy.
And you fight them by electing Democrats, all kinds of Democrats, in the mid-terms, not by purging those you think are impure from the party.
See all y’all later!
Plus this:
Good Monday Morning Meese
57 only going up to 66 with rain which is really weird weather from August here in the Catskills of NY.
Interesting mix of Black History birthday’s for today
As a track and field fan – I will never forget him winning running in bare feet.
Dr. Bunche won the Nobel Prize in 1950. He was a household name when I was growing up – I rarely hear him mentioned today.
Jazz fans pay tribute to the birthday of Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Bright Moments for Brother Kirk
Good thing I decided to put my alarm on the later setting this morning, because it is raining cats & dogs. Even with a big raincoat, just walking less than a block from parking garage to building, my pants are all wet. Best thing — besides water falling from the sky — today’s high might not even reach 90. Have some happy, poppy U2 for a Monday morning: You’re The Best Thing
Propane Jane with the explanation why T can’t just let the election go:
<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”>
He can't leave her alone because the tell tale heart of him stealing her presidency is haunting him on a daily, palpable basis.
— Propane Jane™ (@docrocktex26) August 6, 2017
that whole thread is just right effing on
Same reason the “bros” can’t leave her alone either – she won.
64 at what passed for dawn heading for 81 (ahem) and I’m hoping the sun will come out. The technician was late because of a flat tire – and finding someone to help him get it off his van and finding someone open to fix it – so didn’t get here until almost 6. sigh. But I got just over a KWH before dark and it’s perking along now.
Healing Energy to Aji. 2 horse-sized holes in her heart in one year… And Cree and Ice aren’t the only animals they’ve lost this year. Goddess bless her, Goddess help her.
Glad the Rs are out of DC – they can’t pack the lower courts with Klan and Nazis while they’re gone. Yes, the franchise is the number one priority (and the Extreme Left is so young and stupid they think “franchise” refers to KFC or Mickey Ds) – everything we can do about anything else hinges on the franchise. And marginalizing the Extreme Left is job one as far as keeping the franchise is concerned. sigh.
Heading off to a meeting. Back to read and fierce as soon as I can. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Moosekind! On this Moon Day (yes, we are supposed to have a full moon, the “Corn Moon” tonight, but we won’t), it’s raining cats and dogs, just as in Austin. Rainy days and Mondays don’t get me down—they make me want to bake. Current temp. in NoVa is 70 F., going up to 73 F. Of course we’ve got the a.c. off and have had for days.
This is a thoroughly trying day: the children arrived early and their demands have kept me busy. Miss Pink Cheeks said she hadn’t had any breakfast, so she asked for Canadian bacon, scrambled egg, and orange juice. I gave her some of the raspberries I picked yesterday. For reasons that are unclear, the raspberries have decided to ripen now rather than in mid-June or early July.
Mr. Preschooler drenched his shirt while cleaning his teeth, so I’ve got that in the dryer. I had just popped him into one of Grandpa’s tee shirts (of course he didn’t bring a change of clothes today), when I suddenly noticed a young buck outside, looking for windfall apples. Got a nice photo.
I’m still worried about North Korea. Could not get to sleep until 1 a.m., up again at 6 a.m., so will fade after lunch. Wish Mr. Preschooler would have a nap but I can’t count on it.
Onward and upward to home-baked bread and oatmeal-walnut cookies! Wishing everyone a good day and a good look at the full moon tonight, if you can.
The moon was quite intense and may have contributed to my inability to sleep past 2am. My window faces south and she was bright in the sky!
A nap will be in my future.
Good morning, 65 and still hazy in Bellingham. It’s a pool morning so just a brief hello. I haven’t been able to go very often the last few weeks so I”ll need to be careful re how much I do. The warm water and the ability to “just move” is so nice it’s tempting to work out harder than I can recover from.
Have a good day everyone!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 55 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. Mainly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Herr Twittler was tweeting at the TV yesterday, angry with Senator Blumenthal. Apparently there is bad blood related to a long ago real estate deal which made the tweets nastier and more personal than usual. That should shock exactly no one. p.s. #ThereWillBeNoPivot
I was discouraged to see that Sanders and his revolution will be demanding a single-payer litmus test for Democratic candidates and that they will aggressively primary anyone who displeases them. You know, my daughter can live without single payer but her future is at risk if we don’t have a livable planet and a justice system that doesn’t turn a blind eye to attacks on non-white, non-Christian people. I get this terrible feeling that the berners will do to the 2018 election what they did to the convention last year – make a public show of their hatred of the Democratic Party and then sit home and watch democracy bern to the ground. :(
See all y’all later!
The pushback against Berners is getting stronger – thankfully
I have been watching quite a few former Bernie lovers who are dismayed by the Bro-dudes and dudettes who are relentlessly going after women and women of color – and Sanders remains silent (or tacitly encourages)
The stoopid – re litmus test won’t work (imho) Quite a bit of the loud noise (online) is coming from people who won’t be voting anyway – they certainly aren’t going to put in any footwork on the ground)
This is the kind of crap that drives me nuts:
And this:
From the cheap seats, with nothing on the line from his safe seat – and multiple homes and million dollar retirement fund – and not even from within the party. Shut. The. Hell. Up.
They are an extremely noisy very small and getting smaller minority. Yes they will try to do in 2018 what they tried to do at the convention last year. And the solution is the same. We vastly outnumber them. Drown them out. Draw back the camera so everyone can see their little communist-red movement is just a dot in a sea of blue.
Good Tuesday Meese
63 here in the Hudson Valley of NY going up to 79.
Have some running around to do today to get stuff to pack for Netroots Nation. Leaving early tomorrow morning
Just read this:
I read that yesterday! She is NOT happy to be cleaning up clueless white people’s messes and she let everyone know. I think the reason many progressives admire successful black women is because we know that they did NOT have anything handed to them and in fact had to climb the ladder with people pouring molten metals down on them and stomping on their hands. Speaking just for me, I trust them as the “keepers of our democratic integrity” because their gains were hard won – I want our leaders to be courageous and resolute as well as smart. Women of color start out with extra points from me.
Safe travels! I think Atlanta is a good venue and I hope the weather stays nice for you. NNs are always nicer when you can walk around outside and get out of the convention halls.
Thanks Jan – the weather doesn’t look so good in Atlanta – so will not be spending much time outdoors :(
I do have a very close friend who lives there – hoping to get to see her.
{{{Denise}}} – safe travels and hope you can visit with your friend. Not seeing you is pretty much the only reason I regret not going to NN this year. Too danged many people who think progress can be gotten by yelling for it and refuse to actually work for it were there last year. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meese! Cloudy here and the streets are drying from the shower we evidently had during the night. Currently it’s 67 F. in NoVa, on its way up to 78 F.
Found a windfall Suncrest apple in the front yard, so I think I’ll make apple bran muffins this afternoon, in between worrying about North Korea.
Nothing intelligent to say except that our neighboring state of Maryland suffered a tornado yesterday with highly damaging winds. Fifty-two years ago, when I first moved to DC, such things didn’t happen. How can anyone deny climate change? We’re in for a bout of cooler than usual weather (low to mid-80s) for the next week or two, which is fine with me.
So tired in the evenings that I’m not sure I’ll ever finish my novel. It would be so lovely to be able to write in the evenings—but I’m exhausted after child care and dinner prep.
This morning I have weight training after I drop off Miss Pink Cheeks at art camp, so I’d better start my routines. Wishing everyone as good a day as possible!
Another non-walking morning. This evening, I’m going to the gym & trying the bikes. My feet are somewhat unhappy with the pounding. I did a lip-synch video for the Walk, this one’s to Magnificent, the last bit where the lyrics are “only love unites our hearts”
Good morning, 61 and the skies are still smokey in Bellingham. I will be very relieved when a strong wind cleans the air and rain dampens the fires. It’s a daily reminder to respect the power of nature.
Best wishes to all for a pleasant peaceful day!
64 at a cloudy dawn – after Warrior Moon shone in my window and woke me up at 5:15 :) – 68 now and not sure where we’re going from here. Only 13 KWHs yesterday – with the 3 days down this month m-t-d is only 57 – hope we get some sunny days to make up for it.
more or less quiet on the political front at the moment – especially if one ignores the irrational tweets from pvl45. Good day yesterday on the “community” front. MaureenMower’s car fund goal was met and she’s probably out looking at cars right now. Alexandra Lynch discovered there was old unpaid property taxes predating bear’s disability dispensation and the County was going to take the house if not paid by the end of the month – just under $350 and that was raised in 4 hours. And Ono did a diary for Aji – not exactly a fundraiser diary although it did have a $500 match that was met and then some – more a memorial to Ice and about Aji and Wings, how their goodness draws the hurt and abandoned to them for safety with some pictures of Wings’ silverwork (and links, of course). Much needs to be done and I need to get on my part of it, but it was good day yesterday.
Lots of work, soloing today, interruption city since I walked in teh door, and I need to get back to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}