It Takes A Village: VNV Wednesday – Still With Her

The Village News & Views September 13, 2017
Wednesday Get Over the Hump Free for All

Greetings, Village Meese. It’s Day 237 of the Resistance and time for another Get Over the Hump post and discussion thread.

Books! Books are cool. Some books are good, some are bad, some are funny, some are silly, some are serious, some are boring.

I know about books! I worked for 10 years at a public library! First, I shelved them, then I checked them out to people, then I supervised the circulation desk of a branch library.

I was surrounded on all sides by books!

Before that, I read a lot of books. Book were my friends, educated me, kept me company when I was lonely (and I was lonely a lot), fed my imagination and gave me comfort.

So I’m down with books.

Nowadays, I read digital format. I love being able to carry 50 books around in a small tablet form. I used to carry thick paperbacks around everywhere but that was quite a while ago. Hardbacks rarely, since I’ve generally had to watch my spending. Also, they are arm and shoulder breakers.

Books can carry all kinds of information, and some of that information is very useful and helpful to the Resistance.

Today, let’s share our favorite Resistance related books!

And now for your regularly scheduled randomness.

WTFJH Yesterday – Day 236: Clandestine Efforts.

Wonkette – The 19 Books Hillary Clinton Should Write Next

Shakesville – Hello

The Passing of a Fighter

DACA – it’s still a thing…

Other News…

Palate Cleanser



That’s it for me, enjoy some beverage, chat with your friends and fellow Resistors and just take a moment to enjoy some part of your day.

Thank you for your patience. Love and peace, Village! Enjoy your Wednesday gathering.

We are #StrongerTogether

We are #TheResistance and #WePersist



About MomentaryGrace 41 Articles
I voted for the Democrat in every election since 1976. I appreciate honesty, kindness and courage. I loathe cruelty and indifference. I am Discordian. I mean you no harm. But if you are cruel, or indifferent, I may point and laugh. #stillwithher.


  1. Morning Meese! This week I’m making sure my post is up here at Moose Pond. Hope yall are having a good morning, noon or afternoon, whichever time it is when you wander over.

    I’ve brushed my teeth but need to wash my face and get some coffee and breakfast. This morning I’m going to have turkey salad on a hot dog bun, a peach and some iced caramel macchiato. Anyone care to join me, I can bring enough for us all here in virtual space! :)

  2. Good morning, Pond Dwellers and thanks, Gracie, for the spread of deliciousness. I, too, seem to be running out of fucks to give and wish Hillary would give Fox annearful. The tour is young…we can still hope.

    The high is supposed to be just 83 today. We have a nice low hanging around. Hopefully, it will be helping Oregon and Washington with their fires, as well as ours. I’d join you for breakfast but I’m a more traditional person…cereal and coffee but I’d love the company.

    • At my house everyone eats what they prefer. ;)

      Vonster is more traditional and fixes actual breakfast, generally eggs, toast and bacon. When she cooks, I’m happy to partake.

      • That settles it; I’m moving in with you guys. I rarely eat breakfast. It’s my favorite meal to eat, but it’s my least favorite to cook. But if Vonster doesn’t mind throwing on a few more eggs, Houston here I come…

        • Best time to score breakfast from V is weekends, on work days she’s out the door. ;D

          See you Saturday? :)

          • Sooo tempted! You think it would be easier just to cook my own breakfast? Nope. It only tastes good when it’s from someone else.

  3. {{{MomentaryGrace}}} – thank you so much for the double-duty. We don’t always have things to discuss that are safer here than at DK, but it’s good to have the space to do it when we do.

    Definitely still with Her, definitely wonderful to hear her again – taking apart those “gottcha” questions from Klein and giving the good wonky answers – but also a little sick-making that she isn’t in the White House making things better, instead she’s having to fight from the sidelines to try and keep things from getting worse (a whole lot worse, they’re already worse).

    heading to DK then have to get to work. And hope the facilities management guy gets here to reset the breaker so I can make some coffee. sigh. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  4. Who here thinks the Orange Shitgibbon will sign that resolution against white supremacists and that the DOJ will do anything? Although, the fallout could be huuuuggggeee if he refuses i.e. See Charlottesville.

      • Can we apply this retroactively to the POUTS and fire him now for his criticism of Obama? Does she not see that it’s the same? The only difference is tRump was his own boss…the wealthy get a pass?

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