Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments are HERE
– Page Two of Comments are HERE
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 90, heat index 106!
Blessed Mabon to everyone! The wheel of the year seems to be spinning in hyperdrive this year so this is a good time to take a break, pause, and slow it down!
I am late checking in because I had to rebuild my Autumnal Equinox post without the Photobucket images since that site stopped free hosting. Enjoy!
No time to even check the news. See all y’all later!
Mid 90s again today & throughout the weekend. I did get a $50 donation yesterday — and lots of comments. Never did figure out how to put the video itself in the diary, couldn’t even get the tweet to embed. Oh well. My Dem club is having an event with Cecile Richards after work today, that’s pretty cool. Here’ have some more U2 music.
Blessed Mabon to Moosylvania – was in the upper 60s for the overnight low and heading for 86 today – same forecast the next 3 days then dropping. Got 13.5 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is just under 315. Too many things coming at me at once makes it hard to focus on anything so i’m trying to “draw in” on things very close at hand. I’m not doing a very good job of it.
Gonna visit the mabon diary, then the Villages, then get back to work. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere. Blessed Be. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 54 and cloudy in Bellingham. Seems like the weeks are going fast but every tRump day is long and full of worry. Our country should be focused on hurricane recovery, not on taking health care away from millions.
I should go to the pool this morning but I didn’t get my desk work done yesterday so that may take priority. Time for coffee and then I’ll decide.
Hope it’s a good Friday for all.
This – “every tRump day is long and full of worry” – is so true!
I am 100% certain that he lives off the attention that a hyperfocused 24/7 news cycle gives him. If things get quiet, he has to churn it with some outlandish tweet or terrible new policy from his administration. We went from “No Drama Obama” to “No Freaking REST from Drama tRump”. I am trying to find an off-ramp where I can gracefully exit and take quiet country roads for the next 3 years, only looking up occasionally when I need to make phone calls or vote. When I repurposed my Fall Equinox post this morning, I was shocked at how quickly the Wheel of the Year had turned and how much I had missed of the seasonal holidays and the grounding that comes from reflecting on the earth’s goodness. Reset!
Yes, we must reset ourselves because we’ll never reset mad king donald. And I very much must find a way to do this as I am starting to get a bit frazzled. Thank you again.
Good morning, meeses. Saturday …
It is 66 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88. The forecast calls for sunny skies.
Today’s Fighting Back includes an address by Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) in which he calls Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson “monstrous, cruel, even deadly”:
The fight against GCHJ is not over until 12:01am on October 1st. John McCain is only one of the three votes we need to block this deadly bill and his vote has NOT BEEN CAST YET. And on Monday, Democrats will try their damnedest to breathe new life into the repeal by waving their single-payer dicks on CNN. Stupid … and dangerous.
Meanwhile, a humanitarian crisis is developing in Puerto Rico with word of a dam failing and vital services cut to much of the island. We need to keep the pressure on federal authorities to not let them forget Puerto Rico.
I have been seeing – but have not read, yet – stories about how black women are bailing on the Democratic Party. If this is true, we are screwed. That they would feel dissed is no surprise, that they might express it in opinion polls is something they deserve the right to do but I hope they will give us a chance to kick the bros to the curb before they give up on the party. I saw a tweet last night from berner enabler Tom Perez saying that he is “ready to put in the work to earn back the trust of black women.” JHC! For a start, shut down the Bernie Sanders “unity” tour and stop giving a microphone to the Our Revolution crowd that is only one degree of separation from white nationalists. Our party is stronger when we embrace our diversity, when we focus on human rights first, when we show our caring not the crass “me-firstism” of the berner movement. This is not difficult, Tom. Put black women back in positions of power in the DNC and LISTEN TO THEM! Sheesh.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meese! It’s sunny with a mackerel sky of white cirrus clouds over the pale blue this morning in NoVa. I do wish we weren’t in the middle of three weeks of summer! I want soups and stews, gingerbread and apple pies, and things like that. Curently it’s 59 F., going up to 84 F. today. There are signs of autumn: a few falling leaves, very cool mornings when I go out with the dog to get the newspaper, the sound of cricket song.
A busy weekend looms at Barky Manor: more laundry, bill paying, planting chrysanthemums out front, FINALLY going out to the garage to get started on tidying it. Feeling quite tired after my week and wish I could just sit and stare. That uses up only 7 calories an hour, though.
Will make some phone calls after breakfast. After all, the Five (Murkowski, Capito, Collins, McCain, and….someone whose name I can’t quite remember) have answering machines, right?
Wishing all a good Saturday.
Ha! Staring only uses up 7 calories an hour? What about glaring? :)
I think people believed that Rob Portman, Ohio, might be convinced to vote against the bill since hundreds of thousands of his constituents would lose health care and there are no dollars for the opioid crisis which is an epidemic in his state. Also Cory Gardner, Colorado, whose governor came out with a bipartisan plan along with Ohio’s governor. From what I have read, Murkowski and Collins are both signalling that the things that made them vote NO last month have not been addressed. But we have more than a week for them – and McCain – to change their minds and vote for this abomination.
On today’s agenda: watch Joy Reid’s interview with Hillary, buy groceries, set frozen berries out to thaw, make a big batch of tea….maybe go to the gym & try a gentle workout.
What time is Joy Reid’s show?
on now, she’s not to the interview yet, done segments on GrahamCassidy & Russia
looks like it’s the whole 2nd hour
66 to 89 (heat index 97) – last gasp (I hope) of summer but actually rather normal for this time of year, just not this year. 13 KWHs yesterday, with today’s driblet the m-t-d is 328.7 – steady as she goes.
Won’t let out my breath healthcare until after the deadline. And really not even then if we defeat it – it will just go on the back burner while I address other stuff. Nothing moving on my community needs list. Which is not good. especially for The Pollster who needs $600 for rent by Friday and jtg whose got $550 in past-due utility bills. And then there’s Puerto Rico – I’ve added the link to ShelterBox in my community comments. Focusing on opening the Channel of Good for everybody everywhere.
Got some stuff to do before 1 central when the Sharing Saturday diary goes up at DK so I’d best get to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}